Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 526 Returning to Fengyue Continent

"But after going to that place, don't you want to be here?"

Li Qiuyu looked at Yun Ling'er, said in a daze, and thought for a while, Yun Ling'er's parents are gone, and there is no backer in Bihai, Yunlu Island is always a super strength, even if Yun Ling'er is Nascent Soul Long-term monks will not feel safe.

"Well, I'm willing. Just follow the uncle."

After Yun Ling'er finished speaking, a blush appeared on her face, and finally she lowered her head to her chest, her heart beating non-stop.

"Okay, I'll take you with me." Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and finally agreed. Anyway, he took other disciples with him, and it didn't matter if there was one more Yun Ling'er.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he took Yun Linger and quickly flew towards Yuan Chao, and after a quarter of an hour, he saw Xiao Hanyue and the others in the distance.

"My lord, you are back." Xiao Qiuyue shouted with a strange smile when she saw Li Qiuyu coming back with a beautiful girl beside her.

"Well, her name is Yun Ling'er. I told you about it." Li Qiuyu also told Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters about her own cultivation before, so she naturally mentioned Yun Ling'er.

"So she is Ling'er sister."

"Xiao Hanyue said softly, looked at Yun Ling'er with a charming smile, and finally looked at Li Qiuyu, thinking to herself that she would have another younger sister.

"Disciple has seen three fairies." Yun Ling'er saw the three peerless and beautiful women, and she was very envious. The three women are all perfect fairies that are rare in the world. She thinks that no one in the world can match her, but Seeing the three women, she was also very surprised.

"Don't be polite, you are also a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. Since you are the son's disciple, we are not outsiders now." Xiao Hanyue said generously.

"Thank you, Sister Hanyue." Seeing the enthusiasm of the three girls, Yun Ling'er called out to Xiao Qiuyue and Ling Ling obediently after Xian Hanyue finished speaking.

Li Qiuyu sat on the flying ancient treasure, closed his eyes and began to meditate, three women in one drama, four peerless women together, let alone talking.

Ten days later, Li Qiuyu and his group came to Aoxiao City. He found an inn in the city and arranged for these disciples to wait two days before teleporting to Jiuxing Island.

Li Qiuyu covered the courtyard where these disciples lived with the Nine Palaces Tianxuan Array, so as not to be disturbed by people with intentions, and returned to the place where Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters lived after finishing everything.

Yun Ling'er was also assigned to the other room. With Yun Ling'er here, Li Qiuyu naturally had to be more cautious, so she slept alone with Xiao Hanyue.

The disciples also knew that they were just resting here, and they didn't dare to go out to wander around, lest Li Qiuyu had to leave in time, and it would be troublesome if they couldn't find them.

Fortunately, a group of people rested in the city for five days, and finally came to the front of the teleportation array in the square. Qin Anlin arranged that Li Qiuyu and others left Aoxiao City naturally and smoothly. After dozens of breaths, Li Qiuyu and others again Set foot on Jiuxing Island, which is only a quarter of an hour away from Xiaoyao Palace.

The disciples in the alchemy stage and the foundation stage stage were dizzy and dizzy for a quarter of an hour after teleportation, and after they recovered, Li Qiuyu led everyone to Xiaoyao Palace.

"My subordinates welcome the young master back to the palace." Qing Zicheng brought some Nascent Soul stage monks to welcome Li Qiuyu in front of Xiaoyao Palace.

"Well, arrange a place for them to live." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she took Lingling and the three daughters to the back of the main hall, and Yun Ling'er naturally followed Xiao Hanyue and the other three.

Li Qiuyu didn't say anything, the other disciples were all men, so he naturally wouldn't abruptly arrange Yun Linger with them.

Xiao Hanyue took Yun Linger to a separate courtyard, and finally returned to Li Qiuyu's side, living a peaceful and carefree life.

For half a year, Li Qiuyu and these disciples also secretly revealed that they were going to leave Bihai. At first, these disciples were very surprised, but in the end they were overjoyed, no matter where the monks are.

Li Qiuyu feels that all the things to be done here have been resolved, Xiaoyao Palace has completely controlled the power in the past few years, and he can return to Fengyue with peace of mind.

On the contrary, Yun Ling'er was very familiar with the three women, but she was a little restrained in front of Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu was always like a god in her heart.

On this day, Li Qiuyu brought Qingzicheng over, asked about the teleportation formation, and finally showed joy on his face.

"Back to the young master, the teleportation array is ready to use. I don't know if the young master wants to leave. If he wants to leave, we can take out the items that activate the teleportation array."

Qingzicheng asked respectfully, whether Li Qiuyu is in Bihai or not, it has no effect on him. On the contrary, Li Qiuyu's staying in Bihai will benefit him more.

But Li Qiuyu always wants to leave this place, Xiaoyao Palace has been completely controlled by his Tianling clan, and he is not afraid of signs of vision disturbance.

"Well, get ready, I'm leaving tomorrow." Li Qiuyu said happily, finally having the opportunity to leave this blue sea.

"Subordinates obey."

Qingzicheng said respectfully, and the two then discussed some things about Bihai and things to pay attention to. Li Qiuyu also put forward a lot of opinions. The most important thing is that if you really can't control it, you can withdraw to Tianling situation.

Li Qiuyu will return to his residence, and Qingzicheng will start to arrange the teleportation array. Only nine elders who handle the teleportation array know about it, and Li Qiuyu will take away the others who know.

In order to prevent Li Qiuyu's departure from being known to other forces, this will increase the troubles for Xiaoyao Palace, and also fear that those who are interested will use the teleportation array to leave this blue sea.

On this day, Li Qiuyu recalled one hundred and three disciples from Yunlu Island back to the space necklace, and Lingling and Yun Linger also entered the space necklace. After Li Qiuyu finally recalled one hundred disciples from the Yuanying stage, He followed Qingzicheng to the front of the formation.

"My subordinates send off the young master, and wish the young master to make great progress and ascend to the spiritual world." Qing Zicheng and the other eight Nascent Soul Stage monks respectfully saluted and saw him off.

The formation was activated with eight eighth-level monster inner alchemy, and mysterious halos came out of the stone room. After a quarter of an hour, a halo appeared in the formation, and Li Qiuyu stepped on it confidently.

"When I bring Lingling back to see you next time, I hope that Bihai is still in the hands of the Tianling clan." Li Qiuyu said seriously, and finally disappeared slowly in the halo.

Li Qiuyu felt dizzy like never before in the halo, he didn't dare to use spells and consciousness, for fear of affecting the teleportation array, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

In a remote mountain range in the Wuyun Kingdom, there lived a small family, about the size of the Tianxing Pavilion. The Wuyun Kingdom was originally a small country with extremely poor cultivation conditions, let alone such a small family.

On this day, the day when the family worshiped the ancestors, Dan Yunping of the family led nearly a hundred disciples in the qi training period of the family in front of the mountains and began to worship the ancestors.

The most powerful monk of the Shan family is also in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and there are four or five elders in the early stage of foundation establishment below, who practice by hunting some monsters in the mountains.

Shan Yunping kept chanting, and the other disciples knelt respectfully in front of an ancestral hall in front of the mountain range.

At this moment, there was a twist in the air, and everyone was horrified. They didn't know what happened, and they all looked up at the sky.

Twenty feet away in the air, a vortex of aura appeared, and pieces of aura and air in a radius of a hundred feet were torn apart.

"It's the ancestors who appeared."

Shan Yunping said in surprise that he had seen such a thing before, even if he was in the middle stage of foundation establishment, he had to believe in ghosts and gods to explain it all.

A moment later, the vortex of spiritual energy flickered for a while, and then a young man was thrown out of the vortex, and finally fell to the ground.

Standing on the ground, the young man glanced around, his eyes flickering brightly, and finally looked at the more than a hundred monks, all of whom were at the Qi training stage, and only six of them were at the Foundation Establishment stage.

"Where is this place? I'm really back."

Li Qiuyu finally asked the old man in the middle stage of foundation establishment with the deepest cultivation base, and there was no threat to him here.

"Senior, this is the Lanling City of Wuyun Kingdom." The old man in the middle stage of foundation establishment respectfully replied, his heart was shocked. This young man who seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen years old couldn't see clearly even with his own strength in the middle stage of foundation establishment. .

Even the master of alchemy stage in Lanling City, he can use his spiritual sense to detect the opponent's cultivation level, but he didn't expect that this young man has surpassed his ability to detect.

"Wuyun Kingdom? Lanling City, how far is it from Yanjin Kingdom?" Li Qiuyu asked in puzzlement, his heart sank. Could it be that this is another continent? Then it's just a big joke.

But what the old man said next comforted him a lot, proving that he was still in Fengyue Continent, but it was too far away from his eyes.

"Seniors, please, this place is the most remote corner of Fengyue Continent. Generally, no monks will come here. The Yanjin Kingdom mentioned by the seniors should be the Jin Empire."

"It should be good." Li Qiuyu sat on the chair, pondered for a while, and finally took a look at the disciples around.

"Senior, I don't know why it appeared in that place. Could it be that senior is a Nascent Soul cultivator?" The old man asked in horror, and only the teleportation of the Nascent Soul can explain all this.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, and give me a copy of the map here." Li Qiuyu said coldly.

"The younger generation is guilty, the younger generation is guilty."

The old man naturally knew what it would be like to offend the Nascent Soul Stage, and finally quickly took out the jade slips in his storage bag. The moment he took the foresight, Li Qiuyu probed in with his spiritual sense, and he saw the situation inside. Be clear.

Other monks' spiritual consciousness can't reach such a strength, and only Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness can do it. To know the size of a power and the surrounding environment of cultivation, you can see some from the monk's storage bag.

At first glance, this old man is the patriarch of the family in this place. There are less than [-] spirit stones in it. It seems that this place is really not suitable for monks to cultivate. Otherwise, the patriarch of a family only has such a little spirit stone, not even a spirit weapon. one piece.

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