"Thank you for your jade slips. I will take my leave." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his divine sense pierced the consciousness of these monks, and they all fainted immediately.

With Li Qiuyu Yuanying's spiritual consciousness, dealing with these Qi training and foundation building periods is simply easier than eating. His spiritual consciousness kept stirring, erasing all the memories of these monks who just met him, and the rest remained intact.

When leaving, Li Qiuyu put a storage bag into the pocket of the old man's clothes, which contained 100 million spirit stones and dozens of top-quality spirit weapons, which he forgot to sell.

I didn't expect it to be really used at this time. Giving them the magic weapon is to bring them a catastrophe of extermination. Giving them the spirit stone, as long as the old man knows what is good or bad, he will not let other disciples know, and he can use it secretly.

He adjusted, and finally teleported away from the family quickly, appeared in a deserted place, and then disguised himself as a young foundation-building monk.

"My lord, where are we here?" Xiao Hanyue asked softly.

"We have already returned to Fengyue Continent, but this place is still far away from Tianlong Kingdom. Let's go to a bigger city to find out first." Li Qiuyu said softly.

"Brother Qiuyu, this is your hometown, Fengyue Continent." Ling Ling felt curious, this place is the hometown of someone she loves.

"Hehe, this place is still far away from my hometown. The real hometown is not here." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the real hometown is on another distant planet.

"Put on your make-up first, so as not to stun the other monks." Li Qiuyu looked at Ling Ling and Xiao Hanyue's three daughters. The three daughters going out like this would undoubtedly cause a sensation in the entire Fengyue Continent.


After a while, the three girls turned into ordinary girls, and they really matched Li Qiuyu. The four of them sacrificed a flying magic weapon and flew towards the distance quickly.

Blue Wing City

Lanling City is a small and medium-sized city in the Wuyun Kingdom. It is located in a remote place, and the entire city is only about ten miles in size, with three or four larger streets.

"Senior, please, I don't know how the junior can serve the senior?" A monk who looked like he was five or six layers of qi training asked respectfully to Li Qiuyu.

"Do you have the biggest map?" Li Qiuyu said coldly.

"Yes, yes, senior, please wait for a moment." The Qi training monk hurriedly invited Li Qiuyu to sit down at the coffee table, and finally looked for the jade slip map at the counter.

"Senior, look, this map is the map of the entire Wuyun Kingdom." The monk in the Qi training period handed a jade slip to Li Qiuyu's hand, and said respectfully.

"Is there only the map of Wuyun Kingdom?" Li Qiuyu said disappointedly. What he wanted was the map of Fengyue Continent. Although Tianlong Kingdom is in the south, it will be troublesome if you fly in the wrong direction.

"Senior needs a big map like the north of Fengyue. Please wait, senior. I'll ask the shopkeeper." The monk in the Qi training period saluted and bid farewell to Li Qiuyu.

"My lord, this place is too remote." Xiao Qiuyue said in a cry.

"Yes, it will be fine when we find the map." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"Senior, this is the best map of our shop owner, please see if you are satisfied." After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the monk in the Qi training period gave a jade slip to Li Qiuyu with an apologetic face.

"Well, that's right. I want this jade slip. How many spirit stones?" Li Qiuyu checked it with his spiritual sense. There was a complete map of the northern part of Fengyue Continent, and he also saw a city on the edge of the Northern Jin Empire.

"Senior, this jade slip is two thousand spirit stones." The Qi-training monk said in a daze. The jade slips are really too expensive for a foundation-building monk.

"Okay, let's make an inventory." Li Qiuyu hesitated, and finally handed over two thousand low-level spirit stones.

"Senior, you are refreshing, there is nothing wrong with the spirit stone." The monk in the Qi training period counted the spirit stones, and finally said happily.

After Li Qiuyu met and installed them, he quickly left the city and flew straight to the south. As long as the direction is right, with their speed, it will naturally take a short time to reach Fengyue Tiannan where Tianlong Kingdom is located. .

After two days of flying, Li Qiuyu and others finally arrived at the capital of Wuyun Kingdom. The size of this capital is almost the same as that of Tianlong, but its power is much stronger.

The four of them lived in the inn for a few days, and after finally finding out the direction, they eagerly flew towards the distance, feeling timid because of the proximity to the hometown, that's it.

What surprised Li Qiuyu and sister Xiao Hanyue when they inquired about something on their way was that the Tianlong Kingdom was still attacking Yanjin, and the capital of Yanjin Kingdom was only two thousand miles away.

It even talked about the matter of the Xiaoyao King of the Shenwu Army Corps a year ago, who was taken away by the wrath of the gods, and his whereabouts have been unknown since then. Tianlong attacked Yanjin with all his troops to avenge the Xiaoyao King.

"Hehe, fellow daoists should be cultivating hard all the year round. I don't know what happened in the past two years. The Fengyue Tiannan Xiaoyao King rose in just five years, reached the foundation building stage at the age of 17, and killed countless monks in the middle and late stages. , Even the monk Lian Danqi was killed."

"The Shenwu Legion was also established. The prestige of the Shenwu Legion shook the south of the sky, driving out the Yanjin invaders for Tianlong, and finally killing the Yanjin coach Ya Yuqing at Tailong Pass, and captured the five cities of Yanjin. , disappeared after attacking Yanjin Qingyue City, Tianlong Kingdom was furious, and sent 600 million troops from all over the country to attack Yanjin Kingdom. In just one year, there are only seven main cities left in Yanjin Kingdom."

An old man in the foundation building period smiled and said, looking very excited, as if he himself had participated in that war, Li Qiuyu thanked and left.

"Son, what's going on, we haven't been in Bihai for decades, why did he say it happened last year?" Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue said in horror, if they hadn't attacked the Nine Star Palace and their decades of life in Bihai, what would have happened? I really thought I was dreaming.

"Brother Qiuyu, you are the Xiaoyao King he said." Lingling said happily, the man she likes is a genius everywhere.

"Well, I am Xiaoyao Wang. The only explanation now is that there is a time gap between Fengyue Continent and Bihai. I am here for one year, and there are 100 years in it. Imagine when he said time, we have just been in it for eight years."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a moment, and finally said, if this is true, her parents and grandfather still exist in her legion and family.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuyu was very comforted. What he was most afraid of was that when he came back, his family and parents would not exist, and he would return to Tianlong Kingdom and his Shenwu Legion.

"Let's go, we are at least half a year away from Tianlong Kingdom." Li Qiuyu said eagerly. At this time, it is a lie to say that he does not miss his hometown.

The four of them quickly boarded the ancient flying treasure. With their cultivation base, they naturally wouldn't be afraid of someone without eyes. This place is not Bihai, and there aren't many monks here.

When Li Qiuyu passed the Great Jin Empire, he was really shocked. They only passed through one edge of the Great Jin Empire, and it took them four months to fly out of the edge of the Great Jin Empire.

Li Qiuyu secretly estimated that this Great Jin Empire is definitely no smaller than two or three second-level islands in Bihai. He was also secretly worried about the Tianlong war. big presence.

In half a year, the four of Li Qiuyu came to Yanjin territory with tired faces. Yanjin was in chaos and people were in panic. You must know that Yanjin 51 cities have been attacked and only seven cities are left.

Now there has been a war between monks between the two countries, and more alchemy monks have appeared in the army. Even some big cultivation forces have secretly fought for resources and interests.

The four of them rested in Yanjinlan Youcheng for half a month, and also learned about Tianlong, Eyes and the dynamics of some surrounding countries.

The seventeen countries around Tianlong are also ready to attack Tianlong Kingdom, because they know the truth of the cold and cold, and they are afraid that Tianlong Kingdom will attack them.

It turned out that when Li Qiuyu attacked Yanjin Qingyue City, five mysterious alchemy mid-stages joined forces to cast a vicious formation to kill Li Qiuyu. Recruited.

At the same time, the clones of the last five monks in the middle stage of forming alchemy and the monks in the Nascent Soul stage disappeared, Ling Tongtian's cultivation was greatly reduced, and his lifespan was also reduced by 50 years.

In the end, Li Qiuyu was wiped out by the wrath of the gods, the Shenwu Legion and the other four major legions of Tianlong were also preserved, and Qingyue City was destroyed.

General Zhang Tianhang of Shenwu Legion, Marshal Nan Xinhou of Tianlong, and the following four generals and all the generals jointly petitioned for revenge, vowing to crush Yanjin Guowei and Li Qiuyu to the death.

King Pingnan of Tianlong was also extremely sad. King Pingnan asked Li Mutian, the lord of Tianlong, to attack Yanjin. One was neutral, and eight ministers opposed it.

In the end, Li Mutian decided to send Ling Fei, the god of the Tianlong army, to lead an army of 600 million Tianlong to attack Yanjin.

This move has aroused the response of Tianlong's surrounding countries, and they are all secretly gearing up, but they have not done it for a long time, and they don't know whether to attack Tianlong or Yanjin.

Regarding Diyan Peak, the three Nascent Soul stage masters were in charge, but few dared to attack him. Besides, in the battle between Tianlong Kingdom and Yanjin, there was no chance of infighting at all.

"Young master, should we return to Tianlong or Emperor Yanfeng now." Xiao Hanyue asked softly, with excitement on his face.

"Let's go back to Diyan Peak first, but we can't let other people know." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

"Well, we still put on makeup." Xiao Hanyue said obediently.

"We have to act in secret. It is best not to be known by others. The Yanjin Kingdom has no interest in me. What worries me most is the Northern Jin Empire, so we can't attract the attention of the Northern Jin Dynasty, but we must erase Yanjin in the shortest possible time. .” Li Qiuyu said softly, as if talking to himself.

The three girls put on makeup obediently, and finally looked at their man quietly. No matter what his man did, she would support him without hesitation.

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