Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 528 Arriving at Emperor Flame Peak

Diyan Peak

The top of Zhongtian Peak is [-] feet high from the ground, and the cold air above invades people, but the aura is also the strongest, even monks in the alchemy stage dare not stay here for a long time.

Zhongtian Peak is one of the five peaks of Diyan Peak. The five peaks are all the same height, and the entire mountain top is above the clouds, and there are several low-level flying monsters flying from time to time.

Ling Tongtian, the master of Diyan Peak, lived in this place. A year ago, Ling Tongtian, who was practicing, sensed Li Qiuyu's crisis, and was forcibly recruited by Li Qiuyu with his avatar.

In the end, the avatar and the five monks in the mid-stage of alchemy disappeared at the same time. He spit out a mouthful of blood while he was cultivating. He lost 50 years of life, and his cultivation base was greatly reduced.

Less than an hour later, the other two monks in the Nascent Soul stage heard the loss of Li Qiuyu, and the smoke of being struck by the wrath of the gods disappeared. After Ling Tongtian heard it, he spat out another mouthful of blood.

He lost 50 years of life, but in the end Li Qiuyu was not able to escape, and Di Yanfeng lost another genius monk.

On this day, Ling Tongtian, who was resting on the top of the mountain, was discussing matters with the other two senior brothers and sisters when a figure suddenly appeared two feet away without warning.

"Who is Fellow Daoist? This is the forbidden area of ​​Diyan Peak." Ling Tongtian's aura surged, and Cultivator Gongsun and Fairy Piaoyun also unleashed their aura.

The three of them were terrified. The movement of the young monk in front of him was too terrifying. His cultivation was so advanced that even if he was in the Nascent Soul Stage, he couldn't see the depth of each other.

And when the other party teleported over, there was no sign or breath, such a weird thing made the three feel extremely uneasy.

"I'm finally back. After a hundred years, I've finally come back again." The young monk stared blankly, ignoring the expressions of the three Nascent Soul stage monks.

"Please ask your friend who is an expert, this is forbidden by Diyan Peak." Ling Tongtian said coldly, although the voice was polite, there was no hint of politeness at all.

"Brother Dao, you should have seen me a year ago." The young monk calmed down, and said lightly, this Ling Tongtian has reduced his lifespan by fifty for him, and his cultivation base has also been greatly reduced. Sometimes, it's good for yourself.

"I've met fellow daoist, I'm being rude, I don't know where I met fellow daoist, besides, I haven't left this place for decades."

Ling Tongtian and the other two fellow disciples looked at the young monk coldly, using all their magic power in their hands, as long as the other party did not give a reasonable explanation, the three of them would definitely deliver a fatal blow.

"I was so happy and confused at the moment, please don't look like this, fellow Taoists. A year ago, Yanjin Qingyue City." After the young monk finished speaking, a shocking coercion suppressed the magic power of the three of them. Can't even move an inch.

The three of them were terrified. What kind of state is this young man? He can easily suppress the three of them with his magic power without using his hands. He has lived for hundreds of years and has never heard of such a person.

"I don't know."

Ling Tongtian calmed down, if he angered the cultivator in front of him, he would have tens of thousands of disciples at Diyan Peak, and it would be troublesome to bring disaster to Diyan Peak by then.

"Brother Dao, you should know this." The young monk handed a garden card to Ling Tongtian.

"You are, you are, no." Ling Tongtian said in horror when he saw the garden card in his hand, and the other two fellow students also seemed to have seen a ghost.

"I'm Li Qiuyu." The young monk said flatly, without any expression on his face, and finally the mana was activated, and the whole person returned to his original appearance.

"You are Li Qiuyu, you are really Li Qiuyu, haven't you been consumed by the wrath of the gods? And your cultivation."

Fairy Piaoyun's delicate face revealed a terrified look. I've seen this cultivator before, and it is indeed Li Qiuyu's appearance, but this cultivation level is completely different from what happened a year ago.

"During the wrath of the gods, I was transported to another dimension by a large teleportation token on my body, which made me stay in another dimension for a hundred years, and now I can finally come out."

After Li Qiuyu's make-up young monk recovered, he spoke slowly, then withdrew the coercion, and the three of them also lost their ability to judge.

"You are really Li Qiuyu. It's great, it's great. It's good to have nothing to do. It's a blessing in disguise. I didn't expect you to have reached such a state. Are you a great monk in the late Nascent Soul?" Ling Tongtian said in surprise. Some of what Qiu Yu said also fit her identity.

The four of them talked for an hour at the top of the mountain. Ling Tongtian finally believed that the monk in front of him was Li Qiuyu. He was secretly happy. He never expected such a surprise after despair.

Li Qiuyu's cultivation has far surpassed them, and Diyan Peak has a little hope in the future. Li Qiuyu has reached the Nascent Soul Stage and above before he is 20 years old, at least there will be no problems in Diyan Peak for a thousand years.

"It's not a great cultivator in the late Yuanying period. It's just that the cultivation base is deeper, but it has also reached the realm of a holy alchemist." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"Sage alchemist, what? Holy alchemist!"

It's really shocking and swearing, the three said in horror, what kind of existence is a holy alchemist, even a spiritual alchemist is already in a detached position, they did not expect to have reached the realm of a holy alchemist.

In Fengyue Continent, holy alchemists have never heard of it, not to mention that Li Qiuyu had already refined a fourth-grade elixir when he was an alchemist, and high-level elixir is not a problem.

"Well, I also encountered some adventures in that space, and refined some pills, and this is for you." Li Qiuyu handed three Tianying pills and a bottle of fifth-grade Tianchen pill to Li Qiuyu's hands.

"This is a fifth-grade elixir, a fifth-grade elixir, what is this?"

"The colored elixir in your hand is called Tianying Pill, which can restore mana and physical strength to its full strength in an instant, but this kind of elixir requires a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures, and I don't have much."

With a slight smile on Li Qiuyu's face, seeing the horror of the three, Li Qiuyu finally rushed back to his hometown, no matter how bad it was, it was always the place he missed.

"There is no need to spread the news of my return. There are only you and me here. I don't want a fifth person to know my identity."

Li Qiuyu said seriously that he didn't want to show up at first, but in Tianlong Kingdom, there are only so many places he can go, only Diyan Peak's Zilin Pavilion is not bad.

You can only go out after the world is peaceful and give the enemy a surprise, and you only need to play a mysterious role in secret.

"I know this, we will never spread it, why don't you go and see Lan Xin and Ling Yun?" Ling Tongtian said seriously.

"No, there are many things you don't know. I will handle them myself. I still live in Diyan Peak. You should improve your strength. Diyan Peak has its own seat, so there will be no loss of a blade of grass or a leaf. .”

Li Qiuyu said calmly, he didn't know what to do when he heard Ling Tongtian talk about Ling Yun and Lan Xin, he couldn't let them see, lest he would incur another love debt.

"You handle it yourself."

Ling Tongtian saw that Li Qiuyu's mood fluctuated about Ling Yun and Lan Xin's affairs, so it was not easy to intervene in these matters, but he was very happy when he heard Li Qiuyu talk about Diyanfeng's affairs.

"If you have anything to do, come to Zilin Pavilion to find me." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, her body disappeared instantly, as if she had never appeared at all.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of the prohibition of the Purple Scale Pavilion. He pulled the prohibition with one hand, and finally walked inside.

After Li Qiuyu left, the three of them looked at each other, knowing what the other was thinking, and the horror in their eyes had not subsided.

"Junior Brother, we are not dreaming."

Fairy Piaoyun said in a voiceless voice, the strength of that cultivator just now was too terrifying, and the three of them were as powerless in front of him as ordinary mortals.

"Well, he is not wrong. I practiced well, and there are many things that can prove that he is Li Qiuyu. It's just that he was teleported into a space. He has been in it for more than a hundred years. It must be because of the rare and rich The medicinal materials can improve his cultivation, otherwise he would not have reached the level of a holy alchemist."

Ling Tongtian said seriously that the exercises he practiced were different, otherwise he would not have valued so much a spirit alchemist without spiritual roots before.

"Sacred Alchemist, what kind of existence is this?" Brother Gongsun said in surprise.

"Senior brother, here are one hundred fifth-grade pills, let's distribute them equally between the three of us. This Tianying pill can also give us one more chance of mana."

Ling Tongtian handed the elixir to Fairy Piaoyun and Cultivator Gongsun. When the three of them saw these elixirs, their eyes showed excitement. They only heard the rumors about the fifth-grade elixir, and they didn't expect that they actually had it.

Li Qiuyu will add a Jiugong Tianxuan Formation before the ban, and finally release the person with the space necklace. Naturally, more than 200 people can live in this purple scale pavilion with a radius of twenty miles. 】

"Wow, brother Qiuyu, this place is so beautiful." Lingling said happily when she saw the world inside the Zilin Pavilion.

"We're finally home." Xiao Qiuyue said happily, with excitement on her face.

"You guys practice in this place first, and you can't go out without my instructions." Li Qiuyu said to the hundred disciples in the Nascent Soul stage.

"The disciple knows."

These disciples naturally came to this strange place. Since Li Qiuyu told them not to show up, he naturally had his reasons.

"Ask Gongsun Lanyu for advice on your alchemy skills, and strive to improve your alchemy skills." Li Qiuyu said to a hundred alchemists, and finally handed some ten-thousand-year medicinal materials to Gongsun Lanyu and the other two alchemists .

These medicinal materials were all obtained from the attack on the Nine Star Palace, and Li Qiuyu could never use them up by himself. The medicinal materials given to Gongsun Lanyu just now would take these disciples a hundred years to refine.

After arranging for these people, Li Qiuyu marked out the area where he lived for five miles. Naturally, they did not dare to disturb the place where Li Qiuyu lived.

An idea flashed in Li Qiuyu's mind, which is to take these disciples to another main peak to practice, but it will take two years to talk about it.

So many monks living on the main peak will definitely attract the attention of other disciples, Li Qiuyu also pushed back this idea a bit.

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