After Li Qiuyu arranged everything, she cultivated with peace of mind, tried her best to calm down her mood, and returned to Fengyue Continent by herself, destined to bring about earth-shaking changes in the war in Fengyue Continent.

Half a year after returning to Diyan Peak, Li Qiuyu also inquired about the dynamics of Tianlong Yanjin and surrounding countries. He also visited the Shenwu Legion once. Grand prize winner.

The strength of the entire Shenwu Legion has also risen sharply. Most of the [-] Shenwu Legion are monks who have practiced Qi at the eighth level and above, and there are a small half of the foundation-building monks.

In Tianlong Pingnan Palace, his parents were much older, and they became depressed. The pain of losing their son severely hit the two of them into the abyss.

On this day, Li Qiuyu was going to go to the elixir master Mu Yao. His current strength is at the alchemy stage. In this Diyan Peak, he is considered a rare master, and it is much more convenient to do things.

As soon as he arrived at the foot of the mountain, Li Qiuyu saw a familiar figure, still in the same fairy posture, but even more glamorous, with a trace of absolute beauty on his body.

Ling Lanxin

Unexpectedly meeting her here by such a coincidence, Li Qiuyu quickly walked around her and walked towards the Shendan Pavilion, not daring to meet Ling Lanxin.

Fortunately, she had changed her appearance, and Ling Lan couldn't see her, otherwise she would be in trouble. The moment Li Qiuyu passed by, Ling Lan's heart skipped a beat.

"Who is this person? He is a monk of Diyan Peak, and he is still at the alchemy stage. He hasn't come out for a year. Could it be that another disciple of the alchemy stage appeared at Diyan Peak?"

Ling Lan thought puzzledly, but he felt like he had seen this monk somewhere before, and he was very familiar with it. There are very few people in this world who can make his heart beat for no reason.

Seeing Li Qiuyu's back, Ling Lan thought of someone, but she immediately denied it. That person had been lost a year ago.

Li Qiuyu didn't know Ling Lanxin's feelings after learning of her loss, and she was in a state of regret. The last time Li Qiuyu left Diyan Peak, she came to the place where she lived, but she didn't meet her. She didn't expect this time It turned out to be a farewell, and this person no longer exists in the world.

Li Qiuyu's back completely disappeared from sight, and Ling Lanxin also returned to her residence, but the monk's back just now kept appearing in her mind, and the back overlapped with that person constantly.

Li Qiuyu entered the Shendan Pavilion as a decoration in the alchemy period, and went directly to the place where the wood medicine made alchemy, and waited for a while before seeing the wood medicine.

"How come there is a junior brother at the alchemy stage in Diyan Peak? Hey, I have been in the alchemy room for a long time, and I don't even know about the outside world."

Mu Yao said lightly, although he was polite in his mouth, there was no polite meaning in his voice, and he looked at Li Qiuyu with his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist doesn't know me anymore." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"Have I seen you?" Mu Yao asked in confusion when he saw the monk in front of him.

"It seems that you also thought I was lost, Li Qiuyu." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and finally transmitted the sound to Mu Yao, looking at Mu Yao's horrified expression.

"You are Li Qiuyu?" Mu Yao said in disbelief.

"Let's go, let's talk inside." Li Qiuyu walked directly into the alchemy room, and finally swiped with one hand, prohibiting one from appearing in the stone room.

"Are you dazzled as an old man?" Mu Yao said angrily. Although the other party is a monk in the alchemy period, it is too fake to pretend to be Li Qiuyu, and the most basic appearance is wrong.

Li Qiuyu didn't speak either, and directly restored her original appearance, and Li Qiuyu's original appearance appeared in front of Mu Yao.

"You are really Li Qiuyu, you are not damaged, and your cultivation level has increased significantly." Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, Mu Yao said happily.

"Well, I was ravaged by the wrath of the gods at that time, and I was accidentally teleported into a space by a large teleportation token, and I stayed in it for a hundred years before coming out."

Li Qiuyu narrated some of his encounters in a simple way, and naturally he would not reveal important things, and he must clearly distinguish the seriousness of the matter.

"What, you have already reached the realm of a holy alchemist?" Mu Yao was always in shock, but when Li Qiuyu said that he had reached the realm of a holy alchemist, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"That's right, in front of medicinal materials and spiritual energy, I have reached the realm of a holy alchemist." Li Qiuyu said flatly.

"I really didn't expect you to be blessed by misfortune, but the two junior sisters above are lost." Mu Yao said excitedly, and finally thought of something.

"Hehe, let these things take their course." Li Qiuyu naturally knew the person Mu Yao was talking about, so he also felt helpless.

"Where do you live now?" Mu Yao asked with concern.

"It's still Zilin Pavilion. I've seen it before, but don't spread my identity, and don't tell anyone. It's just that we haven't seen each other for a long time. Take this." Li Qiuyu took a bottle of Lingyu Pill and five Tianchen Dan handed Muyao, and finally left Muyao and returned to his residence.

In a secluded place in Zhongtian Peak, this place is quiet and there is no more laughter from before, the two women are chatting about something in the pavilion.

"Sister, I met a disciple today, and I feel very familiar. Does Diyan Peak have any new alchemy disciples?" Ling Lanxin asked softly.

"Yes, they are the two disciples of Uncle Piaoyun, what's the matter?" Fairy Lingyun looked at her sister in confusion, with distressed expression on her face.

"The alchemy cultivator I saw today was also wearing Diyanfeng's costume, about 20 o'clock, and his cultivation level was behind him, and he went to the Shendan Pavilion, but his back looks like Li Qiuyu, and his breath is also very similar."

Ling Lanxin recounted how she met Li Qiuyu today. If it wasn't for the difference in appearance, she would definitely take him as Li Qiuyu.

"That guy was already damaged last year, everyone has seen it with their own eyes, but the alchemy stage you saw today must be your misreading, the two disciples of Uncle Piaoyun are both over 50 years old. "Ling Yun hugged Ling Lanxin and said softly.

"Sister, tell me why I didn't see him last time, but now I am separated forever. I really regret it. Sister Qiuyue and Sister Hanyue have deep feelings for him. Sister Qiuyue can kill herself for him, and Sister Hanyue for him." Would rather lose everything."

Ling Lan said softly, secretly regretting that Li Qiuyu left Diyan Peak, she did not see him once, and the news of Li Qiuyu's death made her completely lose the meaning of life.

"Hey, even if you see him, he will be damaged. It has nothing to do with whether you see him or not. If you see him, it will not change the fate of the wrath of the gods."

"I feel that today's disciple is trying to avoid me." Ling Lan seemed to have thought of something.

"When the time comes, you can go to the Shendan Pavilion and ask." Fairy Lingyun said comfortingly.

Isn't she somewhat regretful, Li Qiuyu is a genius cultivator of Diyan Peak, but in the end he was envied by the heavens and provoked the wrath of the gods.

After Li Qiuyu understood everything, he secretly sent some elixir to the Shenwu Legion, and let some powerful and talented disciples take the elixir.

In addition, two disciples from the Nascent Soul stage were sent to control their strength around the alchemy stage, and then they entered the Shenwu Legion, and a elixir teacher was also arranged in it.

In this way, I don't need to show up, and I can quickly strengthen the Shenwu Legion. In addition, I also sent out a few Nascent Soul Stage disciples to pretend to be Danjie to recruit some casual practitioners to join the Shenwu Legion.

He even recruited some disciples who had the ability to collect news, and he wanted to know the dynamics of the entire Fengyue Continent all the time.

In the past two years, the strength of the Shenwu Legion has soared, and the number of the legion has skyrocketed to as many as [-]. They are all monks who have attained the eighth level of Qi training, and most of them are disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and there are even quite a few monks in the Alchemy Stage. The masters were all recruited by Li Qiuyu with three or four pills and spirit stones.

"My lord, the five cities of the Yanjin Kingdom have been captured, and now there is only Tianyan City and Yanjin City left. Yanjin's 500 million legions are all gathering their forces and preparing to counterattack."

Xiao Hanyue had just received the news from outside, she muttered softly, and finally looked at Li Qiuyu to see how Li Qiuyu would react.

"Well, send ten more Nascent Soul stage disciples to go there secretly, trying to wipe out the Yanjin within two months. The Jin Empire is the real opponent outside."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, eyes slowly opened, everything is under control, the strength of the Shenwu Legion has soared, and no Shenwu Legion can resist at all.

The main members of the Yanjin army were all secretly killed, even the masters of Yanjin were lost without a sound, but they dared not speak out, because the losses were from the starving stage and the Nascent Soul stage.

"I see, son." Xiao Hanyue said softly.

Some simple things are handled by Xiao Hanyue, because Li Qiuyu's practice of Mietian Sword Formation understands a critical moment, and he can't be distracted at all.

After he finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes, and finally entered into the practice, but he didn't know that this practice would last for a year.

In two months, Yanjin City was broken, Yanjin King was killed by monks in the alchemy stage, and Tianlong Kingdom completely replaced Yanjin Kingdom. The news spread to the surrounding forces of Tianlong Kingdom, and they were all shocked.

They also never expected that Yanjin Kingdom's 500 million troops would disappear within two months, catching them by surprise.

Xiao Hanyue saw that Li Qiuyu used the Nine Palaces Tianxuan Formation to imprison herself in the formation to cultivate, so she didn't dare to disturb her, so she could only suppress the news, which was good news anyway.

The whole country of Tianlong Kingdom celebrated with joy, and Li Mutian was also very excited. He also did not expect that the strength of the Shenwu Army would soar so fast.

"Yu'er, have you seen it?"

Yunyue looked at the sky, a string of crystal tears flowed from the corner of her eyes, Li Huamin also hugged Yunyue, her son's meteoric rise aroused the envy of the heavens.

"Yanjin Kingdom, you have caused my grandson to lose, and you have received retribution, but my grandson is still lost forever." Li Chongyang laughed loudly, with a sense of vicissitudes on his face at the end.

So what if the Yanjin Kingdom was destroyed, his grandson hadn't disappeared forever, and it was impossible for him to come back.

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