Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 532 Soldiers Approaching the City——Strong Return

"It turned out to be really him. He didn't want us to recognize him, otherwise he wouldn't be easy."

Ling Yun said lightly, what was he thinking?In the end, the two sisters turned their eyes to the father beside them.

"Daddy, did you already know that he is Li Qiuyu?"

Ling Lanxin looked at Ling Tongtian, and asked softly, with a hint of expectation on her face, expecting her father to give her an answer.

"Well, he returned to Diyan Peak half a year ago, so many things were unclear for a while, but there must be a reason for him to do so."

Ling Tongtian looked helplessly at his two daughters, he had no way to control these matters, and he was unwilling to make decisions for them.

In the air, Li Qiuyu's body kept flashing, sending out a powerful attack from time to time, but since the monks in the late Yuanying period are so easy to deal with, a big monk in the late Yuanying period, he can easily rely on his own strength and Lingbao to general It kills.

However, the combination of the seven great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage was overwhelming, and even he was restricted, he could only attack when he had time, and dodge the rest of the time.

First, he wanted to find out the strength of these big monks, and kill the seven monks when he had the opportunity to use the Heaven Extinguishing Sword Formation.

The amount of spiritual consciousness consumed by the Mietian Sword Formation is huge. After casting the Mietian Sword Formation, it is almost impossible for him to use his spiritual consciousness to cast other spells.

Without the certainty of one and the other, he would not easily use the Heaven-Exterminating Sword Formation, or he would seek death by himself, and he could only rely on Lingbao and spells to deal with these seven great monks.

"Fixed ruler"

Li Qiuyu's body kept flickering and finally broke out of the encirclement state. With a move of consciousness, a wooden ruler appeared in his hand, and then mana poured into the wooden ruler, and the wooden ruler emitted a golden light.

"Ah, another psychic treasure."

Seeing the aura and aura above the wooden ruler, the seven late Nascent Soul cultivators exclaimed, why on earth does this young man have so many psychic treasures? The power of a three-foot long sword is enough to shock the sky.

Unexpectedly, another wooden ruler more powerful than the three-foot long sword appeared. This wooden ruler is more powerful than the three-foot long sword at first glance.


An unpleasant sound was struck by the sharp golden light in the air, and then the golden light came in front of a black-clothed monk.


The black-clothed friar was terrified, because the speed and power had exceeded his cognition. With a move of his consciousness, a ray of light appeared in front of him, and then turned into a blue shield. ,

I hope this shield can bring him a chance, a chance to dodge, and the shield on his body will also brighten up.


The shield trembled violently for a while, then changed back to its original shape and disappeared, and the golden light hit your body shield very hungry.

The black-clothed monk spewed out a mouthful of blood. In the face of the powerful and profound magic power, he finally did not let the shield shatter, but the whole person was knocked out, and finally fell to the ground in hatred.

At this time, Li Qiuyu was also hit by a red-haired old man with a flame after casting the Tiantian Ruler. The Devouring Shield flashed, and his whole body was also shaken.

Seeing the bottom Nascent Soul Late Stage Great Cultivator fall to the ground, his mind turned, and he also took this opportunity to fall, and at the moment of landing, a cold light slash was instantly swung out.

"So cunning"

When the middle-aged monk saw Li Qiuyu being hit, he felt happy for a while, but he saw Li Qiuyu's body fall quickly, and fell to the place where the direction was exactly the black-clothed monk.

He secretly thought that he was going to suffer, and he probably knew Li Qiuyu's thoughts. With one move, he also came to the ground in front of the black-clothed monk.

"Bang bang bang bang." There were four loud noises, a trace of blood appeared on the corner of the middle-aged cultivator's mouth, and his face was also pale. Although the cold light slash was instantaneous, its power was definitely more domineering than the shaking finger, and it was four powerful attacks.

Seeing that the black-clothed monks who were not able to wipe out the ground, I felt a little bit of regret, but I was overjoyed. The two Nascent Soul stage monks are here, and the five behind me are still a little far away from me. Let's get rid of these two first. .

"The Burning Flame"

As soon as Li Qiuyu raised his hand, he swung a sea of ​​fire with a radius of one hundred feet towards the back. The sea of ​​fire eroded the entire air with a burning temperature, and pressed straight towards the five Nascent Soul stage monks who came behind.

"Crack of the Glacier"

Then he raised the Dingtian ruler, swung a long blue sword, and a huge icicle hit the middle-aged monk.

The army of tens of millions and more than a hundred monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul, as well as the sergeants and monks above Tianlong City, all stared blankly at the eight people in the air. home field.

Both Ling Lanxin and Ling Yun looked at Li Qiuyu flashing in the air in horror. Li Qiuyu, who was still in the Foundation Establishment stage a year ago, has now become a top expert against the seven great monks of the late Nascent Soul stage.

Everyone in Tianlong Kingdom looked at the eight figures in the air in surprise, only a few people recognized Li Qiuyu, and the others secretly guessed Li Qiuyu's identity.

The silhouettes of eight people appeared in the air from time to time, and disappeared from time to time. Ordinary people and low-level monks couldn't see clearly at all.


A piercing sound resounded on the ground, the huge icicle collided with the psychic treasure in the hands of the middle-aged monk, and the icicles and light pillars cast by the two psychic treasures quickly disappeared.

Li Qiuyu also bumped into the middle-aged monk when the icicles disappeared. The distance between the two of them was only twenty feet, and the distance between the two was not a distance at all for the Nascent Soul stage monks.

"Hey, it can be lost."

Seeing Li Qiuyu getting closer and closer to him, the middle-aged monk showed an evil smile on his face, and then his body changed suddenly, reaching a height of twenty feet in an instant.

As soon as he stretched out his right hand, a huge fist hit Li Qiuyu. The fist carried a shocking destructive power. If he was hit, even the physique of a late Nascent Soul cultivator would be broken.



Seeing Li Qiuyu slamming into each other's fist, the two sisters Ling Yun were terrified, and looked at Ling Tongtian quickly, hoping that there could be some way to remind Li Qiuyu.

The sergeants and monks above the Tianlong City were horrified, thinking that Li Qiuyu was confused, and they were also horrified by the sudden change of the middle-aged monk.

"Your soul is gone, I am looking at you."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, the aura on his body changed drastically, and a shocking demonic aura shot up into the sky. He stretched out his hand to hold it, and a fist that was out of proportion to that of a middle-aged monk also slammed towards the opponent.

"Boom tom, boom tom."

Two sounds like hitting leather sounded, and Li Qiuyu was thrown a foot high. On the other hand, the middle-aged monk's tall body fell to the ground with a bang, and a trench about a foot deep was drawn on the hard ground.

The body also quickly retreated back, and it was not until a hundred feet away that it stopped forcefully, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and my heart was shocked.

Li Qiuyu quickly shot at the middle-aged monk by throwing his body up, and slammed his fist hard, only to see the middle-aged monk's twenty-foot-tall body hit midair fiercely.

There was a constant bang sound in the air, and the bodies of the two quickly disappeared from everyone's eyes. Only the Nascent Soul stage monk looked at the sky in horror.

The other six great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage finally escaped from the flames, and in their consciousness, Li Qiuyu completely tyrannized the middle-aged monks.

The middle-aged monk was getting weaker and weaker, and the six of them could no longer care so much, so they quickly moved and chased after Li Qiuyu, hoping to surround Wei and save Zhao and rescue the middle-aged monk.

The battle between the few seemed to have lasted for a long time, and the momentum only took a moment. The eight monks were out of everyone's sight, but there was a booming sound in the air.

From time to time, the roar of the middle-aged monk could be heard. In the voice, he was extremely aggrieved. Even if the big monk in the late Yuanying period was beaten like this, even if Li Qiuyu was killed, how could he have the face to face others in the cultivation world.

The six monks waved the top ancient treasures in their hands, but they did not dare to attack easily. Li Qiuyu and the middle-aged monk were very close, and they would attack the middle-aged monk if they were not careful.

"Brother Zhang, there is no other way."

A monk in Tsing Yi said to the five companions not far away, they naturally knew what he meant, they had to kill Li Qiuyu and the middle-aged monk together, otherwise after Li Qiuyu killed the middle-aged monk, he would be in danger up.

"Haha, if you kill your own companions too, then I will fulfill you." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she made a quick dodge, came to the back of the middle-aged monk Feiteng, and suddenly punched him on the vest.

The tall body of the middle-aged cultivator trembled violently, and quickly ran towards the attacks of the six people. He was hit by Li Qiuyu continuously, and his body retreated extremely fast, and then Li Qiuyu punched him in the back. Almost fainted.


The entire air was blasted in all directions, and all six attacks landed on the huge body of the middle-aged monk, who was completely collapsed under the blows of six top-level ancient treasures.

Numerous body fragments fell to the ground, and the Nascent Soul was also crushed by the six attacks. Seeing this, the six late Nascent Soul cultivators spurted blood in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, Li Qiuyu discovered the intention of the six of them and killed his companions with his own hands. Li Qiuyu was fine.

"Hurry up, he's going to deal with Brother Lan."

The monk in blue saw Li Qiuyu's body flashing quickly, and he came to the monk in blue in an instant, and smashed down with a huge fist.

The blue-clothed monk was defeated by Li Qiuyu, but Yuanying dared not leave his body. He also knew that Li Qiuyu had a space treasure in his hands. The only way was to wait for the others to kill Li Qiuyu.

The speed of the few people was too fast, and he was still hesitating. He didn't expect Li Qiuyu's figure to appear in sight, and his fist was also thrown at him.


Li Qiuyu's fist slammed down on the blue-clothed monk on the ground, and the blue-clothed monk's body was immediately blown away.

A Yuanying escaped before the body was hit, and then Yuanying took advantage of Li Qiuyu's attack on his body, and had no chance to defend, a golden light shot towards Li Qiuyu.

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