Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 533 Soldiers Approaching the City——Strong Return

The other six attacks also came behind Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, a Nascent Soul shot out from between the eyebrows, Mingguang Baojian appeared in his hand, and then Mingguang Baojian blocked the golden light.

Immediately, the golden light reflected back towards Yuanying. The speed of the golden light returning was faster than the speed of coming, and instantly shot a small hole between Yuanying's eyebrows.

Li Qiuyu's body also quickly sacrificed a giant cauldron at the moment his Nascent Soul came out of his body, and the Devouring Shield lit up even more.


Liu Dao's crisp sound sounded, and the giant cauldron quickly returned to its original shape. Liu Dao's attack fell on Li Qiuyu's body shield, and the whole person was thrown up violently by the powerful impact force.

In the air, a trace of blood appeared at the corner of the mouth, and the person stood firmly in the air, only then did everyone see Li Qiuyu's true face, a very bewitching young man, with a lotus-shaped imprint on the center of his brow.

"Hehe, the three great monks of the late Yuanying stage have been lost, and now there are six of you. Take your time. I am not in a hurry."

Li Qiuyu confronted the six late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators in the air, and finally wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, with a calm look on his face.


The monk in Tsing Yi snorted coldly, with a look of horror in his heart. With the effort of a cup of tea, three great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage were lost, and the other party was not even injured.

The mana of myself and others is also slowly consumed, and the opponent's mana is also consumed hugely. As long as the opponent's mana is exhausted, it is the time for the opponent to lose.

He glanced at the five great late Nascent Soul cultivators around him, and then quickly said the way to deal with Li Qiuyu through sound transmission, and the five nodded.

Seeing the appearance of the other six people, they must be scheming against him, so Li Qiuyu naturally doesn't need to pay attention to them. Under the real strength, all plots are in vain.

"Burst Flame"

After the monk in Tsing Yi finished speaking, a huge flame hit Li Qiuyu. The air passed by the flame was burning even the air, and the temperature in the air was burning to the sky.

"Frozen World"

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the crack of the glacier appeared in his hand, and then he waved the spirit treasure in his hand, and the temperature of the flames in the entire air dropped sharply, and finally the air turned into a cold current.

When the flame came in front of Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu knocked an icicle towards the flame, a silvery white world slowly formed in the air, and finally turned into ice blue.

The tens of thousands of mortal soldiers below all trembled, the icicles and the flames met in the air instantly, the two shocking attacks made a piercing explosion sound, and finally the flames and the icicles dissipated at the same time.

After the monk in blue attacked Lie Yan, he retreated backwards. When he retreated, a black earth dragon from another monk in white had already overtaken Li Qiuyu and bit him.

"Hey, it turned out to be wheel tactics."

Li Qiuyu also understood the intentions of the six people, and secretly felt amused in his heart. He also entangled Liu Ran with his tricks, and only the monks and sergeants below had their hearts suspended in their throats.

The black earth dragon disintegrated in front of the white sword light inside, and the seven of them fought back and forth a hundred times in the air for a moment.

Li Qiuyu's mana also gradually weakened, and the mana of the other six late Nascent Soul monks was also consumed, but their mana was a little more than Li Qiuyu's.

"Fire and ice are compatible."

Li Qiuyu gathered the last mana and a red and blue beam of light slammed at the white-clothed cultivator. After casting the beam of light, his body trembled, and then he swayed.


The monk in white spurted out a mouthful of blood, the two ancient treasures in his hands were also shattered, the body shield was beaten into nothingness, and one right arm disappeared.

"Haha, Li Qiuyu, now that your mana is exhausted, what else can you say, just accept death obediently, this deity will sacrifice your soul."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, the monk in Tsing Yi was very happy and began to laugh. Here, the great monk in the late Yuanying period is invincible, except in front of Li Qiuyu, but now Li Qiuyu has no magic power at all.

Naturally, he is not afraid of any powerful existence, not to mention that there are five great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage beside him, and any one of them can kill them.

"Ignorance, ignorance, seeing that you have reached the realm of great monks, I really admire your luck."

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, completely ignoring the changes in the auras of the six late Nascent Soul cultivators in front of him, and changed back to the peak realm of the early Nascent Soul again.

"Father, all his mana has been consumed, is this the only way to let him down?" Fairy Lingyun looked at Ling Tongtian and said eagerly.

"Wait and see."

With a hint of a smile, Ling Tongtian said softly, and the other Nascent Soul stage monks around him looked at him puzzled, wondering what was going on in their hearts?

"Wait for the deity to catch you, and see if you are still rampant." After the monk in blue finished speaking, he quickly circulated the remaining mana in his dantian, and a powerful claw shadow grabbed Li Qiuyu.

"Hmph, you dude who doesn't know how to live or die." Li Qiuyu snorted coldly, and then threw a Tianying Pill into his mouth. The pill instantly melted and turned into mana, and his whole body returned to the peak of its heyday.

The three-foot long sword appeared in his hand, and a white sword light was drawn out, sliding straight towards the monk in green. The eyes of several people were terrified, as if seeing a ghost.

"Your mana."

Cultivator in Tsing Yi and the other five people exclaimed. When he found the eight-color sword light coming in front of him, Yuan Ying had no time to get out of his body, and his whole body was pierced by the white sword light.

In an instant, it turned into fragments and fell down. With the support of mana, another sword glow slashed at another great monk of the late Nascent Soul stage.

"The magic power recovers instantly, what is the elixir in his hand?"

Countless monks exclaimed, this is the first time they have encountered such a thing, and they have never heard of it.

"He is now in the realm of a holy alchemist, and he has refined a fifth-grade elixir that instantly restores mana to its peak." Cultivator Gongsun said lightly, feeling very excited, because he also has such a elixir in his hand.

"Sacred Alchemist?"

"Holy Alchemist"

"He is actually a holy alchemist, isn't he a spiritual alchemist?"

Hearing the title of the holy alchemist, all the monks were horrified, what kind of existence is the holy alchemist, the supreme existence.

"It's no wonder his strength is so strong. He has reached such a strength in less than two years." Some monks showed a look of originality in their eyes.

"bang tom"

The white sword glow slammed into a cyan beam of light fiercely, two attacks exploded in the air, and the aura was stirred and scattered.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of the mouth of the old man who was attacked by the white sword glow. Their mana was exhausted, but Li Qiuyu's mana was still at its peak.

While scheming others and being schemed by others, I didn't expect that the big calculation will deal with consumption, but I never expected that the other party is a holy alchemist, and there is a elixir that instantly restores mana. If you continue to fight like this, no one can destroy it at all kill.

Unless he was killed in a short time, no matter how powerful the method was, he would still be entangled to death by the opponent in the end. A strange look appeared on the old man's face.

"The Great Move."

The old man changed his hands quickly, and then he was about to read softly, and then his body moved quickly, and he was ten miles away. Li Qiuyu had a space treasure, so he didn't dare to use teleportation, but the big teleportation is not restricted by space.

"Hmph, in front of me, there is no escape, only surrender and loss." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, her body flashed, and she came twenty miles away without warning, and slashed fiercely with the three-foot long sword in her hand. out.


With a scream, the old man never expected that the other party's big teleportation was stronger than his, but he didn't know that Li Qiuyu's best skill was body skills.

Not enough time, the whole person bumped into the white sword light, and sent himself to the opponent's sword light, Yuan Ying was also cut in half by the sword.

Li Qiuyu grabbed it, and a storage bag and ancient treasure returned to his hand, and in a flash again, the figure had come to the place where he was standing.

"Five fellow daoists, what are you going to do, flee or surrender, or lose?"

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, it's not that they didn't think of fleeing, but Li Qiuyu's body skills and space treasures are really abnormal, and not far away, there are dozens of monks who are at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, surrounding this place , most of them are mid-term monks.

"Hmph, Li Qiuyu, this deity is also a great monk in the late Yuanying period. If you insult this deity like this, even if this deity loses, it will not make you feel better."

"Okay, then try my method."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, another Nascent Soul in the air also returned to his body. This Nascent Soul had already horrified other monks. It is a great luck and talent to cultivate a Nascent Soul by yourself.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually practiced the dual Nascent Soul, no wonder with such profound strength, when the Nascent Soul returned to the body, Li Qiuyu's strength suddenly increased.

Nine colorful daggers shot out from between the eyebrows, and after appearing, they disappeared. Immediately, five great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage sensed the position of the nine daggers.

Nine daggers surrounded a radius of one hundred feet, and the daggers spun quickly, surrounding the five people, who were terrified in their hearts.

"Nine psychic treasures." All the monks exclaimed. Several psychic treasures appeared in Li Qiuyu's hands, but he didn't expect nine identical psychic treasures to appear in the rotation.

The power of the formation practiced with the psychic treasure can be known without thinking about its strength. In the cultivation world, it is rare to use formations to deal with people, but those who use formations to fight are all shockingly powerful.

The sword formation is the most powerful existence in the cultivation world. When Li Qiuyu's nine-colored dagger appeared, the five late Nascent Soul monks were completely terrified.

"All spirits devour the sky"

"September Silver Claw"

"Earth and Heaven"

"God's Destruction"

"Great Change of the Blue Dragon"

The five of them didn't dare to hide any more, they all sacrificed their psychic treasures, and quickly attacked the nine daggers.

However, before the attack came to the short sword, it was swallowed up by the colorful sword glow. Every time a bit of attack was swallowed, the sword glow became more intense.

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