Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 534 Subduing the Great Cultivator

The dream of the appearance of the sword array shocked the monks in front of the tens of thousands of troops. Ling Tongtian and others were also speechless. With several spiritual treasures, they treated the great monks in the late Yuanying period as nothing. Bao practiced the sword array.

The colorful sword formation shrank rapidly, and after a while, the sword formation was only [-] feet in size, and the five late-stage monks inside became more and more anxious.

The consumption of mana has reached the limit. Seeing that the formation is about to be closed, even if the formation is closed, even a great monk in the late Nascent Soul will disappear in smoke.


A white-haired old man accidentally cut off one arm without even a trace of blood, and the sword array was still shrinking.

Li Qiuyu was concentrating on controlling the sword formation with his spiritual sense, without any chance of being distracted. Seeing this, the hundreds of Nascent Soul stage monks below all shot towards Li Qiuyu, knowing that Li Qiuyu couldn't separate himself.

"Get off."

A deep voice came out, and nearly a hundred Nascent Soul stage monks appeared in the air in an instant, all of them were early peak and mid-stage monks, and there were two mid-stage peaks.

A hundred early-stage monks, facing nearly a hundred early-stage Nascent Soul peak and mid-stage monks, had no room to resist at all, but the monks who appeared in an instant did not seem to have the slightest intention to do something, but they would not let the monks of the Northern Jin Empire disturb Li Qiuyu .

"Hmph, when Xiaoyao Wang is fighting, you have to crawl obediently for me." The cultivator at the peak of the mid-Yuanying period snorted coldly, his face covered with ice.

"Hey, where do so many top experts come from." Ling Tongtian also said in horror, he didn't know these things at all.

Obviously these monks are not from Tianlong Kingdom. There are no early peak monks in Tianlong Kingdom, let alone mid-term monks.

He felt more and more unclear about Li Qiuyu, any means would shock people, and he didn't know how many people's means he had.

"I surrender."

"Stop, I surrender."

The five late Nascent Soul monks saw that the formation was only one foot in radius, and the colorful sword light was not far from their side, and it would be damaged if it was not important.

"Among you, there are only three in this seat."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, since he has his own guards around him, he is naturally not afraid of being disturbed. Of the five monks, he will kill two of them, leaving three to be used as thugs.

"Ah, ah, you guys."

When five people heard Li Qiuyu's voice, the two late Nascent Soul cultivators reacted a little later, and were pushed by the other three, and instantly turned into nothingness by the sword light.

The sword formation slowly opened until it reached a radius of ten feet. Li Qiuyu mobilized the remaining sliver of spiritual consciousness to let Xiao Hanyue's four daughters come out, and threw the last returning god pill into his mouth.

"Hand over your soul and blood."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, looking quietly at the three Nascent Soul late stage great monks in the sword formation, if the other party dissatisfied him in the slightest, he would expend all his consciousness to quickly kill them in the sword formation among.

Seeing Yan Qing'an's situation, the three monks only regretted that they should not have come to Tianlong, and quickly sacrificed a wisp of soul and a stream of blood essence.A look of pain appeared on his face.

It is indeed a painful thing to separate the soul, but now they can't help them, the soul and blood essence quickly fly towards the sword formation, and the sword formation controlled by Li Qiuyu is completely controlled by him, so naturally the soul and blood essence will not be separated. Damaged by the sword array.

Li Qiuyu swiped his finger, and a stream of blood essence wrapped the three souls and blood essence, and quickly sacrificed. After a few breaths, the souls and blood essence of the three were refined, and Li Qiuyu could easily fight with the three of them. When they are connected, as long as they have one of their own consciousness, the three of them will be instantly scattered.

Li Qiuyu slowly retracted the nine colorful daggers, and gave the three of them a cold look: "Follow me, as long as I am satisfied, you will not regret it."

"Subordinate Zhang Yuanlin sees King Xiaoyao."

"Subordinate Su Jingyun sees King Xiaoyao."

"Your subordinate, Qing Yunming, see King Xiaoyao."

The three late Nascent Soul monks saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully, with different expressions on their faces, and they didn't know what they were thinking.The entire battle seemed to take a long time, but in fact it was only a few tens of breaths. Of the nine late Nascent Soul monks, six were lost and three surrendered.

"Happy King, invincible under heaven."

Cheers came from above Tianlong City. Nine late Nascent Soul monks were defeated by King Xiaoyao, reversing the threat of the Great Northern Jin Empire monks. The other hundred Nascent Soul stage monks were also blocked by Yuan Ying stage super masters of unknown origin. , obviously these monks are subordinates of Li Qiuyu.

"Give you a chance to prove it."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, and finally threw out the three Tianying Pills, the three of them reached out to catch them, and then threw them into the mouth, and the magic power of the whole body immediately recovered to its peak.

I was terrified in my heart, and I was surprised when I saw Li Qiuyu recovering his mana. It was only when he recovered his mana that he really understood the power of the pill.

The three of them recovered their mana, and a thought flashed in their minds. The young cultivator in front of him had obviously consumed a lot of consciousness, and had no chance to use the sword array and other spiritual treasures.

But he could still kill the three of them in an instant, and suppressed this idea after grouping up. At this point, he could only resign himself to fate.

"So what if all the Nascent Souls are killed and dare to come to this seat, even the tens of thousands of troops, they are all like ants." Li Qiuyu said coldly.

"Son, shall we go back to the city? You need to take care of yourself." Xiao Hanyue said softly, supporting Li Qiuyu with one hand.


Li Qiuyu hummed softly, with a slight smile on his face, in front of his own woman, he is always gentle.

Xiao Hanyue and Lingling supported Li Qiuyu on one side, and quickly floated towards Tianlong City. Xiao Qiuyue and Yun Linger also followed behind, collecting the monks' storage bags and ancient treasures that were beginning to be damaged. stand up.

The storage bag of the great monk in the late Yuanying period and the ancient treasures on the ground are extremely envious, but Li Qiuyu is here to fight, who dares to have this idea, unless it is a lunatic, even a lunatic has to be afraid of Li Qiuyu.

Seeing the five people leave, Bai Yuntian waved his hand, nearly a hundred Nascent Soul monks sacrificed ancient treasures at the same time, and attacked the hundred Nascent Soul monks in the gambling house.

Of the hundred Nascent Soul stage monks, the most powerful ones are only the peak Nascent Soul stage, and there are only a dozen of them, but the nearly hundred Nascent Soul stage monks on Bai Yuntian's side are all peak and mid-stage monks, with ancient treasures in their hands. , and half of the monks have spirit treasures.

These were collected from Bihai's attack on the Nine Star Palace, and Li Qiuyu also equipped them with ancient treasures and spirit treasures. With powerful strength and super powerful ancient treasures and spirit treasures, the Nascent Soul stage monks of the Northern Jin Empire would simply lose Great advantage.

"Long live the Happy King, long live the Happy King."

This voice resounded loudly on the city, and finally they all bowed to Li Qiuyu. Ling Lanxin and Ling Yun stood beside Ling Tongtian, watching Li Qiuyu and the other five quietly.

"As a citizen of Tianlong Kingdom, I will protect Tianlong Kingdom. Long live is a title for the emperor. In front of me, it is treasonous. However, I can also protect Tianlong Kingdom forever."

Li Qiuyu said loudly, he naturally likes this long live, because it shows that his cultivation base is profound, but in this place, it has a hint of rebellion.

Li Mutian and Li Chongyang were extremely satisfied when they saw Li Qiuyu talking like this. They both knew that the Yuan Ying had a long lifespan, and with Li Qiuyu's strength, it would definitely last more than a thousand years.

Li Qiuyu came in front of Li Mutian and Li Chongyang, saluted Li Mutian politely, and finally saluted Li Chongyang respectfully.

"The disciple has seen the uncle."

Ling Tongtian brought Fairy Lingyun and sisters to Li Qiuyu's side. Fairy Lingyun saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully, but Ling Lanxin stood quietly.

"Fairy Lingyun doesn't need to be too polite. In the past, under the care of Fairy, we were friends. Without these etiquettes, the rules of the cultivation world are made by people. I will completely abolish these etiquettes."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the monks at the Nascent Soul stage and the alchemy stage behind Ling Tongtian all greeted Li Qiuyu politely.

"Hey, Fairy Lan Xin, why has she become like this now? Hehe, I'm not as naughty as I was when I saw her before."

Li Qiuyu looked at Ling Lan's calm expression, with a trace of sadness on his face. When he met, he naturally wanted to say hello.

"Sister Lan Xin."

Sister Xiao Qiuyue naturally knew Ling Lanxin's affection for her young master, and the three of them used to be very good together, but now seeing the embarrassing scene, Xiao Qiuyu stepped forward to say hello.

The four girls were also talking with Fairy Lingyun and sisters. Li Qiuyu watched the battle outside the city indifferently. Two hundred Nascent Soul stage monks were fighting. The scene was really exciting, but they were all one-sided.

"Guess how many of these 1000 million troops can go back."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, pointed at the dark army ahead, and finally stopped talking, with a smile on his face all the time.

In the dantian, the mana has reached its full potential, but the consciousness is weak, and one has to adjust one's breath for a period of time. This is the sequelae of casting the Tian Mie Sword Formation, unless the consciousness reaches another level.

"King Xiaoyao is the most powerful existence in Tianlong Kingdom. There should be half of these troops who can go back." Li Mutian said with a smile. Standing beside Li Qiuyu, he didn't feel that Li Qiuyu was rude at all. Face, can a disciple in the foundation establishment period stand with a super expert who kills a great monk?

"Hehe, the emperor is still merciful. In the future, except for the people of this country, all other countries who disrespect Tianlong will be killed, so as not to think that my Tianlong Li family has no one."

Li Qiuyu stared at the battle ahead, and when she heard Li Mutian speak, she slowly turned her head to look at Li Mutian, speaking calmly.

"Well, I see."

Li Mutian said respectfully, in front of Li Qiuyu, even if he had the courage, he would not dare to call me, even if an existence like Li Qiuyu wanted to destroy the Tianlong Kingdom, it would be extremely easy.

"You deal with these things yourself. I will erase all the ants above the foundation stage of the Great Jin Dynasty for you, and you will deal with the other things yourself."

After half an hour, all the monks of the Northern Jin Nascent Soul stage were lost, not just a battle of one order, plus three monks of the late Nascent Soul stage.

All three of them vented some of their anger on these Nascent Soul stage monks, firstly they could prove themselves in front of Li Qiuyu, and secondly, they in the late Nascent Soul stage had no boundaries at all.

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