Li Qiuyu made a strong comeback. In the independent war, he killed six great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage and surrendered three. All the more than a hundred masters of the Nascent Soul stage in the Northern Jin Empire were overthrown.

Nearly a hundred of Li Qiuyu's subordinates at the peak and mid-stage Yuanying stage killed several times the masters of the alchemy stage of the Northern Jin Empire. In one day, several times the monks of the alchemy stage and the late foundation establishment stage were all lost.

The news spread to more than forty large and small countries around Tianlong Kingdom as if it had grown wings, horrifying the high-level officials and monks in these countries.

Tianlong Kingdom Li Qiuyu rose in just five years, reached the late stage of foundation establishment, became Fengyue Tiannan's first general before the age of 20, and even established an invincible army of martial arts.

Killing Ya Yuqing, the commander of Yanjin's million-dollar army, and attacking Yanjin's five cities, he was envied by the heavens in Qingyue City, causing the wrath of the gods.

After beating him to death, the entire army of Tianlong Kingdom avenged Li Qiuyu. In just over a year, Yanjin was overthrown, attracting tens of millions of troops from the unparalleled Northern Jin Empire to attack.

One hundred Nascent Soul stage masters, nine great monks, hundreds of alchemy stages and foundation establishments have violated the iron law of the cultivation world, and their purpose is to wipe out the Tianlong Kingdom.

The iron law is only for weak forces and monks, but it has no effect on the Northern Jin Empire at all.

With such strength, not to mention erasing the Tianlong Kingdom, even erasing the entire Fengyue Tiannan would be extremely easy, but he never expected that there would be a heaven-defying change.

The lost Li Qiuyu mysteriously appeared again and wiped out all the masters of the Northern Jin Empire. The Tianlong Kingdom's 500 million troops and the Shenwu Legion cut off the retreat. Without masters, the tens of millions of troops were all lost within two months. In Tianlong territory.

Two months later, Li Qiuyu's consciousness and cultivation were fully restored, and all the masters gathered together, and Pingnan Palace almost became the most powerful place in Fengyue Continent.

During this period of time, except for a small amount of time for recuperation, Li Qiuyu used pills to recuperate his lover. With his strength as a holy alchemist, these things were a piece of cake.

Lan Yan and Shi Feixuan are also beautiful and beautiful, not inferior to the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue, each has its own advantages, the strength of the two is already very high, but there is no foundation pill.

In two months, six monks successfully established the foundation in Pingnan Palace, including Li Zhengqing, Lan Yan, Shi Feixuan, Zhang Lingfeng, Li Chongyang and another guard.

Three months later

In the early days of the Tianlong City Imperial Palace, Li Mutian sat majestically on the ninety-five throne, with more than fifty ministers and princes below him.

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live, long live."

"Everyone is flat." Li Mutian said happily.

"Your Majesty, the four major legions of Tianlong and the Shenwu Legion have returned to the court in triumph. The tens of thousands of troops of the Northern Jin Empire have all died, and they are waiting outside the city to announce."

A middle-aged man stood up and said respectfully.

"I have something to ask all the ministers to make up their minds today. King Xiaoyao returned smoothly and killed all the masters of the Northern Jin Dynasty. Everyone has witnessed the extraordinary achievements."

Li Mutian seemed to have thought about the above, with an extremely calm face, he said lightly.

"King Xiaoyao is an inexhaustible genius of the Li family, and his strength can be called the best in the world. This is the emperor's family matter, and the ministers cannot discuss it."

Some ministers knew about something, so naturally it was not easy to get involved, so they quickly pushed themselves away.

"Please feel free." Li Mutian looked at the thin old man and said loudly.

Li Qiuyu was alone in the side hall of the palace hall waiting for the edict. He had already thought about some things, and he would bring them up after the meeting. No one could object to what he was going to do.

"Your Majesty is friendly with King Xiaoyao, please go to the main hall." A father-in-law saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully and said politely.

Everyone in the Tianlong Kingdom knew about Li Qiuyu's affairs. Yuanying went to become a monk, an invincible existence in the world, and even the emperor had to act according to his color.

"Elder-in-law is busy, please lead the way." Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a smile on his face.

"Please." The father-in-law didn't expect the famous Xiaoyao Wang to be so easy to get along with, and he sighed inwardly, the real masters and characters surpassed ordinary people in terms of temperament.

"My minister sees the emperor."

In a short while, Li Qiuyu had arrived at the palace hall, and seeing that everyone was there, he walked towards it at a leisurely pace. Wherever his eyes passed, everyone bowed their heads and saluted.

"You and my uncle and nephew don't need such courtesy. Come and give me a seat." Li Mutian said with a smile.

Li Qiuyu sat down politely, and finally waited quietly for the other ministers to discuss matters with Li Mutian, but after waiting for a while, no one spoke.

"Hey, do you all have nothing to do?" Li Mutian saw that the ministers and princes below had nothing to say, so he opened his mouth.

"Go back to the emperor, I will wait for you to join me if there is nothing to do." All the ministers said in unison.

"Okay, I will announce that in ten years' time it will be proclaimed as Xiaoyao King. I don't know if you have any objections." Li Mutian said loudly.

"My ministers have no objection."

"King Xiaoyao is the bloodline of my Li family, and there is nothing wrong with inheriting the lineage. Tianlong Kingdom will definitely become stronger in the hands of King Xiaoyao." Li Mutian said with a smile.

"I have no intention of being interested in government affairs. Please reconsider, the emperor. Prince Li Zhenglong is worthy of a great responsibility. As a child of the Li family, I should also contribute. I can contribute to external affairs, but I will not participate in internal affairs."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, Li Mutian just wanted to rely on his own strength to strengthen Tianlong, just wanted to win him over, and he didn't care about these mundane things.

"I came here today because I have one thing to say. The countries around Tianlong covet Tianlong. I am really tired of seeing it. Why not unify all of them and kill offenders." Li Qiuyu said lightly, as if these things are as simple as eating .

"Unify all the countries in Fengyue Tiannan?"

Li Mutian and others said in horror, no one dared to think about such a thing, let alone someone else dared to say it.

"That's right, is there any problem? In the face of powerful forces, any obstacles will disappear in smoke." Li Qiuyu said lightly.The face is extremely calm.

"This will cause all the surrounding countries to attack and resist Tianlong strongly." Li Mutian said seriously, and only Li Qiuyu dared to say such a thing.

"So what, it's better to resist, and kill one to warn others. I think that country has such strength to resist, and all the cultivation forces are unified."

Li Qiuyu smiled, with a confident look on his face, he had powerful power in his hands, so there was no need to waste it.

"Okay, I named King Xiaoyao the King of Xiaoyao to supervise the country. The power is not within the political power. You can decide everything yourself." Li Mutian said loudly.

"Well, I am announcing now that the five major legions of Tianlong will be reorganized for half a year. After half a year, they will attack the surrounding 41 large and small countries. Those who surrender can implement their own system management. The Tianlong Kingdom will not participate in the political affairs of any country."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the main hall, and returned to the Pingnan Palace alone. He didn't need to take care of other things.

Thinking of the millions of troops outside the city, he flashed his body, and when he reappeared, he was already above the city wall. Seeing more than 500 million troops all waiting outside the city, he thought to himself that he wanted to conquer other countries, big and small. The sergeant died.

"Happy King, Happy King."

"Happy King, Happy King."

"My subordinates refer to Xiaoyao Wang, congratulations to Xiaoyao Wang for his smooth return."

Seeing Li Qiuyu appear on the city, the four major armies and the Shenwu army shouted in surprise. During this time, the news of Li Qiuyu killing the six monks and subduing the three monks has spread throughout Fengyue Tiannan. Also all lost.

"You are all real sons of Tianlong. This king declares a legion to defend, and the rest will have a one-month holiday and take turns to rest. After three months, they will all return to their positions."

Li Qiuyu said loudly that the rectification of these legions is just to rectify according to the regular legions. The real strength is the Shenwu Army Dun and some powerful masters in the cultivation world.

"Subordinates obey."

Nan Xinhou said respectfully, and finally began to mobilize more than five million soldiers, Li Qiuyu also disappeared on the city wall, and finally returned to Pingnan Palace.

After returning to Pingnan Prince's Mansion, Li Qiuyu recruited dozens of his Nascent Soul stage disciples and told them what to do during this period.

"During this time, I want to see all the comprehension forces in Fengyuetiannan's 41 countries surrender, leaving ten people, and the remaining 20 people in a group. The strength is evenly matched, and each country is cleaned up."

"The killing of all those who refuse to accept or surrender will lay the foundation for the Heavenly Dragon Legion to fight for the hegemony of Fengyue Tiannan, and the subdued members will be managed by the Shenwu Legion."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, as long as the strength of these countries is ruled within this period of time, there is hope of confronting such a behemoth as the Northern Jin Empire.

A single city of the Northern Jin Empire has such strength. One can imagine how strong the entire Northern Jin Empire is. If you kill tens of millions of troops and countless masters of the Northern Jin Empire by yourself, even if you don’t attack them yourself, they will come to take revenge. This is Face problem.

"Your subordinate obeys orders." Bai Yuntian replied respectfully, he didn't have much problem dealing with these forces, and if he practiced every day, he would really feel bored.

After arranging these monks, Li Qiuyu took ten monks who were at the peak of the early Yuanying stage and headed for the place where he lived.

The three great monks of the late Nascent Soul also entered the space necklace, and the time inside was five times that of the outside, with abundant aura, as long as they practiced with all their strength inside, they would reach the peak of the later stage.

They also know that Li Qiuyu is His Excellency the Holy Alchemist, with super power, and some mysterious methods have exceeded their imagination.

Li Qiuyu also hinted that as long as he doesn't let himself down, he will let them reach another realm. Although they can't believe it, but they are in such a realm, they won't give up even a chance.

The space necklace is divided into countless sections by Li Qiuyu, one area for monsters, one section for her own medicinal materials, one section for treasures and spirit stones, one section for the place where Xiao Hanyue and others live, and then there are three big monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul a place.

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