Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 537 Development of Emperor Flame Peak

After explaining everything, Li Qiuyu lived in the Pingnan Palace for half a year, and the whole person was completely integrated into this family.

The strong are respected, many Tianlong Kingdom masters came to visit the Pingnan Palace where Li Qiuyu lived, and Li Qiuyu also received him politely, but he didn't want to live this kind of life for a long time.

In half a year, Li Qiuyu took care of and rectified the 500 million Tianlong army, and his disciples in the Nascent Soul stage also calmed down the cultivation forces of the six princes.

Half of the monks came to the Shenwu Legion, and some forces secretly surrendered to Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu once again implemented the method of snowballing the blue sea.

The five major legions of the Tianlong Kingdom also officially began to attack Qingming Kingdom, and a large number of masters joined them. Wherever the Tianlong Legion passed, they were invincible, and some countries panicked. Li Qiuyu erased it secretly.

However, the real instigator led a few peerless and beautiful women to live a life of cultivation at ease. Tianlong City is definitely not suitable for monks.

Li Qiuyu brought Xiao Hanyue's four daughters, Lan Yan and Shi Feixuan also came to Diyan Peak, and Li Zhengqing was also recommended by Li Qiuyu to worship under the monk Gongsun.

Li Qiuyu arranged a Nascent Soul Stage disciple in the Pingnan Palace, where his relatives lived, and asked these ten disciples to protect their safety.

In Tianlong Kingdom, Li Qiuyu couldn't think of anyone who could provoke him, even if the Northern Jin Empire came to avenge him, as long as ten late Nascent Soul monks did not come at the same time.

The ten peak disciples in the early stage can also resist for a while, as long as they are just a moment, I saw that they can completely rush back from Diyan Peak.

When Li Qiuyu returned to Diyan Peak, he immediately caused a sensation among the [-] disciples. Li Qiuyu fought against the master of the Nine Great Nascent Soul Stage Masters, and reached another level in the unexpected legend.

"Have you heard? Martial Uncle Li, the first genius disciple of Diyan Peak two years ago, has now become the Patriarch of the Yuanying Stage, and has now returned to Diyan Peak."

A disciple in the Qi training period said happily that now the reputation of Diyan Peak has become a sensation in Fengyue Tiannan. Li Qiuyu came from Diyan Peak, and Li Qiuyu's strength has skyrocketed. After fighting against the great monks in the late Yuanying period, Diyan Peak's status is also straight rise.

"It's up to you to say this. I knew it half a year ago. In the battle against the great monks in the late Nascent Soul, only six big monks were killed, and three surrendered."

Some other disciples looked disdainfully at the fellow who had just spoken, but when Li Qiuyu returned to Diyan Peak, these disciples also went to the square to wait for Li Qiuyu to appear.

When Li Qiuyu returned to Diyan Peak, he would naturally not disappoint these disciples. He had lived here for a long time, and Ling Tongtian from Diyan Peak also treated him well.

A few people quickly flew to the square, which was already crowded with more than 3 disciples and alchemy stage monks.

"Disciple pays respects to Master Uncle."

More than a dozen monks at the alchemy stage respectfully shouted to Li Qiuyu, with expressions of admiration and horror on their faces. They hadn't seen each other for two years, and Nephew Cheng became a master uncle.

"The disciple pays respect to the master."

After the monks of the Foundation Establishment Stage finished their salutes, the monks of the Core Formation Stage all bowed respectfully. Some of the disciples shook their heads helplessly, Dongfang Wuyu and Murong Wudi.

"The disciples meet the ancestors."

The disciples in the qi training period all respectfully bowed down, their faces full of reverence and admiration, they didn't understand Li Qiuyu's cultivation base at all, they only knew that Li Qiuyu could kill all the most powerful monks in the world, so naturally it has greatly improved A realm beyond ordinary people.

"It's not too polite. My disciples of Emperor Yanfeng are the most diligent and powerful existences in the world. Do you want to become the masters of Fengyue Continent?"

Li Qiuyu said loudly, the several peerless beauties around him were cuddling obediently, standing in the air for the Nascent Soul stage monks, it was no different from being on the ground.

"Yes, this disciple must step up his cultivation and become the most powerful monk in Fengyue Continent."

All the disciples were full of enthusiasm. If such words were spoken by other people, they would definitely be regarded as lunatics, but when they were spoken by Li Qiuyu, no one dared to doubt them.

The identity of the holy alchemist, the strength of the great cultivator in the late stage of killing Yuanying, such an existence cannot be found in Tianlong, not to mention Tianlong, even in Fengyue Tiannan.

"This seat announces that the welfare of monks in the alchemy stage will be doubled, that of disciples in the foundation stage will be doubled, and that of disciples in the Qi training stage will be doubled. The pills will be doubled every month."

Li Qiuyu smiled and said that the annual consumption of 1000 disciples is less than 50 million. As long as he provides one billion spirit stones, he can fully increase the benefits of Diyan Peak to more than [-] years.

"Thank you master, thank you uncle, thank you master."

All the disciples were horrified. There are tens of thousands of disciples in Diyan Peak. Although they have the most Qi training period, they consume millions of spirit stones every year.

According to Li Qiuyu's distribution, Emperor Yanfeng would consume 3000 million spiritual stones every year. If this goes on for a long time, no one can sustain it. This welfare is definitely the best welfare in Fengyue Tiannan.

"Diyan Peak has competitions every month. Each level is a time of the competition. There are generous rewards for the top ten. Here, I will give out [-] million spirit stones and [-] magic weapons as rewards. Foundation establishment period disciples can also According to the level of competition, the competition is held every six months, and the rewards are magic treasures, spirit stones, and ancient treasures. Disciples can get ten times the welfare rewards when they advance."

"Break through the foundation-building stage to obtain top-grade spiritual weapons, reach the foundation-building stage to obtain magic weapons, and reach the alchemy stage to obtain top-level magic weapons or ancient treasures."

Li Qiuyu let the heavy bombs into the [-] disciples, and the three Nascent Soul stage monks on the top of the mountain were completely speechless. How much is this Li Qiuyu worth?

It is always calculated in billions. This kind of welfare is also the first to appear in the entire Fengyue Continent. The strength is in the powerful sect, and the low-level disciples are all poor.

"As a sage alchemy master, every disciple who advances once can be rewarded with a third-rank pill, fourth-rank pill, and fifth-rank pill. Disciples who break through the Nascent Soul stage can get a psychic treasure .Do you want to know what is a psychic treasure?"

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he sacrificed the Crack of the Ice River, muttered softly, and with a wave of his hand, a icy air appeared in the whole air.

Immediately, the entire Diyan Peak turned into a glacier world, the ice peak, the glacier, and all the disciples trembling non-stop, and then Li Qiuyu sacrificed a psychic treasure, and unleashed a world-burning flame.

The glacier dissipated quickly, and finally let all the disciples enter the world of flames. Seeing the horrified expressions of these disciples, Li Qiuyu waved one hand in the air, and the air returned to normal again.

All the disciples stared blankly at the transformation just now, with a trace of envy on their faces. This kind of strength is almost like a god. The alchemy stage disciples were even more surprised. Only the deeper the cultivation base, the more they understand the strength inside.

Ling Tongtian, Cultivator Gongsun, and Fairy Piaoyun were all horrified. They didn't expect that Li Qiuyu had cultivated the way of control to this level. If they hit the enemy with such two blows, even they would be damaged.

"Cultivate hard, and you can achieve the same achievements as this seat in the future." Li Qiuyu took Xiao Hanyue and his daughters and flew towards Zilin Pavilion, leaving thirty thousand stunned disciples behind.

Li Qiuyu returned to Zilin Pavilion and arranged a few people. There are only a few of them here now. The other Nascent Soul stage disciples have tasks, and they will be arranged in other places when they come back.

"Fourth senior brother, is this place the Purple Scale Pavilion? It's really beautiful." Lan Yan said in surprise, looking around inside.

"Well, you will live here to practice in the future, but don't leave Diyan Peak if you haven't reached the alchemy stage, your strength is still too weak."

Li Qiuyu smiled and said, in the eyes of others, the foundation building period is already a remarkable existence, even a lifelong pursuit, but in front of Li Qiuyu, the foundation building period is just the beginning.

The cultivation of Lan Yan and Shi Feixuan was also handed over to Yun Linger, and the three of them lived together, and Xiao Hanyue and herself lived in the same place.

Although they are closely related, Li Qiuyu will never find the three women. The Zilin Pavilion has also been divided into two areas. Li Qiuyu also diverted the water from the pool to another place. Some embarrassment arises.

In this way, several people lived quietly in Diyan Peak. Li Qiuyu arranged almost all the affairs of Diyan Peak, and Li Qiuyu replaced the head of Dongfang Bai with other people.

Dongfang Bai has reached the peak of the late stage of foundation establishment, and needs to practice with peace of mind. Li Qiuyu gave him a lot of third- and fourth-grade pills, trying to reach the stage of alchemy.

"Master, this disciple should make a breakthrough." Dongfang Baizai has good qualifications. Li Qiuyu asked him to spend two years handing over all the matters, and personally instructed him to fix the problems that came to you. He was the first in Diyan Peak. One that can be pointed out by Li Qiuyu.

"Well, take this elixir and calm down your mood. Forming a pill is just a very simple matter. My disciple, Li Qiuyu, is no waste. Don't take it so seriously with a mere pill formation. Even if you fail, my lord It will also successfully form your alchemy, not to mention alchemy, Nascent Soul will not be difficult for me."

Seeing Dongfang Bai's surprised look, Li Qiuyu naturally knew that he was very excited. If he formed an alchemy like this, he would definitely fail, so he poured cold water all over his body.

"I know, thank you, Master, for teaching me. This disciple will never let Master down." Dongfang Bai was shocked when he saw Li Qiuyu's appearance. His state of mind was still too vain. No one can match it.

"Go, next time you see me, you will be at the alchemy stage." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and finally handed over the two spirit jade pills.

The person who took over the Diyan Peak was a disciple of the middle stage of foundation establishment, Huangfu Ling, this disciple who lost to Li Qiuyu before the mature man, has now reached the middle stage of foundation establishment.

He is also a shrewd disciple, and he knows the operation of Diyan Peak like the back of his hand. Li Qiuyu asked him to manage Diyan Peak for 20 years, and after 20 years, he accepted him as an apprentice.

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