Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 540 News of the Transformation Stage

"Welcome Brother Luo to join us. I would like to thank Brother Luo for joining us on behalf of the Young Master. From now on, everyone will be our own." Bai Yuntian laughed loudly, and stretched out his right hand.

"Brother Bai's family will take care of him in the future, the young master has already broken through." Luo Yunhao said with a smile, terrified in his heart, fortunately he had surrendered to Li Qiuyu and sat down, otherwise he would also be one of the lost monks.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, the young master has already made a breakthrough, so it's better to be a group." Bai Yuntian asked the other disciples to hide where they were, and led Luo Yunhao to walk down Di Yuefeng.

The other three late Nascent Soul cultivators also followed behind, leaving only a huge black turtle standing there in the air, with huge eyes rolling non-stop.

"Grandma's, don't leave one for me." Xuanguishou said in a deep voice.

Li Qiuyu absorbed Yingyun at the top of the mountain, and Yuanying continued to stabilize and become stronger, ignoring the outside world at all.

Half a month passed, and the last baby cloud in the air disappeared on the top of the mountain. Li Qiuyu slowly opened his eyes with a confident look on his face.

Now the cultivation bases of the three Nascent Souls are much more balanced than before. In the two mid-stages and one in the late stage, Li Qiuyu most of the time uses the Nascent Souls at the peak of the mid-stages to practice spiritual consciousness in the space necklace, and the other Nascent Soul is sacrificed to destroy it. Sky Sword.

The Yaoying is constantly digesting the Good Fortune Pill, but he usually won't let the Yaoying be discovered by other monks, this is his trump card.

"My lord, is your realm stable?" Xiao Hanyue said happily, holding Li Qiuyu's arm with both hands, with a faint affection on her face.

"Finally broke through. After waiting for 90 years, I finally broke through. Ah!" After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he opened his mouth and yelled. The sound was like a roar of a tiger and a dragon's chant, which spread throughout Diyan Peak.

"Congratulations to Patriarch for breakthrough, Congratulations to Patriarch for breakthrough, Patriarch is invincible in the world, Patriarch is invincible in the world."

When all the disciples heard Li Qiuyu's voice, they naturally knew that Li Qiuyu broke through and passed the test. Their worship and respect for Li Qiuyu was not superficial at all, but from the heart.

"Congratulations, junior brother, for your breakthrough."

Ling Tongtian, Cultivator Gongsun and Fairy Piaoyun floated towards Li Qiuyu's Diyue Peak, congratulated him politely, and were horrified in their hearts. Li Qiuyu's appearance did not reveal the slightest level of cultivation, and he had obviously reached the realm of returning to nature .

"Disciple, congratulations to Master for his breakthrough. He is invincible and unifies the world."

The seventy early and mid-stage Nascent Soul disciples all saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully. They didn't pay any attention to Li Qiuyu's state at all, because even at the early stage, Li Qiuyu could easily kill the late monks.

Now that it has reached the middle stage, it is only more powerful on the original basis. The power of one finger to kill an ant, and the power of a slap to kill an ant, what is the point of being an ant?

"The breakthrough of this seat is only a little improvement in realm and cultivation base, and there are still many roads to go in the future." Li Qiuyu said lightly, the middle stage of Nascent Soul is far from enough.

"My subordinate Zhang Tianhang, on behalf of the million-strong army of the Shenwu Legion, congratulates Xiaoyao Wang for his cultivation." Zhang Tianhang also brought more than ten Nascent Soul stage monks to salute Li Qiuyu.

Although he was only at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, no Nascent Soul cultivator dared to offend him easily, and everyone knew that he was Li Qiuyu's true confidant.

"On behalf of Tianlong Kingdom, Li Zhenglong of Tianlong Kingdom congratulates brother Wang for improving his cultivation and making further progress in the way of longevity." Li Zhenglong came to Diyue Peak with nearly a thousand guards, and saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully.

Although he is the emperor of a country, he is nothing in front of Li Qiuyu. He also knows that Li Qiuyu has no interest in government affairs and power, otherwise it will be his turn to be the emperor.

"Okay, I believe the Northern Jin Empire can't wait for the breakthrough of this seat. Two years later, all the legions of the Tianlong Kingdom will attack the Northern Jin Empire. Let the Northern Jin take a closer look at the strength of my Tianlong. Blame the Northern Jin Empire for being too blind." Xiao, come to provoke me, Tianlong."

Li Qiuyu smiled and said, the voice came down in bursts, all the monks and soldiers who said it were full of enthusiasm, Li Qiuyu was the only one who could say such a thing.

How powerful the Northern Jin Empire is, he is lucky not to bully others. He did not expect that after tens of thousands of troops were wiped out, Northern Jin would not be reconciled and gathered troops in the direction of Tianlong.

But Tianlong came out with Li Qiuyu, who destroyed Yanjin and fought against the Northern Jin Dynasty. After that, he unified 41 countries in Fengyue Tiannan, and now he wants to attack the Northern Jin Empire.

"Conquer the Northern Jin Dynasty, Tianlong is invincible."

"Conquering the Northern Jin Dynasty, Master is invincible in the world."

The soldiers of the Tianlong Legion shouted loudly, and finally Li Qiuyu sat down and dozens of Nascent Soul stage disciples shouted excitedly, this time it was the same battle as Bihai's attack on the Jiuxing Palace.

after half a day

The whole Diyan Peak finally calmed down, Li Zhenglong returned to Tianlong City, Zhang Tianhang also brought his own people back to the Shenwu Legion, and Li Qiuyu's Nascent Soul Stage disciples also returned to the place where they practiced.

Xiao Qiuyue and Ling Ling also returned to Diyue Peak, and the two women went to teach other disciples the way of cultivation. Seeing Li Qiuyu's exit, their faces showed joy.

"Brother Qiuyu, I can no longer see clearly your cultivation level." Lingling said with a giggle, coquettishly staying beside Li Qiuyu.

"Of course, the young master has reached the middle stage, and the two Nascent Souls have reached the middle stage. After the cultivation base is balanced, the overall strength will increase several times."

Although Xiao Qiuyue is mischievous and lively, she is not much worse than Li Qiuyu in terms of cultivation, but Li Qiuyu has cultivated three Nascent Souls, and her speed is a little faster than her.

"Young master, wait for me with your sister, I'll cook something delicious." Xiao Hanyue called out, and finally walked towards the kitchen.

After Xiao Hanyue left, Ling Ling and Xiao Qiuyue began to give Li Qiuyu the matter of instructing his disciples in the other main peaks of Diyan Peak to practice.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Hanyue has already cooked the meal, and the four of them enjoyed Xiao Hanyue's cooking in the kitchen happily.

"Sister Hanyue, it's about time that Brother Qiuyu didn't go out of customs. Why do you only cook two kinds of dishes? Now that Brother Qiuyu is out of customs, you have cooked so many delicious things."

Lingling said with her ruddy mouth, and looked at Li Qiuyu dissatisfied.

"Well, even the vegetables can't stop you." Xiao Hanyue added some vegetables to the Lingling bowl, and said angrily.

The meal was spent amidst laughter and laughter, Li Qiuyu took a rest, and finally moved, the whole person disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already reached the top of Zhongtian Peak.

"I have seen my junior."

Ling Tongtian clasped his fists to salute Li Qiuyu. Now that Li Qiuyu's strength has reached an unfathomable level, he couldn't see it at all.

"Your cultivation base has increased, but there is little hope of reaching another realm in your lifetime." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

"I'm not worried about this anymore. My lifespan is only about 50 years. If I can't break through to the mid-term, I can only wait for my death."

Ling Tongtian smiled and said that he also knew his own situation. The peak cultivation base of Yuanying's early stage was improved by Li Qiuyu's elixir.

"If there is a chance to get a good pill and a good pill, there is still some hope. The fifth-grade pills in my hands are all for increasing cultivation, but this ten thousand year spiritual fruit can increase your lifespan by 60 years. .” Li Qiuyu handed three ten-thousand-year spirit fruits to Ling Tongtian.

"Ten Thousand Years Spirit Fruit."

Ling Tongtian said in surprise that each spiritual fruit can increase the lifespan by 20 years, and he finally knew the reason why Li Chongyang could live to 160 years old even before reaching the foundation building stage.

Now my lifespan has reached about one hundred years old again, and I still hope to reach the mid-term. In the middle-term, I can increase my lifespan by another three hundred years. As long as there are no major problems, I can still live at three hundred years old.

"Well, I'm leaving Diyan Peak too. The Northern Jin Empire is eyeing it. We have to see it." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"I believe that with the current strength of my junior brother, there is no one who can threaten you among the great monks in the later period, but you must not meet the monks of the transformation stage. The monks of the transformation stage are no longer considered as the monks of the human world. I can't even imagine it, but the cultivators in the transformation stage appeared once a thousand years ago, and they either ascended or lost."

Ling Tongtian said seriously, as long as Li Qiuyu exists, no one at Diyan Peak will dare to provoke him easily. Now Diyan Peak's strength is almost dozens of times that of a hundred years ago. Except for the Nascent Soul Stage, the overall strength has reached the level of Diyan Peak. The most powerful level since the school was opened.

"I know this, but I don't know where that cultivator at the transformation stage appeared?" Li Qiuyu said calmly.

"Great Shang Empire, you may not have been to the Great Shang Empire. Compared with the Great Shang Empire, the Northern Jin Dynasty is simply not at the same level." Ling Tongtian pondered for a moment.

"Don't worry about Di Yanfeng's affairs."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, Di Yanfeng is definitely infinitely better in his own hands than in Ling Tongtian's, at least his own reputation is at stake here.

"Okay, Diyan Peak has you here, I don't worry, Lan Xin and Ling Yun, have you visited?"

"No, of course I will go to see it, we are still friends."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she disappeared in Zhongtian Peak in a flash, and when she reappeared, she was already below Zhongtian Peak, a quiet courtyard.

"The disciple has seen the uncle."

A woman in the alchemy stage Yingying saluted Li Qiuyu and said that this woman was the one Li Qiuyu met when she came here for the first time.

"The improvement in cultivation is pretty good." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and finally walked inside.

"Thank you uncle for your compliment." The woman said excitedly. When she first met Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu was just a disciple of the tenth level of Qi training. When she saw her now, she was already the supreme existence of Fengyue Tiannan.

"Junior brother, why come here to hang out when you have time?" Ling Lanxin joked when she saw Li Qiuyu coming, with a happy look on her face.

"Didn't I come here specifically to see Senior Sister Lan Xin?" Li Qiuyu smiled slightly, and finally came to the stool in the pavilion opposite Ling Lanxin.

"I haven't congratulated my junior brother on his great progress in cultivation. Senior sister is here to congratulate my junior brother." Ling Lanxin giggled, as delicate as a flower.

"Where is Senior Sister Lingyun? Are you still practicing?" Seeing that Fairy Lingyun was not there, Li Qiuyu asked casually.

No wonder I only saw Ling Lanxin playing here alone after I came here. In the past, I used to play with the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue, or with Yun Ling'er, Lan Yan and Shi Feixuan.

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