Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 541 Meeting Ziyan Again

"Your cultivation has improved very quickly. If you continue like this, you will reach the peak stage in the early stage within ten years. It will not be difficult to break through the middle stage when you reach it."

Li Qiuyu glanced at Ling Lanxin, and said seriously, thinking that she was protected by a girl when she was only practicing Qi, she was very grateful to Ling Lanxin in her heart.

"Compared to you, Junior Brother, you are far behind. Junior Brother's mid-term cultivation base will definitely not be the slightest bit better than that of a great cultivator. In Fengyue Continent, I believe that there are few people who are opponents of Junior Brother."

Li Qiuyu smiled and said, since Li Qiuyu was taken away by the wrath of the gods a hundred years ago, she regretted it in her heart, and now the two have at least resumed their friendship.

"There are many wonders in the realm of comprehension. There are often many things that monks cannot understand, and even some strange things are beyond the scope of strength." Li Qiuyu said calmly.

"Junior Brother really wants to attack the Northern Jin Empire? The Northern Jin Empire is definitely not as weak as Fengyue Tiannan 41 Kingdoms." Ling Lan said worriedly.

"Even if I don't attack them, they won't let us go easily. Why don't we take the initiative, even if my Tianlong Kingdom is destroyed, I will turn his Northern Jin Empire upside down."

Li Qiuyu said confidently that if he really destroyed the Tianlong Kingdom, he would also drag the Northern Jin Empire into the water, and let him live in panic from then on.

"It's not easy for senior sister to object to something you've decided, but you have to be careful in everything you do. Senior sister will support you without hesitation." Ling Lan said seriously.

"Senior Sister has grown up, and she is no longer a naughty child like she used to be."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and felt the change in Ling Lan's heart, as if she had completely changed from before, making him feel like a child meeting an adult.

"Hehe, isn't that good?"

"I still like my senior sister to be as happy as before."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, when Ling Lanxin was serious, it made him feel a lot more restrained, he still likes Ling Lanxin's naughty and happy appearance before, perhaps it is the passage of time and the increase of her cultivation base, which made her calm up.

"Well, you'll have to bear it in the future, ha ha."

Ling Lan's heart changed as she said, and she was no different from the first time Li Qiuyu saw her again. This was her true character.

"Senior Sister, I'm going back first. After a period of breath adjustment, I'm about to start a long journey. Welcome Senior Sister to play at Diyue Peak." After finishing speaking, Li Qiuyu used her posture to leave quickly.

"Hehe, I will go and entangle your three wives." Ling Lan said with a smile, thinking of Xiao Hanyue's three daughters, she was envious in her heart.

Li Qiuyu returned to Diyue Peak and came to the place where her parents practiced. She saw that her father was still practicing and her mother had just finished training.

"The child has seen his mother."

Li Qiuyu saluted Deng Chao Yunyue respectfully, and finally came to Yunyue obediently.

"It's still the same as when I was a child. I'm a Nascent Soul cultivator, and I'm still proud of my mother." Yunyue took Li Qiuyu's hand and walked towards the living room with a happy expression on her face.

No matter how powerful my son is, no matter how old he is, he will always be a child in my mother's heart. Whether in the world of cultivation or the secular world, my mother will always love her own flesh and blood.

"Mother's cultivation base has improved a lot. With a little time, mother and father will definitely reach the alchemy stage." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"Hehe, seeing that you can achieve such an achievement, mother is relieved. Even if you reach the alchemy stage, that is, you will be three or four hundred years old. Mother will not miss the world of mortals, but only hope that you can be safe."

Yunyue looked at Li Qiuyu, and said softly, if Li Qiuyu's cultivation was not enough, she and others would have already reached the end of their lives.

"I will. As long as mother and father live in peace and are not bullied by others, the child will do his best." Li Qiuyu said with a smile. Who doesn't want their relatives to be by their side forever, but there are many things It cannot be forced.

The two talked for a long time, and finally Li Qiuyu left Yunyue and walked slowly towards the top of Diyue Peak. He had never walked this road before.

Looking at the scenery in the mountains, the whole person is refreshed. It turns out that as time goes by, as long as you slow down, the scenery in the world is still in the original place.

"Disciple has met Master Uncle." A crisp voice reached Li Qiuyu's ears. Li Qiuyu turned around and saw a stunning woman aged eighteen or nineteen bowing respectfully to her.

"Isn't this Senior Sister Ziyan?"

Li Qiuyu saw the woman in front of her, dressed in purple, tall and tall, with snow-white skin and a hint of blush on her face.

It turned out that this woman Jiu was a girl who had refined Zhuyan Pill at Diyan Peak a hundred years ago, handed it to Dongfang Yun, and asked for the pill the next day.

"Master uncle killed the disciple, Ziyan dare not take it."

Zi Yan said in horror, although Li Qiuyu's appearance has not changed at all from before, and she looks younger and more elegant, but her current cultivation base has reached the supreme existence of Fengyue Tiannan.

"Senior Sister Ziyan is too far-fetched. In my eyes, Li Qiuyu, these etiquettes can be avoided."

Li Qiuyu said plainly, with a slight smile on his face, he didn't like these etiquettes at all for his own people, but if someone outside was disrespectful to him, it was normal to kill them.

"Thank you, brother."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's serious expression, Zi Yan secretly admired her. It turns out that real masters are superior to others in terms of state of mind. If someone dares to regard such a state of mind and cultivation as weakness, they should really die.

"I don't know what's wrong with the senior sister?"

Li Qiuyu saw that Zi Yan was also heading in this direction, probably towards the top of her own Diyue Peak, there was no one else on the top of the mountain except herself and the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue.

"I have just reached the alchemy stage, and I want to ask my senior brother for some advice on my cultivation, but I didn't expect to meet my senior brother at this place." Zi Yan said in a loud voice.

"Oh, it just so happens that I'm going out these few days. Let's go and see if you have any problems with your cultivation." Li Qiuyu said seriously. It is something outside of one's own secrets.

"Thank you, brother."

Zi Yan was overjoyed, Li Qiuyu's cultivation was almost perfect, and if he could get his guidance, he would definitely be able to improve in cultivation.

The two came to a secluded pavilion, and Zi Yan raised some common questions about her cultivation, and Li Qiuyu solved the problems she had been thinking about to no avail without the slightest hesitation.

After half an hour, Zi Yan had solved all the problems and she was eager to go back to practice. This kind of opportunity is rare, and she can take this opportunity to correct some things.

"Senior sister, you have just reached the alchemy stage, you need these things."

Li Qiuyu handed over a storage bag, and finally left politely. Zi Yan respectfully saluted Li Qiuyu to see him off.


Zi Yan snorted softly, it turned out that after Li Qiuyu left, she looked into the storage bag with her spiritual sense, and there were actually 1000 million spirit stones, a magic weapon and a top-level ancient treasure inside.

Such a storage bag is definitely worth less than a master in the Nascent Soul stage. The Lingshi alone will make the masters of the Nascent Soul stage jealous.

Li Qiuyu saw that Ziyan's talent was good, and she was indeed a rare genius who could go from Qi training period to alchemy stage in a hundred years. 1000 million spirit stones were just a drop in the bucket for him. For Zi Yan who had just formed alchemy, Definitely an astronomical figure.

Magical treasures and ancient treasures, at least she can stop looking for treasures for the time being, otherwise a stunning genius senior sister will be lost, and it's fine if she doesn't meet her, if she does, it will be her own fault.

"Brother Qiuyu, you're back." Seeing Li Qiuyu's return, Ling Ling walked happily to Li Qiuyu's side and hugged Li Qiuyu's arm.

A hundred years have passed, and the three women have become more and more beautiful. The passage of time has not changed them in the slightest. They are always so cute, lively, quiet and generous.

"Well, I just turned around a few places." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and the two walked towards the courtyard on the top of the mountain. Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue were still meditating.

"Sister Qiuyue and the others are all practicing, brother Qiuyu, why don't you take me out to play." Ling Ling looked at Li Qiuyu with her eyes pouted, her ruddy mouth pouted.

"Where are you going to play, tell me."

Li Qiuyu reached out and scratched Ling Lingqiong's nose lightly, and said softly, this girl will never stop.

"Let's go down the mountain to catch low-level monsters, and then we can eat delicious meat." Lingling rolled her eyes, pondered for a while, and then said.

"Okay, let's see who catches the monster first, we must choose the most delicious one." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she disappeared in a flash.

"Brother Qiuyu, wait for Lingling, it doesn't count, you're playing tricks." Seeing Li Qiuyu finish speaking, Lingling left quickly, and naturally knew that Li Qiuyu would strike first.

After she finished speaking, she also quickly developed her body skills, and chased after Li Qiuyu's disappearing opponent. Some disciples saw a beautiful figure flashing, and lowered their heads, pretending not to see anything.

After Li Qiuyu arrived fifty miles away from Diyan Peak, shortly after he landed, he saw a pale pink figure coming from behind him.

"Lingling, your speed seems to have improved a lot. I didn't play tricks. Look, I didn't even make a move." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"let's start"

Ling Ling came to Li Qiuyu's side, and said in a loud voice, and finally her body flashed again, and she quickly flew towards the distance. Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue's three daughters have come here many times, and they didn't use any mana or items. , completely using body skills to catch low-level monsters.

"Brother Qiuyu, I've already caught two, look."

In less than a moment, an excited voice came over, and Li Qiuyu looked at Lingling who was rushing forward with a smile, and took the two rabbit-like monsters from Lingling's hands.

I also have a monster of the same size in my hand, and he will lose when he competes with the three women. This kind of game will never get tired of playing. With his strength and agility, there are few in the world who dare to compare.

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