Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 542 Comprehension - Trajectory of Heaven and Earth

Let's go back, Sister Hanyue and the others should also have cultivated well. "

Lingling clapped her jade hand, and finally hugged Li Qiuyu's arm. The two quickly floated back to the top of Diyue Peak, and returned to the top of the mountain after a while.

"My lord, go catch these little monsters again." Xiao Qiuyue said softly.

"Well, I'll have a good meal today, you guys just wait, I'll clean them up." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she flew towards the waterfall with three little monsters in one hand.

Hundreds of feet below the huge waterfall, it fell on the hard rock and made a booming sound. Seeing this scene, Li Qiuyu was secretly shocked by the power of nature.

The power of nature, the power of returning to nature, the power of the trajectory of heaven and earth.

"By the way, it is the natural trajectory of heaven and earth."

Li Qiuyu looked at the waterfall obsessively, thinking of the unpretentious kick of the black tortoise, the simplest kick in the whole world, nothing can easily resist it.

The power is enough to destroy everything, remove the cumbersome tricks, and leave the power of the essence of the trajectory. What monks pursue is power and power, but how few people can really control this power.

"The trajectory of heaven and earth."

Unknowingly, he slowly raised his hands. The whole air did not change at all, and there was no power at all. Then Li Qiuyu swung one hand into the air.


The entire mountain top trembled violently, and the violent trembling pulled Li Qiuyu's mind back to reality, with ecstasy on his face, just now he didn't use any mana at all, but swung down completely following the trajectory of the sky and the earth.

Never thought that this random blow was almost equivalent to a full-strength attack by a great monk in the late Yuanying period. No wonder the black turtle beast can exert such great power without consuming any monster power.

It seems that this heaven and earth trajectory attack is a good move for sneak attacking the enemy, but although this heaven and earth trajectory was discovered by him by luck, it is not that simple to really control it.


"Brother Autumn Rain"

The three girls felt that the direction of the trembling mountain top was exactly in the direction of the waterfall, thinking that Li Qiuyu was in some trouble, so they quickly used their body skills to come a hundred feet away from Li Qiuyu.

"It's okay, I just discovered a trace of the mystery of the trajectory of heaven and earth." Li Qiuyu said happily.

"The trajectory of heaven and earth?"

The three women looked at Li Qiuyu in puzzlement and asked, although they had reached the Nascent Soul stage, they still didn't know about some secret cultivation issues.

"Well, the trajectory of heaven and earth is a kind of natural mystery. You can see that the waterfall slides down, but it produces such a huge power." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and finally quickly cleaned the three low-level monsters under the waterfall.

"We still don't understand such a profound meaning of cultivation, but Ling Ling is already hungry." Xiao Qiuyue smiled and looked at Ling Ling.

"Sister Qiuyue, tell me when you're hungry, why are you pushing it on me again?" Lingling said dissatisfied.

"Go, go back."

Li Qiuyu carried the three washed monsters, took the three girls away from the waterfall, and quickly walked towards the place where they lived on the top of the mountain. .

"Hanyue, the two of us are going to cook and let the two girls go crazy here." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, her body quickly disappeared, and Xiao Hanyue also quickly disappeared with Li Qiuyu.

Leaving Xiao Qiuyue and Lingling chatting behind, by the time they returned to their residence, Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue had already started cooking.

After half an hour, the four of them began to feast on the delicious tender meat of the monster. The whole scene was very warm, and the meal was spent amidst laughter.

Time passed quickly, and it took two years to get mixed up. During the two years, Li Qiuyu completely stabilized the realm of Yuanying. In addition to normal cultivation and alchemy, he also comprehended the trajectory of heaven and earth.

After the three Nascent Souls reached the middle stage, the Mietian Sword Formation was balanced, and their spiritual consciousness soared. It was much easier to cast the Mietian Sword Formation. One Nascent Soul could be used to perform the formation, and the other two Nascent Souls could use it. Host ontology.

There will be no signs of depletion of consciousness anymore, but the consumption of consciousness is still very high, so use as little as possible, but how many people can force her to use the sword array in front of the great monks in the late Yuanying period? .

With only the psychic treasure in his hand, he can easily kill the enemy. With the increase of cultivation level and the skyrocketing mana power, several powerful spells are also powerful.

The psychic treasures are also constantly sacrificed and raised. The three Nascent Souls each have their own psychic treasures. The newly arrived Nascent Soul casts other spirit treasures.

Nascent Soul, who has just reached the middle stage, stabilizes himself every day, and has to nourish the Tower of Nothingness and the treasures of psychic to use, but these are allocated separately.

The green clothes have also reached the peak of the seventh-order mid-stage, the black tortoise is still the peak of the eighth-order mid-stage, the fastest progress is the blood eagle eagle, and now it has reached the seventh-order mid-stage, and the cloud beast is still the peak of the seventh-order late stage. It's not something that happens overnight.

Within two years, Li Qiuyu had passed down countless orders, all the troops were assembled, and the masters were also waiting for orders, as long as Li Qiuyu gave an order.

The Tianlong Kingdom's 3000 million troops and 100 million Shenwu Legion, as well as other countries' 4000 million armies on standby, will also march towards the border of the Northern Jin Empire at the same time.

The movements of the Tianlong Kingdom and the Northern Jin Empire have also been noticed by some powerful and hidden forces. The Northern Jin Dynasty is a transcendent and huge empire. Although the Tianlong Kingdom cannot be compared with the Northern Jin Dynasty, there is a monstrous existence like Li Qiuyu.

Some disciples around Li Qiuyu also made breakthroughs one after another. Most of them were monks in the middle stage, and only a dozen or so disciples were still at the peak in the early stage, and they were not far away from the breakthrough.

Moreover, Bai Yuntian and two other monks who were at the peak in the mid-term also successfully became big monks, and the number of big monks around Li Qiuyu has reached seven.

The guards around him can be said to be the most powerful in the entire Fengyue Continent. There are 76 monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, [-] peak monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and seven major monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

Moreover, the three of Xiao Hanyue are all middle-term monks. This plastic surgery has made people want to die. The most important thing is that the joint practice of the three women for nearly a hundred years has become a special formation. With the cultivator's cultivation base and several psychic treasures, even the late stage great monks can easily kill them.

The monks around Li Qiuyu all possess psychic treasures. These psychic treasures were brought out by them in Bihai. Bai Yuntian also explained that even if they are lost, they cannot let the spiritual treasures fall into the hands of the enemy.

"Young master, 7000 million troops are on standby in Lanfeng City."

A mid-Yuanying cultivator said respectfully to Li Qiuyu, and finally stood aside waiting for Li Qiuyu's order, his blood boiling.

"Alright, let's go, gather in Lanfeng City."

Li Qiuyu sacrificed the ancient flying treasure, and the three women also floated onto the ancient flying treasure. The four quickly flew towards the distance, and nearly a hundred Nascent Soul stage monks followed behind.

Except for Bai Yuntian who had to manage these disciples, the other six big monks were all practicing in Li Qiuyu's space necklace. The real guards were by Li Qiuyu's side and could appear at any time.

Before Li Qiuyu left, he had already arranged everything for Diyan Peak. There are more than a dozen Nascent Soul stage monks stationed here. I believe that ordinary forces would not dare to provoke Diyan Peak. After more than 300, each alchemy period becomes a formation.

The monks in the foundation building period also formed formations. Li Qiuyu has reached a high level of formations, and some formations are used by these disciples.

Ten disciple formations above the eighth level of Qi training can quickly kill the monks at the early stage of foundation establishment, and ten disciples at the ninth level can kill the monks at the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Ten qi-training and tenth-level disciples killed the monks in the late foundation establishment period, ten monks in the foundation establishment period killed the monks in the alchemy period, and so on.Ten monks at the alchemy stage form a killing formation. As long as there are no accidents, it is no problem to kill the monks at the Nascent Soul stage.

The most important thing is that every nine identical formations plus a Nascent Soul cultivator can kill a Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivator. Such a formation is nothing more than gathering the power of the formation on a Nascent Soul cultivator.

To deal with the Nascent Soul stage monks, it's not that the magic crystal cannon Li Qiuyu brought back a few from Bihai. In fact, each of the main peaks has ten Core Formation stage monks and two Nascent Soul stage monks stationed there.

Each main peak has two magic crystal cannons, the number of magic crystals Li Qiuyu is inexhaustible, and he also spent a year to establish a lot of prohibitions and formations in Diyan Peak within 200 years.

After he left, flying in Diyan Peak was prohibited. If he flew, he would be attacked. In order for traitors to destroy the magic crystal cannon, everyone except Li Qiuyu would be killed immediately within a thousand feet of the mountain.

These people are all disciples cultivated by Li Qiuyu himself. Li Qiuyu knows the power of the magic crystal cannon, and even mid-term monks can be turned into nothingness in one shot.

Within two hundred miles, it is almost invincible. After being locked by the magic crystal cannon, it is basically a dead word, unless you encounter a perverted existence like Li Qiuyu.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu would also think of ways to deal with the big monk. When the cultivation level of a big monk appeared on Diyan Peak, the formation would automatically imprison him. As long as the formation was attacked, all the formations would automatically counterattack.

Only Li Qiuyu knows this, or the monk in charge of the magic crystal cannon knows, but the monks on the top of the mountain are strictly forbidden to leave the top of the mountain within a radius of three hundred feet.

Diyan Peak is [-] miles away from Lanfeng City, Li Qiuyu and his party are super existences, and they rushed to Lanfeng City in two days.

"King Xiaoyao is here, King Xiaoyao is here."

Some senior monks and soldiers shouted excitedly that Li Qiuyu is their soul, and even more the object of worship. As time goes by, the countries attacked by the Tianlong Kingdom gradually forget their hatred, because the Tianlong Kingdom has never treated ordinary people. attack.

The conquered city will not harass the city residents and the common people, and most of the monks and figures admire Li Qiuyu's courage and power. After being unified, these powers develop much faster.

The country that has been bowed down by the Northern Jin Empire never thought that one day it would be able to attack the Northern Jin Empire. After Li Qiuyu's appearance, this day finally came.

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