Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 543 Conquering the Northern Jin Dynasty

"Long live the Happy King. Long live the Happy King."

Li Qiuyu came to the sky and stood firmly, while the 7000 million troops and millions of martial arts corps below all knelt and saluted Li Qiuyu. This was a symbol of strength and a witness of courage.

"This seat announces that the Northern Jin Empire ignores the sovereignty of other countries and should be eliminated. Are you willing to join this seat to kill the Northern Jin Empire?"

Li Qiuyu said in a loud voice, his deep cultivation allowed the entire voice to spread to the ears of every soldier in the 7000 million army, the voice was long and continuous, without any ear-shattering feeling.

"I am willing to follow the Xiaoyao King to attack the Northern Jin Empire. Long live the Tianlong, and the Xiaoyao King is invincible in the world."

All the soldiers shouted in unison, the voice was so loud that it made people's blood rush. This is the beginning of the real bloody war, a conquest of a weak country against a top empire.

"Okay, the whole army is suppressing the border, and wherever it passes, all the enemies will be killed."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the drums of the Heavenly Crack rumbled, and the bursts of loud sounds aroused the morale of the soldiers. The existence of Li Qiuyu was the soul of a morale.

Li Qiuyu asked the 7000 Shenwu Legion to act as scouts. If you encounter enemies, don't pester them, just reply directly. The [-] million army marched towards the Tianji Prairie.

Nearly a hundred Nascent Soul stage monks were guarding Li Qiuyu. In the dark, each of the prohibition formations kept moving, always in front of the legion.

Among the more than ten formations, Li Qiuyu's trump card is the magic crystal cannon. This kind of magic crystal cannon is absolutely invincible in attacking the city.

Except for the guards around Li Qiuyu, no one knew what the objects in this formation were.

Skyrim Prairie

The prairie separated Fengyuetiannan from the Northern Jin Empire. The prairie was tens of thousands of miles in size. The people who lived here were also vagrant tribes, but they had already evacuated before the war between the Northern Jin Dynasty and Fengyuetiannan.

"Reporting to King Xiaoyao, there are 1000 million Northern Jin Empire legions in front of the Tianji Prairie, nearly a thousand monks in the Yuanying stage, and countless alchemy stages."

A scout in the Nascent Soul stage moved quickly, stopped before Li Qiuyu was hundreds of feet away, and told the situation one by one.

The Skyline Prairie was originally independent, but now that the Northern Jin Empire has come to the Skyline Prairie, it is considered an invasion, and Li Qiuyu is secretly excited.

"Chuan, the army speeds up, guarded by the Shenwu Legion."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, his flying treasure is also flying close to the ground, and the flying treasure with a radius of three feet is definitely a super chariot.

The [-] Tianlong army is only ten miles away from the edge of the prairie. At the edge of the prairie, there is not a single mountain peak in a radius of hundreds of miles, and it is completely flat.

The dark army of the Northern Jin Dynasty has been introduced into the eyes of the lieutenant generals. As long as more than 1000 infant monks and alchemy stage monks are killed with a 1000 million army, the 7000 million army will win without any suspense.

first battle

Morale is the most important thing, and the two armies naturally understand this truth. Whoever can win here will take a lot of advantage in future wars.

"Master Jing Yun, the 7000 million Tianlong army has appeared ten miles from the edge of the grassland, whether to attack or wait." A monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul said respectfully to the big monk in the late stage who was sitting in the main seat.

"Earth monks are preparing to attack as soon as Tianlong Kingdom enters the range of five miles. I want to see what qualifications Tianlong Kingdom has to compete with our Northern Jin Empire." Jing Yun laughed.

After he finished speaking, nearly a hundred Nascent Soul cultivators quickly disappeared on the ground, and the entire Northern Jin army did not respond at all. What they wanted was the morale of the first battle.


Seeing that the other party didn't react at all, Li Qiuyu knew that the other party was going to plot against her, but in the face of strong strength, the conspiracy was all a bubble.

"Northern Jin Empire, don't you show me the slightest when I come in front of you? It seems to be detrimental to the majesty of your Northern Jin Empire."

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, staring at Jing Yun, who was ten miles away. This late stage monk is not simple. It seems that the Northern Jin Empire is really vast and rich, and even the great monks will die.

"Li Qiuyu, you have so much courage, you dare to attract the attention of our Northern Jin Empire. This deity will let you know what the real empire and legion are."

The two armies are at a stalemate, so naturally they won't lose out on their mouths. After he finished speaking, countless Nascent Soul stage and Core Formation stage masters appeared on the left and right.

"There are so many masters in the Nascent Soul Stage and the Core Formation Stage. Tell me, what am I going to do now?" Li Qiuyu said loudly, and the voice spread behind her.

"Kill, kill them all."

The momentum shook the sky, and the sound waves echoed in the two armies. Just these two momentums alone had already caused the morale to skyrocket.

"Okay, kill them all."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the ten formations turned into nothingness in an instant, and the tall black objects exuded a cold aura, and then the two alchemy monks behind the black objects hit a mana on it.


A loud noise sounded ten miles away, and there was a twist in the air. After the first loud noise, monks in the alchemy stage also cast mana on the other nine black objects, shooting streams of air ten miles away.

"Ah, what is this?"

All the monks in the Northern Jin Dynasty didn't know anything about the magic crystal cannon. They thought it was an ordinary siege weapon, and they all laughed. They could shoot it at a distance of ten miles.

But when the magic crystal cannon came in front of me, I realized that my mistake was too outrageous. The price of this mistake was damage. Every time a magic crystal cannon was fired, two Nascent Soul stage monks were damaged, and there was still energy left behind for the explosion. The nearby alchemy and nascent soul monks were also involved.

The ten magic crystal cannons fired quickly, and the magic crystal cannonballs shook the entire skyline prairie non-stop. The power of each magic crystal cannon was not inferior to the self-detonation of a monk in the alchemy stage.

"Li Qiuyu, you are inhumane, using such vicious means to harm monks and ordinary people." Jing Yun flew up quickly, and then flew up more than ten great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, constantly using powerful The spell will resist the magic crystal cannon.

"Jing Yun, thanks to you being a big monk, you led nearly a thousand Nascent Soul stage monks and big monks to attack my Tianlong. Now I am only defending myself. Let's see how powerful your big monk is. There are a lot of magic crystals in this seat. , haha, you will be the first aggrieved ghost to win Tianlong's victory."

Li Qiuyu said loudly that the magic crystal cannon was still firing rapidly ten miles away. More than a dozen great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage and nearly a thousand monks in the Nascent Soul stage all used the most powerful attacks to resist the magic crystal cannon.

"Retreat, retreat quickly."

Jing Yun originally wanted to send someone to destroy the magic crystal cannon, but the power of the magic crystal cannon, even if he was a great monk, every magic crystal cannon shook his mind into a trance.

If it weren't for his own strength and psychic treasure, he would have been killed by a magic crystal cannon, and he hated Li Qiuyu to the extreme.

Moreover, there are countless masters around Li Qiuyu, and they have not yet reached the side of the Tianlong Legion, so there is no doubt that they will be damaged. If such a magic crystal cannon appears, there must be masters to protect it.

"Kill them one by one."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, the whole person was twenty feet above the ground, with three peerless beauties cuddling up to her obediently, she didn't see her eyes as a battlefield at all, but was watching a scene.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the ten magic crystal cannons quickly changed directions. These monks who controlled the magic crystal cannons had gone through countless drills, but they didn't really display them.

The coordination is also very tacit. From time to time, two magic crystal cannons attack a place, and from time to time three magic crystal cannons attack a place. The direction of the magic crystal cannon changes is not fixed, and the big cultivator has no time to defend in the later stage.

The big monk who was attacked by the two magic crystal cannons would spit out a mouthful of blood every time, and his mana was also consumed rapidly. If this continued, it would be a loss at all.

When the magic crystal cannon that failed to resist was shot into the crowd of monks in the Nascent Soul Stage and the soldiers of the Northern Jin Empire, tens of thousands of troops fell in pieces, and the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage and the Core Formation Stage also died like ants.

"It's too naive to want to blow yourself up in front of me."

After a late-stage great cultivator resisted a magic crystal cannon, his body flashed and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he had already come in front of Li Qiuyu Baizhang, his whole body's mana was running, and his eyes showed a vicious look.

Seeing such a thing happen in front of Li Qiuyu, the other monks and guards were all horrified. With such a short distance, there was no chance to think of a way to prevent the other party from exploding.

I saw Li Qiuyu slapping the late Nascent Soul cultivator who was about to explode himself lightly with the palm of his hand, as if he was slapping a mosquito. They thought Li Qiuyu was confused.

But only a few monks showed a look of horror in their eyes, and they didn't dare to underestimate this light slap, which seemed to have no magic power and power. When it fell into the eyes of the big monk who was about to explode, they were almost desperate.


There was a loud noise that shook the sky, and the ground trembled. Li Qiuyu slapped the big monk's head fiercely, and finally slapped them on the ground together.

The whole body of the Great Cultivator became thinner, like a dried-up human being, without any breath of life.

"The trajectory of heaven and earth, actually mastered the trajectory of heaven and earth."

Several other big monks also saw this scene in horror, and began to smile when they saw their companions approaching Li Qiuyu. The big monks in the late Yuanying period blew themselves up and could definitely kill Li Qiuyu.

They also wanted to escape, but the magic crystal cannon was fired so quickly that there was no chance to escape. However, Li Qiuyu was not far from the magic crystal cannon. As long as his companion blew himself up, he could kill the monk who cast the magic crystal cannon in one fell swoop.

But seeing Li Qiuyu's casual palm slap, the final power actually reached this result, and finally understood that the other party had grasped the profound meaning of the trajectory of heaven and earth.

"Xiaoyao Wang is invincible in the world, and Xiaoyao Wang is invincible in the world."

Countless soldiers shouted loudly. Although the soldiers in the back didn't know what happened in front, but they heard that Li Qiuyu was cheering for Li Qiuyu in front, so they naturally knew that Li Qiuyu had done something earth-shattering.

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