Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 547 The Destruction of Silence

"He's about to lose it."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, with a move of his consciousness, he swung the Tiantian Ruler fiercely, and a golden light slashed towards the great monk in the distance. s attack.

The golden light flashed, and finally passed through the body in front of the big monk. Looking from a distance, the body of the big monk was immediately torn apart and burst instantly.

At the moment when the big monk fell, the snake head of the black turtle beast also sprayed a thick red mist towards a place in the air, and suddenly, a big monk in purple clothes also appeared in the air.

Xuangui Beast is a peak monster beast in the middle of the eighth stage. Monster beasts are very sensitive to the smell of the air. If you want to sneak attack in front of it, it is naturally impossible.

"It turns out that the young master already knew that someone was going to attack the mysterious turtle beast, so he told the great monk to kill it to relieve the pressure on the mysterious turtle beast. Sister Ling Ling will definitely lose if she bets."

Xiao Qiuyue said with a coquettish smile, seeing the innocent look on Lingling's face, all three of them laughed softly, and Lingling shook Li Qiuyu's arm in disbelief.

Seeing that there is basically no pressure on things here, Li Qiuyu quietly watched the twenty big monks dealt with by the magic crystal cannon. Hold on.

For a while, the entire battlefield was at a stalemate, the big monk was entangled by the big monk, the Nascent Soul Stage fought against the Nascent Soul Stage, although there were a large number of millions of Shenwu Legion, the real Nascent Soul stage monks were far from the Northern Jin Empire.

If it weren't for the many monks in the alchemy stage, several alchemy stages besieged a Nascent Soul stage, Li Qiuyu didn't know what he was thinking.

"Boom, boom."

The sound of bombing was heard throughout the grassland. Li Qiuyu flashed his body and came straight to the opposite of Qing Jingyun, and swung a white sword light out.


Qing Jingyun's opponent might as well be the same, their cultivation bases are almost the same, the passage of time consumes a huge amount of mana, and Li Qiuyu's white sword glow is almost the same as a sneak attack.

The white sword light entered the body, and it was the loss of another great monk. Qing Jingyun took a breath, and shot in the direction of Zhang Yuanlin. Only after the two of them killed their opponents, the chances were greater.

Li Qiuyu's body flashed quickly, and every time he attacked, a Nascent Soul cultivator was lost, but the mana consumption was huge, but as a holy alchemist, he naturally had a lot of Tianying Pills.

In a short while, dozens of Nascent Soul stage monks were lost, and five or six big monks were also lost. In the end, Zhang Yuanlin, Bai Yunting and the others directly joined forces to deal with a big monk.

The Great Cultivator quickly lost, Yun Luohao and others immediately reversed the initial scene, the Great Cultivator killed the Nascent Soul in the early and middle stages, so that the pressure on the Shenwu Legion was completely reduced.

Li Qiuyu also stopped, and came to Xiao Hanyue's three daughters, adjusted her power to the peak of its peak, and looked at the twenty great monks ten miles away in front of her with sharp eyes.

"Frozen world."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his body flickered quickly, and he came to the sky ten miles away in an instant. He swung the ice column in his hand fiercely, and the whole air froze quickly.

The area within a ten-mile radius slowly turned into a glacier. After casting the Frozen World, he quickly moved away and returned to the Tianlong Legion.

There is a glacier within a ten-mile radius of the Northern Jin Empire Legion. His frozen world can be lifted by a great monk, and other monks simply do not have such a deep cultivation base to break it.

In the frozen world, the movement skills of the big monks have to be slowed down a lot. In this way, the twenty big monks have no chance to rest at all, and they have to consume part of their mana to speed up their body skills, so as not to accidentally get caught. The magic crystal cannon kills.

"Damn it, what a vicious guy, you actually use ice-type exercises to consume our mana." A big monk like a big man cursed carelessly, but he didn't dare to stop at all.


A violent explosion suppressed the sound of the magic crystal cannon. Li Qiuyu had a slight smile on his face. It turned out that a big monk had consumed too much mana and had no time to dodge the magic crystal cannon that arrived in an instant. The magic crystal cannon was blown out of its wits.

The first big monk who was lost in front of the magic crystal cannon appeared, and the moment passed. The mana consumption of the big monk directly increased the pressure after the first loss.

In a short while, two more big monks were killed by the magic crystal cannon. After killing three big monks, one of the ten magic crystal cannons finally became free.

This magic crystal cannon chose the slightly weaker and slower great monks to attack. The entire battlefield did not use ordinary mortal legions at all. Only after killing these super masters, the rest was the mortal legion.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Li Qiuyu naturally has to keep an eye on the general situation of the entire battlefield at all times. If he had been in the past, he would have killed him a long time ago. On the surface, dozens of great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage appeared. Whether there are hidden monks is still a word .

"Young Master, you wait here, the three of us will kill that big monk in red." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, the cooperation of the three of them is not so difficult for the big monk.

"Be careful, you won't hurt yourself."

Li Qiuyu said with concern that the three girls are all his treasures, so naturally he doesn't want to see them get hurt, but he is very clear about the strength of the three girls, even if there are two big monks, there is not much danger for a moment.

"Well, we got it."

Ling Ling hummed softly, and finally the three women looked at each other, and with a movement of their delicate bodies, they disappeared into the air again, and finally appeared not far from Bai Yuntian at the same time, surrounding Bai Yuntian and the monk in red.

"Brother Bai, leave this to our sisters."

Xiao Hanyue glanced at Bai Yuntian, said loudly, and after finishing speaking, she sacrificed the psychic treasure in her hand and threw it at the monk in red.

"Three fairies, be careful."

Bai Yuntian knew the strength of the three women, even if he was himself, he didn't have much hope for the three women to join forces, so he attacked the monk in red, and then retreated.

Leaving the monk in red surrounded by the three of Xiao Hanyue, blue phantoms and golden rays of light, as well as the blue ice dragon, mercilessly parried at the monk in red.

The cultivator in red complained endlessly in his heart, facing Bai Yuntian was hard enough, he didn't expect that the combination of three Nascent Soul middle-stage women would be so powerful, and he didn't give himself a chance to breathe.

Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness was divided into several parts, while staring at the magic crystal cannon, while watching the great monks of the Northern Jin Army, and paying attention to the safety of Xiao Hanyue's three daughters.

At this moment, more than [-] big monks appeared in the air, and landed beside Li Qiuyu without warning, and more than a dozen overbearing attacks slashed at Li Qiuyu fiercely.


Li Qiuyu also felt a little danger, and the moment he found the source of the danger with the lotus between his eyebrows, the attacks of more than twenty big monks had already attacked.

In desperation, he forcibly used his mana, and moved his body two feet horizontally, but the big monk attacked, and he was not alone, no matter how powerful he was, he was thrown out viciously.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, his mind was shocked, and he landed a thousand feet behind him, but more than [-] great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage did not give him the slightest chance to breathe, and followed closely behind him.

"The death of silence."

Li Qiuyu saw more than [-] great monks of the late Nascent Soul who quickly appeared in front of him closely following him. Before he had the slightest sign of landing, the opponent's attack came out again.

It seemed that these people were going to kill themselves first. Under such circumstances, Li Qiuyu was extremely helpless, and his eyes showed the color of Jingjing.

At the moment when the silence was uttered, the entire space froze for a moment. Taking this opportunity, Li Qiuyu disappeared in place. At the moment when his body disappeared, the entire space returned to its original state again. There was a trace of puzzlement in his eyes.

silent death

Li Qiuyu began to comprehend the fifth form of the Heaven-shocking Nine Forms when the first Nascent Soul reached the middle stage, and it took a full 20 years to comprehend this fifth form thoroughly.

But if you want to achieve Mahayana, it is not something that can be moved in a short time at all. It can only be used by continuous practice and display.

Of course, Li Qiuyu doesn't know what the greatest power of the Silent Destruction is, but he does know that the power of the Silent Destruction is able to restrain space and time.

In the mid-Yuanying period, he could only restrict the space to a radius of one hundred feet, and the time was pitifully short, only a tenth of an instant, but in front of their cultivation level, even if it was only a tenth of an instant, it would not be enough. Enough to change a lot of things.

Naturally, these great cultivators don't know about such a miraculous technique. Such a technique is beyond the imagination of some human beings, just like the trajectory of heaven and earth.

The trajectory of heaven and earth, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, plus a certain amount of luck and talent, may be able to comprehend some, but a skill like the death of silence is not a matter of talent or luck at all.

Li Qiuyu is more and more eager for the moves behind the nine shocking moves. I don't know what kind of unnatural appearances are there in the latter moves. The monks are extremely eager for advanced skills.

The first form of shaking the sky-shocking fingers.

Shocking Second Form - Devouring Shield.

Shocking third style - cold light cut.

Shocking fourth style - burning flames.

Each move is stronger than the previous move, and the effect of the move becomes more and more weird and ingenious as it goes to the back. The destructive power of the shaking finger is almost indestructible.

The defense of the Devouring Shield would not be able to harm him at all against the full blow of the monks of the same class, unless he used ancient treasures and spirit treasures, or he was a monk with abnormal strength.

Cold Light Slash doesn't seem to be as powerful as the Sky-Shaking Finger, but the power of the four attacks is no less powerful than the Sky-Shaking Finger. When the four attacks are superimposed, they are definitely stronger than the Sky-Shaking Finger.

Burning flames, such a sea of ​​flames is definitely the ultimate coup for a group attack. As long as the cultivation base is lower than your own, in the sea of ​​flames, there is no chance to escape at all, unless the Nascent Soul flies out of the body, the deeper the cultivation base, the more powerful the sea of ​​flames will be. The larger the area, now Li Qiuyu's cultivation base can also spread the flames to a radius of about two miles.

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