Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 548 Late-stage Peak——Mie Yun

Li Qiuyu's instant disappearance caused more than twenty big monks to feel disbelief on their faces. What happened just now was too weird.

Seeing the target disappear in an instant, he immediately unfolded his consciousness, trying to find Li Qiuyu's hidden location. Li Qiuyu's strength is so amazing that if he is not careful, he will definitely be plotted by the other party.

But there was no sign of Li Qiuyu in the entire space, as if he had completely evaporated from this world, more than twenty people quickly gathered together, so as not to be defeated one by one after they separated.

"Dare to plot against me, and kill them all."

A cold voice came out, the voice was like coming from the Nine Nether Underworld, making everyone's bodies feel cold, and the degree to which a great monk can be like this is self-evident.

As soon as the sound fell, a seven-colored lightsaber spun around two hundred feet away, and a circle of seven-colored lights surrounded the two hundred-foot radius.

After Li Qiuyu performed the silence, he made more than twenty big monks to restrain him in the space, and he disappeared from everyone's eyes with just one click.

According to the Heaven-shocking God Art he practiced and his current cultivation base, these great monks would not be able to find his trace at all. After everyone found out, his Heaven-Smiting Sword Formation had formed.

There are colorful sword glows spinning above and below, Li Qiuyu stands in the air, and his consciousness quickly touches the size of the Mietian Sword Formation in the air.

"Sword formation, this is the sword formation he cultivated. I want to see what is so strange about this sword formation that it can kill great monks."

A thin old man said disdainfully, but he was still horrified in his heart when he said this. Just now Li Qiuyu disappeared too strangely, and now the formation appeared in an instant.

It takes a lot of time to set up a general formation, and it will appear there in an instant. He also heard that Li Qiuyu used the formation to kill the big monk.

"Brother Zhan, don't underestimate this sword formation. Let's quickly destroy this formation to avoid endless troubles."

The middle-aged man next to the thin old man said quickly, with a serious look on his face, but thinking of his 23 late Nascent Soul monks, no matter how powerful the opponent's sword array is, it is impossible to kill him and others.

"Okay, let's destroy these two sword formations first, and then kill them after we get out, so as not to miss the Lord's important event." The thin old man also nodded in agreement, and after speaking, he sacrificed a crutch.

A long black dragon bit down fiercely on the sword glow outside the sword formation. Li Qiuyu looked at the black dragon with disdain. The moment the black dragon came into contact with the sword glow, it disappeared quickly.

"Hey, what a domineering sword formation."

The old man was amazed, he was naturally aware of his attack, he didn't expect that the sword light was like cutting vegetables to the black dragon, and other monks also noticed all this.

"Brother Zhan, the sword array doesn't seem to take attacks, we use spells."

A female cultivator in the formation was horrified when she saw the power of the sword formation, so she opened her mouth and said loudly, "I pressed the book and swung out a fireball technique. same.

The flames of Burning Heaven smashed fiercely at the sword light, and other monks also threw various spells at the sword light. All kinds of five-element spells seemed to have entered the world of nothingness.

It disappeared after touching the sword light. This situation shocked more than twenty great monks. The old man's attack on the black dragon had no effect at all, and the five-element spell had no merit.

"Haha, what about the big monk in front of me."

Li Qiuyu sneered and said, the consciousness is divided into two, and most of them control the sword array. There are 23 great monks here. If they are released, even if it is him, he will have no choice but to escape.

The other spiritual consciousness will stare at his own surroundings, and if there is a first conspiracy, it is difficult to guarantee that there will not be a second one. If someone sneaks up on him when he is using the sword formation, the control of the sword formation will also be affected.

"Li Qiuyu, don't be arrogant, you won't cry until I come out."

A big man said loudly, and after he finished speaking, he slashed a golden giant blade down towards the sword array, and the golden light instantly came to the sword light of the sword array.

Li Qiuyu was also amazed at this big man, if it was outside, the strength of this big man should not be underestimated, but inside the formation, it is said that it did not go so smoothly.

The golden light disappeared instantly when it touched the sword light, and the sword array quickly closed. It used to be two hundred feet in size, but now it is less than a hundred feet in size.

"Brother Lan, in my opinion, we can only attack one place with all our strength."

The thin old man looked at the tall monk not far away, and said lightly, with a look of anxiety on his face, the formation was quickly closed, and when the formation was closed, although he didn't know how powerful it was, it was absolutely uncomfortable.

"Brother Zhan is right. We attack one place with all our strength. I don't believe that the joint strength of our big monks can't break a small sword formation."


The tall monk surnamed Lan responded, and then sacrificed an antique wooden pagoda. After the wooden pagoda appeared, the wood-type spiritual energy in the entire space rushed towards the wooden pagoda.


More than twenty powerful attacks slammed into the sword array, and the sword light quickly swallowed the attacking power, but the attacks of more than twenty great monks were so easy to melt.


Li Qiuyu's heart was shocked, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his chest felt extremely uncomfortable, but this sword formation cannot be easily loosened, as soon as the sword formation is sent, more than twenty big monks will break out of the formation.

"Sure enough, there are still flaws."

The big monk in the formation laughed loudly, the blow just now gave them hope, Li Qiuyu was injured, as long as he kept attacking, Li Qiuyu would disappear and lose together with the sword formation.

"Is it that simple?"

Li Qiuyu said coldly, secretly smiling.

"World Burning Flames."

"The demons of heaven and earth return."

With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a sea of ​​fire poured into the sword formation, and when the sea of ​​fire entered the sword formation, a Nascent Soul came out of his body, waving a black triangular flag in front of him quickly in his hand.

Countless spirits and spirits of seventh-level monsters entered the formation. No matter how powerful the 23 monks were, they couldn't ignore the erosion of the sea of ​​fire, and there were countless spirits and spirits of monsters that harassed them.

"Shuangyuanying, no wonder you have such a deep cultivation."

An ear-piercing and sharp voice came out, and the voice started to be hundreds of miles away. When the voice fell, a man dressed as a woman in colorful clothes appeared in front of Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu was horrified in his heart. This great monk who disguised himself as a woman had reached the peak in the later stage, and looked at Li Qiuyu strangely.

"Brother Mieyun, you came just in time, please kill him, otherwise we will be in danger."

When the middle-aged man in the formation saw the arrival of this monk disguised as a woman, his face showed surprise, and his eyes showed disdain, obviously disdainful of this colorful man.

But the opponent's strength is far stronger than himself and others, and only he can kill Li Qiuyu, as long as he entangles Li Qiuyu, the formation will stop.


The man in colorful clothes said sharply, after Li Qiuyu heard it, his face felt uncomfortable. What is the difference between this and the eunuch in the palace? of.

"Brother Mieyun, hurry up, aren't you afraid that the Lord will blame you for delaying the important event?"

While dealing with the erosion of the spirit and the sea of ​​fire, the thin old man shouted anxiously, the formation was only fifty feet in size, and although the sea of ​​fire did not pose a life-threatening threat to the great cultivator, if one ignored it, he would also be burned to death by the sea of ​​fire.

Moreover, the soul of the seventh-level monster beast is also extremely difficult to deal with. If it is not good enough, it will be self-detonated by the primordial spirit.

"Don't mention him in front of the deity, and will the deity be afraid of him? This little baby can't escape the palm of the deity, but the deity sees you, and I hate it. I will kill him after you lose the deity, hehe! !!!!!hey-hey!!!!"

Mie Yun laughed loudly, the voice was as bad as it could be, Li Qiuyu almost vomited it out, but at this moment, he also felt a sense of crisis that he had never felt before.

It's like meeting Di Shi Qingling. Could it be that this guy is as powerful as Di Shi Qingling, but he doesn't dare to remove the formation easily.

Now it has reached the point of a dilemma, an extremely dangerous person is staring at him, he not only has to deal with 23 big monks, but also prevents this man in colorful clothes from Mieyun from time to time.

It seems that this man in colorful clothes wants to use his own hands to kill the 23 great monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul in the formation. If you hit it, you will send yourself to hell.

"Mieyun, you are so vicious, do you just want the fifth-grade elixir in my hand? I just give it to you." A young monk said fiercely.

"Ling Qing, the deity of the fifth-grade elixir in your hand really needs it, but I can get it myself." Mie Yun laughed sharply, looking at Li Qiuyu quietly, and from time to time looking at the 23 giants in the sword formation. monk.

"Brother Mieyun, you need a fifth-grade elixir, how about we make a deal?"

Li Qiuyu secretly thought in his heart that what this man in colorful clothes needs is a fifth-grade elixir, let's see if there is any hope in the elixir.

The Northern Jin Empire was not monolithic either. There was a torrent of power struggles, and even in the middle of a war, they had to plot against each other at any time.

"Do you have a fifth-grade elixir?"

Mie Yun looked at Li Qiuyu in amazement, the expression on his face constantly changing.

"Don't you know your identity?"

Li Qiuyu tried his best to control the formation with his spiritual sense, and said at the same time, the Wanhun Pan in the other Yuanying's hand was also tightly held, as long as the opponent made the slightest movement, he would definitely give the opponent a fatal blow at the first time.

"Aren't you the genius monk Li Qiuyu of Tianlong Kingdom?"

Mie Yun looked at Li Qiuyu puzzled, and asked, but his voice was still sharp and piercing as always.

"This seat is a holy alchemist. As for the fifth-grade pills, as long as there are pill formulas and medicinal materials, this seat will easily refine them. I see that you are still ignorant, and only know about the existence of some alchemists who are trying to make a name for themselves."

Li Qiuyu deliberately laughed loudly and mockingly, when dealing with such a person, don't show him face.

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