Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 549: Zhan Mieyun

"Are you a holy alchemist? Don't brag in front of this deity."

When Mie Yun heard Li Qiuyu's words, he was also angry at first, but when he heard the word "Sage Alchemist", he forcibly suppressed his anger. Anyway, the cultivator in front of him would be lost soon.

"Look at this."

Li Qiuyu parted with a wisp of consciousness, and shot a Good Fortune Pill and a Tianchen Pill at Mieyun, the man in colorful clothes, and finally controlled and banned them with all his strength, hoping to kill these great monks.

"Well, it's really good. You can refine the fifth-grade elixir. Tell me, how to trade with this deity, but don't forget, you are now under the control of this deity."

"Surrender to me, and you will get what you want."

Li Qiuyu said in a deep voice, with a confident look on his face, the sword formation was only ten feet in size, and the 23 great monks inside were all gathered together.

As long as he controls the sword formation with all his strength, these great monks will be destroyed immediately, but he can only control the formation within a radius of ten feet, because the moment these great monks fall, they will attract the fatal attack of Mieyun, a man in colorful clothes.

"Haha, haha, you actually said such things in front of this deity, Li Qiuyu, you must be confused."

Mie Yun didn't expect Li Qiuyu to say such a thing, and instead of being angry, he laughed, feeling like he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Hey, this opportunity is in your own hands, and it will be too late for you to regret it." Li Qiuyu said lightly, controlling the sword formation steadily with his spiritual sense, and staring at the man in colorful clothes Mieyun.

"A good deity depends on whether you are really confused or not. Why, why don't you kill the guys in the sword formation? Are you afraid of me?" Mie Yun laughed loudly.

"Mieyun, do you really think you can kill me? It's too funny. In my eyes, you are just a bigger ant."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his spiritual consciousness soared, and the nine colorful daggers spun rapidly, and the sword light quickly closed, and the bursts of sword light quickly swallowed 23 great monks.

"Blood Spirit Sea Territory."

The nine daggers finally came together, and the 23 great monks also disappeared in the air. The sword glow of the sword array disappeared, and the nine daggers quickly flew towards Li Qiuyu's eyebrows.

At this moment, Mie Yun, a man in colorful clothes, had already shot a blood-red light at Li Qiuyu and Yuan Ying. Li Qiuyu's mana was exhausted, and his consciousness was also greatly damaged.

Mie Yun, who was at the pinnacle of the late stage, naturally knew that this was the best time to kill Li Qiuyu. After the Nascent Soul came out of the body, its power was greatly reduced, and even if Li Qiuyu wanted to take back the Nascent Soul, it was too late.

23 The loss of the great monk, the wealth left behind is an astonishing amount, and where is the elixir that I need, the monk in front of me also has a fifth-grade elixir, kill it, everything is my own .

"The demons of heaven and earth return."

Nascent Soul shouted loudly, and a black demonic energy shot towards the blood-red light curtain. In an instant, a huge dragon appeared in the air, biting towards the blood-red light curtain quickly.

"Demon Dragon! True Devil Qi, you are not human."

When Mie Yun saw the appearance of the magic dragon, his heart was shocked. The blood-red light curtain rapidly expanded, and the magic dragon also skyrocketed. Immediately, the sky was surrounded by red and black rays of light for a thousand feet, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

"Mie Yun, this seat said that if you surrender to this seat, you will get what you want, but now you don't have such an opportunity."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, her voice was extremely cold, although casting a magic dragon would consume a lot of mana, but it was worth it if it could withstand the immediate crisis.

The magic energy and the blood-red light curtain brought by the magic dragon kept rolling in the air, and there were bursts of loud noises in the air. Many monks below stopped, only the big monk in front of the magic crystal cannon was still struggling .

Li Qiuyu killed 23 big monks. It seemed like a long time, but in fact it was only a short time of ten breaths. The formation in the air now made the monks below terrified.

"Hmph, do you think this demon dragon can destroy the Blood Spirit Sea Territory of this deity? You will still lose it in the end, but you just underestimated your strength."

Mie Yun also regretted a little bit that Li Qiuyu shouldn't have killed the 23 great monks. If he had done it while Li Qiuyu was using the formation, such a situation would not have happened.

"Haha, I'm going to let you see today, there are ants moving in front of the big monk." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the momentum of his whole body changed drastically.

In an instant, his cultivation base had reached the level of a late-stage great monk, a powerful and shocking demon energy spread in the air, and the out-of-body Nascent Soul returned to his body in an instant, and the nine Tian Mie Jian disappeared from between his eyebrows.

"Yao Xiu, this deity really underestimated you."

Mie Yun was also horrified. He was surprised to see Li Qiuyu's twin Nascent Soul at first, and now the other party he saw turned into a late-stage demon cultivator.

"Xie Xiu, in front of this seat, you are considered unlucky."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, with a move of his consciousness, the Sapphire Sword appeared in his hand, and electric arcs flickered rapidly. With the improvement of his cultivation, the power of the Sapphire Sword became more and more powerful. Up to now, Li Qiuyu still doesn't know this What level of existence is the Sapphire Sword.

"The baby of the thunder system."

When Mie Yun saw the thunder and lightning, he was shocked. The thunder element is the nemesis of evil cultivators. He could have killed the limited nemesis with the strength of the big monk, but the gambling shop has also become a late-stage big monk. No weaker than himself.

What's even more frightening is that he saw Li Qiuyu throwing a pill into the air, and the mana consumed instantly recovered to the peak. It seems that the method of this holy alchemist is really good.

"Boom, boom."

After the magic dragon disappeared, the magic energy also disappeared. A series of electric arcs continued to hit the blood-red light curtain. The seemingly weak electric arcs, but on the blood-red light curtain, there were shocking changes.

Brine some tofu, one thing down one thing.

The blood-red light curtain quickly disappeared, and after a while, the blood-red light curtain disappeared in the air. Li Qiuyu looked at Mieyun with a smile, and put away the blue jade sword in his hand.

"Mieyun, show your true skills, otherwise you will have no chance."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he moved his hands, and pointed out a shocking wave, and then swung out the cold light chop, and after the cold light chop, Li Qiuyu raised his hands.

A red light group and a blue light group appeared in the hands, and the hands were quickly fused together, and a red and blue light beam was in Li Qiuyu's hands.

"The skill of compatibility of ice and fire, I have seen it 500 years ago, but I have not seen monks in the Nascent Soul stage practice this skill, so I have seen the power of compatibility of ice and fire."

Mie Yun looked at Li Qiuyu with a solemn expression. When he was in the alchemy stage, he also met a monk who practiced both ice and fire in the alchemy stage, and he almost fell into the hands of the opponent's ice and fire skills.

This encounter, there was a hint of anger in my heart, and the calmness on my face. Only after calming can I reach the peak of my state.

After finishing speaking, his consciousness moved, his eyes turned blood red instantly, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then several mana powers hit him, chanting a jerky and incomprehensible spell.

Immediately afterwards, a red blood dragon slammed into the beam of light, and a blood mist swirled around the entire space. On the beam of light compatible with ice and fire, there was an aura of death and destruction.

"Boom, boom."

"Roar, roar."

The beam of light compatible with ice and fire collided with the blood dragon in an instant, and there was a booming sound in the air. The blood dragon also had a trace of spirituality, and its roars attracted all the monks on the battlefield.

Only the magic crystal cannon and the big monk in front of the magic crystal cannon did not stop. This was also ordered by Li Qiuyu. As long as he did not give the order, the magic crystal cannon could not stop, no matter what the situation was.



Mieyun and Li Qiuyu spurted a mouthful of blood at the same time, Mieyun threw it out viciously, and Li Qiuyu just stepped back a foot.The strength and physique of Phoenix Nine Changes are already strong, and being able to knock him down like this is considered Mie Yun's strength.

The beam of light and the blood dragon that were compatible with ice and fire disappeared in the air at the same time, and Li Qiuyu was secretly startled. His compatibility with ice and fire had reached an extreme, several times stronger than the previous compatibility with ice and fire.

It is several times more powerful than the first four moves of the Shocking Nine Forms, and it took him a lot of ice flames and years of comprehension to achieve this power.

Seeing such an opportunity, Li Qiuyu naturally wouldn't give up. With a flash of his body and a movement of his consciousness, the Ding Tian Ruler appeared in his hand, and then a golden light flashed towards Mie Yun.

"Blue Shield"

When Mie Yun saw that Li Qiuyu had actually defeated him at the top of his cultivation, he was horrified, a trace of distress welled up in his heart, and the light of a psychic treasure had already hit his eyes, so he could only sacrifice his own life-saving things.


The golden light slammed down on a blue shield. The blue shield trembled violently and quickly returned to its original shape, but the golden light also disappeared.

"Sure enough."

When Li Qiuyu saw the defense of that blue shield, he was overjoyed secretly. This time, he encountered quite a few defensive treasures. The ice shield he encountered at the beginning even blocked his own top spirit treasure. Now this blue The same goes for colored shields.

With the support of Tianying Dan, Li Qiuyu waved out the golden light again, and Mieyun, who had lost his chance, could only rely on blood essence to maintain the attack of Li Qiuyu, who had a low blue Mieshield.


At this moment, after Li Qiuyu waved out a golden light, with a move of his consciousness, the God Killing Technique pierced out, and the attack came first. Covered by the golden light, Mie Yun didn't notice Li Qiuyu's attack with his consciousness at all.

A sharp stabbing pain from the Sea of ​​Consciousness caused him to lose his reaction instantly, and the golden light fiercely entered his body. Li Qiuyu shook his body slightly, threw a Tianying Pill into his mouth, and looked at Mieyun quietly.


With a loud bang, the great cultivator at the peak in the later period finally couldn't hold back the erosion of the golden light, and was finally dissipated by Longde. Li Qiuyu grabbed it with one hand, a shield returned to his hand, and a space ring also entered Li Qiuyu's hand.

At the same time, at the moment when the storage bags and treasures of the 23 great monks were about to fall to the ground, they were caught back by Li Qiuyu's powerful suction.

It seems that a long time has passed, the loss of the 23 great monks, and the loss of Mie Yun, the time between the two is only more than ten breaths.

Or the relics of the 23 great monks were captured by Li Qiuyu before they hit the ground from a height of two hundred feet.

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