Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 550 Injured



"Brother Qiu Yu."

Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters waited in the distance early, knowing that their cultivation would not only fail to help Li Qiuyu, but instead increase his burden, they watched Li Qiuyu kill 23 great monks with great worry, and finally fought against Mieyun.

Now that Mieyun was finally seen falling, and the young master had suffered a lot of injuries, the three girls quickly teleported to understand Li Qiuyu's side, and supported Li Qiuyu.

"It's okay, this guy is really not simple."

Li Qiuyu smiled wryly. With his own strength, he still suffered such serious injuries. This Mieyun's strength is no weaker than Di Shi Qingling's. If Di Shi Qingling's strength reached this level in Bihai, he would definitely Suffering.

Li Qiuyu killed 23 big monks and the top masters in the later period, which shocked the monks and soldiers below, and the soldiers and monks of the Tianlong Legion were surprised by the opposite.

"Happy King is invincible in the world."

"Happy King is invincible in the world."

The soldiers of the Tianlong Legion cheered loudly, seeing Li Qiuyu's majesty, the blood boiled in his heart, if only he had the slightest bit of Li Qiuyu's strength.

"Kill them all."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, when he and the three girls returned to the ground and killed these great monks, the overall situation was almost settled. Bai Yuntian and others also relied on psychic treasures and top-level ancient treasures to defeat opponents who were stronger than themselves. sent to hell.

Slowly, the pressure from the Shenwu Legion was relieved, and the big monks who resisted the magic crystal cannon saw Li Qiuyu kill 23 big monks with a sword array, and also killed the famous super masters of the Northern Jin Empire.

Unable to bear such a blow in his heart anymore, a big monk took advantage of the moment and fled immediately. How could his already exhausted companions be able to resist the magic crystal cannon.


A loud noise exceeded the sound of the magic crystal cannon. The big monk was blasted by the magic crystal cannon, and his whole body was shattered. The first escaped, and the second appeared soon. They no longer believed in their companions.

They all fled from each other, which brought a favorable blow to the magic crystal cannon. In a short while, eleven great monks were killed by the magic crystal cannon.

The last three monks who really escaped were only three, and the others were intercepted and killed by Xuangui Beast, Bai Yuntian and others. The escape and loss of the Nascent Soul stage monks.

Of the 5000 million troops of the Northern Jin Empire, there were only less than [-] Nascent Souls and alchemy stage masters left. These masters were killed like chopping vegetables in front of the seven great monks of Zhang Yuanlin.

Everyone who is angry has the Tianying Pill that Li Qiuyu sent them. Although no one has only two, but the big monk gets two Tianying Pills, how is that against the sky.

Li Qiuyu sacrificed the ancient treasure, and went back to the ancient treasure Li Qiuyu to practice and recuperate his injuries. The three daughters of Xiao Hanyue also stood quietly beside Li Qiuyu.

The green clothes changed back to the blue-eyed look, and they were twenty feet long. The green scales all over the body glistened in the sun. Every time the huge tail swung, countless soldiers of the Northern Jin Dynasty disappeared in smoke.

Xuangui Beast, Blood Eagle Eagle, Cloud Beast, and three huge monsters entered the army of the Northern Jin Empire and slaughtered them frantically. Even the masters in the alchemy stage were lost like ants.

"Boom tom, boom tom."

Seeing such power, Li Liantian asked his subordinates to beat the drums of war, and an army of 7000 million quickly rushed towards the Northern Jin Empire. The elite soldiers slaughtered and the infantry cleared the field.

With the help of seven great monks, the million-strong army of martial arts quickly killed more than 200 infant monks and alchemy monks in the Northern Jin Dynasty, and went straight to the front.

The distance of ten miles, for the elite soldiers, arrived in a quarter of an hour, and the Shenwu Legion had already met the masters of the Northern Jin Empire's alchemy stage and Yuanying stage.

Seven big monks lined up, and the peak black turtle beast in the middle of the eighth stage was [-] feet in size and nearly [-] feet in height. Every time it stepped down, hundreds of soldiers and alchemy stage masters were crushed by fierce energy.

The red mist ejected from the snake's head quickly pressed down. Wherever it passed, the monks below the alchemy stage turned into nothingness in an instant, and the alchemy stage monks could only support for a moment before they fell.

Half an hour later, the 5000 million Northern Jin army and the 7000 million Tianlong army collided fiercely, and the whole earth trembled violently. Although the individual strength of a mortal was not as strong as that of a monk, the strength of the entire army should not be underestimated.

"My son, how are you doing?"

Xiao Hanyue supported Li Qiuyu who stood up with concern, and asked softly, the other two women also looked at Li Qiuyu.

"Well, I got some injuries. After this battle is over, I will recuperate slowly. My mind has been shaken. It will take a long time for me to recuperate."

After recuperating for an hour, Li Qiuyu stood up, looked at the three women and said, his injury is not a big problem, it's just a matter of time.

"Brother Qiuyu, why didn't the cultivator at the peak in the later stage deal with you when you cast the sword formation?" Li Qiuyu asked, and the three girls were curious about this question, because the three girls started fighting with other people and didn't notice The conversation between Li Qiuyu and Mie Yun and others.

"Mieyun wants to use my hands to kill the monks in the sword formation. After I kill the monks in the sword formation, he will attack me and miscalculate my strength."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the power of Wan Hun Pan in Yuan Ying's hands, even the demon Jue Tian can resist it, although it burns life.

Now with his cultivation base, the burning of life essence will not happen, I don't know if it is the aura of absolute innocence and true devil.It was also because of the power of the true immortal of the Yin Devouring King that he possessed some aura of true devil himself, but he did not discover the power of the true immortal.

"It turns out that the Northern Jin Empire also often fights, and at this time they don't forget to weaken their opponents." Xiao Qiuyue said lightly.

"Well, let's go ahead and see the situation on the battlefield."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, Xiao Hanyue took the flying ancient treasure into flight, and quickly flew up into the sky, and there was no need to fly for a distance of ten miles.

The four came to the sky and saw the soldiers of the two legions fighting each other. The legions of the Northern Jin Empire kept retreating backwards. Plus four huge monsters.Stir directly in the 5000 million army.

Every time the great cultivators attack in the late Yuanying period, hundreds of people are lost. The whole battle is one-sided, and there is no fighting at all.

One day later, none of the masters above the alchemy stage of the Northern Jin Empire, seven great monks and four monsters also returned to Li Qiuyu's side.

The millions of Shenwu Legion lost more than [-], but they are still using the spells and attacks of senior monks to continuously bombard the legions of the Northern Jin Empire.

"If the order goes on, the Northern Jin Empire Army will surrender immediately, otherwise they will be killed without mercy."

Li Qiuyu said softly, but in the air, a figure moved and then disappeared, and the order quickly reached Li Liantian's ears.

These secret monks are spies and intelligence personnel trained by Li Qiuyu, and they are proficient in things like hiding and inquiring.

A loud voice came out, all the Northern Jin Empire Legion surrendered, or they would all be killed.As soon as the sound came out, a group of soldiers raised their weapons and slowly squatted down.

That mortal is not afraid of death, seeing the strength of the Tianlong Legion, he is simply strangling, without the slightest fighting spirit, without this voice, even if he wants to surrender, he has no chance.

Now that he finally had this opportunity, within a quarter of an hour, all the soldiers who hadn't died squatted on the ground and put their weapons on the ground.

Li Qiuyu quickly found a rather remote place, unleashed the Nine Palaces Profound Formation, and finally took the three women inside to calmly recuperate the injuries.

"Reporting to King Xiaoyao, the Northern Jin Empire lost 710 four monks in the Yuanying stage, 700 monks in the alchemy stage, and more than [-] million soldiers."

"More than 190 million soldiers died in our army. The Shenwu Army lost 40 people in the Nascent Soul Stage and more than [-] people in the Core Formation Stage."

Li Liantian reported to Li Qiuyu one by one the battle situation on this battlefield, with surprise on his face, the 5000 million legion was completely defeated in less than two days.

"Well, it's not bad this time, but the Shenwu Legion has suffered serious losses. It has rectified the defeated army of the Northern Jin Empire. I hope it can be used, but those who are not used by me will be killed."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, the war is the place where the loss and bones are buried, and if there is a war, there will be loss. Although he was seriously injured this time, the harvest is also expected to be rich.

The storage bags and interspatial rings of more than two dozen big monks must be rich in wealth, but I have to adjust my breath for a while.

"Your subordinate obeys the order. Let's do it now. How is your injury?" When Li Liantian left, he suddenly thought of Li Qiuyu's injury and asked with concern.

"No problem, just adjust it." Li Qiuyu waved his hand and told Li Liantian to leave.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu didn't have to worry about things after the battle, as long as he healed his injuries now, the seven great monks and 95 disciples all returned to Li Qiuyu's side.

Lvyi and the other three monsters are all around, with a radius of hundreds of miles, it is difficult for even mosquitoes to fly in, and Li Qiuyu has also displayed a lot of progress and formations in these places.

With these powerful guardians, he can also recuperate his injuries with peace of mind. In just one month, Li Qiuyu's injuries have also recovered.

The 7000 million army of the Tianlong Legion and the more than 3000 million defeated army of the Northern Jin Empire also rectified, and the entire army of more than 1 million quickly pressed forward.

During Li Qiuyu's recovery, the Northern Jin Empire did not send anyone to assassinate Li Qiuyu. They all knew that Li Qiuyu was surrounded by strict guards, and they didn't know what happened to Li Qiuyu.

The loss of Mieyun and dozens of monks shocked the entire Northern Jin Empire, and the 36 cities in the south also got the news, and they felt a little afraid of Li Qiuyu in their hearts.

The other big monks are okay to say, but Mie Yun can be regarded as a famous super master in the Northern Jin Empire. Such a master plus 23 big monks made a surprise attack, but they didn't kill Li Qiuyu, and let Li Qiuyu kill all these masters .

Naturally, they didn't know Mieyun's plan. If they knew, they would definitely vomit blood. Li Qiuyu's prestige was also heard in the Northern Jin Empire, and the most concerned about Li Qiuyu were the great forces and legions in the 36 cities in the southern part of the Northern Jin Empire.

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