Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 551 Moro City

The reaction of the Northern Jin Empire has nothing to do with Li Qiuyu. No matter how loud the movement is, the fight will continue, and there is no chance of backing down.

After he recovered from his injuries, he immediately disappeared into the Tianlong Legion. Bai Yuntian and Li Liantian knew about Li Qiuyu's departure.

With the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue, the two great monks of the late Yuanying stage are Zhang Yuanlin and Luo Yunhao. With the help of the two, it is much easier to deal with some forces.

"Young master, is Morrow City the first place we are going now?"

Xiao Hanyue read the jade slips again, and the place where the four of them stood was not far from Moluo City, and it was also the nearest city in the Tianji Prairie.

"Well, the power of this city is not too strong. Let's stay in Morrow City first for the three hidden big powers, and we will slowly eliminate them one by one."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, hoping to disintegrate these great forces before they gather in the grasslands of the sky. Now the Tianlong Legion can't move quickly, and can only slowly approach the Northern Jin Empire.

Stabilize the entire skyline prairie and build defensive fortifications. This must be the main battlefield of the Tianlong Kingdom and the Northern Jin Empire.

"Tianming sect has thirteen major monks, more than 40 monks in the Yuanying period, and countless disciples of the entire sect, occupying a quarter of the business in Moluo City. The head sect Tianming is in the Qiluo Mountains."

Xiao Hanyue said in a sweet voice, the disciples below had already found out these news, and finally reached Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu asked Xiao Hanyue and his three daughters to help record these news.

"Thirteen big monks, yes, for a force, it is very unusual."

Li Qiuyu nodded and said, thinking of the power of these forces, compared with his own Tianlong, it is simply not the same level,

"Are we still going to hide our identities?"

Lingling looked at Li Qiuyu, holding Li Qiuyu's arm with both hands, looking coquettish and gentle.

"Of course, if I go like this now, I will definitely be besieged by the great forces of the Northern Jin Dynasty. Don't talk about clearing out the hostile forces. I think we will have more time to escape."

Li Qiuyu stroked Lingling's hair with a smile, and finally his aura changed, and he turned into a young monk in his twenties, which had nothing to do with Li Qiuyu's original appearance.

"Brother Qiu Yu, what do you think of me?" With a move of Lingling's spiritual consciousness, she activated her mana, and immediately turned into an ordinary female cultivator in her twenties, whose cultivation was only in the middle stage of alchemy.

"That's right, that's it."

Li Qiuyu also hid her strength until the late stage of alchemy, sister Xiao Hanyue also changed her appearance, Xiao Qiuyue became a handsome and delicate scholar.

After the four changed their original cultivation and appearance, they quickly flew towards Moluo City. A large city on the edge of the prairie in Moluo City was majestic and majestic, even larger than Tianlong City. The strength is not a level higher than Tianlong City.

"Senior, do you need accommodation?" A disciple of the fifth level of Qi training shouted respectfully at the door of the inn, and guided Li Qiuyu and the others into the inn.

"Brother Li, do you live in a separate room or in the courtyard." Xiao Qiuyue said with a smile, with a hint of a smile on her face.

"Well, I live in a separate courtyard, I don't want to be disturbed."

Li Qiuyu forced herself not to laugh, and said lightly, feeling extremely uncomfortable with Xiao Qiuyue's appearance, and the same was true for Xiao Hanyue and Ling Ling.

"Is there still a separate courtyard?"

Xiao Qiuyue shook the aura fan in her hand, and asked softly, looking extremely chic.

"Back to seniors, there is still a separate courtyard, but it needs [-] low-level spirit stones a month, and [-] low-level spirit stones every day." The disciple in the Qi training period said respectfully.

"Okay, we'll stay here for five days now, but don't bother me." Li Qiuyu said coldly as he threw two thousand low-level spirit stones into the hands of the disciples in the Qi training period.

"Senior please!"

During the Qi training period, the disciples politely took Li Qiuyu and the others to a passage, and after turning two passages, they came to a secluded courtyard. The courtyard is not bad, suitable for monks to practice and rest.

"Without my order, it's best not to disturb me and the others."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he threw ten low-level spirit stones to the disciple in the Qi training period, as a reward for him, money can make ghosts turn the millstone, and the same is true in the cultivation world.

"Thank you senior, this junior understands."

The disciples in the Qi training period saw ten low-level spirit stones, and their faces showed excitement. In the Northern Jin Empire, it was the world of high-level monks, and low-level disciples were treated worse than Tianlong.

After Li Qiuyu's disciples left during this Qi training period, he used a Nine Palaces Profound Formation and several prohibitions. Xiao Hanyue and Ling Ling finally couldn't help laughing.

"Sister Qiuyue, next time I want you to dress up like this. Brother Li, you live in a separate room or in the courtyard. Hehe" Lingling smiled coquettishly after finishing speaking.

"Okay, next time you dress me up." Xiao Qiuyue also felt amused when she thought of her appearance and tone.

"You two little girls."

Li Qiuyu shook her head helplessly, finally touched the heads of the two of them lightly, and then went to the chair in the courtyard to sit down and rest.

"Young master, if you knock again, Qiuyue will become a fool."

Xiao Qiuyue said with her ruddy mouth, and hurried to Li Qiuyu's side.

The four talked for a while in the courtyard, and then they started to practice. Li Qiuyu also started to organize his own space ring and space necklace.

It took nearly 200 billion spirit stones to spend a hundred years in Diyan Peak, and now there are still 4000 billion low-level spirit stones in the storage bag, and 5000 million intermediate spirit stones.

All the medicinal materials obtained in the Bihai War were also handed over to Di Yanfeng's alchemy disciples.But the medicinal materials over 10 years old are still in his hands.

If they haven't reached the level of a holy alchemist, it's a waste of 10 years of medicinal materials for them, and the pills refined by the disciples of Diyan Peak are also first-, second-, and third-grade pills.There are also fourth-grade pills, but not many, and can only be consumed by Diyan Peak and the Shenwu Legion.

In Li Qiuyu's view, these medicinal materials will take a full 300 years, and there are nearly a thousand bottles of the third-grade high-grade elixir in his hands.Two hundred bottles of the fourth grade Huitian Pill and two hundred bottles of Lingyu Pill.

As for the fourth-grade elixir for healing, Li Qiuyu refined it by himself, and now he also has fifty bottles in his hand, and fifty bottles of Huihui Shendan.

Now it only takes less than two months to refine a tripod of Tianchen Pill, and now there are fifty bottles of Tianchen Pill, fifty bottles of Good Fortune Pill, and twenty bottles of Tianying Pill.

In the storage bag, there are only 10 years and the main ingredients of the item elixir, and the ingredients of Tianyingdan and Haohuadan are gone.

But he has not touched the medicinal materials in his space necklace. These things are his treasures and can only be used at certain times.

Although he distributed a large number of magic treasures and ancient treasures to his disciples and disciples of Diyan Peak, he still has more than 200 top-level magic treasures in his hands, more than fifty top-level ancient treasures, sixteen psychic treasures, top-level ancient treasures and The top-level psychic treasures are first let the three sisters Xiao Hanyue choose.

I also use the Glacier Row, Mietian Sword Formation, Mingguang Baojian, Wanhun Pan, Three-foot Long Sword, Dingtian Ruler, and the Tower of Nothingness.

Some things that he used before are still kept. As long as they are used by himself, he will keep them and neither sell them nor distribute them to his disciples. Moreover, he will distribute some psychic treasures to his own people in advance, because I don't want Lingshi.

In the hands of the three Xiao Hanyue sisters, there are no fewer than twenty magical treasures, ancient treasures, and psychic treasures, especially the defensive ancient treasures and psychic treasures, which were all chosen by Li Qiuyu for them.

Li Qiuyu's choice of eyes is that ordinary things are not attractive at all, even if the psychic treasures are bad, but as long as they have good defenses, they will stay.

Today's Lan Mie Shield and Ice Aegis are very powerful psychic treasures. After Li Qiuyu sacrificed them, they were given to Lingling and Xiao Qiuyue.

Xiao Hanyue is a wood-type attribute, so it is impossible to use such a psychic treasure, but in Mieyun's space ring, he got a wood-type psychic treasure with strong defense.

Kill 23 big monks, four of them have space rings, and the volume inside is still very large, a full mile in size.

He handed the space ring to each of Xiao Hanyue's three daughters, Bai Yuntian one, and Mie Yun's space ring for himself, and this space is also three miles in size.

Li Qiuyu was overwhelmed with surprises when cleaning up the storage bags obtained from the 23 great monks and other times. He had no time to clean up the storage bags obtained from the Tianlong City battle a hundred years ago.

Because he doesn't lack anything at all, he has a lot of kung fu, spiritual treasures, medicinal materials, pills, and spirit stones, and he is not curious about these storage bags. No matter how powerful a monk is, the storage bags will definitely not have their own value.

Now sorted out, there are a total of 35 storage bags and space rings of great monks, a total of 50 billion spirit stones, all of which are medicinal materials of ten thousand years, and there are about [-] storage bags, and more importantly, there are their own The main material of the fifth grade elixir.

Surprisingly, he also found some of the missing main ingredients of Good Fortune Pill and Tianying Pill, as well as materials for Mietian Sword. He did not expect that Bihai, which is rich in medicinal materials and materials, only found ten Mietian Sword materials.

However, in the storage bag of the great monk of the Northern Jin Empire, more than [-] materials for the Mietian Sword were found. If this war continues, the materials for his Mietian Sword Formation will appear.

There are a total of 21 magic treasures, [-] ancient treasures, and [-] psychic treasures.But Li Qiuyu dismissed these things except defensive ones.

On the contrary, they found two good attacking spirit treasures for the three girls. Thinking that they had found part of the materials for Tianying Pill and Good Fortune Pill, as well as the materials for Mietian Sword Formation, Li Qiuyu smiled slightly.

All kinds of exercises and jade slips have been left behind by Li Qiuyu. In his opinion, besides talent and medicine, the most important thing for every accomplished monk is exercises and cultivation experience.

Summarize the cultivation experience of other monks, and then combine your own cultivation experience to see what can be improved. Any practice in the world is flawed.

Including the Shocking God Art, he naturally would not think that the Shocking God Art has no flaws, as long as it is created by humans, it will have flaws and flaws, and there will be no perfect things in the world.

The world passed slowly, and it took a day to clean up all the gains. After sorting out, Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters had already finished their cultivation, and they were resting and chatting aside.

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