Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 552 Tian Mingzong - Qin Ming

"My lord, how was the harvest this time?" Xiao Qiuyue asked softly.

"It's okay. There are 50 billion spirit stones and countless materials. There are also materials for Tianying Pill and Creation, and some materials for the Mietian Sword Formation have been found."

"Really, the ingredients for the Mietian Sword have also been found, which is great."

Ling Ling said happily that they had also seen the power of the Mietian Sword Formation, and the 23 great monks had no power to fight back in the sword formation.

This is only a part of the sword formation. If you really gather all the 81 [-] Mietian swords and practice the Jiujiu Mietian sword formation, you don't know what kind of effect you can achieve.

"Well, I found about twenty materials. Let's see if I can find other materials this time." Li Qiuyu smiled and came to the place where Xiao Hanyue's three daughters were, and Xiao Hanyue moved a chair in front of Li Qiuyu.

"This interspatial ring is easier to use than a storage bag, and there are more things in it." Xiao Qiuyue raised her jade hand, pointing to a light green ring on the jade finger.

"Of course, such a space ring is rare even for great monks." Li Qiuyu said calmly.

"My space necklace is empty, and I put all the contents in the space ring." Ling Lingyu also wore a space ring on her finger, but the color was blue.

There is a red space ring on Xiao Hanyue's jade hand, and there are many storage bags in the hands of the three women, which are all the things of the damaged monks, and Li Qiuyu is too lazy to sort them out.

"We will go to Tianmingzong in two days, and solve this Tianmingzong first. The thirteen great monks will be killed if they don't surrender." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"Okay, as long as a large number of big monks don't appear at one time, there is no problem at all."

Lingling nodded and said, the last four people started to chat about the problems of cultivation. Li Qiuyu's experience is naturally not comparable to that of the three girls. Li Qiuyu explained all the problems encountered by the three girls one by one. No inconvenience either.

Besides, the four of them have already practiced the way of dual cultivation. At the beginning, the three women were a little shy, but they didn't feel anything after that.

After five days passed, Li Qiuyu and the others quietly left the courtyard and flew directly in the direction of Tianmingzong, who was still nearly ten thousand miles away from Moluo City.

But the distance of thousands of miles, compared to the speed of the four of them, is simply a matter of a moment. Before Li Qiuyu came to Morrow City, some spy disciples found out the details of Tianmingzong, and there were still four or five A Nascent Soul Stage was bought.

"My subordinates welcome the lord." A monk in the early Yuanying period said respectfully, welcomed Li Qiuyu into his cave, and imposed two prohibitions on the cave.

"Well, I'm going to clear this place tonight, and you distribute the strength of Tianmingzong to me." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and finally sat down on a chair.

"My lord, this is the distribution map of Tianmingzong's strength, and my subordinates have already prepared it." Su Ziling said respectfully. He was also bought by a middle-term monk half a year ago and gave him 500 million spirit stones.

He also heard that Li Qiuyu was in the realm of a holy alchemist, and that Li Qiuyu easily killed several big monks, and his cultivation base was extremely terrifying.

He was also aware of some of Li Qiuyu's great achievements in Diyan Peak, so he was very curious about Li Qiuyu, and the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator who bought him was also a very familiar partner before.

Some time ago, I heard that Li Qiuyu fought 23 big monks and Mieyun alone, and killed them all. The 5000 million army was killed and surrendered in a few days.

This time, the empire dispatched more than 60 late-stage monks and nearly a thousand masters of the Nascent Stage. With such a scale and power, Mie Yun thought it would be solved by the opponent in a day.

I adore Li Qiuyu in my heart. Although the countries are different, in the eyes of monks, only strength is the most respected. It doesn't matter whether he is Tianlong or the Northern Jin Dynasty, as long as it is beneficial to him.

"Well, I'll give you a chance to show off today. If I'm satisfied, you'll get what you want." Li Qiuyu said calmly. He had also seen the power distribution map inside just now, and finally handed the jade slip to To Xiao Hanyue.

"What is the master's order, the subordinate will never hesitate." Su Ziling said respectfully.

"My lord, although there is a little distance between the places of the thirteen great monks, this distance is not a distance at all." Xiao Hanyue looked at the jade slips, and it turned out that the thirteen great monks were all in the sect.

It's just that the caves where the thirteen great monks live are only less than ten miles apart. Such a distance can be reached in less than a teleportation.

"What's your opinion?"

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and finally looked at Su Ziling with sharp eyes. Su Ziling is a monk here and has lived for four to five hundred years, so there must be some relationship.

"The subordinates think that if the master pretends to be a low-level disciple, and then the subordinates lead the master to meet those masters, it is enough for the master to attack secretly, but it is impossible not to alarm these people."

Su Ziling hesitated for a moment, and finally said, only Li Qiuyu can kill with one blow, otherwise the other monks will be alarmed.

"It's worth a try. It shouldn't be a problem for the four of us to kill one person." Li Qiuyu pondered for a moment.

"My lord, I have offended you." Su Ziling handed four sets of ordinary disciple's clothes to Li Qiuyu, and finally came to another stone room.

The four of Li Qiuyu hurriedly put on their clothes outside, and with a move of their consciousness, the cultivation of the four of them also became the state of the Qi training period, and they all looked like they were at the seventh or eighth level of Qi training.

"Let's go." Li Qiuyu said through voice transmission. He had locked his consciousness on Su Ziling all the time. If there was anything wrong with him, it would definitely be lost in an instant.

The four of them followed Su Ziling and flew towards a mountain in the distance. Li Qiuyu and the others also followed Su Ziling and stood on top of the flying magic weapon, lowering their heads slightly.

"Elder Qin, disciple Su Ziling pays respects."

"What's the matter?"

A cold voice came out, and then a divine sense swept across the four of Li Qiuyu, and then retracted the divine sense.

"The disciple got the news that Li Qiuyu had already entered the Northern Jin Empire, but seeing that he was seriously injured, it must have been the last time he was seriously injured." Su Ziling said respectfully.

"You come in."

Su Ziling hurried in, and Li Qiuyu followed closely behind. An old man in his seventies was meditating cross-legged, and he looked like he had just finished work.

"Why did you come in, don't you know the rules of Tianmingzong?" Su Ziling said coldly.

Seeing the old man staring at Li Qiuyu and the others, Su Ziling was startled, and hurriedly scolded Li Qiuyu and the others, hoping to divert the old man's attention.

At this moment, Li Qiuyu's body disappeared strangely, and then a palm was placed on the old man's head. The three daughters of Xiao Hanyue corresponded with Li Qiuyu's mind, and instantly placed several psychic treasures between the old man's eyebrows.

"You are, you are not disciples of Tianmingzong, are you?" The old man did not expect the sudden change, and even his cultivation as a great monk had no time to avoid it.

"Elder Qin, disciple said that Li Qiuyu came to the Northern Jin Empire, disciple did not lie to you, did you?" Seeing Li Qiuyu restraining Elder Qin, Su Ziling's heart finally fell to the ground.

"Su Ziling, you traitor, you dare to lead the enemy to this deity." Elder Qin said angrily, but the palm on the top of his head seemed weak, but he knew that as long as he moved slightly, it would be instantly damaged.

Of course, he knew Li Qiuyu's strength and terror, and two of the three great monks who escaped from the prairie were his good friends, and their cultivation base was deeper than hers.

"Elder Qin, I will give you a chance to surrender to me. You can get what you want. This Tianmingzong, even the improvement of your cultivation base, is not a problem. On the contrary, you will lose. If I kill you You, ten miles away, you are already lost."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, without the slightest expression on his face, and the palm of his hand was icy cold, as long as one of the elders surnamed Qin did not satisfy him, the damage would fall under his palm.

"I know your ability, but if you want to deal with the entire Northern Jin Empire, you definitely can't. I can submit to you, but you have to show a certain amount of sincerity."

Elder Qin also felt the cold breath above his head, and the three top-level psychic treasures between his eyebrows, even if he was a great monk, he only used top-level ancient treasures.

Is it possible for the Nascent Soul to get out of the body? The psychic treasure between the eyebrows is just waiting. Apart from loss, there is only surrender, and Li Qiuyu's opening conditions are also very tempting.

"Okay, as long as you surrender, I will not treat my subordinates badly." Li Qiuyu said lightly, this guy just wanted to find a reason for himself to step down.

The elder Qin surnamed pondered for a while, and quickly sacrificed a ray of soul and a stream of blood essence. The three souls and seven souls of a person, one soul and one soul, are all related to the life of the main body. Even after the Yuanying is separated, the soul is still in the Yuanying above.

"Subordinate Qin Ming sees the Lord."

After Qin Ming sacrificed his soul and blood essence, he saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully, with some dissatisfaction on his face, but he had surrendered until Li Qiuyu sat down.

Li Qiuyu always pays attention to Qin Ming's movements, and finally let go of Qin Ming after refining his soul and Jianjing acupoint, so naturally he will not worry about his actions now.

"You may be dissatisfied, but only after you see what is the real strength, you will know that realm is not the law of monks." Li Qiuyu said softly, and finally handed Qin Ming a Tianchen Pill, a psychic treasure. It also appeared in front of Qin Ming.

"Thank you, Lord."

Qin Ming was very happy when he saw the elixir in his hand. This elixir can at least make up for the consumption of his soul, and it can also improve his cultivation level a lot.

Seeing the psychic treasure in front of me again, I am even more excited. I have been searching for hundreds of years in Fengyue Continent, but I have not been able to get a psychic treasure, not to mention the psychic treasure, even if it is an imitation. .

When Su Ziling saw the psychic treasure, he was also very envious. This Li Qiuyu is really not simple. The psychic treasure is like a spiritual weapon.

"As long as you don't disappoint me, you won't suffer." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, an ancient treasure flew towards Su Ziling.

"Thank you Lord for the gift."

Su Ziling put away the ancient treasure excitedly, as if he was afraid that others would snatch it away, and secretly thought that he also had the ancient treasure used by the great monk, and his strength should be improved a lot.

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