Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 553 Tian Mingzong—Xiang Yufeng

"Go to another place now, and you go too." Li Qiuyu glanced at Su Ziling and Qin Ming, and finally said.

"The subordinate obeyed. I don't know where to deal with now."

Qin Ming naturally didn't know that Su Ziling had long surrendered to Li Qiuyu and sat down, and had discussed the procedure of dealing with it, so he asked in puzzlement.

"My lord wants to suppress all the masters of Tianmingzong. Fortunately, Elder Qin is the first." Su Ziling said respectfully. Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue took a look at Su Ziling. In such a situation, they can still use such a tone and method. To say it, I really have to admire it.

"Is the deity the first? Lucky?" Qin Ming choked on his breath, and gave Su Ziling a hard look.

"Now what I have to deal with is Xiang Yufeng." Naturally, Li Qiuyu would not let the two delay her affairs, said coldly, and finally glanced at Su Ziling and Qin Ming.

"This subordinate will take the master up to Elder Xiang's place." Su Ziling said to Li Qiuyu respectfully, and finally saluted Qin Ming politely.

A group of people quickly flew towards another mountain peak. Tian Mingzong was originally composed of countless peaks, so it was naturally much easier to move.

"You go to persuade to surrender first, as long as you don't surrender, I will kill him immediately." Li Qiuyu said coldly, and finally let Qin Ming and Su Ziling lead the way, and himself and Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters followed closely behind.

"Subordinates know."

Qin Ming said respectfully, he felt terrible about Li Qiuyu's strength in his heart, the other four were all monks in the mid-Yuanying stage, but after hiding their cultivation, even he couldn't see clearly.

"Brother Xiang, I'm next to Qin Ming."

Qin Ming shouted loudly, and quickly walked towards a cave. At the gate of the cave, there were two foundation-building disciples waiting. When they saw Qin Ming and Su Ziling coming, they all saluted respectfully.

"Brother Qin, come here to hang out when you have time." A bold voice came out, and finally walked out with big strides, a burly man appeared in the sight of Li Qiuyu and others.

"Didn't I have something to discuss with Brother Xiang?" Qin Ming said with a smile, and finally followed Xiang Yufeng into the cave, the two sat down respectively, Li Qiuyu and Su Ziling stood beside Qin Ming.

"Brother Qin, what can I discuss with you, brother Qin has never dealt with me before." Xiang Yufeng looked at Qin Ming sharply.

"Brother Xiang probably also knows about Tianlong Li Qiuyu, what do you think?" Qin Ming said lightly, with a strange smile on his face.

"Of course, although Tianlong and Beijin are not the same country and are still hostile, I have heard of his strength and admire him. What's the matter, brother Qin, does what you said have something to do with him?"

"Of course, I want to ask Brother Xiang, should he surrender or fight against Li Qiuyu?" Qin Ming said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's hard to say. If I really do it, I know my own strength. I'm sure I can't compare to a pervert like Mieyun. Even Mieyun has been damaged, so I can only run away."

Xiang Yufeng is straightforward, he doesn't care about face like some monks, Li Qiuyu's influence on this guy is not bad, as long as he can surrender to himself and sit down, he will definitely not embarrass him.

"Hehe, can fellow daoist escape in front of me?" Li Qiuyu's body disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Xiang Yufeng. , the two flashed quickly in the cave.


Li Qiuyu appeared in front of Xiang Yufeng like a ghost, with one hand stopped between Xiang Yufeng's eyebrows, with a slight smile on his face.

"who are you?"

Xiangyufeng knew it was not good the moment Li Qiuyu disappeared. Fortunately, he was practicing the wind element, and his speed was unparalleled, but within two breaths, Li Qiuyu still stopped in front of him.

"This seat is Li Qiuyu, fellow daoist, will you surrender or lose."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, the smile on his face turned into ice, and he looked at Xiang Yufeng quietly.

"Brother Xiang, you and I are both great monks, are you so lost?" Qin Ming said lightly, and a word pierced Xiang Yufeng's heart.

"Qin Ming, it turns out that you have surrendered a long time ago, and you just came here to be a lobbyist." Xiang Yufeng finally understood that he was still being tricked, but Li Qiuyu's strength was too terrifying. Lost in speed and agility.

"I will give you three breaths."

"I surrender."

Xiang Yufeng felt a breath of death growing in the air. This breath of death appeared in front of Li Qiuyu. As long as he slowed down, he would definitely lose. Some people will make you feel scared without even uttering threatening words .

The price of surrender is to win the trust of others with a soul and blood essence. Xiang Yufeng sacrificed a wisp of soul and blood essence, and Li Qiuyu used his spiritual consciousness to control the soul and blood essence.

According to the strength of his spiritual consciousness, he sacrificed the soul and blood essence while watching Xiang Yufeng. When Xiang Yufeng saw Li Qiuyu ignoring his existence to sacrifice the soul and blood essence, countless thoughts suddenly came to his mind, but he always Don't dare to take any action.

"Hmph, you're lucky, if you do anything, you won't have time to regret it." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, a Nascent Soul appeared behind Xiang Yufeng, and then returned to the main body.

"Shuangyuanying, the rumors are true, no wonder Mieyun will be lost." Xiang Yufeng saw Yuanying appearing behind him, if he made a slight move, Yuanying would kill him immediately.

I just don't understand that this Nascent Soul came out when it was above. Could it be that Li Qiuyu's Nascent Soul has been outside all the time, no wonder he dared to sacrifice his soul and blood essence with confidence.

Qin Ming also showed a look of horror in his eyes. This Nascent Soul actually hid him. If he wanted to sneak attack on someone, there was nothing to be said for such a method.

"Mieyun, in front of me, is just a bigger ant." Li Qiuyu snorted coldly.

"My lord's cultivation is so high that Mie Yun is beyond his control." Qin Ming and Xiang Yufeng said quickly, with extremely respectful faces.

"It's getting late, who are we going to deal with now?" Li Qiuyu looked at Su Ziling.

Su Ziling quickly replied, "Go back to the Lord, we are going to Elder Cheng Tianlin's place now."

"Cheng Tianlin?"

"Cheng Tianlin?"

Both Qin Ming and Xiang Yufeng said in surprise, their faces couldn't help but look extremely ugly.

"What's the matter? Is there a problem?" Li Qiuyu also saw the appearance of the two big monks. There must be something hidden, otherwise the two big monks would not be so surprised.

"My lord, Cheng Tianlin is one of the two top monks of our Tianming Sect. His strength is almost the same as that of Mieyun. I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with." Qin Ming said quickly, watching Li Qiuyu's reaction.

"Hmph, so what, let's go. It seems that according to his cultivation, he won't submit." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

"It's impossible to ask him to submit, but to defeat him, you must attract the attention of others." Xiang Yufeng said seriously, both are great monks, the difference in strength is too great.

"Okay, you guys go back to your place, and then attack secretly, I will deal with Cheng Tianlin." Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and finally said flatly.

"Your subordinate will leave." Qin Ming and Xiang Yufeng hurried back to their residence without a sound. If Li Qiuyu was discovered, they could sneak in among the other monks and attack secretly.

"My lord, do you want us to help?" Xiao Hanyue asked softly.

"No, you guys go back." Li Qiuyu said seriously.After he finished speaking, the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue disappeared in the air with a move of consciousness, and Su Ziling was horrified.

"My lord, let's go." Seeing that only Li Qiuyu and himself were left here, Su Ziling was very disturbed. If Cheng Tianlin knew that he brought Li Qiuyu there, he would definitely not let him go.

"Don't worry, a late Nascent Soul cultivator has no ability to protect himself, and he will attack you, and it will be damaged before he does."

Seeing Su Ziling's appearance, Li Qiuyu said coldly, it seems that they are very afraid of Cheng Tianlin, and this Cheng Tianlin is not an ordinary person.

The two quickly flew towards Cheng Tianlin's place. There are countless masters of Tianmingzong, and they can be seen everywhere in the air. Li Qiuyu's strength is only at the foundation stage. In the eyes of the monks, it is also a remarkable existence.

Naturally, no one dared to provoke and disturb the two of them. Soon, the two came to a steep mountain wall, and a faint formation appeared in front of Li Qiuyu.

"Disciple Su Ziling pays homage to the elders in the sky and has something important to report." Su Ziling threw out a sound transmission talisman, and the sound transmission talisman disappeared into the formation in an instant.

"come in"

After coming over for a while, an old voice came out, with a hint of majesty in the voice, it was the existence of a superior person, and Li Qiuyu gradually paid more attention to it, such a person should not be underestimated.

The formation was opened in an instant, and a huge stone cave appeared in front of him. With a flash of Su Ziling's body, he flew towards the entrance of the cave with Li Qiuyu.

The two walked a full distance of hundreds of feet, and finally came to a large stone room. Inside was a vigorous old man, whose white clothes set off even more impressively.

A detached aura, a vague aura emanating from him, if not for this aura, one would think he is a statue.

"If you have something to report, hurry up and say it. This deity still needs to practice. If the matter is not important, you will know the consequences." Cheng Tianlin said lightly, pressing on Li Qiuyu and Li Qiuyu with a trace of coercion.

There was a trace of fear on Li Qiuyu's face, as if a monk in the foundation period was helpless when he met a top monk. It seemed that Cheng Tianlin of this monk was very strict.

"Back to Elder Taishang, Li Qiuyu has already arrived in the territory of the Northern Jin Empire and came straight to our Tianmingzong." Su Ziling said respectfully, his body trembling slightly.

He was secretly worried, if the Supreme Elder didn't believe it, he would definitely punish him severely, so he could only make the matter more and more serious.

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