Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 554 Tian Mingzong - Tang Tian

"Li Qiuyu is coming towards our Tianmingzong?"

Cheng Tianlin took a sharp look at Su Ziling, said indifferently, and looked at Li Qiuyu's place, and then his eyes leaked, his whole body's momentum surged, and he quickly slapped Li Qiuyu.

"Huh, it's really good, but the reaction is clever."

Li Qiuyu shot out a finger at Cheng Tianlin, and the attacks of the two met in the cave instantly. A sharp light radiated out, and Li Qiuyu and Cheng Tianlin sacrificed a protective cover at the same time.


Su Ziling's body was blown away by the remaining energy of the two, and he hit the stone wall at once, a mouthful of blood spurted out, Li Qiuyu was also startled, he didn't expect the opponent's random palm to be so powerful, even blocking his own sky-shocking finger.

"You are Li Qiuyu. I have heard of the name for a long time, but I have never had the chance to see it. I finally did not disappoint me today, but you still have to fall into my hands."

Cheng Tianlin looked at Li Qiuyu in horror. He didn't know the power of his palm, which was called Mie Shen, and it was extremely powerful. He didn't expect Li Qiuyu to counteract the palm of Mie Shen with a single finger.

"Cheng Tianlin, a great monk in the late Yuanying period, his strength and tone are really far apart."

Li Qiuyu was about to let him take a verbal advantage in front of her, and after finishing speaking, four cold lights cut down, and white rays of light overlapped.

"Try it, and then you'll know."

Cheng Tianlin smiled coldly, he had been famous for hundreds of years, and no one had insulted him in front of him, but the other party, a mid-term monk, was well-known throughout the Northern Jin Empire.

Li Qiuyu's magic was almost instantaneous, and the speed was naturally extremely fast. Cheng Tianlin had no chance to cast the magic weapon, and both of them relied on magic to attack.

Another palm print was taken, and the power of the four cold light slashes fell on the palm print fiercely, and the palm print dissipated in an instant, a trace of blood appeared at the corner of Cheng Tianlin's mouth, and his body retreated violently.

"Today, I will let you suffocate and die."

Li Qiuyu laughed and said, then raised his hands, a red ball of light and a blue ball of light appeared on his hands, and then he put his hands together, and a beam of light was between the hands.

"Arrogance has a price to pay."

Cheng Tianlin sacrificed a golden cone-shaped ancient treasure at the moment when Li Qiuyu cast ice and fire. The cone-shaped ancient treasure immediately hit Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu's beam of light also smashed hard.

Originally, the cave in the stone chamber only had a radius of ten feet, so the two attacks hit each other hard without any time difference.

Su Ziling who was on the side only felt a violent tremor, and then the ground shook, and then the entire cave collapsed, and he was also thrown out by Yu Jin.


A loud noise woke up the entire Tianming sect monks. The monks below the alchemy stage didn't know what happened. Only the Yuanying stage monks felt the impact of two strong energy.

"Brother Ling, what's going on?"

Qin Ming quickly flew towards Cheng Tianlin's cave. Before he came, there were already six or seven people here, and he was deliberately late.

"I don't know. It seems that there is something wrong in Elder Cheng Tianlin's cave, maybe he encountered an enemy." An old man with white beard shook his head.

"Brother Qin, what happened?"

Xiang Yufeng also rushed over, deliberately asked Qin Ming, with a look of horror on his face, he knew Cheng Tianlin's strength, Li Qiuyu didn't know what happened, his life was still in the hands of the other party.

"I just came here too, so I don't know what's going on." Qin Ming said seriously.

In the cave, the attacks of Li Qiuyu and Cheng Tianlin slammed into each other fiercely. The combination of ice and fire carried a breath of destruction and death. Cheng Tianlin didn't dare to be careless, and used all his gold-type ancient treasures.

Metal-type attacks have always been known for their fierceness, and they are cone-shaped metal-type attacks, so their power is naturally extraordinary, but Li Qiuyu's Ice and Fire Compatibility has increased its power several times after he reached the middle stage.

The moment the attacks of the two came into contact, Li Qiuyu swayed and stabilized immediately, but Cheng Tianlin was not so lucky and was thrown out.

The cave completely disappeared, and the two of them quickly appeared in the air. Li Qiuyu, dressed in white, stood in the air gracefully, and then swung the three-foot long sword in his hand.


There was a loud noise again, and the white sword glow exploded the golden shield that Cheng Tianlin temporarily sacrificed, and the white sword glow went straight into Cheng Tianlin's body.

Supporting an explosion that couldn't breathe, the body was torn apart, and the Nascent Soul was also shattered in the body. Twelve big monks and dozens of Nascent Soul stage monks watched in horror what happened in the air.

"It's Tianlong Li Qiuyu"

A sound of exclamation came out, and immediately all the monks knew Li Qiuyu's identity, and they all looked at Li Qiuyu furiously, and twelve great monks of the late Nascent Soul stage flew towards Li Qiuyu quickly.

They lined up in a circle and surrounded Li Qiuyu. They all looked at Li Qiuyu coldly. The other Nascent Soul stage monks also surrounded Li Qiuyu for fear that Li Qiuyu would escape.

"Li Qiuyu, you are too arrogant. You actually came to our Tianming Sect and killed my Tianming Sect's Supreme Elder. As the master of Tianming Sect, I will definitely extract your soul and soul to worship Elder Cheng's spirit in the sky."

A majestic middle-aged man said coldly, he and Cheng Tianlin are the two great elders of Tianmingzong, he did not expect Cheng Tianlin to lose so quickly, and he was very afraid of Li Qiuyu in his heart, but as the elders, under the eyes of everyone, Nature will not back down.

"I will see what your Tianmingzong can do to kill me. I will give you a chance to surrender to me and save your life."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, he didn't care about the siege of the twelve big monks outside, and the existence of fifty of these big monks had a calm expression on his face.

"Li Qiuyu, Tian Mingzong is one of the three major powers in Moluo City, and he actually said such ignorant words. Let's see how I will kill you."

Qin Ming said loudly, with a hint of anger on his face, with a move of his consciousness, a top-notch ancient treasure appeared in his hand, his whole body's aura surged, and he immediately sacrificed a sky-burning flame.

At the same time, Xiang Yufeng on the other side also sacrificed his top ancient treasure angrily, and the golden light illuminated the entire night sky.

"Okay, let me see what's great about you guys, hum!"

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the devouring shield unfolded with a move of consciousness, and the three-foot long sword in his hand was slowly lifted up, ready to launch a fatal attack at any time.




"Qin Ming, Xiang Yufeng, you guys."

The moment Li Qiuyu raised his three-foot long sword, Qin Ming slammed the burning flames towards a big monk beside him, and then slapped down a huge palm print.

The great cultivator beside Qin Ming thought of the ancient treasure sacrificed by his fellow sect to attack him. One might as well, the whole body was turned into ashes by the burning flames, and the Nascent Soul was crushed by the palm print the moment it came out of the body.

Xiang Yufeng also shot the metal attack at an old man in black not far away. This old man had a bad relationship with him, so he took this opportunity to kill him.

The actions of both of them made everyone terrified. After the loss of the two great monks, they realized that Qin Ming and Xiang Yufeng had long been with Li Qiuyu.

The two of them simply ignored the loss of Hugh's storage bag and ancient treasures, because their lives were important, and they came to Li Qiuyu's side in a blink of an eye.

Two of the twelve great monks were lost, two rebelled, and there were only eight at once. This change happened in an instant, and even the surrounding Nascent Soul Stage monks had no time to react.

"Sovereign, if you surrender and sit on the Lord, you will get more. We have been in love for many years, so I advise you." The middle-aged monk Qin Mingchao took a look.

"Hmph, two rebellious thieves, do you still have the face to say such things here, thinking that the three of you are the opponents of the eight of us? There are dozens of Nascent Soul stage masters." Tang Tian said coldly.

"Has none of you surrendered to me?"

Li Qiuyu said lightly, then his face became extremely cold, and his eyes swept around.

With a movement of consciousness, Zhang Yuanlin and Luo Yunhao appeared beside them, and five big monks dealt with eight at once. The distance was shortened a lot, and it also made Tang Tian and others look horrified. Zhang Yuanlin and Luo Yunhao appeared in an instant without the slightest sign.


Li Qiuyu said coldly, and after finishing speaking, he put away the three-foot long sword in his hand, and Dingtian Ruler appeared in his hand, and then Dingtian Ruler flashed a golden light, and struck straight at Tang Tian.

"bang tom"

There was a sound like hitting leather, and the golden light fell on a huge black tower-shaped treasure, and the tower-shaped treasure quickly returned to its original shape. Tang Tian's face was extremely pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"What a powerful attack, the top psychic treasure is really extraordinary."

Tang Tian secretly thought in his heart that he also had a psychic treasure in his hand, and in front of the opponent's psychic treasure, he was also defeated and his mind was damaged.

This tower-shaped psychic treasure is one of his real name treasures, and the only treasure that can save his life. He never thought that the omnipotent treasure would be so vulnerable in front of the opponent.

"Loss, or loss, surrender surrounds you and never dies."

Li Qiuyu dodged his body, and a blue attack passed by, and the Dingtian Ruler in his hand emitted a strong and dazzling light again, the light flashed, and a scream sounded.

The blue who had just attacked him attacked his master, golden light entered his body, and his body was torn apart.

Li Qiuyu ignored the existence of the Nascent Soul at all, and waved a cold light slash in the direction of the out-of-body Nascent Soul. The light of the four cold light slashes overlapped, and the Nascent Soul without a body could resist the power of the cold light slash.

Under the white light, the Nascent Soul disappeared in the air, which also represented the complete loss of a great monk.Taking two breaths during the whole process, Tang Tian looked at Li Qiuyu in horror.

The tower-shaped baby in front of him firmly blocked it, and a hill with a radius of several tens of feet was thrown towards Li Qiuyu. If he was hit, his life would definitely be lost, but is it so simple in front of Li Qiuyu?

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