Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 555 Blue Fire Dragon

This kind of attack is completely known for its strength. Li Qiuyu retracted the sky, and the momentum of his whole body fused, and a shocking monster force was densely distributed in the air, and then a huge fist smashed towards the hill.

"Boom tom, boom tom."

There was a huge dull sound in the air, and Xiaoshan was constantly bombarded by huge fists, and Xiaoshan would tremble with each punch.


Li Qiuyu felt a strong icy air coming from behind, and was slightly taken aback. She swung one hand towards the back, and her huge fist hit the icy air behind.


There was a sound of objects breaking, and an icicle was shattered into pieces, and the owner of the icicle was also stunned. Li Qiuyu had a wicked smile in his eyes, and quickly gave up on Tang Tian.

Nascent Soul Out of Body

In Yuan Ying's hand, the bright light treasure mirror shone at the great ice monk, and Li Qiuyu also threw a huge iron fist at it, and the two attacks were extremely powerful.

The ice monk escaped the attack of Mingguang Baojian, but was hit by an iron fist, his whole body was knocked apart, and the Nascent Soul came out of his body, and his body quickly fell down.

In the battle of the Great Cultivator, the Nascent Soul stage masters couldn't get their hands on it at all, so they could only watch Li Qiuyu fight with the Great Cultivator Ji.

But when he saw the body of the great ice-type monk landed, he knew that the Nascent Soul was out of his body and his body could not be controlled. A shrewd monk at the Nascent Soul stage caught the body of the great monk with a flash of his body.

But when he caught the body of the big monk, there was a burst of horror on his face. The body of the big ice monk was completely broken into pieces, leaving only a layer of skin and flesh together.

It's good that the Nascent Soul is out of the body, but it's even worse after it is out of the body. Mingguang Baojian is more lethal to the Nascent Soul, and Li Qiuyu's iron fist also smashed it hard.

After the iron fist was thrown out, he ignored the Nascent Soul and forcibly dodged to avoid Tang Tian's attack. Tang Tian saw that the ice-type monk was beaten like this, and his heart was full of horror and anger.

"Hey, in front of me, you have no chance at all. I was just kidding with you." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and then quickly cast the shock finger.

After Jingtian pointed out, Hanguang Zhan swung out again. Suddenly, several different magic skills smashed towards the hill, and when the compatibility of ice and fire appeared again.

Xiao Shan completely collapsed, changed back to his original form and returned to Tang Tian's hands. Tang Tian controlled Xiao Shan, and felt very uncomfortable every time his mind was hit, but this situation was beyond his control.

The ice-fire beam of light hit the tower-shaped treasure directly, and the tower-shaped defensive spirit treasure trembled, and Tang Tian spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Li Qiuyu, you are still a little short of trying to destroy my Tianmingzong." Tang Tian smiled sinisterly, and then sacrificed a golden jade pendant, and a blue flame red one appeared in the air.

Immediately the air was burned, and the blue flame fire dragon was a combination of ice and flame. Only the ancient monks had the ability to combine ice and flame to refine blue flame and red fire.

Li Qiuyu didn't expect Tang Tian to have such a treasure in his hands, but it would cost a huge price to use the Blue Fire Dragon, unless a monk who practiced both ice and fire, obviously Tang Tian is not a double cultivator of ice and fire.

"Hey, you are out of luck to meet me."

Li Qiuyu smiled and said, with a move of consciousness, a ring of ice and fire appeared in his hand, and he was also a monk who practiced both ice and fire, so he was naturally immune to the blue fire dragon.

During his hundred years in Diyan Peak, he spent a long time exploring the spell of compatibility of ice and fire in his free time, which also greatly increased the power of compatibility of ice and fire, and the ring of ice and fire was refined into a top-level magic weapon by him.

Casting ice and fire dual-element spells will increase a lot. If I can subdue this blue fire dragon, I believe it will be more powerful in my own hands.

"Look at the real compatibility of ice and fire."

The ring of ice and fire rotated rapidly, and the two different colors instantly merged into one mysterious color, and the atmosphere of death and destruction became more intense in the air.

The blue fire dragon came in front of Li Qiuyu in an instant. At this time, the ring of ice and fire also emitted a mysterious beam of light, which collided with the blue fire dragon.

There was no sound of explosion as imagined, the air was stopped immediately, and there was no sound, but in an instant, a dazzling light scattered in all directions, and the air turned into a vacuum wherever it passed.

Li Qiuyu blocked a defensive psychic treasure in front of him, and the devouring shield also wrapped himself up, but in front of the light, his whole body was shaken by the impact, and then he forcibly stabilized himself.

But the other big monks didn't feel so well. All the big monks spurted out a mouthful of blood, their faces were pale, and the Nascent Soul stage monks below fell like rain.

Tang Tian completely disappeared before the light appeared. The Nascent Soul was crushed by the light when he came out of his body, and a golden jade pendant fell down. Li Qiuyu quickly reached out and grabbed the jade pendant and the space ring in mid-air.

The loss of Tang Tian made the remaining five big monks horrified, with a look of horror on their faces, they all stopped temporarily.

"I am willing to surrender."

An old man with a white beard hurriedly said that he couldn't care about anything else. He simply couldn't compete with Li Qiuyu's strength, and there were endless means.

"I surrender too."

"I am willing to follow Xiaoyao Wang."

Of the five great monks, if the first one surrendered, there would be the second one. In a short while, the five great monks surrendered one after another. Li Qiuyu looked at them quietly.

The five people naturally understood what was going on, and quickly sacrificed a strand of soul and blood essence. With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a burst of mana sucked the five strands of soul and blood essence.

The Nascent Soul holding the Mingguang Baojian also killed the Nascent Soul of the ice-type monks. His cute little eyes watched the five big monks quietly. If there was the slightest movement, he would shoot out the Mingguang Baojian in his hand.

After a while, the souls of the five people gradually connected with Li Qiuyu. As long as Li Qiuyu's mind moved, the five people would be lost immediately.

"Okay, surrender to me, you won't regret it, suppress all the things here, I don't want the news to spread." Li Qiuyu said coldly, Zhang Yuanlin and Luo Yunhao also returned to Li Qiuyu's airborne necklace to practice up.

"Your subordinates know." All five said respectfully. Seeing the two big monks disappear without a sound, they were all surprised. Such a method is really rare, almost never heard of it.

"Qin Ming and Xiang Yufeng are presiding over here now. You guys will find a way to explain what happened tonight." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he shot away into the distance.

Seeing Li Qiuyu leave, the five great monks felt extremely helpless. The whole fighting process was less than a moment, and you were inexplicably controlled by someone while you were waiting by yourself.

"Brother Qin, for tonight's matter, the other Nascent Soul stage disciples are called back, and the disciples who just saw the Lord appearing are not allowed to leave Tianmingzong." Xiang Yufeng looked at Qin Ming and said seriously.

When Li Qiuyu was fighting with the great cultivator, besides the alchemy stage and the Nascent Soul stage below, there were also many Nascent Soul stages surrounding Li Qiuyu in a radius of a hundred miles, and now he had to find a way to recruit him back.

Li Qiuyu disappeared into the vast darkness, and finally came to a continuous mountain range, chose a place sheltered from the wind, and called out Xiao Hanyue's three daughters.

"Brother Qiuyu, what kind of place is this?"

Seeing the darkness, Lingling asked inexplicably, the night had no effect on the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage.

"I have already left Tianmingzong, I will go back tomorrow to sort out Tianmingzong, and then find a way to deal with other forces." Li Qiuyu said calmly.

With a quick swipe of both hands, a Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation appeared in front of him, and after performing a few simple prohibitions, he walked in with the three girls.

The three daughters of Xiao Hanyue took out the quilt from the space ring and spread it on top of the boulder. In the mountains, although the temperature was humid, the four of them were all masters in the Nascent Soul stage. After a simple spell was cast, the inside was extremely warm.

"Got a good thing."

Li Qiuyu took out the interspatial ring, three storage bags, and a golden jade pendant, with a slight smile on his face.

"What good stuff?"

The three women all asked in unison, the good things Li Qiuyu said must not be ordinary existences, even if they were psychic treasures, Li Qiuyu would not praise them.

"Look at this thing." Li Qiuyu picked up the golden jade pendant next to the storage bag, shook it in front of the three women, and finally handed it to Xiao Hanyue, and the three women looked at it in turn.

They didn't see anything unusual, and finally handed the golden jade pendant to Li Qiuyu, and the three pairs of eyebrows looked at Li Qiuyu quietly.

"Blue Fire Dragon."

Li Qiuyu said happily, this thing is just a trump card for other monks, and in his own hands, it will definitely exert greater power.

"Blue Fire Dragon?"

"What is it?"

"Haven't heard of it?"

The three women were startled again, looking at Li Qiuyu expectantly, Ling Ling moved her white legs and leaned against Li Qiuyu.

The four of them were all on the quilt, and there were storage bags and interspatial rings on the quilt. Looking at the three girls, Li Qiuyu slowly explained:

"The blue flame fire dragon is formed by the condensation of ice and fire. It was the ancient monks who used great power and secret techniques to imprison the blue flame fire dragon inside. Now it has no spirituality, only its leftover power."

"So it's like this, brother Qiu Yu, you can use it." Lingling said softly.

"Well, I can use it to explore the mysteries of ice and fire compatibility, maybe I can get some unknown discoveries from it."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his consciousness erased the original breath and consciousness on it. After a while, he took back his consciousness, put the other storage bags into the space necklace, and then glanced at the space ring again. , Erase breath and consciousness.

"My lord, there won't be any problems with Tian Mingzong."

Xiao Hanyue asked with concern, and finally Tang was on top of the quilt, covering herself with a quilt beside her, and quietly waiting for Li Qiuyu's answer.

"A total of seven were killed, five were surrendered, and two great monks who were at the peak in the later period were also killed." Li Qiuyu said seriously, and finally lay down, waiting for tomorrow to deal with the monks of Tian Mingzong, and then deal with them. The other two big forces in Morrow City.

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