Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 556 Northern Jin Commander-Long Tianjun


Xiao Hanyue hummed softly, and finally fell asleep quietly, without saying a word all night. Early the next morning, Li Qiuyu appeared in Tianmingzong with the three daughters.

When it reappeared, it had returned to its original appearance, which amazed the few big monks who fought last night. They did not expect that Li Qiuyu's disguise technique was so magical that there would be no flaws in the fight.

"Master, none of the disciples left Tianmingzong last night."

Qin Ming bowed respectfully, bowed to Li Qiuyu, and nodded politely to the three women. People around Li Qiuyu naturally wouldn't offend them.

"Well, tell me about the other forces in Moro City."

Li Qiuyu nodded lightly, and glanced at Qin Ming with satisfaction.

"In addition to our Tianmingzong, there are two other factions in Moluo City that are the same size as Tianmingzong, and they are not weaker than Tianmingzong. They are Yinyuemen and Wanlinzong. There are also many sects with good power. There are one or two big monks."

Qin Ming briefly talked about the forces in Moluo City, and Li Qiuyu compared what Qin Ming said with what his spies had inquired about. There was not much difference between the two, and what Qin Ming said was more accurate.

Anyway, he is also a great monk in this place, so he is naturally familiar with this place, and he must know more than his subordinates.

"Let's swallow those sects with good influence first, and then deal with Yinyuemen and Wanlinzong. How to do it, you two can figure out a way by yourself. If you can't deal with it, come to me."

After Li Qiuyu finished listening, she pondered for a while, and finally said in a deep voice, her tone did not allow for the slightest resistance, these things are not difficult to say, and the way of snowballing is best.

"My subordinate understands."

Qin Ming said in a respectful voice, he was surprised and discussed some plans with Xiang Yufeng, and finally told Li Qiuyu his plans and methods, Li Qiuyu nodded in satisfaction.

"After annexing the smaller forces, we will deal with the two big forces. After Moluo City is sorted out, we will slowly deal with the small forces in Lanluo City. Our power will slowly expand, and finally annex them one by one." Li Qiu Yu glanced at the angry people present.

"The subordinates will definitely not disappoint the master."

The seven people said in unison, they were amazed by Li Qiuyu's thoughts in their hearts. Everyone wanted to do such a thing, but no one had the courage to do it, nor did they have the strength to do it.

After Li Qiuyu explained everything, she took Xiao Hanyue and the others to leave. After a while, she left the Tianmingzong's sphere of influence and finally appeared in a mountain range.

The four of them were playing in the mountains, admiring the scenery all the way. After five full days, Li Qiuyu also secretly found out that some small forces in Moluo City were gradually captured by Tianmingzong, and the snowball scene appeared again. .

Seeing that things were developing in the direction he imagined, Li Qiuyu took the three girls out of Moluo City with confidence and came to the nearest city of Moluo City.

Llano City

Lan Luo City is about the same size as Mo Luo City, but its strength is not as strong as Mo Luo City. Li Qiuyu ordered [-] low-level spirit stones to live in a separate courtyard.

After coming here, I immediately got in touch with the spies here, and learned about the situation of the Tianlong Legion in the Skyrim Prairie.

"Returning to the Lord, some big monks and masters of the Northern Jin Empire, and a large number of legions are gathering towards the sky prairie. The Tianlong Legion is also stepping up the construction of fortifications."

An initial cultivator saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully, told some information briefly, and finally got Li Qiuyu's instigation to leave quickly.

"Young master, it seems that the Northern Jin Empire wants to wipe out Tianlong in one fell swoop. It seems that our actions are a little slow." Xiao Hanyue said seriously.

"No, in the last war on the prairie, the Northern Jin Empire lost dozens of great monks, and nearly a thousand masters in the Nascent Soul Stage. Grab a handful."

"Besides, they will gather all the forces of the 36 cities before making a move. They don't dare to rashly use dozens of monks and Nascent Soul Stage to resist the magic crystal cannon like last time."

Li Qiuyu slowly analyzed and said that Xiao Hanyue and the three were also relieved a lot. If the Tianlong Legion disappeared, Li Qiuyu would also lose a powerful backhand.

"Then we can still try to wipe out the power of Thirty Cities, and then we will have a better chance of winning." Xiao Hanyue said happily after hearing Li Qiuyu's analysis.

"We are now waiting for the news of Tianmingzong, let them solve the power of Moluo City, and sweep other cities in large numbers." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, this way of snowballing is really easy to use.

The four of them practiced peacefully in the inn. Time passed slowly. In half a month, Qin Ming sent a message that Mo Luo City had been captured, and 21 big monks and nearly a hundred monks in the Nascent Soul stage had been taken in.

This speed also surprised Li Qiuyu. If this continues, the power of 36 cities will quickly disintegrate, and there is no need to worry about a large number of big monks attacking the Tianlong army.

After he got the news, he ordered Qin Ming and others to integrate forces to attack Lanluo City. Lanluo was not as powerful as Moluo City, and his current location was Lanluo City, so he could take care of anything.

a month

In a month, the strength of Lanluo City was disintegrated by the alliance of Tianmingzong, and many great monks were lost, but most of them chose to surrender, and the high-level monks were far more afraid of death than the low-level monks.

Seeing the development in front of him, Li Qiuyu was extremely satisfied. There was nothing he could be more comfortable now. When he was practicing with peace of mind, he could subdue all the big forces in the city one by one.

The high command of the Northern Jin Empire has already passed the order to 36 cities, but some big forces are still considering whether to take action, but the ordinary legion is quickly moving towards the border.

In the twinkling of an eye, one year later, Tianmingzong has defeated the great forces in 21 cities. Now there are more than 360 great monks in the Tianmingzong alliance, and more than 3000 monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

In the 36 cities, the hidden forces are surging, but they don't know that 36 of the 21 cities have surrendered to Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu didn't want to pay attention to the small strength. As long as some major forces were disintegrated, the small forces would also disappear.

However, the legions in the 36 cities of the Northern Jin Dynasty reached 3000 million. Not far from the Tianji Grassland, there are only two hundred masters in the cultivation world and more than 2000 infant masters.

The Patterned Dragon Legion is still the Shenwu Legion and the [-] million ordinary legion, and Li Qiuyu is nowhere to be seen, which makes the Northern Jin army's confidence skyrocket. With my own strength, I simply ignore the Tianlong Legion.

On this day, Li Qiuyu brought the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue to appear in front of the Tianlong Army. Li Qiuyu's appearance immediately boosted the morale of the entire army.

"This seat announces that the Northern Jin Empire will be attacked immediately, and the whole army will advance quickly."

Li Qiuyu performed his exercises and transmitted the sound to the ears of every soldier of the Tianlong Legion. The sound was loud but not deafening. With the sound of the drum of the Heavenly Crack, the [-] million troops of the Tianlong Legion quickly moved towards the edge of the prairie.

"My lord, the Heavenly Dragon Legion is coming towards our army, five hundred miles away."

A mid-Yuanying scout said respectfully to a majestic old man. Nearly a hundred big monks stood beside the old man, all watching the scout quietly.

"Hmph, I don't know that the heavens are high and the earth is thick, but they dared to attack my Northern Jin Dynasty first. The whole army was mobilized to kill Li Qiuyu and snatch the magic crystal cannon with all their strength." The old man said lightly, with supreme majesty in his voice.

Long Tianjun, the largest city in the southern 36 cities of the Northern Jin Empire, the largest family of the Long family in Tianmie City, is the current head of the family, and his strength has reached the peak of the late Yuanying period.

"Your subordinate will send the order." A big monk said respectfully, and finally turned and left.

"Hmph, I want to see who this sacred Li Qiuyu is, and even the Northern Jin Empire can't take it down." Long Tianjun said with a sneer.

A moment later, an army of 3000 million rushed towards the Tianji prairie. Long Tianjun accompanied more than 200 monks and Liangqian multi-infant monks.

With a distance of five hundred miles, the two armies saw each other's main elite soldiers after an hour. Countless masters were overwhelming, and the entire might made the sky dull.

"Tianlong Xiaoyao Wang Li Qiuyu, I am the commander-in-chief of the Northern Jin Dynasty, Long Tianjun, today is the day of your loss."

A loud voice rolled like thunder, shaking everyone's ears numb, Li Qiuyu waved one hand, and slapped the ground fiercely, a loud sound cut through the sound just now.

"Haha, Long Tianjun, the name is not bad, but it's a pity that you are destined to become a worm today, a dead worm." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, her voice was extremely flat, but when she reached the Northern Jin Army, her voice exploded.

"What a profound cultivation base."

In addition to the big monk, the Nascent Soul Stage monk also felt a dull feeling in his heart, and he was secretly surprised. The other party was only a mid-stage monk, and he did not expect to be able to control his voice to such an extent.


Li Qiuyu gave an order, and ten magic crystal cannons attacked the opponent like shooting stars. The situation happened again last time, and the magic crystal cannons were blocked by the big monks again, but this time there were more monks blocking the magic crystal cannons Not a lot.

And at the moment the magic crystal cannon was launched, the great monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty also flew towards the Tianlong army quickly. The target of the magic crystal cannon was no longer Li Qiuyu and the Shenwu army.

"Hmph, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

When nearly a hundred big monks came to the sky above the magic crystal cannon, more than 200 big monks of the same class quickly teleported out of the air. Two hundred big monks fought against a hundred big monks, and there was no chance to destroy the magic crystal cannon.

"Qin Ming, you actually helped the Tianlong Legion. Could it be that you have become Li Qiuyu's minion?"

A big monk recognized Qin Ming and said angrily, but the two big monks suppressed him tightly, and there was no more time to speak.

"Long Tianjun, I have said that today is the day of loss."

Li Qiuyu said loudly, the Shenwu Legion quickly killed the Northern Jin army, and there were nearly a hundred monks hidden in the middle. The Shenwu Legion reached the Northern Jin army in an instant.

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