"Hmph, I will also let your Shenwu Legion be destroyed first."

Long Tianjun saw that his [-] big monks were suppressed by the opponent's [-] big monks, and those big monks were still his own monks from the Northern Jin Dynasty, but he did not expect to become Li Qiuyu's subordinates.

"Kill, kill all of them. Killing monks of the same class can get 500 million spirit stones, and killing big monks can get 5000 million low-level spirit stones."

Li Qiuyu said loudly, after finishing speaking, the Shenwu Legion shot out hundreds of monks in an instant, and quickly attacked the Northern Jin army, which completely stunned Long Tianjun.

There are more than 200 monks on my side, but there are more than 300 more monks on the other side. There is no way to do this ratio.

The air was completely transformed into a battle between the Great Cultivator and the Nascent Soul Stage, and the battle between the Core Formation Stage monks below. Li Qiuyu watched the battle between the two armies with a smile.

Nearly a hundred of his disciples in the Nascent Soul Stage and Tiida masters were closely surrounding Li Qiuyu, and there was also the Xuangui Beast at the peak of the mid-eighth stage, and the whole scene was magnificent.

"Follow me and kill him for a round."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the aura of his whole body changed drastically, and his whole body was surrounded by a layer of shocking monster aura. In the realm of a great monk in the late Yuanying period, his body flashed, and he quickly killed the Northern Jin army.

Li Qiuyu and his guards rampaged through the Northern Jin army. Wherever they passed, there was no one within two hundred feet, only a fist smashed hard to the ground.

Immediately, a gray light curtain flashed, and all the objects within a radius of [-] meters turned into nothingness, and the guards behind continued to attack the army with their most powerful attacks.

After a while, more than a hundred Li Qiuyu killed a circle in the 3000 million army. When they came back, they floated up to the sky and looked down. A gap of one mile wide appeared in the black army.

"Li Qiuyu, you have violated the iron law of the cultivation world."

Long Tianjun saw that Li Qiuyu led his guards to kill a back and forth in his army, suppressing morale, and was furious, but he was entangled by three big monks of the same class, and it was impossible to escape matter.

Although at the peak in the later period, under the siege of three of the same class, he could only watch Li Qiuyu slaughtered in the army, and the soldiers in pieces turned into nothingness.

"Haha, this seat has violated the iron law of the cultivation world. The iron law is your super empire to suppress small countries and small forces. If you say you violate the iron law, everyone in the world knows that it is you, the Northern Jin Empire, who led tens of millions of troops and great monks. To attack my Tianlong, I am just imitating your Northern Jin Dynasty."

"Besides, don't say that there is no violation, even if it is violated, what can you do to me?"

Li Qiuyu said loudly, secretly admiring Long Tianjun's face, anyway, he had already used the big monk to attack the other party, so he was not afraid of the other party's conspiracy.

As the battle continued, monks at the alchemy stage would lose innumerable amounts with every breath, as would monks at the nascent soul stage, and so would great monks.

Li Qiuyu watched these fighting monks quietly, surrounded by hundreds of Nascent Soul stage disciples and seven masters guarding Li Qiuyu, no one could enter within a radius of ten miles.

The earth did not tremble for a moment, with hundreds of great monks and Nascent Soul stage monks, nearly ten thousand alchemy stage and millions of foundation stage, the entire battlefield was like a battle of gods thousands of years ago.

"It's time to reap. Groups of ten will kill the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, and a group of five will deal with the Nascent Soul stage, and accept as soon as they are good."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, pointing his finger at the great cultivator above the Shenwu Legion and the Magic Crystal Cannon, then with a flash of his body, the three-foot long sword in his hand was fiercely swung forward.

"Ah, boom."

There was a scream, and then there was an explosion. The sound of the big monk's explosion was far more powerful than the magic crystal cannon. The Northern Jin big monk, who had consumed a lot of mana, was suppressed by two masters of the same level. Li Qiuyu's white sword light.

Lost, lost, lost.

Every time a sword is struck, a big monk with exhausted magic power will fall under the white sword glow. In a short while, more than ten big monks will be lost, and all the storage bags will fall into Li Qiuyu's hands. It fell into the hands of monk Tianlong.

The hundreds of top disciples brought back from Bihai, and the seven masters of Bai Yuntian, all joined forces to deal with the monk who was about to lose. loss.

Half a day later, when Li Qiuyu returned to the original place, all the big monks above the magic crystal cannon were lost, and forty storage bags and six space rings fell into his hands.

The other go-out belts and space ring Li Qiuyu were given to other monks, and Bai Yuntian and others returned to Li Qiuyu's side. Only one disciple in the middle stage of Nascent Soul was seriously injured, but a big monk was killed.

Talking about the rapid decrease in the number of big monks and Nascent Souls in the air, the Northern Jin Master Group saw that the overwhelming force and countless fleeing monks, that monk would really sacrifice himself for the battle, unless it was a war of extermination.

"Northern Jin Dynasty, those who obey will prosper, those who rebel will perish, and those who surrender will live forever. I will give you three breaths to consider whether to surrender or lose." Li Qiuyu said lightly, his voice was extremely cold, and it spread to every monk's ears.

"Those who are obedient will prosper, those who are contrary will perish!"

"Those who are obedient will prosper, those who are contrary will perish!"

"Those who are obedient will prosper, those who are contrary will perish!"

The entire Tianlong Legion shouted in unison, the momentum was shocking, and sound waves pierced the minds of the monks. This is the momentum and morale.

"I surrender!"

"I surrender!"


In times of crisis, countless monks quickly stopped surrendering. After surrendering, they had to squat on the ground. Gradually, a large number of monks chose to surrender.

"I surrender."

"The old man surrenders!"

An old monk who was besieged by three big monks of the same class said helplessly that if he waited a while, even if he was not killed by Li Qiuyu, he would be killed by the three opponents who exhausted their mana.

With the surrender of the first big monk, there was a second one, and immediately after that, all the big monks in the sky and the Nascent Soul Stage monks landed on the ground.

"Surrender to me is the wisest choice for you."

After a while, 140 seven big monks handed over their blood essence and a ray of soul. After Li Qiuyu refined them, the Nascent Soul stage monks did not have such qualifications at all, and only big monks could control the battle.

"Hmph, I thought I practiced blood-transforming Dafa, so I dared to take chances in front of me."

Li Qiuyu swiped one hand in the air, and a black demonic energy enveloped a wisp of soul. In an instant, a great monk was instantly turned into nothingness, and even the Nascent Soul was not able to escape.

"Friends of the Underworld"

A few masters who knew the great monk Yinming yelled out in horror. The Daxiu who was just killed by Li Qiuyu was an evil cultivator, because he practiced the blood-transforming method, even if his soul was sacrificed by Li Qiuyu, he could still use the blood-transforming method Cut off the separated souls, so that they will not be controlled by Li Qiuyu ever since.

It occurred to me that Li Qiuyu had also experienced the Dafa of Huaxue, and there were countless storage bags above the Nascent Soul stage in his hand, but there were no exercises in them.

To control people, he naturally has his own way, and the method of transforming blood is useless in front of him, and he was killed by Li Qiuyu in a blink of an eye.

"I have said that it is best not to play tricks in front of me, or there will be no chance of regret." Li Qiuyu said coldly.

"The subordinates dare not, but the subordinates are willing to follow the Lord forever."

All the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage who surrendered respectfully saluted and shouted, after an hour, all the masters of the Northern Jin Empire surrendered, only the commander of the Northern Jin Dynasty, Long Tianjun, hesitated in front of the army.

This was also done on purpose by Li Qiuyu. The magic crystal cannon stopped the moment these big monks and Nascent Soul Stage monks surrendered, and the masters who besieged Long Tianjun also withdrew.

"Long Tianjun, I will give you a chance, should you flee or fight, surrender or lose?"

Li Qiuyu shouted loudly, looking at Long Tianjun quietly, and the three peerless and alluring women beside him cuddled up obediently, the whole scene was so chic, it shouldn't have appeared before the battlefield at all.

"Li Qiuyu, this commander is also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, can you give me a chance for a fair decisive battle?"

Long Tianjun pondered for a moment, now he was riding a tiger, he couldn't escape, he couldn't escape, once he escaped, he announced the defeat of the whole army, if he didn't escape, all the masters had surrendered.

"Okay, if you want to use your own strength to fight this seat, you still want to show mercy to this seat. The distance between you and this seat is too far." Li Qiuyu laughed loudly.

"Ben Shuai wants to see how good you are."

After Long Tianjun finished speaking, his body disappeared instantly. At the moment his body disappeared, Li Qiuyu's body also disappeared, without any warning.

"bang tom"

After Li Qiuyu's body disappeared, when he reappeared, he returned to the original place, as if he hadn't moved at all, with a smile on his face, quietly looking at Long Tianjun standing on the ground.


"Tianxuan true solution!"

There was a horrified look in Long Tianjun's eyes, and a terrified face appeared on his face. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell down after saying four words, without the slightest breath of life in his body.

When everyone saw such a result, they were completely terrified. Long Tianjun, as the Patriarch of the Long family in the 36 cities of the Northern Jin Dynasty, was also one of the top masters in the 36 cities.

Unexpectedly, after the teleportation, Li Qiuyu was shot down to the ground by the invisible consciousness before he got close to Li Qiuyu, and he was destroyed in one move.

Among all the people, only some of the big monks felt a wave of spiritual consciousness, and then Li Qiuyu returned to the original place, and Long Tianjun fell to the ground and fell.

This kind of attack has gone beyond their cognition. The monks above the middle stage of Nascent Soul can transform into form with divine consciousness, but they dare not change into form. It will be troublesome if they are attacked.

Great monks dare not use their spiritual sense to attack their opponents. Among the monks of the same class, their spiritual sense is almost the same. Even if they are a level higher, they may not hurt the opponent. On the contrary, after using their spiritual sense to attack, their own spiritual sense will be greatly damaged , Losing consciousness is worse than losing mana.

Li Qiuyu practiced Tianxuan Zhenjie, which is a technique for cultivating spiritual consciousness. Originally, when he practiced the Shocking God Art, his spiritual consciousness would be stronger than that of monks who were one or two realms higher than him.

Finally, in the space necklace, he practiced the God Sense and Tianxuan Zhenjie's God Killing Art. The God Killing Art claims to kill even gods.

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