"Hurry up, he won't last long, no matter how powerful he is, he's only a mid-term monk."

A hint of surprise appeared on the white-clothed monk's face. If the formation was broken, he and the others would not only be able to escape danger, but the opponent's mana would be exhausted, and they would be able to kill them by the way.

This Xiaoyao King is the No. 1 item of the Tianlong Legion, and his worth is so rich that even the entire Northern Jin Empire, there is no other power that can match him. With his space ring, he will not have to worry about training resources for the rest of his life.

Moreover, they could become a hero of the Northern Jin Empire, but Li Qiuyu's action shocked them. They saw Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and a pill flew into his mouth. Qiu Yu is also using actions to attack the psychology of the other party and others.

"The elixir that instantly restores mana, the holy alchemist is really clever."

Seeing the changes in Li Qiuyu, countless big monks showed envy and greed in their eyes, as well as worship and admiration. The big monk behind Li Qiuyu finally saw the elixir Li Qiuyu took.

I also believe that Li Qiuyu's reputation as a holy alchemist can indeed refine a fifth-grade elixir. This kind of fifth-grade elixir is definitely not available in Fengyue Continent.

"Protect the Happy King."

The big monks around Li Qiuyu saw dozens of big monks attacking Li Qiuyu, and wanted to surround Wei and save Zhao, but the big monks around Li Qiuyu were all relatively newcomers to Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu glanced at the flying big monks with his spiritual sense, and the 73 big monks seemed to want to kill Li Qiuyu before Li Qiuyu killed the big monks in the formation.

But when they came here, they regretted a little in their hearts. Fifty big monks didn't have much chance to face 73 big monks, but nearly a hundred Nascent Soul stage masters appeared out of thin air, and seven big monks monk.

This is nothing. Although these Nascent Soul stage monks are all at the peak and middle stages of the early stage, their strength is far stronger than that of the same class of monks, and they even have psychic treasures in their hands.

Every five mid-term monks surrounded a big monk with psychic treasures. In an instant, Li Qiuyu's guards and the big monk who protected the law just now quickly restrained the 73 big monks who came over.

Bai Yuntian and the seven great monks held the psychic treasures in their hands and watched the battle in front of them. While watching Li Qiuyu's sword formation, the big monks surrounded by Li Qiuyu's disciples secretly groaned.

The Great Cultivator is not at the same level as the early mid-term, but the other party is a psychic treasure. With the power of the psychic treasure, even if the Great Cultivator is hit once, he will end up half dead.

For a moment, the surrounded monks could only dodge and resist, the whole scene was ridiculous, and Bai Yuntian and others used the psychic treasures in their hands to cut them out from time to time.

"Ah, ah"


After a while, the sword array finally closed, more than fifty big monks turned into nothingness, countless ancient treasures and psychic treasures, as well as storage bags and space rings fell down.

Li Qiuyu also swayed, and then with a wave of one hand, all the objects in the air were returned to his hand, and then he put them in a storage bag, and he still held a magic recovery pill in his mouth, which restored some of the consumed consciousness.

He knew that he spent more time consuming his consciousness than mana, and he didn't know how many times he had researched the elixir for restoring consciousness.But all without success.

On the contrary, the quality of Huishen Pill has been raised to a terrifying level, but it has not reached the top level, but it has already surpassed the advanced category.

"Young master, are you alright?"

Bai Yuntian has become numb to Li Qiuyu's strength. It is not surprising that something happened in Li Qiuyu's hands, as if what Li Qiuyu did was taken for granted.

But the other monks didn't think so. Li Qiuyu killed more than 70 big monks in a short while, and those big monks didn't have much power to fight back.

"Kill them first."

Li Qiuyu glanced at the 69 big monks in front of him. In a short while, his hundred disciples had already killed four big monks.

Of the one hundred disciples from Bihai, three were lost after Yanjin City was destroyed, but Li Qiuyu chose three from some more talented and loyal monks, making a whole hundred.

Seeing that the three early Nascent Soul stage monks reached the mid-term peak within a hundred years, countless Nascent Soul stage and alchemy stage monks were envious, and there were countless monks who wanted to become Li Qiuyu's disciples.

And among these disciples, only four have not reached the middle stage, but they have been hovering at the peak of the early stage for countless years, and one foot is already in the middle stage.

"Brother Luo, stay the same."

Zhang Yuanlin glanced at Luo Yunhao, with a slight smile on his face, and looked at the big monk in front of him.

"Okay, the same way." Luo Yunhao also said with a smile, and with a flash of his body, a ray of light cut down on a big monk hundreds of feet away.

After his attack, Zhang Yuanlin was already behind the attacked monk, and a crystal psychic treasure cut off his head.

I don't know how many times the two joined forces, and they naturally cooperated in a tacit understanding. While the two of them were acting, the other four also secretly attacked the other besieged monk.

Only Bai Yuntian and Li Qiuyu were left standing in the air, their eyes quietly watching the battle in the air, the battle in the Nascent Soul Stage, and the battle between the great monks.

In less than a quarter of an hour, all the great monks who came here to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao were all lost, and Li Qiuyu's mana returned to its peak, and his consciousness also recovered quickly.

In the end, everyone rushed towards the center of the battlefield quickly. One hundred disciples and more than fifty big monks cleaned up all the way. Wherever they passed, all the monks of the Northern Jin Empire were lost.

"Guardians, hurry up."

Li Qiuyu shot out the Mietian Sword secretly, surrounding more than 200 great monks in the late Nascent Soul Stage, and his spiritual consciousness quickly activated the sword formation, which soon formed.

Nearly a hundred monks from the Tianlong Legion inside were originally attacked by their opponents, but when they saw Li Qiuyu's sword formation appear, they quickly flew out of the sword formation.

The owner of the sword array is Li Qiuyu, so he can naturally control the sword array so that it does not harm the members of the Tianlong Legion. Besides, the moment before he casts the sword array, he has already notified these monks through sound transmission.

However, the moment they came out of the sword formation, more than a dozen Northern Jin Great Cultivators also teleported out, but there were still 110 and nine Northern Jin Great Cultivators inside.

The seven-colored swordsmanship radiated dazzling light in the sun. Behind Li Qiuyu, nearly two hundred monks surrounded him, and then Li Qiuyu unleashed the sword formation with peace of mind.

The sword array had a radius of two miles, and quickly became a radius of one hundred feet. Inside the sword array, a flame burning to the sky was burning inside, and the great monk was also attacking the sword array with the most powerful attack inside.

Ants on a hot pot can not be described more appropriately here. They all know that monks in the sword formation will be damaged, and they dare not hold back the slightest.


A huge explosion sounded, and the explosion sound was far stronger than the magic crystal cannon. It turned out that nearly a hundred monks came to kill Li Qiuyu.

When monk Yuanyingqi saw this scene, he was more than two hundred feet away from Li Qiuyu's place, and there were no helpers around, so he chose to blew himself up in desperation.

Nascent Soul self-destructed in the early stage, and one of the four big monks was not defended, and was also damaged, and more than [-] other big monks were also seriously injured.

They also didn't expect that this monk would choose to blew himself up in order to resist their attack on Li Qiuyu, and they were very curious about Li Qiuyu, what kind of charm could make a monk in the Nascent Soul stage blew himself up to protect his upper class.

Li Qiuyu didn't pay attention to other things at all, but Quan Quan used his spiritual consciousness to control the sword array, and there were nearly two hundred master guardians around him, so there was no need to worry at all.

In a moment, the sword array was only about ten feet in size, and half of the monks inside were lost. The sword array quickly closed, and at this moment.

"Quick dodge."

Li Qiuyu shouted loudly, his whole body's mana was running, a wooden ruler appeared in his hand, and then a golden light swung down towards the sword array.

The sword array also dissipated the moment he cast the Heavenly Ruler, and the nine Mietian swords quickly turned into sharp lights and returned to the dantian from the center of the eyebrows.


The entire land, as well as the aura and air in the air were shattered. It turned out that a great cultivator in the late Yuanying period saw that he had no hope of going out, so he used his mana to explode, but Li Qiuyu found out.

"Puff, puff."

The disciples around Li Qiuyu who didn't have time to dodge and the big monk were all spurted out of blood, and more than ten disciples were lost on the spot, and the big monk also lost two.

Li Qiuyu's face was extremely pale, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, but in the center of the big monk's self-destruction, there were only four or five undamaged big monks left in the sword formation.

The others were blown away by the big monk's self-explosion. Li Qiuyu didn't expect that the big monk in the sword formation would blow himself up, and felt a little sad. It seems that in the future, he should use the sword formation as little as possible to deal with so many big monks.

In 110 of the Northern Jin Dynasty, there were nine big monks in the sword formation, and now there are only five left, but the five big monks were killed by the six reflected Zhang Yuanlin at the same time.

"Young master, how are you?"

Zhang Yunlin and Bai Yuntian asked with concern. They also discovered the situation here when the big cultivator blew himself up. After the blew up, he quickly threw off his opponent and quickly returned to Li Qiuyu's side.

"It's okay, just a little concussion."

Li Qiuyu swallowed a healing elixir into his mouth and quickly digested the elixir. After a while, Li Qiuyu's face recovered a lot, and he took out two bottles of his own healing elixir and distributed them to the newly injured monks.

The spiritual consciousness swept over these injured disciples and monks, and he sighed in his heart. Sixteen disciples were lost, and two great monks were also lost.

The others also suffered a lot of injuries. In the future, it is better not to use the sword formation in such a big battle, and I have not completely controlled the sword formation to the point where I can do whatever I want.

Dealing with a few big monks is instant kill, but there are more monks in the sword array, and the mana and consciousness are consumed a lot, and the time is relatively longer.

It is inevitable that other monks will blow themselves up inside, Li Qiuyu secretly thought in his heart, after this war is over, he will do his best to practice the sword formation and cultivation base.

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