Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 562 The Power of Phoenix's Nine Transformations

The self-destruction here is basically a small episode in the entire battlefield. The long battlefield extends to thousands of miles, so naturally it will not stop there.

"You go back first."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he waited for two breaths before the other monks nodded. With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, these monks disappeared into the air and entered the space necklace.

"My lord, is your injury serious?"

Qing Jingyun asked, now that the strengths of the two sides have been evened out, the battle will not end in a short time. The battle between great monks cannot be won or lost in a short while.

"Eight of us, we join forces to solve some of these monks."

Li Qiuyu looked at Bai Yuntian, Bai Yuntian was lucky just now, he went out to attack a big monk and escaped the power of self-destruct.


The seven great monks all nodded solemnly, and each of them sacrificed their most powerful psychic treasure. With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, each of them took three Tianying Pills.


After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the Dingtian Ruler was slashed forward fiercely, and a golden light shot down on a big monk. The big monk had already reached a fierce moment with his opponent, where there was a chance to resist, and he was defeated by one move. .

The entire Tianxiang City is in the middle of a war, and there are more than 5000 big monks on both sides. Even if Tianxiang City is captured, it will not be a big deal.

Eight of Li Qiuyu headed towards some dense battlefields. Great monks are very powerful for low-level monks, but their lives are equally fragile in front of opponents of the same class, and they are even more vulnerable in front of Li Qiuyu.

To put it bluntly, children are very powerful when they see adults, but when adults meet adults, there is not much difference between the two.

In front of Li Qiuyu and others, there was not much room for resistance at all. After a quarter of an hour, no less than a hundred monks were lost in the hands of Li Qiuyu's eight people.

Seeing Li Qiuyu approaching, try to dodge as much as possible. Li Qiuyu also consumed six or seven Tianying Pills, but the other monks also consumed a lot of mana. The battle was almost at a fever pitch. Just can't go.

"In front of me, you are all little ants. It is the middle stage to bully me. Now I will show you my strength." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the aura of his whole body changed suddenly, and a shocking demonic aura exploded.

"The peak demon cultivator in the late Yuanying period."

Countless great monks were horrified. It is no wonder that Li Qiuyu's mid-term monks have such profound magic power and strength. It turns out that they have practiced demon cultivation and win-win fellow practitioners. It must be extraordinary.

In the mid-term, he was able to kill the Great Cultivator in seconds, and now he has reached the peak in the later stage. I don't know how strong he is, and he is secretly shocked.

After Li Qiuyu turned the phoenix into motion, the aura of his whole body changed suddenly, and then a black hill with a radius of ten feet appeared in front of him. He grabbed the hill with one hand, and ruthlessly threw it at a big monk not far away.

"Bang tom."

With a loud noise, the big cultivator was slammed together by the black hill, his chest hurt as if it was shattered, the last mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body fell down sharply.

The seven big monks behind him attacked and chopped down together, ruthlessly killing the big monks who had no resistance. Li Qiuyu swung the huge hill, and every time he hit it, a big monk was killed or seriously injured.

The seriously injured big monk is also doomed to be lost, because behind Li Qiuyu there are seven super powerful big monks to help, and they have psychic treasures in their hands.

a quarter of an hour later

I don't know how many great monks fell under Li Qiuyu's hill. The 4000 or so monks in the air were horrified by Li Qiuyu's strength. They thought they were the top existence in Fengyue Continent, almost the endorsement of invincibility and immortality.

But in front of Li Qiuyu, he was no different from an ant, with one move, even if he did not die, he would be seriously injured. Everyone was scared, but the monks in the Tianlong Legion shouted excitedly: "The King of Xiaoyao is invincible in the world!"

"Those who submit, submit to this seat, and those who rebel will be killed without mercy!"

Li Qiuyu said loudly, the whole person was floating in the air, the white clothes, the lotus flower between the eyebrows, the whole person looked strange.


Li Qiuyu stared at a big monk in front of him, waved the hill in his hand, and was about to attack, the big monk was startled, and quickly surrendered.

In a short while, more than forty people surrendered to Li Qiuyu and sat down, but there were also many big monks who chose to join forces to deal with Li Qiuyu, but this time Li Qiuyu was attacked by a huge hill.

They couldn't join hands at all, and ordinary treasures had no effect on Li Qiuyu's body and body shield, and the seven big monks behind Li Qiuyu were always paying attention to the movement of these big monks.

One day passed, and all the big monks, no matter the enemy or us, had exhausted their mana to a state of exhaustion. Only Li Qiuyu and the seven big monks behind him wandered around the peak at any time.

Countless great monks were lost in the hands of Li Qiuyu, but Li Qiuyu was also exhausted. The great monks of the Northern Jin Empire also lost more than a thousand, and the great monks of Tianlong also lost nearly a thousand.

On the contrary, the Nascent Soul cultivators suffered much less damage. Originally, the Tianlong Legion had fewer Nascent Souls than the Northern Jin Dynasty, but Li Qiuyu released the green clothes and the three monsters.

"I say again, those who submit will submit to this seat, and those who disobey will lose." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he threw another Tianying Pill into his mouth, and many great monks also kept the pill in their mouths.

Immediately, the mana recovered, and the situation has changed drastically. The two legions who were originally in the same power, now have nearly two hundred big monks in the Tianleng legion, and their mana is instantly restored.

"I surrender!"

"I surrender!"


After a while, all Daxiu surrendered helplessly and swore to the sky that breaking the oath would be like being hit by five thunderbolts, and they would never be reborn forever.

For ordinary people, such an oath is simply child's play, but after the Nascent Soul Stage, every monk pays attention to inner demons, especially when cultivating.

However, there were also many monks who fled, and Li Qiuyu and others naturally would not pursue them. In the cultivation world, monks at the Nascent Soul Stage who swore an oath must abide by their oath, otherwise they will suffer retribution during their cultivation.

In order to prevent some monks from violating their vows, a blood curse jade slip was developed in the comprehension world. As long as the oath-taker does not violate his oath, he will not suffer retribution, but if he violates his oath, he will be held immediately The cultivator of the blood-cursed jade slip was easily killed.

This kind of blood curse jade slip is better than refining soul and blood essence, and will not be restrained by others from time to time, but only within a certain range.

The two-day war finally came to an end. The Tianlong Legion lost 940 big monks, and the Nascent Soul Stage monks lost more than [-] people.

In the trough of the Northern Jin Dynasty, more than 300 great monks lost more than 500 people, and more than 4000 people were lost in the Nascent Soul Stage, but now there are more than [-] major monks who surrendered, and more than [-] people in the Nascent Soul Stage, and the Tianlong Army suddenly increased Doubled the power.

After Li Qiuyu explained the matter here to Qin and Ming, he left alone. Tianxiang City was completely disintegrated, and the other thing was to quickly attack other cities.

The Northern Jin Empire put all its strength in Tianxiang City, and the strength of other cities was very weak at all. Li Qiuyu didn't have to worry about it. Now the Tianleng Legion has more than 3000 great monks and more than 7000 people in the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Young master, are there many great monks lost this time?"

Li Qiuyu returned to the mountain range where he used to live, and called out the three daughters. After Xiao Qiuyue and the three daughters came out, they saw Li Qiuyu's tired look, and asked with concern.

"Well, the big monks lost nearly two thousand, and the Nascent Soul stage monks lost more than 1000."

"So much"

The three women said in horror, big monk, this is a big monk, I didn't expect to lose two thousand big monks all at once.

"However, the strength of the Northern Jin Dynasty in Tianxiang City has been disintegrated, and now it has surrendered to the Tianlong Legion. The strength of the Tianlong Legion has greatly increased. Otherwise, I will not come back."

In such a big battle, Li Qiuyu naturally didn't dare to let Xiao Hanyue's three daughters come out to take risks. There were big monks everywhere, and the three daughters were middle-stage monks, so there was no advantage to take advantage of.

"That's fine. It seems that the Tianlong Legion can quickly attack other cities in the Northern Jin Dynasty during this period. As long as there are not too many big monks, the 36 cities in the southern and northern parts of the Northern Jin Dynasty, as well as the 36 cities in the west will also fall." Xiao Hanyue said analytically.

"We can practice with peace of mind for a period of time. We will see the situation when the time comes. It is best for Tianlong to fully consolidate these cities, and then it will depend on the situation."

Li Qiuyu thought about it, his goal had already been achieved, he was able to incorporate these cities of the Northern Jin Dynasty into Tianlong, and he had basically won, as long as the Northern Jin Dynasty did not use all its strength to deal with Tianlong.Tianlong will slowly settle down these cities.


The three girls hummed obediently, and finally left Li Qiuyu, letting Li Qiuyu practice quietly in the cave, knowing that Li Qiuyu had suffered some injuries in the battle room.

There is only one independent cave that comes in from the outside, but after passing through a passage, the inside is actually a good cultivation environment, which is almost the same as the place where the four of Wuwangzhihai live.

Li Qiuyu could also meditate in it with peace of mind. A month passed without knowing it, and Li Qiuyu slowly opened her eyes with a confident look on her face.

In a month, he finally recuperated some of the injuries he suffered, and his cultivation base has improved a lot, and some fatigue has also recovered during the healing period.

"Brother Qiuyu, are you alright?"

Ling Ling and sister Xiao Hanyue were playing in the cave, and when they saw Li Qiuyu appear, they ran over happily and grabbed Li Qiuyu's arm.

"Well, well, is there any news from anyone during this time?"

Li Qiuyu smiled and walked to the place where Xiao Hanyue and the sisters sat down. The three girls looked at Li Qiuyu with expressions of concern on their faces. Break a little, and I feel uncomfortable.

Because Li Qiuyu is their patron saint, their support, the soul of their hearts, and their beloved, they would rather get hurt than see Li Qiuyu get hurt in the slightest.

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