Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 564 Attacking the Four Square City

Li Qiuyu's current net worth is more than 3000 billion spirit stones, and there are countless materials. Naturally, this spirit stone will not be missing, not to mention the countless treasures in his space necklace.

"Let's practice. Anyway, there are still plenty of pills, so there is no need to make pills."

"Well, we also need to reach the peak in the mid-term as soon as possible, and find a suitable opportunity to break through." Xiao Hanyue said softly, the higher the cultivation level, the longer the lifespan, and the more youthful it will be.

"Do you still have any pills?"

Li Qiuyu asked with concern, and finally took out three bottles of fifth-grade Tianchen pill and three bottles of Tianying pill from the space ring, and handed them to the three sisters Xiao Hanyue respectively.

"Well, I still have a lot of pills in my hand, but well, I'm going to practice in seclusion during this time." Lingling laughed softly, and finally put the pills given by Li Qiuyu into the interspatial ring.

"You guys practice first. I'll clean up this place first. It's best not to let others disturb our cultivation." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he walked out quickly.

It took a full hour for Li Qiuyu to block the cave with more than ten prohibitions and formations, almost three layers inside and three layers outside. Even the most powerful masters may not be able to break it easily.

After finishing everything, Li Qiuyu returned to the cave, and finally practiced with peace of mind. He also arranged his own training time. He fixed two hours a day to practice the Heaven-shocking God Art and Phoenix Transformation, and two hours to comprehend the sixth-grade alchemy. and alchemy.

Two hours to practice the psychic treasure and some miraculous exercises obtained from research, learn from the cultivation techniques in it, and one hour to practice the Tiantian Sword Formation.

It seems that the Mietian Sword Formation has been cultivated successfully, but he only succeeded in the first nine Mietian Sword Formation, and the second nine Mietian Sword Formation is still in the process of comprehension.

Nine-Nine Sword Formation, from One-Nine to Nine-Nine, One-Nine Sword Formation is nine-handled Heaven-Mie Sword Formation, Nine-Nine Sword Formation is 81-handle Heaven-Mie Sword Formation.

The power of the [-] Mie Tian Sword Formation and the [-] Mie Tian Sword Formation is not measured by quantity at all, the power is almost as comparable as the Foundation Establishment Stage and the Core Formation Stage.

Li Qiuyu also devoted an hour to practice and comprehend the formation and spiritual consciousness cultivation in Tianxuan Zhenjie. He had comprehended some of the [-] Mie Tian Sword Formation and [-] Mie Tian Sword Formation, but not much else. The Mietian Sword, so it was delayed.

In this sword formation, Li Qiuyu doesn't know how powerful the Jiujiu Tiantian Sword Formation is, so he is looking forward to it. Now that he is in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, he can use the [-] Jiutian Sword Formation to kill dozens of big monks at the same time. Killing, if it is [-], [-], or even [-], the power is unimaginable.

Time passed quickly, and two years passed in a hurry. After two years, Li Qiuyu did not leave the cave for a single step, and he seldom cared about the things outside.

However, all the cities in the south of the Northern Jin Dynasty and the 36 cities in the west have all entered the territory of Tianlong, and the fourteen cities in the north have also entered the territory of Tianlong.

Great monks and Nascent Soul Stages were lost every day, and the Northern Jin Empire also sent countless great monks to the south to resist the Tianlong Legion, but the strength of the Tianlong Legion was concentrated, and it was not an opponent of Tianlong at all.

In the Northern Jin Dynasty, it has been slowly shaken, a quarter of the city fell to Tianlong, countless great monks were lost, and their strength was not as good as before, but Tianlong's strength grew rapidly.

Some big forces also gradually developed within Tianlong. Because of Li Qiuyu, they surrendered to Li Qiuyu and sat down. Naturally, it was not easy to mix in the Northern Jin Dynasty.

Especially Diyan Peak, Diyan Peak is Li Qiuyu's sect, there are more than [-] Nascent Soul stage monks and more than [-] major monks in it.

But the monks in the Nascent Soul stage must abide by the rules of Emperor Yanfeng. The big monks have no tasks, but to survive and die together when there is a strong enemy. The monks in the Nascent Soul stage have to do some simple tasks.

In the Northern Jin Dynasty, countless super powers have turned their backs, and the big powers that surrendered under Li Qiuyu's seat will naturally become stronger and stronger. Only one power will end up being attacked. The whole faction will be destroyed and resources will be taken up, but these All forces have to listen to Li Qiuyu's words. In the southern part of the Northern Jin Dynasty, there is a saying that follows the king of Xiaoyao, eternal prosperity for all generations, and against the king of Xiaoyao.

In Tianlong and the southern part of the Northern Jin Dynasty, Li Qiuyu from the capital palace is the number one monk in the world. Although countless masters in the Northern Jin Empire have not yet appeared, no one can really see Li Qiuyu's strength clearly.

The Tianlong Legion is still constantly attacking the Northern Jin Empire, but the one they encountered is also quite strong, and it is not as smooth as before.

ten years passed

In the western part of the Northern Jin Empire, 36 cities entered the Tianlong Legion, and 41 cities in the north fell into the Tianlong Legion. In ten years, Li Qiuyu also cultivated the third Nascent Soul to the peak of the mid-term, and the Yaoying has also reached the peak of the later stage. , Never dare to practice again.

Lingling and Xiao Hanyue broke through to the realm of great monks one after another, and Xiao Qiuyue was also at the peak in the mid-term. This time Xiao Hanyue finally surpassed Xiao Qiuyue.

Above Nascent Soul, aptitude and everything are the main factors of cultivation. Both sisters have [-]% celestial roots, and Xiao Hanyue's speed and opportunity came a little faster than Xiao Qiuyue.

Li Qiuyu's ten years seems to be progressing slowly, but with his strength, it is very difficult to improve even a little bit, but his harvest is definitely countless times greater than that of the three women, and the sixth-grade alchemy can be enlightened.

The Mietian Sword Formation has also been refined, especially for several top-level psychic treasures, the control has reached a new level, Mingguang Baojian, Three-foot Long Sword, Dingtian Ruler, and Wanhun Pan.After the growth of spiritual consciousness and sacrifice in the tower of nothingness, the air of nothingness and Tianhan laser inside have also been mobilized faster.

What is even more powerful is the extinction of silence. He has also improved a lot in the practice of extinction of silence, but he needs a strong cultivation base to truly display it.

The power of the Shocking Nine Styles and the Compatibility of Ice and Fire is getting stronger and stronger. It is almost difficult to find a big monk who can resist the two styles in front of him.

However, for some reason, Li Qiuyu's mind has been extremely restless for several days in a row, and he doesn't know what is going to happen, he is not in the mood to practice at all.

"Is something going to happen?"

Li Qiuyu said to himself, with a puzzled expression on his face. During this period, the Tianlong Army attacked the Northern Jin Dynasty as before, and there was no accident at all.

"My son, what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Hanyue asked with concern, the four of them had been together for a long time, and the three girls would know what Li Qiuyu was thinking with every movement and expression of Li Qiuyu.

"It feels like something is going to happen, and I've been restless these days."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, the three girls all knew his expressions and thoughts, the more he kept them secret, the more worried they would be, so it's better to say it out.

"Maybe it's because you've been practicing for a long time, and you're bored."

Xiao Hanyue said comfortingly that these things cannot be solved by herself, she can only comfort Li Qiuyu.

"Your cultivation base has also reached a peaceful period. Let's go out and have a look. There are many things that cannot be hidden." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, giving the three girls an encouraging smile.

"Okay, let's go out for a walk, the Tianlong Legion is still fighting." Lingling said happily.

"Well, go and clean up, I'll wait for you."

Li Qiuyu said to the three women, when he finally came to the entrance of the cave, a gust of fresh wind blew in, which made him feel very refreshed. The three women packed it up in less than a moment, and finally the four of them used the flying ancient treasure to fly towards the place of the Tianlong Army. go.

Square City

It is the most famous city in the northern part of the Northern Jin Dynasty. This city is half the size of the Tianlong Kingdom. There are countless superpowers. The Tianlong Legion also stopped in this place.

"Subordinates refer to the Lord, and refer to the three fairies."

Qin Ming, Xiang Yufeng and others respectfully led Li Qiuyu to a large hall, which is the closest city to Sifang City, called Mingyue City.

"Well, how was the time?"

After Li Qiuyu sat down, she asked calmly, her eyes stuck to the more than fifty big monks in the hall, and these big monks were Qin Ming's most trusted people.

"The Northern Jin Dynasty gathered more than two thousand great monks in Sifang City. We have been attacking for more than a year. Countless monks have been lost, but we have not attacked yet."

Qin Ming said seriously that he also had more than 2000 monks on his side, and the power was almost the same. After half a year, both sides lost more than 500 monks each.

"Gather all forces tomorrow and attack Sifang City."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, even if the insecurity in her heart was in Sifang City, she had to solve it first, so as not to keep her mind restless and not in the mood to practice.

"Subordinates obey."

Qin Ming said happily, with Li Qiuyu here, it seemed that there was nothing he couldn't do. Now that Li Qiuyu appeared, attacking Sifang City would naturally not be a problem.

Li Qiuyu was arranged by Qin Ming to a quiet courtyard, and in the end, he and Xiang Yufeng and others quickly gathered forces and prepared to attack Sifang City the next day.

Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue's three daughters all knew about the next day's battle, and they all quietly leaned against Li Qiuyu's side. They had nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, Li Qiuyu came to the sky above Sifang City.

There is no formation defense here anymore. Behind Li Qiuyu are more than 1000 monks, and there are countless monks in the Nascent Soul stage. After Li Qiuyu appeared, the defensive monks in Sifang City also quickly flew up.

The big monks of the two sides looked at each other from a distance and had similar powers, but the appearance of Li Qiuyu obviously made the monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty feel a little uncomfortable.

"Li Qiuyu, I am the Great Elder of the Aotian Sect of the Northern Jin Dynasty, and I will come to meet you today."

An old man in brown clothes said loudly, his face was full of arrogance, he didn't take what happened to Li Qiuyu ten years ago at all, no matter how powerful he was, it was only a mid-term cultivation.

"Hmph, you are not my opponent yet." Li Qiuyu glanced at the other party. The cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul was at the peak, and such a cultivation base was rarely seen among the great monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty.

"Look at your arrogance."

After the brown-clothed old man finished speaking, a magical radiance cut down on Li Qiuyu. The radiance flashed like a shooting star. Li Qiuyu also admired him, but such strength was really no match for him.

Seeing the Jingmang coming, Li Qiuyu casually tapped it, and with a finger force, he counteracted the Jingmang two feet away. Li Qiuyu's body flashed and disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already in front of the old man who was two hundred feet away.

Four white rays of light slashed over, and then a shocking arrow pointed out. The speed of the two of them was extremely fast, and they had changed more than ten moves in just one breath.

In the battle between the two, no one dared to help, because the forces of both sides were almost the same, so it would be bad to recruit other helpers.

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