Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 565 The Holy Monk of Transformation Stage

"So it's just that." The brown-clothed monk said disdainfully, and glanced at Li Qiuyu.

"I don't want to play anymore."

Li Qiuyu shook her head helplessly. She just wanted to move her immobile body. After he finished speaking, a golden light waved down.


There was a loud noise, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of the old man's mouth, and finally a small trace of blood flowed out from the center of his eyebrows. In an instant, the old man in brown was split into two.

Li Qiuyu made a move with one hand, and an ancient treasure and space ring fell into his hand, and finally retreated. After he returned, these monks woke up with a start, and the old man in brown clothes who was at the peak in the later period was also killed.


After Li Qiuyu came back, Bai Yuntian yelled loudly, and in an instant, the magic crystal cannon that had been prepared for a long time was fired quickly. Immediately, the magic crystal cannon in the air shot towards the group of Northern Jin monks in Sifang City like a meteor.

A series of violent explosions shattered the air. After the magic crystal cannon was fired, the monks of the Tianlong Legion quickly killed towards Beijin.

The strength of the two sides is almost the same, now Li Qiuyu joins, there are seven big monks to guard, and more than 80 disciples, these disciples are all the elites among the elites.

Moreover, in the past ten years, they have been practicing diligently in the space necklace, and nearly twenty mid-term peak disciples ushered in Yingyun after they came out, and successfully reached the great monk of the late Nascent Soul.

Li Qiuyu no longer uses the Mietian Sword Array anymore, but the three-foot long sword in his hand keeps swinging down towards the big monk not far away. In ten years, his cultivation has reached a peak.

The power of each white sword glow was astounding, and ordinary ancient treasures could not resist the white sword glow. Under the two sword strikes, a big monk was killed, and storage bags and space rings kept flying into his hands.

Besides, there were seven big monks including Bai Yuntian and more than eighty disciples by his side. Li Qiuyu hadn't chosen a disciple for ten years.

Wherever Li Qiuyu went, there was nothing like it. The disciples around him, Bai Yuntian and the others were all good at joint attacks, and they cooperated seamlessly. Even the big monk could only last two or three breaths in their hands.

Seeing that Li Qiuyu's power was unstoppable, countless great cultivators ran away far away, so as not to become Li Qiuyu's opponent. Li Qiuyu was an invincible endorsement image in the hearts of everyone.

The battles of great monks are not like ordinary people. Each of their attacks can spread for several miles, and the entire battlefield has spread to thousands of miles.

Li Qiuyu had no choice but to lead people towards the place where the monks were densely populated. After an hour, Li Qiuyu had 97 storage bags and eleven interspatial rings. less possessions.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer monks in front of him, Li Qiuyu looked at Bai Yuntian and the disciples around him, and told everyone to kill in another direction, and killed the few monks in front by himself.

In less than a quarter of an hour, nine of the eleven major monks were killed, and the opponents of the nine major monks retreated to other battlefields when they saw Li Qiuyu appear.It was another big monk who killed him.

"Li Qiuyu, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and finally appeared. The Northern Jin Dynasty was disturbed by you, and you also violated the iron law of the cultivation world. As a top existence in the cultivation world, you should be punished accordingly. punished."

In the last old man's voice transmission to Li Qiuyu's ears, the voice was extremely peaceful, without the slightest malice, but even if there was no malice in such a voice, killing oneself would be more malicious than malice.

"Haha, it turned out to be you, and I already knew about it. What are you capable of talking big in front of me?"

Li Qiuyu was startled, and finally arrived. This old man was the master of his restlessness during this time, because this ordinary old man who seemed to have no cultivation level brought him the breath of death.

With Li Qiuyu's cultivation and vision, this ordinary old man with no cultivation in Mie Yun could see his cultivation at all, but could ordinary old people float in the air? Obviously he couldn't.

"My disciple praised you as a genius, but it's still easy for a genius like you to bow down. My sage has been fighting with Mieyun for nearly a thousand years, so I'm going to make an exception today."

After the old man finished speaking, a shocking coercion surged out, and the air quickly disappeared, and then a coercion of heaven and earth pressed down on Li Qiuyu.

"Are you in the stage of transformation?"

Li Qiuyu was completely bewildered. He had never heard of this coercion and the power of heaven and earth. It can be displayed in the hands of an ordinary old man. The identity of this old man is self-evident, although Li Qiuyu still does not want to believe the old man. identity.

Even if he was at the peak of a great cultivator, his coercion and strength could not shake him at all. He never thought that the current situation would change so quickly, and he would not have the slightest chance to resist in front of this coercion.

"Hmph, you're smart, you know, the great cultivator in the world is not an invincible existence, the real invincibility is the stage of transformation into a god, and you are also an ant-like existence in front of this saint."

The old man said coldly, his hands were still behind his back, and he showed no signs of making a move, but the power of heaven and earth in the sky had already pressed Li Qiuyu fiercely to the ground.

"What a powerful skill. This strength has already surpassed the scope of the Nascent Soul Stage. There are no fake monks in the Transformation Stage. How can there be a Saint Stage monk in this place?"

Li Qiuyu thought quickly in her heart, and also thought of a way to leave here immediately. This old man is not able to fight against him. I don't even have a chance to fight in front of him. I didn't expect that I would be said to be an ant-like existence now.


Seeing that Li Qiuyu was about to fall to the ground, her whole body's aura surged, and a shocking monster power emanated from her body, and she slapped the ground hard with her palm.

The whole person was slightly out of the control of the old man's coercion, and I was a little happy, but then I was suppressed by the boundless coercion, this sober man met an old monster in the alchemy period during his Qi training period.

"Hmph, you are the second one to have such a reaction in front of this saint, but you should be disappointed." The old man looked at Li Qiuyu with a smile, and looked at Li Qiuyu below with a condescending expression on his face. A look of appreciation.

After the old man finished speaking, he slowly stretched out his hands behind his back, without any pause, and patted Li Qiuyu without any fancy.

A suffocating pressure shot down towards Li Qiuyu, the suffocating pressure carried the breath of destruction and new life, Li Qiuyu looked at the boundless pressure in despair.

"The death of silence."

Li Qiuyu said softly, and then disappeared into the air, as if Li Qiuyu hadn't appeared at all, without the slightest sign of success.

"Hey, it's so weird!"

There was a hint of horror on the old man's face. He clearly felt that the space was forbidden for a moment. At this moment, even his own attack was forbidden. It was like time stopped. Li Qiuyu also took advantage of this moment to get out of his hands.

But with a sweep of his consciousness, a figure five hundred miles away appeared in his mind. This figure was Li Qiuyu who had just disappeared. Seeing this result, the old man was even more surprised.

Five hundred miles in an instant, even if it was him, it was not more than a hundred miles. I didn't expect a monk in the middle of the Nascent Soul to be able to go five hundred miles in an instant, but the old man had a mysterious smile on his face, and then disappeared into the air.

Li Qiuyu's spiritual sense can also bring a range of eight thousand miles into his mind, and the old man behind has already caught up, and the distance between the two is only one thousand miles.

Because the old man was an instant later than Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu used two teleports in a row. Under this kind of pursuit, the old man's consciousness was seven thousand miles away, and Li Qiuyu couldn't escape at all within the range of a thousand miles away.

The old man teleported leisurely in the air with a smile on his face. This mid-term monk has a lot of magic in him. If he catches it himself, some of the benefits will naturally be his own. This mid-term monk can teleport five hundred miles , and teleported five or six times in a row, which has exceeded the teleportation ability of ordinary monks.

The big monk can teleport more than [-] miles at a time, and using it two or three times in a row is already the limit. I didn't expect that a middle-term monk on the other side could teleport [-] miles, and there is no sign of mana exhaustion five or six times in a row. Mana is also drained quickly.

"Hmph, two more teleports, and your mana will be exhausted. Then we'll see how you can escape from the palm of this saint." The old man transmitted the sound transmission of thousands of miles to Li Qiuyu's ear, with a smile on his face all the time. The slightest smile.

Li Qiuyu didn't pay attention to the old man's words, he didn't mind the consumption of mana so much, even if he was a god, he couldn't match his mana, otherwise his reputation as a holy alchemist would not be an insult.

The main reason is that there is no way to escape like this, and besides, my body can't take it anymore. If I hadn't changed after practicing Phoenix, my body would have been burned by the friction of space.

"Hey, there are quite a lot of methods."

The old man's face froze, and Li Qiuyu's action made him stunned. Seeing the opponent throw a pill into his mouth, his exhausted mana instantly returned to its peak.

Li Qiuyu recovered his mana, and kept teleporting in the air, not only spinning, hoping to find someone who could escape the pursuit of the old man behind him.

Just now he didn't teleport to the battlefield between Tianlong and the great monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty. He just didn't want to bring Tianlong to the brink of destruction. Even with the help of countless big monks, he couldn't restrain this old man. The holy monks in the transformation stage are really scared.

The two fled and chased, Li Qiuyu didn't know how many thousands of miles he had teleported, and he also consumed more than ten Tianying Pills, and his body was a bit too much, but the mana of the old man in the transformation stage later also consumed a lot, so he could to the brink of exhaustion.

"Hmph, you have brought me to this extent, I will kill you first."

The old man felt that his mana was being consumed rapidly, and he had been with the other party for half an hour. The distance between the two was still more than six hundred miles. If he had enough mana, he believed that he would be able to catch up with him in half an hour. On, but now my own mana is not enough to consume by myself.

After he finished speaking, he moved his hands quickly, and a mysterious halo appeared in front of him, and then the old man's body melted into the halo, and he disappeared again.

Li Qiuyu felt a threat of death appearing in the sky, so she didn't dare to teleport anymore, so she could only move her body a thousand feet forcibly. The moment she moved away, a shocking destructive force slammed down.

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