Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 566 Demon Dragon and Ice Dragon


There was a loud bang, the sound waves shattered the air, and a wave rolled up to a height of thousands of feet. It turned out that the two of them had reached an uninhabited sea area without knowing it.


Li Qiuyu spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as snow, even though he forcibly moved a thousand feet just now, Yu Jin also hit him until he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Old ghost, you are too angry."

Li Qiuyu looked coldly at the old man thousands of feet away, his eyes radiated a sharp cold light, this guy made him helpless, he couldn't escape, he couldn't fight.

"Shocking finger."

"Cold Light Slash."

"Fire and ice are compatible."

Seeing that the old man didn't intend to stop, Li Qiuyu also imagined that the old man used the mysterious forbidden technique to catch up with him, so he would definitely not allow him to have another chance to escape.

Immediately displayed the Heaven-shocking Nine Styles and the Compatibility of Ice and Fire, but this had no effect at all in front of the God Transformation Stage, and the old man easily blocked it.

"It's still too low. If you were in the same class, I would definitely kill you with the nine shocking moves."

Li Qiuyu secretly thought that the difference in realm was too far, even with god-level spells and artifacts, they would not be able to exert their true power, and said in his heart, if he could escape this time, he would definitely improve his cultivation.


The white sword glow pierced through the air, and instantly came to the old man who was thousands of feet away. The white sword glow was blocked by a mysterious light shield a foot in front of the old man, and then the white sword glow disappeared.

"Li Qiuyu, I believe that you are the top genius in Fengyue Continent, but you are still too weak in front of me. I believe that if you are given a thousand years of time and a certain chance, you may be able to achieve my achievement. But you are the target of my sage, and I will not hesitate to spend 50 years of my life to kill you."

There was a hint of pity in the old man's eyes, and then he turned into a vicious look. With a stroke of his hands, a black crutch appeared in his hand. The old man looked at the crutch in his hand lovingly, as if he was looking at his own life.

Then, a mysterious and strange breath emanated from the crutches, and the spiritual energy in the entire sea area for a hundred miles rushed towards the crutches.

"Let you see that mystery is the real power, and see the power of heaven and earth." The old man saw the aura in the air quickly condense, with a confident look on his face.

"Fix the sky, sacrifice."

Seeing the changes in the sky, Li Qiuyu didn't dare to allow the opponent to cast a spell successfully. With a move of consciousness, a wooden ruler quickly appeared in his hand, and then the wooden ruler emitted a golden light.

A golden light slashed fiercely at the old man who was casting a spell thousands of feet away. After casting the Heaven Ruler, Li Qiuyu shook violently, and then threw a elixir into his mouth.

To his disappointment, when the golden light fell five feet in front of the old man, it disappeared without a trace and had no effect at all.

"This seat is not so easy to provoke. If you want to lose this seat, you have to go to hell with this seat, haha."

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, and with a movement of his consciousness, two black triangular flags appeared in his hands, and then a wave of mana was shot out, and the triangular flags were about to change.

"Pan of Souls"

The old man also kept paying attention to Li Qiuyu's changes. When she saw the Wanhun Pan in Li Qiuyu's hand, she also showed a dignified look, but her forbidden technique had already been used, and it was too late to stop.

The cultivators at the stage of transformation into gods do not belong to the monks of the human world at all. Because the aura of Fengyue Continent is not strong, after reaching the stage of transformation into gods, the progress is extremely slow, and they often stay in the early stage of transformation into gods.

The power of shattering the void can't even be reached, even if the void is torn apart, the cultivation base of the early stage of transformation of the gods will not dare to soar, otherwise it will be torn to pieces by the endless wind and the power of the void.

Moreover, in the human world, one does not dare to use a large number of exercises. Every time one performs a exercise, mana must be lost quickly. It is very difficult to restore mana, and life essence will also be lost quickly.

If Li Qiuyu hadn't attacked the Northern Jin Empire and brought the Northern Jin Dynasty to this point, this guy wouldn't have come out. He planned to kill Li Qiuyu, but Li Qiuyu's strength and abilities were beyond her imagination .

When teleporting, he consumed a lot of his mana, almost to the point of drying up. For the sake of his lost mana and the Pokémon in Li Qiuyu's hands, he also wanted to kill Li Qiuyu.

Now I didn't expect that this Li Qiuyu actually had Wan Hun Pan in his hand, and he also knew a little about the power of Wan Hun Pan, which he got from some rumors.

Li Qiuyu's face showed determination. Now that they have reached this point, the difference in realm between the two cannot be made up for by their strength and cultivation. Even if they lose, they will drag this old man into the water.

The Wan Hun Pan in his hand exuded a stream of pure demonic energy, and the two streams of demonic energy quickly fused together, causing a trace of paleness to appear on Li Qiuyu's face, and his mana was of no use to this Wan Hun Pan at all.

However, he didn't know how he could use the Ten Thousand Soul Coil when he practiced the authentic Heaven-shocking Divine Art and Phoenix Nine Transformations. The reason for this was that Jue Tian shot the real devil's energy into his body when Jue Tian was in a loss. Only the real devil's energy can support Wanhun Pan's real display.

"Roar, roar."

A dragon with a length of one hundred feet and a diameter of two feet was tumbling in the air. Every time it tumbling, the aura in the air would turn into magic energy, and the body of the dragon would also change.

"Demon Dragon, Li Qiuyu, you are not human."

Seeing the appearance of the magic dragon, the old man could no longer remain silent. The crutch in his hand also gathered the aura to a peak, and a blue ice dragon appeared in the air.

The size of the ice dragon is almost the same as that of the magic dragon, but now the ice dragon has flesh and blood, and it is completely a real dragon. Li Qiuyu felt a little afraid of the old man's magical strength.

The ice dragon alone would definitely damage him. The two-day dragon roared in the air, and finally the magic dragon and the ice dragon quickly ran into each other.

"Boom, boom."

The sea water in the entire sea area was rolled up by hundreds of feet of waves, the air was twisted endlessly, and countless strong winds were like sharp knives slashing towards Li Qiuyu, but these sharp knives were blocked by an invisible mask in front of Li Qiuyu.

The magic dragon and the ice dragon kept colliding and fighting in the air, showing no intention of backing down. Both Li Qiuyu and the old man controlled the magic dragon and the ice dragon with their spiritual sense.


Li Qiuyu spat out a mouthful of blood. The difference in realm could not be made up by any talent and external strength. Li Qiuyu's consciousness and mana were still not as sharp as the old monster in the transformation stage.

The magic dragon dissipated quickly, and the ice dragon rushed straight at Li Qiuyu, and a huge claw shot at Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu showed a trace of despair on his face.

Just now he used his spiritual sense to control the magic dragon, but his spiritual sense was exhausted, and it was too late to use psychic treasures to resist it. Now, he also felt that he couldn't find any treasures to resist the ice dragon in front of him.

Even if it is the Tower of Nothingness, it may not be easy to resist, because the difference between the realm of oneself and the opponent is too great, and the artifact is useless in one's hands.

At the time of nine kinds of despair, an ethereal voice came out, the voice came from thousands of miles away, and the voice had no emotion at all.

"Old monster Beiming, you violated our rules."

As soon as the voice fell, a pressure of the power of heaven and earth pressed down on Li Qiuyu, and then Li Qiuyu's body fell to the surface of the sea in an instant. Seeing that he was about to enter the sea, a golden light and shadow instantly entangled Li Qiuyu. The autumn rain pulled thousands of feet away.

At the moment when Li Qiuyu was pulled away by the light and shadow, the sea surface was hit by the ice dragon to create a hole with a radius of [-] feet and a depth of more than [-] feet, and the entire sea surface was blocked.

The vortex in the sea area that was knocked out had no intention of restoring it at all. Countless low-level sea beasts were smashed to pieces by the power of the ice dragon, and Li Qiuyu was terrified.

If this light and shadow were one step behind, he would definitely be out of his wits. Li Qiuyu spat out a mouthful of blood, his whole body was entangled by a golden thread, and finally he was held in the air by an invisible mana.

After the blow, the ice dragon also stayed in the air, and finally disappeared slowly. The old man spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Li Qiuyu viciously.

After two breaths, Li Qiuyu calmed down a little, and finally saw her rescuer, a real Nine Heavens Fairy, with no expression on her face, and a feminine fragrance wafted into her nose.

The fiery red clothes formed a world-like contrast with his own temperament. Fiery red represented fiery and enthusiasm, but this woman's face did not have the slightest aura of human fireworks, and the whole person gave him a distance like a thousand-year glacier.

The appearance of the three women is no less than her own, and this natural temperament, arrogant, glamorous, and repelling others thousands of miles away, made Li Qiuyu dare not have any desire for it.

A hundred feet away from the woman, a middle-aged man in green clothes and a woman in black both quietly looked at the old man thousands of feet away, and finally set their sights on Li Qiuyu.

"Bingfeng, Tianji, Anyun. Are you really going to embarrass me, this boy must be killed." The old man looked at the glamorous woman and the young man, took a last look at the woman in black, and said loudly.

"Old monster Beiming, the seven of us have agreed that we cannot do anything in the human world. Besides, if you do it again, how many years can you live?"

The woman in black said lightly, with a hint of a smile on her face. A cultivator in the transformation stage can live for about three thousand years, but every time he makes a move, he consumes not only mana, but also a lot of lifespan.

Moreover, the power of the monks in the transformation stage is truly shocking. A city is destroyed at will, which makes the monks in the transformation stage check and balance each other, and it is strictly forbidden to do anything in the human world.

"I have lived for 500 years, and I will die in another 500 years. Do you still want to find a void node to ascend in 500 years? Besides, this kid made a mess of my Northern Jin Dynasty. If he continues to make trouble, Beijin The Jin Dynasty is gone, and you are also from the Northern Jin Dynasty. Could it be that you just stand by and watch?"

The old man said angrily, looking at Li Qiuyu, he almost burst into flames, this cultivator in the mid-Yuanying stage killed a third of the Northern Jin Dynasty, the great cultivator suffered countless losses, and the boy injured himself again .

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