Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 57 Fighting Tier 5 Monster Beasts

The Blood Eagle Eagle was also enraged by Li Qiuyu's attack. It didn't expect that a small human would attack her first. It opened its sharp beak, and a huge ball of fire shot out, shooting straight at Li Qiuyu in the distance. The rainstorm needle was also melted by the high temperature flame.

Li Qiuyu was about to attack the Blood Eagle Eagle. As early as when he cast the Rainstorm Needle, he knew that the fifth-order pressure beast was not so easy to deal with. After the Rainstorm Needle flew out, a thick earth wall appeared in front of him.

The flame ruthlessly cast the thick earth wall at Li Qiuyu, and the earth wall was instantly melted by the flame. Under the low level of the earth wall, this time was enough for him to dodge. The moment he took off, the flame fell fiercely on the ground. Where he stood, the intense flames melted the boulder platform into a large pit.

"so close."

He was startled, if he slowed down, he would already be dead. Heiyunjian suddenly looked at the blood eagle, but the blood eagle still didn't leave the place where it was standing, but raised its claws forward, and The black clouds will come into contact fiercely.

Li Qiuyu pretended not to retreat due to the powerful rebounding force, and landed straight on the boulder platform, leaving a few shallow footprints on the boulder under his feet.

But after the blood eagle eagle took over the black cloud sword, its body only shook slightly, and finally returned to calm, the blood eagle eagle never took a step away.

Li Qiuyu was also puzzled, and thought to himself: "Since you don't move, I won't waste time with you anymore."

Looking at the blood eagle eagle standing in the distance, Li Qiuyu was about to slide down when the blood eagle eagle flew over quickly and grabbed the top of his head fiercely.

The speed was so fast that Li Qiuyu was also taken aback by the blood eagle's attack. In desperation, he had to sacrifice the white phosphorous shield to meet the blood eagle's claws.


With a loud noise, the claws of the Blood Eagle Eagle slammed down on the white phosphorus shield. Although the powerful attack power did not break the white phosphorus, Li Qiuyu was slammed into the stone wall. Before he could react, the whole body quickly slipped away.

With this loud noise, the monks below also noticed the presence of Li Qiuyu and the Blood Eagle Eagle above.It's just that they can't see Li Qiuyu's cultivation clearly, and the huge blood eagle eagle and the fifth-order mutant monster are in such a state.

"Fifth-order Mutated Blood Eagle Eagle"

The sharp-eyed cultivator below exclaimed loudly, and the cultivator who was about to come up to snatch the white phosphorous fruit also slowed down and stopped in the distance, neither daring to come up nor reluctant to go down.

Li Qiuyu was attacked by the Blood Eagle Eagle King, and he just slid to the place where the white phosphorus fruit grew, but Li Qiuyu had no intention of picking the white phosphorus fruit immediately, and he didn't have the opportunity to pick it.

The Blood Eagle Eagle flew towards Li Qiuyu in an instant. He didn't attack with flames, and the fifth-level monsters had a lot of wisdom, so naturally they didn't want to destroy the white-collar workers.

Seeing the blood eagle grabbing him, Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and Zijin Zhan slashed towards the blood eagle's claws. The strength of the front line instantly slashed at the blood eagle's body, and the powerful blood eagle was also slammed back.

Li Qiuyu saw that the opportunity was not lost, and attacked with a strong force.After that, he stopped and moved quickly, and several bowl-sized white phosphorous fruits had already entered the space necklace.


The Blood Eagle Eagle was forced to retreat by Li Qiuyu's Purple Gold Slash. It was already furious, but when it saw this human being picking white phosphorous fruit wantonly, it screamed, and several crystal ice cones shot out, and it came to Li Qiuyu in an instant. before.

Li Qiuyu didn't care about picking up the white phosphorus fruit again, and blocked the white phosphorus shield in front of him again, but this time he miscalculated, and several ice picks hit the white phosphorus shield at the same time.

He only felt a tremor, and a trace of blood flowed from his mouth. There were slight cracks in the white phosphorous shield, and it quickly returned to its original shape.

He knew that there might be a slight chance to go up, but there is no chance to go down, because the monks below are more terrifying than the blood eagle eagle, and they can escape without being hurt. Now there is no chance to escape. He stared at himself eagerly.

Li Qiuyu exerted all his true energy, and fought against the blood eagle eagle with a slash and a slash. In front of the strong Zijin slash, the blood eagle never approached him, and the black cloud sword was scrapped.

Even the middle-level magic weapon in the storage bag of the monk in black was scrapped at a distance, and the only usable purple gold in his hand showed a crack, and if he continued to use it forcibly, it would be scrapped sooner or later.

One person and one eagle gradually escaped the sight of the monks, and when they reached a height of four hundred feet, Li Qiuyu chose a place to stand. He had just stood firm, and before he had time to attack, the two claws of the blood eagle grabbed the air.

Li Qiuyu shook his head helplessly, put away the Purple Gold Slash in despair, and instantly sacrificed the Sapphire Sword, a purple-white lightning bolt contacted the Blood Eagle Eagle a foot away from him.


The blood eagle eagle was blocked by lightning, and quickly flew back, landing on the cliff ten feet away, and stopped, its black eyes turned blood red, Li Qiuyu knew this was a sign that the blood eagle eagle was about to go crazy.

However, he has exhausted his real energy now, and it is impossible to use the Sapphire Sword any more. He threw two middle-level Qi training pills into his mouth, and the Heaven-shocking God Art moved quickly, and a layer of crystal light surrounded him.

The strong effect of the medicine made him almost crazy. The only thing he could do was to keep his mind clear. The Sapphire Sword was also held high, and the true essence transformed by the medicine effect was directly transmitted to the Sapphire Sword.The originally short sapphire sword became larger in an instant, and traces of tiny lightning flashed non-stop.

The Blood Eagle Eagle also saw Li Qiuyu's situation, but it was so furious that it couldn't think of anything else. An astonishing monster aura radiated out, and the whole aura also skyrocketed to the extreme, and then shot at Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu also saw the movement of the blood eagle, and under no choice, several bolts of lightning burst out of the air, and the slightest flash of lightning instantly made close contact with the blood eagle. The blood eagle's body trembled suddenly, but it didn't stop at all. The diameter hit Li Qiuyu, and the sharp beak kept spitting out flames and ice picks.


With a roar, the blood eagle eagle in Li Qiuyu's eyes was getting closer and closer, and the flames and ice cones were also approaching in an instant. He didn't notice these, because the strong medicine in his body made him completely crazy.

An astonishing coercion rushed out of his body, and the crystal light around his body became thicker. The ice cone and flame quickly came into contact with the light, and the ice cone and fire goblet blocked the light outside, but he didn't feel well either.

The powerful impact knocked him into the air, the light enveloped him and he flew back, he knocked down stone walls one by one, and he flew back hundreds of meters before stopping.

Fortunately, he was knocked into the air and did not fall downwards. Li Qiuyu fell on a narrow step, followed by the Blood Eagle Eagle, with icicles and flames blasting endlessly. [To be strongly recommended, 20 chapters of recommendation tickets and 20 favorites are needed, brothers give me a hand]

The moment Li Qiuyu came into contact with the stone wall, he also came to his senses, but the true energy in his dantian felt uncomfortable as if it was about to explode, and he also saw the crystal light around his body. The next time the true element shield has become so strong.

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