Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 58 Accepted? 【Favorites + Recommendations】

The reason is that he swallowed the effect of two intermediate Qi training pills at once, which temporarily raised his cultivation to another level, otherwise he would have been instantly killed by the flame and ice cone of the blood eagle eagle.


The protective shield of true essence trembled, and he knew that if this continued, he would be beaten passively, and it was only a matter of time before he lost it.

Li Qiuyu crazily circulated the true energy in his body, allowing the ice cone and flames to attack, the whole body's true energy and strong medicinal power rushed to his hands violently, and his entire body's coercion was once again raised to the highest point.

Maybe when the blood eagle was only ten feet away from him, Li Qiuyu suddenly swiped forward with both hands, and slashed fiercely with a huge full moon scimitar.


With a loud noise, the Blood Eagle Eagle was hit by the strong force and flew back. Li Qiuyu was also shocked by the rebound force, but his dantian was no longer as uncomfortable as before.

Seeing the blood eagle flying back quickly, he knew that chances with true essence were hard to come by, and if he missed the chance, he would be killed by the blood eagle. After fighting for so long, this was the first time he had truly knocked the blood eagle into the air.

Li Qiuyu immediately used the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix, his feet hit the ground fiercely, the originally thick boulder steps were also broken by him, and the huge rock fell sharply.

Then, with the force of the ground, his whole body chased towards the blood coagulation eagle like an afterimage, getting closer, five feet, four feet, three feet, and he caught up with the retreating blood eagle in a blink of an eye.

He punched the blood eagle's head fiercely, and the strong wind of the fist knocked the blood eagle straight down. Under the successive attacks, the blood eagle continued to fall.It wasn't until the blood eagle fell on a huge platform that it stopped its fall.

The Blood Eagle Eagle had just landed, and Li Qiuyu followed.

After the blood eagle landed, it also had a chance to fight back. Fortunately, it was a fifth-order monster. Under Li Qiuyu's stormy attack, it still had the ability to fight back.

The snow sculpture was also beaten into a rage, but Li Qiuyu was too tenacious. When Li Qiuyu's fist attacked, its claws blocked Li Qiuyu's fist, and it took advantage of the momentum to back away, pulling the distance between itself and Li Qiuyu by more than ten years. Zhang Zhang, standing on a protruding boulder, looked at Li Qiuyu in a daze, with a human look in his eyes.


A surprised sound came from the ground, and Li Qiuyu realized that he and the Blood Eagle Eagle had been knocking down from the top, and arrived at the place where the white phosphorous fruit was. However, a large number of monks below stood where they were, looking at Li Qiuyu in surprise. .

Li Qiuyu looked at the white phosphorous fruit not far away, but no monk came up to pick it.He was also baffled by the monks on the ground, but he didn't understand why he didn't come up to snatch the white phosphorous fruit after he lured the blood eagle away.

He didn't know about the monks below. The monks watched Li Qiuyu being beaten to the sky by the fifth-order monster, and entered the five gates of the ground. One person and one eagle gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

In my heart, I thought that Li Qiuyu would be killed by the blood eagle soon, and I was afraid that the blood eagle would come back, but one person and one eagle went up for a quarter of an hour, and the blood eagle hadn't come back. Everyone was confused, and they were unwilling to give up the white phosphorus fruit. I want to climb away from the white phosphorous fruit.

When he was about to approach the white phosphorous fruit, a huge stone fell from the sky, and two unlucky eight-story monks were directly smashed into the ground by the huge stone.

The monks also thought that the blood eagle had returned, so they quickly fled back to the ground. As soon as they reached the ground, they saw the blood eagle falling down, followed by Li Qiuyu, who was believed to be dead by everyone.

Seeing the scene of Li Qiuyu's attack on the Blood Eagle Eagle, they felt an inexplicable fear in their hearts. A five-level monster was beaten with fists by a seven-level Qi training monk, which was far beyond their imagination.

"That monk hasn't been killed by the Blood Eagle Eagle King yet."

"Didn't you see that the blood eagle was shot down by a monk?"

"What the hell."

There was an endless stream of surprised voices below, Li Qiuyu just glanced down, only he himself knew the crisis in front of him, it seemed that the blood eagle was shot down by himself, but in fact, his attack on the blood eagle did not have much effect.

Just as the blood eagle eagle had just stood firm, Li Qiuyu chopped a piece of green wood over. The blood eagle eagle aimed at the green wood and grabbed it, and the green light dissipated instantly.

One person, one eagle, you come and attack, Li Qiuyu saw that the monks below were all looking at herself and the blood eagle, she felt uneasy for a while, and calculated in her heart, she suddenly shot the Black Cloud Sword away, and then strung it up After going out, he rose tens of feet in just a few breaths.


When the Blood Eagle Eagle saw Li Qiuyu leaving, he thought he was about to escape, so he quickly chased after him, and it didn't take a while.One person and one carving completely escaped the sight of the monks.

When Li Qiuyu saw the Blood Eagle Eagle following him, there was a smug look in his eyes. He had completely digested the two intermediate Qi training pills on the way down from the top with the Blood Eagle Eagle, and now his true essence has recovered to The most prosperous.

When he led the blood eagle all the way up, he had a plan. Just when he stood still, the claws and flames of the blood eagle came to him again. Li Qiuyu sacrificed the blue jade sword, and shot out another bolt of lightning.

The whole night followed, leaving only an afterimage on the spot. The lightning and the blood eagle contacted instantly, and a burst of purple-white lightning exploded on the blood eagle, making it numb for a short time. Before it could react, A light object landed on his back.

Immediately afterwards, a heavy fist hit the vest, and the Blood Eagle knew that the human was standing on his back, and was attacking him fiercely with that powerful fist.

It was so furious that it couldn't attack Li Qiuyu, it just kept rolling in the air, trying to throw Li Qiuyu off his back, but Li Qiuyu grabbed the feather of the blood eagle eagle with one hand, and shot down it like a storm with one fist. On the back of the blood eagle eagle.

After a full quarter of an hour, the Blood Eagle Eagle never threw the human off its back, but was beaten until it whimpered. Seeing that the Blood Eagle Eagle didn't resist much, Li Qiuyu eased the force on his fist.

"Have you taken it?"

Li Qiuyu knocked down the blood eagle's back with another fist, and the blood eagle wailed again, with a hint of pleading in the wail, it was completely scared by the humans on its back.

At this moment, a weak consciousness came into his mind. "Okay, I'm done."

Li Qiuyu was also confused by this divine consciousness, he didn't expect that the blood eagle eagle would also have spiritual consciousness, so he had to retract the fist he was about to strike.

"Since you have obeyed, you have to obey my orders from now on, go and lure those monks who are grabbing the white phosphorous fruit away, and don't think about running away." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he left a piece of consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness of the blood eagle eagle. [This book has always occupied the top three of the three new book lists. The editor's recommendation has passed. It was originally strongly recommended, but it was directly transferred to the second-level big picture for me.Site editors support me, how about you?I put all the recommended collections into the bag]

Li Qiuyu tapped lightly, and the whole person left the blood eagle lightly, and stood firmly on a huge stone platform. Looking at the blood eagle with messy feathers, he felt amused, and finally, with a move of consciousness, the blood eagle wailed , looking at Li Qiuyu with pleading eyes.

"As long as you don't disobey my order, I won't treat you badly. Go." It turned out that he wanted to give the blood eagle eagle a warning, leaving a trace of his consciousness on the blood eagle eagle. As long as he moved his mind a little, The consciousness left in the sea of ​​consciousness of the blood eagle will attack inside.

This little trick can only deal with monsters that have never been in contact with humans, and is of no use to humans, unless it is some powerful forbidden spells, which can control a person's life and death.

There was a trace of fear in the eyes of the blood eagle eagle, and it flew down quickly.

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