Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 59 Uprooted

After the blood eagle flew down, Li Qiuyu also slowly slid down, and within a few breaths, he heard the sound of fighting. He knew without thinking that the blood eagle had already bumped into those monks up.

Li Qiuyu hurriedly used his body skills, moved quickly, and within a few breaths came to the place where the white phosphorous fruit was, and saw the blood eagle eagle fighting with other monks on the ninth level of Qi training.

One thing lowers one thing, Li Qiuyu's cultivation base and strength are not as strong as those monks at the ninth level of qi training, but he is also lucky against the blood eagle eagle, but those monks at the ninth level of qi training are not so easy.

Although the blood eagle eagle was recovered by Li Qiuyu, it is still a monster of the fifth level of mutation. How can it be dealt with by the ninth level of Qi training? shoot out.

Seeing the opportunity, Li Qiuyu quickly made a vertical leap and landed steadily on the place where the white phosphorus fruit was. With both hands busy, he picked all the bowl-sized thousand-year-old white phosphorus fruits into the space necklace. All the white phosphorus fruits went into her pocket.

"Boy, if you dare to swallow the white phosphorus fruit by yourself, I will let you die without a whole body." A monk finally saw Li Qiuyu behind the blood eagle eagle, picking the white phosphorus fruit they were desperately fighting for.My heart was furious.

But he didn't think about why the little monk in front of him didn't die under the claws of the blood eagle, and he was still picking white phosphorus fruit beside the blood eagle.

Under his roar, other monks also discovered Li Qiuyu's existence, their eyes were full of anger, and they wanted to come up to snatch the white phosphorous fruit, but they couldn't get through the blood eagle eagle, and some monks were attacked by the blood eagle eagle from time to time. , fell off a cliff.

"Come if you have the ability, I am waiting for you." Li Qiuyu glanced at the monk who was fighting non-stop, but kept picking off other century-old white phosphorous fruits with both hands, and put them all into the space necklace. A cup of tea With a lot of effort, there is not a single white phosphorous fruit left.

There was a sly look in Li Qiuyu's eyes, two daggers appeared in his hands, and he kept waving his hands. After a while, all the branches and leaves of several clusters of white phosphorus fruit fell off, and Li Qiuyu held the roots of the white phosphorus fruit branches in his hands, faintly With a smile, a few tree roots disappeared into the space necklace.

"I'll give you a ride." Zijin Zhan appeared in his hand, and the whole body's true energy frantically poured into Zijin Zhan. In a blink of an eye, Zijin Zhan was a full two feet long. His strength blew out a violent whirlwind, and slashed fiercely at the cultivator who was fighting hard.

"Ah, ah"

Several monks on the ninth level of Qi training were cut off before they could resist, and fell straight to the bottom of the cliff. Life and death were naturally not a concern of Li Qiuyu. go.


Li Qiuyu slashed out with all his strength, and the blood eagle flew up faster and left the cliff in a blink of an eye, flying in another direction.

"Damn bastard, don't let me meet you, or I will kill you without a whole body." Many monks looked at the flying away blood eagle and Li Qiuyu on their backs, and then looked at the empty cliff, which had been filled with white phosphorous for thousands of years. The fruit branches were taken away by Li Qiuyu.

How could they not be angry? Hundreds of monks at the seventh and eighth levels of qi training, and dozens of monks at the ninth level of qi training, died in vain. , that little monk uprooted them and drove them into the abyss completely.

"Everyone, don't let this dead bastard go. We fought hard with the Blood Eagle Eagle, but he swallowed them all by himself in the end. Whoever sees them will kill him. Those white phosphorous fruits are the main materials for refining second-grade pills and third-grade pills. Xiushi Sima said bitterly.

He is the one who wants to kill Li Qiuyu the most. He calculated hard and lost a lot of his disciples. In the end, he returned empty-handed. But he didn't think about it carefully. , How could he be subdued by a little monk.

Li Qiuyu drove the blood eagle to fly fast. The blood eagle is a monster, not a magical weapon, so it is not restricted by the air ban. He does not have an accurate direction, but just let the blood eagle take him to fly.

He is not afraid of being chased by the monks behind, because no matter how powerful those monks are, they dare not use the flying magic weapon. A monk in the Qi training period who does not have a flying magic weapon is like an eagle with broken wings. There is no threat at all, the blood eagle is nearly forty feet above the ground, and the attack cannot meet the entire requirement.

"Take me to a remote place, I want to heal my wounds."

A thought was passed into the blood eagle's mind. After finishing everything, he closed his eyes and rested. In less than an hour, the blood eagle slowly lowered and finally stopped.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was really good. It was a place more suitable for healing and cultivation. It was a canyon with mirror-like cliffs on both sides and the end of the canyon on one side. The canyon was not wide, only less than ten feet. With a wave, a handprint was printed, making a simple barrier to the front of the canyon, and finally added a silence spell on it.

Although these spells are neither offensive nor defensive, their only function is to serve as an alarm, and finally ordered the blood eagle to protect him at a place one foot behind the prohibition.

In this way, an independent space with a radius of hundreds of feet has been formed here, with pools and rocks inside, it can indeed be regarded as a paradise.

"Then, practice by yourself, don't let anyone in." An intermediate Qi training pill flew towards the blood eagle eagle, and the blood eagle opened its claws to catch the Qi training pill, and looked at it suspiciously with its two sparkling small eyes. Looking at the crystal clear elixir, he looked at Li Qiuyu who was meditating beside him.

"Swallow it, it will help you." Li Qiuyu could know the movements of the Blood Eagle Eagle even with his eyes closed. Hearing Li Qiuyu's words, the Blood Eagle Eagle actually smelled that this crystal elixir was not something that would harm it. And it also helps his own cultivation.

With humanized eyes and movements, he threw the qi training pill into the sharp beak, and Li Qiuyu imprinted the movement of the blood eagle eagle into his mind, almost laughing.

Each of them practiced independently without disturbing the other party. Li Qiuyu also threw a low-level Qi training pill into his mouth, and the effect of the pill dissipated instantly.

During the battle with the Blood Eagle Eagle, his true energy was exhausted, and his meridians suffered considerable damage when he swallowed two intermediate Qi training pills. Not only did he fail to recuperate in time after the injury, but he kept using his true energy, causing his The meridians are injured on top of each other.

After harvesting the white phosphorous fruit, in order to get out as soon as possible, he performed a large number of purple gold cuts. Up to now, few of the meridians in his body are intact, and all of them have been injured to varying degrees. [I still need to bookmark and recommend, are you annoyed by my advertising?Then recommend the collection to me, I will kill the industry when it is itchy and fat]

Originally, he wanted to use a low-level Qi training pill and a middle-level Qi training pill to restore the true essence at the same time, and then heal the wounds of the meridians, but the originally scarred meridians would definitely not be able to withstand the impact of the middle-level Qi training pill, so he had to take the low-level Qi training pill. Dan, slowly recover your true energy.

Taking the low-level Qi training pills this time was far more painful than taking two intermediate-level Qi training pills at the same time. I saw crystal beads of sweat appearing on his forehead instantly, and his face was all purple.

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