Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 60 Canyon Healing

The medicinal strength in the dantian stung the injured meridians, and he had to stay awake all the time, and run the Heaven-shocking Art at a high speed. If the Heaven-shocking Art was slowed down a little, the medicinal strength would strongly stimulate the injured meridians.

A full hour passed, Li Qiuyu's clothes were soaked in sweat and then steamed dry, his whole face was pale, but he gritted his silver teeth fiercely, and his body trembled slightly, that was because the meridians in his body were affected by the medicine. The shock made him extremely uncomfortable.


One Sunday, two Sundays...

A full three hours have passed, Li Qiuyu's face was red-hot, and there was a little bit of mist from the top of his head. At this time, he quickly waved his folded hands, and quickly changed his jerky and incomprehensible gestures. For a quarter of an hour, he slowly fell silent.

The tightly closed eyes also slowly opened, with a hint of helplessness on his face. Although the true essence has recovered to its peak, the damage to the meridians in the body has not been fully recovered. It will take at least five or six days to fully recover.

Looking at the Blood Eagle Eagle not far in front of him, it was recuperating with its eyes closed. With its fifth-level cultivation, it naturally knew that Li Qiuyu had finished healing, slowly opened its small eyes, and stared blankly at him.

What followed was a look of gratitude. Intermediate Qi training pills are also of great help to monsters. Tier [-] mutated monsters are very powerful in themselves, and their ability to withstand intermediate Qi training pills far exceeds that of humans, so intermediate Qi training pills His injuries were quickly healed, and his cultivation base also increased slightly.

"How's it going?" Li Qiuyu came to the Blood Eagle Eagle and said calmly. He knew that although the Blood Eagle Eagle was only at the fifth level, and there was still a long way to go when it spoke in its transformation form, it could understand what it said and could Communicate with ideas.

"Thank you for the elixir, I have recovered, but your elixir..."

As soon as the idea came into Li Qiuyu's mind, and he finally looked at the Blood Eagle Eagle and showed his human-like movements, he naturally knew that the Blood Eagle Eagle wanted an intermediate Qi training pill.

"Just follow my orders and don't disobey me. I won't treat you badly. To me, only the elixir is the most rubbish. As long as I have good medicinal materials, I will definitely be able to refine it a hundred times better than this." The elixir can also make you advance and become a higher-level monster, or even a divine beast."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, what he said was not a lie, as long as there are materials, I believe that with the magic of alchemy, some miraculous pills can be refined.

"Materials, do you mean materials like white phosphorous fruit?" Hearing Li Qiuyu's words, the Blood Eagle Eagle felt an inexplicable impulse in his heart. Advancement is more difficult for monsters than for humans to break through. It may not be able to advance, it is born as a low-level monster.

"Yes, as long as it is more than a hundred years old, I need it." Li Qiuyu glanced lightly at the energetic Blood Eagle Eagle, feeling dissatisfied for a while, but fought him to the death, it has completely healed by now, He was also seriously injured.

"I have been here for nearly a thousand years, and I have encountered many medicinal materials like white phosphorus fruit, but they are guardians who are advanced everywhere. You are not the opponent of those guardians. They are all as strong as me." Blood Eagle Eagle Send one after another idea into Li Qiuyu's mind.

"You know the place?"


"Okay, when I recover from my injury, you take me there. The two of us will work together, and I will give you part of the elixir that I made." Li Qiuyu smiled slyly, feeling refreshed. The monster leads the way, so naturally he doesn't need to find it himself.

Besides, he can use pills to buy this fifth-order monster, and he has another powerful helper. He took a mid-level pill from the space necklace and threw it over, and finally gave himself another one. Enter the task of healing again.

The mid-level qi training pills are far more powerful than the low-level qi training pills. Although the real essence has recovered now, the mid-level qi training pills are too overbearing, and the pain now is even more uncomfortable than taking the low-level qi training pills.

Another three hours passed, and the sky gradually darkened. Li Qiuyu also woke up from healing, but this time there was a rare smile on his face.

"Come on, take me to find some food, and have a big barbecue tonight." He stood up slowly, and slid straight to the back of the blood eagle eagle, which had a slight sense of resistance.

Although it was also the one that carried Li Qiuyu over when it came, but at that time Li Qiuyu forcibly sat on it and was in the middle of a battle, so naturally he had no chance to resist.

Now its consciousness was born with resistance, and finally thought of Li Qiuyu's methods and elixirs, and slowly obeyed, carrying Li Qiuyu and quickly flew up.

When Li Qiuyu was flying up the blood eagle, a spell hit the prohibition, and the prohibition was broken in response. The blood eagle carried him and disappeared into the vast night sky in a blink of an eye.

Although it is a crack in space, there is no difference between the world inside and the outside world. Pheasants and hares are everywhere, and Li Qiuyu's consciousness also extends fifty feet away.

"I'll wait for you here. The two antelopes over there are handed over to you. Let's see how long it takes you to solve them." A second-level monster appeared in Li Qiuyu's consciousness. It looked no different from the antelopes. He didn't know The name of this second-order monster, so it is called an antelope.


As soon as Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the Blood Eagle Eagle uttered a clear cry, and the crisp voice spread far away, and the second-order monster was frightened by the sound and lay there dumbfounded. The Blood Eagle Eagle flapped its wings, fifty The distance of ten feet is reached in an instant.

The second-order monster was caught by the blood eagle without the slightest resistance, and the other one grabbed the head of the second-order monster. The second-order monster didn't even make a sound, and it was already dead. .

The Blood Eagle Eagle also returned to the place where Li Qiuyu was standing. It was only a few breaths from the discovery of the second-level monster and its killing. Li Qiuyu was also stunned by the strength of the fifth-level Blood Eagle Eagle, and subdued it Eagle seems to be pure luck.

"There is nothing strange about this. In our beasts, the concept of hierarchy is much stricter than that of your humans. Even if there is a difference of one level, it is a big difference. In our beasts, the power of high-level monsters is enough to overwhelm low-level monsters. It was too suppressed to dare to resist."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's strange expression, the Blood Eagle Eagle naturally knew the speed at which he could kill the second-order monsters. He was subconsciously happy, and sent an idea into Li Qiuyu's mind.

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by the blood eagle eagle, he also knows that the level concept of monsters is very strict. Although he has never seen it before, he has read a lot of books. When he actually saw it, it still had a strong impact on him.

"Okay, let's go back." Li Qiuyu kicked lightly, and the whole body had already floated onto the back of the blood eagle eagle. The blood eagle grabbed the second-level monster with one claw and threw it up. Just before it fell in front of Li Qiuyu's hand, Li Qiuyu Qiu Yu caught it helplessly.

In a short time, one person and one eagle will reach the canyon. After entering the canyon, they will also block the canyon as soon as they reach the prohibition. Baibai's Tier [-] Monster Beast has been strangled by a wooden stick.

Only at this time did he forget that he hadn't prepared the material fire, so he ordered the blood eagle eagle to do the work of the true essence, but the blood eagle eagle was naturally unwilling, and under the shaking of a white pill, the blood eagle eagle flew out quickly , Li Qiuyu put the pill into the space necklace.


When Li Qiuyu saw it, it turned out that his own little prohibition had not been lifted, and the prohibition that had no defense ability was torn apart when the blood eagle bumped into it.

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