Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 61 Another Foodie

The prohibition was cast by him with his true energy, and it didn't affect him, but he was confused by this reckless fifth-order monster.I won't cause trouble for him when I go out in the future.

Looking at the blood eagle flying away, he suddenly thought of his space necklace. After he broke through to the seventh level of Qi training, the area inside also increased a lot, with an area of ​​nearly ten feet square, which has already Enough for this blood coagulation eagle to live in it.

"I just don't know if living monsters can survive inside."

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and an idea appeared in his heart, that is to let the blood eagle go out and catch two live monsters, and then put them in the space necklace. If he can survive a few days in it without dying, it will naturally prove that it can Survive the living monsters.

The idea is certain, seeing the blood eagle eagle that just flew back, a thought was passed on, and the blood eagle eagle spread its wings helplessly and flew out.

"It seems that you still have to practice the fire element."

Li Qiuyu took out the kindling from the storage bag, and slowly lit the dry fire. When he saw the tiny flames, he shook his head helplessly. Thinking of the benefits of practicing the fire-type kung fu, that is, there is no need to bring kindling.

The flames were getting bigger and bigger. Li Qiuyu put the cleaned second-tier monsters on the flames, and kept busy with both hands. With one hand, he stirred the flames, and with the other, he turned the wooden sticks on which the second-tier monsters were strung.

Half an hour later, the blood eagle also flew back, holding two second-level golden armored beasts in its two claws, and when he came to the canyon, he threw the golden armored beasts down. Under the coercion of the eagle, his trembling body curled up in a ball, pretending to be dead on the ground.

With a wave of Li Qiuyu's right hand, the two golden armored beasts disappeared in an instant. Naturally, they entered the space necklace to be white mice. The blood eagle eagle saw the two second-level monsters he had captured disappeared under Li Qiuyu's wave. , It also feels amazing.

Then he stared at the golden roasted meat with his small eyes, and a gleam of white light flowed from the sharp beak. Seeing the appearance of the blood eagle, he naturally knew that it was tempted by the smell of roasted meat.

Li Qiuyu didn't play tricks on him, and threw more than half of the roasted meat over, leaving only a golden roasted leg. Seeing the delicious food flying, the blood eagle claws stretched out to grab the roasted meat, and the scent wafted in continuously. in the nose.

Li Qiuyu watched the blood eagle's rude movements, and ignored it, and slowly enjoyed the delicious food in his hands. After a while, he wiped out a roasted leg. When he looked at the blood eagle, It made him laugh wildly.

The Blood Eagle Eagle had already finished more than half of the roast meat, and his eyes were fixed on the roast leg in Li Qiuyu's hand, pretending to be as pitiful as he could be.

"Go and catch another one. I'm in a good mood today. Let's satisfy you again. Go." Li Qiuyu said loudly.


As soon as Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the blood eagle flew up quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was in sight. Li Qiuyu shook his head helplessly, and said to himself: "Another foodie."

It was another barbecue, and he was busy for more than an hour before roasting a second-order monster. This cunning fifth-order monster was afraid that it would not be enough to eat, so he caught a calf-like monster.

Li Qiuyu took a hard look at the blood eagle squatting beside him, finally threw the roasted meat over, walked slowly towards the pool, and began to meditate and heal after a simple cleaning.

Nothing happened all night, the blood eagle eagle finished eating a big barbecue, sat next to the prohibition contentedly, and rested comfortably with its small eyes closed.

The other monks who were also in the space crack also found a safe place to spend the night. Only dozens of monks sat together and talked softly. , can be divided into more than ten sects or forces.

"Everyone knows what happened today, right? Our hard work was swallowed up by a little cultivator. What's even worse, he was uprooted in the end. Don't you think so?" A middle-aged monk at the peak of the ninth floor.

He was the monk Sima who proposed to let many monks attack the blood eagle flock during the day. He did not expect to be tricked by others in the end, and he didn't even touch the white phosphorous fruit in the end.

After Li Qiuyu and the Blood Eagle Eagle left, some clever monks snatched the corpse of the third-tier Blood Eagle Eagle on the ground. Not a small gain.

After most of the monks left, the remaining monks on the ninth floor of qi training began to gather to discuss how to deal with Li Qiuyu, kill people to seize treasures, and vent their anger.

It's just that the cunning Sima monk clearly knows that Li Qiuyu's cultivation is not very outstanding, but if he can subdue the fifth-order monsters, there must be Sima's magical treasure, otherwise he would not believe that Li Qiuyu beat the blood eagle to death. Convinced.

He is a guy who always likes to calculate others. These things naturally draw other monks in, and then fish out of troubled waters.

"Fellow Sima, is there any way to catch that bastard? If I can catch that bastard, I will definitely tear him up." A rude voice sounded, and the person who spoke was a middle-aged monk in black. .

"Fellow Daoist Mu, I don't have a way, but there are so many of you, are you still afraid of him, a little monk who can train Qi at the seventh level? Don't you want the thousand-year-old white phosphorous fruit on his body? It's the material for refining the third-grade foundation building. .” Sima Xiu kept provoking everyone in front of him.

"What Fellow Daoist Sima said is, there are so many of us, more than [-] people at the ninth level of qi training, not to mention that we all have fellow disciples and helpers, so naturally we won't be afraid of a little monk at the seventh level of qi training." The monk surnamed Mu heard After arriving at the white phosphorous fruit, he said excitedly.

"Everyone just need to tell other monks and companions what this guy looks like, and we will naturally find that little monk soon. When we see him, we will do it to see how long he can last, and we will exhaust him to death. In the end, we each snatched the treasures from him according to our city."

Brother Sima said indifferently, his method has to be said to be vicious, a monk who has cultivated Qi at the seventh level, has enemies staring at him everywhere, if ordinary monks, faced with the pursuit of most monks, they would have collapsed long ago.

"Okay, let's do what Fellow Daoist Sima said, attack him when we see him, don't give him a chance to rest, let more people know that he has white phosphorus fruit on him, and make him a public enemy. Hehe." With a sinister smile, in the end the other monks expressed their opinions one after another, and jointly deal with Li Qiuyu to relieve their hatred.

Li Qiuyu, who was practicing to heal his injuries, only felt an itchy nose and sneezed out.

"It's so late, who is talking about me?"

He naturally doesn't know that he has become the public enemy of others, but in the space crack, when is it safe? Isn't he facing the battle at any time, and killing people and seizing treasures is performed here at any time.

Li Qiuyu's sneeze also awakened the Blood Eagle Eagle beside him. It stretched its neck and looked around, but found no movement. Finally, it looked at Li Qiuyu in bewilderment. Seeing that the other party ignored it, it closed its eyes and rested.

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