The Badlands

The name is extremely popular, which shows that the aura of this place is thin. Although there are not many monks living here, the martial atmosphere here is full.

After the four of Li Qiuyu came to this land of spiritual desolation, they continued to appreciate the local people and customs all the way. The strength of the four was at the foundation stage, and they could already be regarded as top-notch existences in this place where monks did not come.

"Guest officer, do you need to stay in the hotel?"

A well-built young man saluted Li Qiuyu and the others respectfully and said, seeing the appearance of Li Qiuyu and the others, this young man probably knew that the immortal master was coming.

This town is not too small. In the past, the monks who passed here usually stayed here to rest, but the monks from here are all low-level disciples in the Qi training period, otherwise they would not stay here to rest.

"Well, is there a better courtyard?"

Li Qiuyu said coldly, with a layer of ice on his face, giving people a feeling that strangers should not be close to each other. The effect of this is nothing more than to make others less disturb you.

"Yes, yes, yes, but this courtyard is more expensive, guest officer, you see,,,,,

The young man stammered, "If it's too expensive, Li Qiuyu and the others won't be able to get out the spirit stone, and it would be bad for the four of them to lose face, but it's even worse to say it directly."

"How many spirit stones a day?"

Li Qiuyu said calmly, he naturally understood what the young man meant, so he asked, and finally looked at the other party, waiting for the other party's answer.

"20 yuan low-level spirit stones a day, five hundred spirit stones a month." The young man said quickly.

"Okay, let's stay for a month. Here are five hundred low-level spirit stones. You can count them." Li Qiuyu handed over a storage bag.

"That's right, guest officer, please come with me." The young man said excitedly, and then brought the four of them to a separate courtyard, which was quiet and full of fragrance of flowers.

"Don't disturb our cultivation." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he threw ten low-level spirit stones to the young man, and finally the young man saluted and left excitedly.

Ten spirit stones are considered a considerable reward in this spiritual wasteland, and young people are just ordinary mortals, but there are many low-level monks who have passed by here, so they naturally know how precious the spirit stones are.

"My lord, this place really doesn't have any aura at all. No wonder monks rarely come here." Xiao Qiuyue took Li Qiuyu's arm, and the four of them walked around the courtyard, looking at the construction here.

"Well, otherwise, why would it be called the land of spiritual desolation, ninety-nine because there is no spiritual energy. In Fengyue Continent, you really can't find places without spiritual energy."

Li Qiuyu is also very curious about this place, but he doesn't need to understand these things that have nothing to do with him. However, whether he has aura has little effect on him now, because the pill is enough to make up for the lack of aura.

Only when hitting the pass, a lot of aura is needed. When Xiao Qiuyue broke through the later stage, Diyanfeng's aura was already a bit scattered, and Li Qiuyu naturally wouldn't break through at Diyanfeng.

After setting up a Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation here, he imposed a few simple prohibitions. Although there are no senior monks living in this place, there is no guarantee that some monks will find themselves waiting for others.

After half a year of playing, the three girls had had enough and felt a little tired. After playing in the courtyard for a while, they went back to the room to rest and sleep.

Li Qiuyu meditated alone in the courtyard, and monks did not have a big impact on sleep. Meditation was often more energetic than sleep, but after a long time, he still had to sleep. Human nature and instinct were like this.

The four of them lived in this courtyard for a month, and then began to fly in the direction of Dashang. Because they were not in a hurry, they first flew with low-level magic weapons.


Li Qiuyu frowned, and his heart moved, and the yin in his monster storage bag became excited, as if he had encountered something exciting.

"Brother Qiuyu, what's wrong?"

Li Qiuyu saw Li Qiuyu stopped, with a surprised expression on his face, and asked curiously, in this place, it is generally not encountered any powerful masters and treasures.

"Hmm, what a weird smell."

The cloud beast also began to sniff strangely, with a strange expression on its swollen eyes, and then jumped off Li Qiuyu's shoulders, and quickly fell towards the ground in front of it.

"Yinmo encountered something, and it was rarely restless in the monster storage bag, and the cloud beast also found something, let's go and have a look."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he lowered the magic weapon and quickly followed behind the cloud beast. One beast and four people ran back and forth quickly. After a quarter of an hour, the cloud beast finally stopped.

Seeing the cloud beast stop, the Yinmorant in the storage bag reacted more intensely. He pondered for a moment, opened the storage bag, and a powerful mana and clearing spell enveloped the Yinmorant. After a while, the Yinmorant's body The movement was suppressed a little, but it was still very strong.

Immediately, a spiritual consciousness passed to Yin Chan, and they began to communicate. Yin Chan had followed Li Qiuyu for more than 200 years, and the communication between the two was very smooth, with almost no gaps.

After a while, Li Qiuyu finally understood, with excitement on his face, if Yinchan was a human, he would doubt whether Li Qiuyu was human or Yinchan.

The degree of excitement is even stronger than that of the yin. It turns out that there is actually a female yin here. No wonder the male yin is so excited. Li Qiuyu has been in the world of cultivation for more than 200 years, and he has never heard of the news of the yin. .


Seeing Li Qiuyu's excited look, Xiao Hanyue was much more excited than the last time she got Lanyan Huolong, she asked curiously, Ling Ling and Xiao Qiuyue also looked at Li Qiuyu.

"Finally met the mother's vagina."

Li Qiuyu said happily, with a full smile on his face, which made the three girls puzzled.

"Brother Qiuyu, aren't you? You are so happy when you meet a woman, but if you meet a beautiful woman, you don't want to jump up." Lingling laughed softly, and the three women looked at Li Qiuyu puzzled.

"You girl, where do you want to go? You three peerless beauties are enough. I mean, the male cunt in my hand has met a maternal cunt." Li Qiuyu gently tapped Ling Ling's forehead. After a moment, he said in an annoyed manner.

"You have to make it clear, I thought brother Qiuyu that you like a little bitch." After Ling Ling finished speaking, she quickly hid behind Xiao Hanyue.

The three girls laughed coquettishly immediately, making Li Qiuyu's face turn green and then white. The reaction and understanding of the three girls were too powerful.

Then the cloud beast stared at a mountain range not far away. The mountain range was about the same as a normal mountain peak, only about a hundred feet high, but there was not even a single grass on the mountain range, standing numbly on the ground.


Li Qiuyu released the Yin chan in his hand, and Yin chan quickly flew towards the mountain range. Li Qiuyu's consciousness was firmly locked on Yin chan.

Although Yin Mo is not very useful now, and can only deal with monks in the alchemy stage, but at least he has been with him for 200 years, and he has some feelings.

However, if you can get the maternal yin morsels, you can quickly hatch a large number of yin mormorants, and there will be tens of thousands or even millions of yin mormorants at every turn, even the most powerful monks have to stay away.

Yinmorant flew into the mountains and disappeared, but Li Qiuyu's consciousness was still on Yinmorante. Yinmorant came to a huge stone wall and looked at it helplessly.

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuyu quickly took the three women and the cloud beast and flew towards the stone wall. The distance of five miles was reached in an instant, and they stood a hundred feet in front of the stone wall.

Li Qiuyu slowly approached the stone wall with a weak mana. The stone wall didn't have a good reaction, nor did it fluctuate in spiritual power. It was no different from ordinary stone walls.

"Hehe, I'm lucky to have met me, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to see the problem on the stone wall." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the whole person's momentum changed, the lotus on the eyebrows flickered, and a golden light shot towards the stone wall Shot it.

This golden light is not offensive at all, it is just an auxiliary spell, but this light can see the illusion of everything in the world and some things that cannot be seen by spiritual consciousness and eyesight.

Sure enough, this stone wall was imprisoned here a long, long time ago. This stone wall is not an ordinary stone wall, but a fusion of metal and wood.

If you want to destroy it, it is almost impossible. The only way is to refine this stone wall. I don’t know who came up with this method. Ordinary people can’t do it at all. A monk with magic power will not pay attention to an ordinary stone wall. .


Li Qiuyu shouted softly, a Nine Palaces Tianxuan Formation was displayed, and then several illusions and prohibitions were performed, covering the stone wall with a radius of hundreds of feet within the formation.

After finishing everything, Li Qiuyu quickly shot his consciousness towards the stone wall, and shot out a burst of mana, chanting bitter words non-stop.

After a full quarter of an hour, the entire stone wall finally changed slightly. The stone wall gradually became smaller. After an hour, Li Qiuyu's face became extremely pale, and his body was also a little weak.

But the stone wall finally became an inch in size, Li Qiuyu affixed the inch-sized stone wall with a prohibition symbol, and finally put it in a storage bag.

Throwing a Tianying Pill and Huishen Pill into the mouth, it took a while to adjust the breath before slowly recovering. Behind the stone wall is a simple formation. Permitted, I saw that it passed through the formation without any effect.

Li Qiuyu also swung down a piece of green wood, and the formation was broken, and the four of them and the cloud beast quickly walked in, a cave, a real cave.

When entering the cave, Li Qiuyu used several illusions to prohibit the door, and then kept looking inside.

I don't know how many years ago this cave was. It smells pungent inside, but it is very dry inside. Entering the cave is a large hall.

There are only a dozen stone stools in the hall, and there is nothing inside. The hall is about ten feet high. Behind the hall is a passage, a passage through the stone wall.

Li Qiuyu's consciousness was always on the yin, and the four of them passed through a passage that was more than ten feet long. Inside were countless small stone chambers. Judging from the construction of the stone chambers, these stone chambers were used to raise spirit insects.

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