Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 571 Linglong Pagoda 【Gold Medal】

Yin Mo came to a small room, and saw it spinning around in front of an antique pagoda, feeling very anxious.

The four of Li Qiuyu came to this room, which was slightly different from other rooms. This room had a stone bed and a bed of ice.

There is also a table and a chair, all carved out of stone. This antique pagoda is placed on the table. The pagoda is about one foot high and has nine floors.

There was a mysterious aura emanating from it, and Li Qiuyu tapped out a burst of mana, and his whole face suddenly changed. After this mana appeared, the mana in his dantian involuntarily rushed towards the pagoda.

Instead of rushing, it was pulled out quickly. In an instant, Li Qiuyu had no time to recover his mana, nor was he able to recover it.

The magic power of the whole body was emptied, and the whole body swayed, and the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue did not react. Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, they hurriedly protected him.

"No wonder it is so!"

Li Qiuyu had a horrified expression, and finally thought of something, the horrified expression on his face slowly dissipated, and finally showed various expressions.

"My lord, what did you find?"

Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, Xiao Hanyue didn't dare to disturb her, but after Li Qiuyu recovered, she asked softly, with a concerned look on her face.

"This land of spiritual desolation has a radius of 50 miles, and there is still a little bit of aura in other places. When we get here, there is no sign of aura, especially in this area of ​​[-] miles. We have traveled all the way, and there is no aura at all. .”

"Have you noticed that since Cloud Beast and Yinchan discovered this place, the air has been dry for more than 200 miles, and there are no flowers, plants or trees on the ground."

Li Qiuyu spoke slowly, not daring to use mana anymore, and made the three girls use their mana unceasingly. When they started casting the Nine Palaces Profound Formation and Prohibition by themselves, the mana did not lose, it was because of the formation at the door, Li Qiuyu At first, I didn't notice that the formation would not absorb the mana of monks.

Otherwise, other monks had discovered this place a long time ago, and he regretted it a little. This formation was broken by himself without research. If he could research something on that formation, his own formation technique would It can also be improved a lot.

"Yeah, we've come for two hundred miles, I thought we were near the desert." Xiao Qiuyue also said seriously.

"Because the aura of this spiritual barren land was absorbed by this pagoda, it turns out that this place should be a place with rich aura, but the appearance of this pagoda completely turned this place into a barren land."

"Then what can we do now? The Yinmorant is still outside the pagoda. It seems that the maternal Yinmorant you mentioned is still inside." Lingling said eagerly.

"Get out of the way, I'll try with my spiritual sense." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she didn't dare to swallow the Tianying Pill in her weak body, lest the mana use take time and it would be a pity to consume the Tianying Pill.

A tiny piece of consciousness moved towards the pagoda, but there was no reaction at all. Li Qiuyu slowly increased his consciousness until after a cup of tea, Li Qiuyu's consciousness was also consumed a lot, which is already the strongest of his consciousness The big pinnacle is off.

Just when he was about to give up in disappointment, the pagoda finally moved, and then the consciousness of the pagoda itself connected with Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness.

"This sage is the holy trainer of the Celestial Beast Sect. However, he was in order to tame the spirit insects and beasts, so he delayed his practice, transformed into a god and ascended to the spirit world. By chance, he got the Linglong Pagoda, which made me reach the holy realm of the cave."

"Nevertheless, the monks in the Hollow Saint Realm can't ascend to the spiritual world, they can only stay in the human world for 5000 years, sitting in depression, and being able to come to the cave mansion of this holy place is also considered to be predestined for me. The coincidence of heaven and earth is nothing more than a word of fate, Linglong Inside the pagoda is my sage raising celestial spirit insects. When you can hear my sage's spiritual knowledge, it will be the day of my samsara."

The expression on Li Qiuyu's face changed constantly, and after a while, the whole person sat down on the ground, Xiao Hanyue hurried over to help him up, and helped him to sit on the stone chair in the room.

"Brother Qiu Yu."

Lingling yelled in concern, her eyes were slightly red, and her heart ached.

"It's okay, I'll just adjust my breathing." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he threw a recovery pill into his mouth and began to recover his consciousness quickly, while the three women also stayed quietly aside.

One day passed, Li Qiuyu slowly opened his eyes, his spiritual consciousness recovered, his physical strength and magic power recovered a bit, and after his spiritual consciousness recovered, he quickly explored his spiritual consciousness towards the pagoda.

This time the consciousness is different from the last time. As soon as the consciousness touched the pagoda, it was connected with the pagoda. Li Qiuyu began to sacrifice the pagoda with the consciousness. This sacrifice is no different from the blood refinement. Wipe out the consciousness, and then connect the pagoda with his mind.

As long as I connect this pagoda, slowly control the pagoda, and try not to let the pagoda hurt me, after two full hours, Li Qiuyu's face gradually becomes happy, and finally this pagoda has been refined by myself.

This refinement is not the real refinement, the real refinement is complete control, it can only be said that a part of the pagoda can be used by oneself now.

On the one hand, Yin Yan, who was in a hurry, was also waiting under Li Qiuyu's comfort. After refining the pagoda, Li Qiuyu shot out a burst of mana.

But things were not as he imagined. After the mana came into contact with the pagoda, it was like a magic weapon, and then Li Qiuyu picked up the pagoda.


There was a crisp sound, and under the pagoda, there was actually a box like a mechanism, the box was no more than the size of a palm, and the box was gently popped out. Li Qiuyu supported the pagoda with one hand, and put the box away with the other.

"There is still a baby."

Li Qiuyu saw the box under the pagoda. The whole box was made of a kind of transparent jade, and the contents inside could be seen from the outside, three pieces of jade slips and a ring.

"Wait, let me open this box first, otherwise it won't take me long to refine this pagoda," Li Qiuyu said calmly.

The last divine sense wrapped the jade box, and then opened it with magic power. There is no prohibition on this box, and if you think about it, there shouldn't be any prohibition.

Being able to discover this place is a kind of opportunity. To remove the stone wall outside the cave is a kind of opportunity and a kind of strength. Being able to easily enter the formation outside the cave is also a kind of opportunity and strength.

Being able to refine this pagoda is a kind of opportunity and strength. After countless coincidences and strengths, what kind of people need to have such luck.

To get this jade box, opportunities are as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, and finding a needle in a haystack also has a goal. This person does not know the goal at all, and does not know that such a thing exists in the world.

It seems that in the future, a large number of low-level disciples will have to hunt for treasures everywhere, and even a lot of treasures will be treated as garbage in the hands of low-level disciples.

Just like the last time I used thousands of low-level spirit stones to buy the sky meteorite, if the monk knew the sky meteorite and its value, it would definitely be worth millions, even tens of millions of Li Qiuyu would have to buy it.

Among the jade slips inside the box, the first one is the last words of the owner of the cave. In the last words are his identity and experience, as well as how to refine this pagoda. This pagoda is called Linglong Pagoda. After 5000 years, I only know some power.

There are also some structures of this cave, especially the stone wall outside the cave. The stone wall is also a magical treasure. Li Qiuyu carefully read the information inside.

Although I have also read the other two jade slips, one of the jade slips is to introduce the heaven and earth spirit insects and spirit pets, and some spirit beasts.

The second piece of jade slip is a method of taming animals. After successfully practicing the method, one can communicate with all kinds of monsters, ranging from levelless beasts to divine beasts and even celestial beasts.

Moreover, he could also know the habits and weaknesses of various monsters. Li Qiuyu was overjoyed when he saw this. If he could successfully practice this method of taming animals, he would not have to trouble himself when encountering monsters in the future.

Needless to say, that ring is a space ring, and inside it is a size of a hundred miles. Inside it are some treasures and used things of the cave master, all of which he put into the space ring.

"Hey, these things are indeed rare treasures. I will talk about them after I release the yin inside." Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and he saw an exquisite school gate on the fourth floor of Linglong Tower open, and then a golden spirit The worm flew out, and after the spirit worm flew out, the small door automatically returned to its original shape.

The two yin mortars were together affectionately, just like two long-lost lovers meeting each other. Li Qiuyu and the others were speechless, and the spirit insects were also like this.

In the end, Li Qiuyu took the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue to look at the cave. There was nothing else in it, and everything was in the space ring inside the jade box.

This cave is also tens of feet in size. The three daughters of Xiao Hanyue took care of the outside of the hall, and Li Qiuyu also told them that they might stay here for a while.

After the three girls finished tidying up, the three girls rested in the hall, which has been treated as warm as a boudoir by them, and Li Qiuyu blood-refined Linglong Pagoda in the original room.

Only after the blood training can one know some things inside, and Yinchan will also live in the Linglong Tower. After half a month, he finally took control of the Linglong Tower. The fourth floor is a space with a radius of ten miles. A Yin Morant is also inside.

The first floor is generally for monsters below the fifth level, the second level is for monsters below the eighth level, and the third level is for monsters below the tenth level. Above the fourth floor, I don't know what it is for.With Li Qiuyu's cultivation and understanding, it is impossible to understand the entire Linglong Pagoda.

Even the owner of this cave doesn't know. He only knows that the Linglong Pagoda can absorb a lot of mana and aura. Even a monk at the Nascent Soul stage can absorb all the opponent's mana in an instant.

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