Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 573 Joining Tianmen

There are only a hundred or so people in that sect, but someone recognized Li Qiuyu's identity, and the entire sect should be punished. Li Qiuyu is not a bloodthirsty generation, but he is not a saint either. Anyone who threatens him must be killed. in the cradle.

"If the senior doesn't dislike it, the junior can show the senior a place to go." Han Xing said happily, looking at Li Qiuyu expectantly.


Li Qiuyu said lightly, with his identity and strength, it is easy to establish a power, but it is not necessary.

"Tianmen is also one of the top ten forces. In Tianmen, the treatment is also good. With the strength of seniors, there is no problem entering the inner gate. There is no need to do tasks in the inner gate, and the inner gate also has its own cave. Intense."

Han Xing said quickly, telling out some benefits of Tianmen, and hoped that Li Qiuyu would join Tianmen. If Li Qiuyu joined the foundation, he could get a lot of money again.

"Well, this is a good method, but I don't want to be disturbed, I just want to practice quietly, and then take revenge for the sect." Li Qiuyu said with satisfaction.

"The junior should inform the seniors who have just started, and see if they can get a good cultivation environment for the seniors, so that the seniors can practice with peace of mind, and the seniors have the ten major forces of Ling Xiao as their backers, so it is much more convenient to do things outside." Han Xing said happily.

"Okay, if I can gain a foothold in Tianmen in the future, I will naturally bring you to the inner gate."

Li Qiuyu smiled and said that he also learned from this Han Xing that although Tianmen is one of the top ten forces, there are only about forty monks in the Yuanying stage, and six major monks.

With his own strength, it would be easy to bring a disciple in. This Han Xing also wanted to rely on himself to enter the inner sect, so he might as well say it out.

"Thank you senior."

After Han Xing finished speaking, he hurriedly left the garden, and finally walked towards the front of the inn. In fact, the top ten forces are also cherishing their talents. The top ten forces compete fiercely, and they all seem to expand their own strength. The expansion of strength, in addition to resources, the most important thing is talents .

Li Qiuyu watched the Han Xing leave with a smile, and finally returned to the courtyard, playing with Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters, leading a quiet life of cultivation.

But this Han Xing never imagined that this seemingly good young man in the Foundation Establishment Stage was actually a top expert in Fengyue Continent. Even the Northern Jin Empire was messed up and countless great monks were killed.

Moreover, the other three women in the Foundation Establishment Stage were also great monks with advanced cultivation, so it didn't take much effort to kill the same level of big monks.

"My lord, you said that if we enter the Heavenly Gate to cultivate, aren't we afraid of being discovered?"

Xiao Hanyue asked softly, the cultivation base of the four of them could not be seen by the low-level disciples, but some strange things in the cultivation world were more common.

"Hehe, the strength of our cultivation can be seen only by the monks in the stage of transformation, but the big monks can't see it." Li Qiuyu said comfortingly. Can't see it.

"Then when are we going to Tianmen?"

Nestling in Li Qiuyu's arms, Ling Ling said with her ruddy mouth, a jade hand wrapped around Li Qiuyu's neck.

"Soon, that kid wants to use our identity to enter the inner sect, as long as he behaves well, give him a chance." Li Qiuyu said calmly.

Two days later, Han Xing happily came to the courtyard where Li Qiuyu lived, and shouted respectfully: "Senior, Senior Li, disciple Han Xing has something to tell you."

"It's Han Xing."

Li Qiuyu came out slowly, saw Han Xing running all the way over, and finally saluted Li Qiuyu.

"Senior Li, the elders in the gate have already said that seniors are welcome to join Tianmen. When will seniors go to Tianmen?" Han Xing said eagerly, looking at Li Qiuyu.

"Okay, I don't have anything to do now, or we'll go to Tianmen now." Li Qiuyu said happily, with a smile on his face.

"Senior, clean up first, we will go to Tianmen right now, Tianmen is still a hundred thousand away from here." Han Xing said excitedly, this time he will definitely be able to enter the inner gate.The first thing to do is to curry favor with Senior Li in the Foundation Establishment Period.

"Wait for me outside, we'll be fine soon." Li Qiuyu waved his hand and finally walked towards his courtyard.

Back in the courtyard, Li Qiuyu called Xiao Hanyue's three daughters to prepare to leave here and go to Tianmen. It will be much more convenient to do things after being mixed up in Tianmen.

After a while, the four settled the remaining spirit stones at the inn, and then followed Han Xing to leave Lingxiao City. Li Qiuyu sacrificed a top-quality flying spirit weapon, and Han Xing looked at Li Qiuyu's top-quality spirit weapon enviously.

It took two full days for the top-quality flying weapon to cover a distance of [-] miles. During the two days, the five of them did not rest and kept on going. Finally, on the third day, they came to a stretch of mountains.

The entire mountain range is full of aura. Just in the outer area, there is already a strong aura at the five hundred feet of Diyan Peak, but the five of them still flew in the mountain range for a long time.

It was only in the middle of the mountains that we saw a continuous stretch of endless pavilions, one after another peaks towering above the clouds, there are a total of 36 such peaks.All are on [-] zhang.

Li Qiuyu was brought to a mountain peak by Han Xing and stopped, and finally walked towards the reception place for new disciples. After several procedures, Li Qiuyu reached the early stage of foundation establishment at the age of 20 and became an inner disciple.

The three daughters of Xiao Hanyue also became inner sect disciples at the early stage of foundation establishment at the age of 20. The three of them were arranged by a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment on a mountain other than the 36 main peaks. The disciples in the foundation stage can open their own caves.

After receiving an identity token, the four quickly came to this mountain range. After a day of careful selection, Li Qiuyu and the others finally chose a place to open up a cave on a relatively remote mountain range.

This place is a cliff with a height of about [-] zhang, and there is plenty of aura. Han Xing recommended Li Qiuyu's four foundation-building disciples to have meritorious service.

But Li Qiuyu also gave Han Xing a top-grade magic weapon and a thousand low-level spirit stones so that he could practice here. A rich man.

Besides, with the care of the seniors in the foundation building stage, ordinary disciples naturally dare not bully him in the early stage. Li Qiuyu led Xiao Hanyue and the three of them continuously waving the top-quality spiritual energy on the stone wall.

It took a full hour to open a one-foot-wide stone gate at the two hundred feet of the stone wall, and about ten feet into the stone gate, there is a hall with a radius of fifty feet, with many stone benches and tables.

After entering the hall, a passage extends in. The passage is fifty feet long. At the exit of the passage is a paradise, which is almost the same as the place where the cloud beast lives in the void.

This paradise is as big as two miles in radius, with fruit trees, flowers and plants inside, all around in the sky. An exit with a radius of ten feet is covered with countless branches and dense weeds.

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, he quickly moved his hands, and more than ten prohibitions and formations appeared ten feet below the top of the cave.The roof of the cave is also covered by illusion.

Then cast a Nine Palaces Profound Formation and Prohibition for every fifty feet below, and after finishing everything, the whole person falls to the ground, and it is definitely a good place to practice inside.

When Li Qiuyu came here, her powerful spiritual sense discovered that the back of the stone wall was empty, but she didn't expect it to be a paradise for cultivation.

One day later, the entire cave was completed, with a fifty-foot-sized hall, and behind the passage of the hall there were ten stone chambers with a radius of twenty sheets. In the place where the hall passage entered ten feet, there were powerful developments and formations.

Outside the stone wall, Li Qiuyu will also use a relatively powerful formation. In Tianmen, generally no one will make trouble, because Tianmen has strict discipline.

This place was also circled by Li Qiuyu at the reception desk with a token, that is to say, this place is the cave of the foundation-building disciples, and other disciples are not allowed to trespass.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu secretly stuffed two hundred low-level spirit stones into the hands of this early foundation-building monk. Although he was a foundation-establishment monk, two hundred low-level spirit stones were considered a considerable fortune.

"Senior Brother Li, you are being polite. This is what you should do, Brother Li. Please ask Brother Li if you have anything to do in the future."

This monk in the early stage of foundation establishment was very happy when he saw Li Qiuyu give him the spirit stone. Two hundred spirit stones were the benefits of two months for the monks in the foundation establishment stage.

Being able to easily take out two hundred spirit stones is definitely not an ordinary poor monk. Even if Li Qiuyu didn't give the spirit stones, he would give them to Li Qiuyu without any conditions.

After finishing everything, Li Qiuyu turned around and returned to her own cave. This place is richer in aura than the top of Diyue Peak. As long as she works hard, it is not impossible to break through in this place.

ten years

Ten years passed quickly, and the four of Li Qiuyu gradually integrated into this Tianmen. Although the competition between Tianmen and other forces was fierce, it was not so fierce that the sects fought head-on.

Li Qiuyu usually practiced in this cave, comprehended alchemy and the control of some spirit treasures, so there was no free time to practice, and the time naturally passed quickly.

The cultivation base of the three women has also been stabilized. The big monk, even if he is a big businessman in heaven, is an amazing master. What's more, the treasure and strength in the hands of the three women, even the general big monk, can't last for a few rounds.

Li Qiuyu rests for two days every month, during which time he can play with Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters, and he can also give them advice on some matters of cultivation.

Unexpectedly, Han Xing also reached the peak of the tenth level of Qi training five years ago, and Li Qiuyu gave him a foundation building pill, and a disciple with average aptitude also reached the foundation building stage.

This made Li Qiuyu think of himself, he also has no spiritual roots, and this Korean star only has [-]% of the gold system, so the spiritual roots are good or bad.

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