The four of Li Qiuyu were inconspicuous in such a big force as Tianmen. There were six great monks, forty monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, and more than 500 monks in the Alchemy Stage.There are thousands of monks in the foundation building period.

However, the welfare of such a powerful force is not bad. Li Qiuyu and his four have accumulated tens of thousands of low-level spirit stones after ten years. Time to pick it up.

Ten years later, the cultivation of the four of them is also in the middle stage of foundation establishment. This kind of change has also made some early stage monks envious. This speed can be regarded as a slight genius.

"Brother Qiuyu, where do you think we are going to travel?" Lingling asked happily. Li Qiuyu woke up early in the morning and told the three girls that they were going to travel.

"Well, let's talk about it after we leave this Tianmen. Anyway, we can go anywhere." Li Qiuyu said with a smile. With his personal strength, except for the cultivators of the transformation stage, otherwise there is no opponent at all.

Even in the stage of transforming gods, Li Qiuyu believed that he could escape, especially after he refined the stone wall and the blue-faced fire dragon. After real refining, the power of the blue-faced fire dragon was stronger than that of ice and fire.

But after refining the blue fire dragon, his ice and fire compatibility has also improved a lot, and his consciousness and strength have also continued to become stronger. Last time he fought with Beiming, he still had several things that he hadn't shown.

In ten years, there are no longer two yin chan in the Linglong Pagoda, but tens of thousands of them, all of which are silver-gray in color, and one can give a monk in the alchemy stage a headache. If hundreds of them come together , Scared and intimidated.

And there is another phenomenon, these yin morangs cannibalize their companions, the weak yin morants are eaten away, and the yin mordans that eat their companions also rapidly grow in size.

The reproduction speed of the Yin Moran far exceeded Li Qiuyu's imagination. One became two, two became four, and four became eight. One continued to reproduce like this, but the weak Yin Moran was also eaten away.

There are tens of thousands of yin mortars, all of which have reached the growth stage. If Li Qiuyu's consciousness was not on the original two yin mormorants, he would have confused these yin mormorants.

But later, the color of the two yin chan and the other yin chan changed and became stronger, with a darker silver edge, and Li Qiuyu absolutely relied on his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment to travel in Dashang.

"Okay, it's time for us to go out." Xiao Hanyue said softly.

"Let's go out now, you guys pack up and take some important things away." Li Qiuyu looked at the cave.

"Young master, wait for us."

After Xiao Qiuyue finished speaking, she hurried to pack her things, and Xiao Hanyue and Ling Ling followed behind.

Soon, the four of them left the cave and went directly to the reception. They had to say hello when they left here, or else their cave would be taken by other disciples.

"Brother Li is going out."

"Well, let's go out and look for some medicinal materials. In the future, I hope that Junior Brother Cheng will take a look at my cave and don't let other disciples live there." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and finally asked the monk with the surname to share his spirit stone welfare. Receive first.

After Li Qiuyu explained everything, he sacrificed a piece of top-grade spiritual energy, and quickly flew out of the Tianmen Gate. The top-quality flying spiritual energy came to Lingxiao City a day later.

There are no outsiders, and the four of them have no scruples at all. There is nothing wrong with being faster. In this cultivation world, there is nothing wrong. Do you still care about this speed?

As soon as they came to Lingxiao City, the four of them were attracted to them, because someone in this square unexpectedly released the task of Yunlingcao, and it was 50-year-old Yunlingcao.

This kind of medicinal material is easy to see in Fengyue Continent. It is 50 years old, and it can be encountered tens of thousands of years ago. Don't even think about it now.

But the person who issued the mission actually told the place where the medicinal material grows, but the environment in that place is extremely dangerous, and no one can easily come out alive.

sky blue waters

The entire sea area is vast and boundless, and there are countless sea beasts in it. There are countless powerful monsters on the island, and there are unknown dangers.

However, the remuneration for this task is also very rich, 3000 million low-level spirit stones, attracting countless masters, hoping to get a 50-year-old cloud spirit grass.

This price is dozens of times higher than in Fangshi, and this task is not limited in time, so Li Qiuyu was very surprised.

This 50-year-old Yunling Grass is the main material of the sixth-grade pill, which is used in both Tianling Pill and Huashen Pill. Li Qiuyu smiled when he saw this task.

"Young master, are we going to the Sky Blue Sea?"

Xiao Qiuyue looked at Li Qiuyu, and asked softly, the three of them also knew that this medicinal material was an incredible treasure, and the purpose of Li Qiuyu's coming out was to find this medicinal material.

Because Li Qiuyu's two Nascent Souls have reached the peak critical point in the mid-term, but the opportunity to break through has not been found, so they have to come out to find medicinal materials and opportunities.

"Of course I'm going, but I have to find out before I go, so as not to be played like a fool." Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and he must go. Such medicinal materials are even a vague rumor. , he will not let go.

"Friend Daoist, do you want to do this task? This task is 3000 million low-level spirit stones." At this time, an old man in the late stage of alchemy came over with a kind smile on his face.

"Does the senior know this place?"

Li Qiuyu bowed politely to the old man with fists in his arms, exactly like a monk in the foundation building period meeting a senior in the alchemy period, the old man looked at Li Qiuyu with great satisfaction.

"I don't know the specific place, but I still know the direction to hit. Last time, a monk got two 50-year-old Yunling Grass, which are 6000 million low-level spirit stones, and there are other treasures in that place." Herbs."

The old man smiled and said, looking at Li Qiuyu expectantly, Li Qiuyu naturally knew that the old man was just the cannon fodder who wanted him to wait for others.

"Thank you for your support, senior, and I will take care of you for a while in the future. If you get the 50-year-old Yunling Grass, the junior and others only need one-tenth of the spirit stone, which is enough for us to practice without worry."

Li Qiuyu said in surprise, and hastily agreed, where to look for such an opportunity, there is a guy who leads the way, which naturally saves himself a lot of trouble.

"Easy to say, easy to say."

After the old man finished speaking, he took Li Qiuyu and the others to an inn. It turned out that before Li Qiuyu and the others, there were seven or eight monks at the Foundation Establishment Stage, and there were also two monks at the Core Formation Stage and one monk at the Nascent Soul Stage. .

Li Qiuyu couldn't stop laughing in his heart. He didn't expect that there were two guys pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. The two monks in the late stage of foundation establishment were actually in the middle stage of Yuanying.

It's just that I don't know if the other foundation-building monks are stupid or dumb. They know that they are being taken to the bottom, but they still automatically take the bait. I just use these people.

"Fellow daoists, wait a moment. I'm still looking for two fellow daoists. There are many people and strength. I hope we can find a few more 50-year-old Yunling grass."

The old man in the late stage of forming a pill said with a smile, and finally bowed to the Nascent Soul cultivator and left. This Nascent Soul cultivator has never caught his eye, and the two guys who pretended to be pigs and tigers also chatted without saying a word, and the two were obviously together .

Seeing that the four of Li Qiuyu were only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, the other five monks gave the four of them a disdainful look, because none of them were in the late stage of foundation establishment, and only Li Qiuyu's cultivation was at a low point.

In less than half an hour, the old man in the late stage of alchemy who had just brought Li Qiuyu came back, and brought two female cultivators in the alchemy stage, both of whom had some pretty looks.

Seeing Li Qiuyu and others here, both of them nodded in peace of mind, thinking that the old man did not lie to them, after a brief introduction.

Li Qiuyu also knew that the two female cultivators were disciples of one of the top ten forces in Lingxiao City. This time they came out to find training resources. No matter how powerful the sect was, it would not be enough for the alchemy period.

They are called Lily Lan and Lan Yun, both of whom are monks in the middle stage of alchemy. Among people of the opposite sex, their cultivation is considered to be above average. Li Qiuyu and the others changed their names a little, but their surnames remained the same.

The monk in the Nascent Soul stage is called Tianluo, the two monks who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers are called Cheng Hong and Cheng Ao, they are brothers, and the old man in the late stage of alchemy is called Xu Ruofeng.

Li Qiuyu, the other five monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, didn't bother to remember. Anyway, they lost their lives. They felt disdainful and looked down on the cultivation of the four of them.

"Senior Tianluo, let's go now, do you have any other good things to pay attention to?" Xu Ruofeng said respectfully to the monk Yuan Yingqi, he was the only one with the highest cultivation level in the group.

"Well, you can go. You know the place, and you will lead the way, but don't let me hold you back." Tian Luo glanced at the people behind him.

A group of 15 people quickly flew towards the distance. According to Xu Ruofeng, that place is a million miles away from Lingxiao City, but the group of people are all good flying spirit weapons. As long as there is no delay, they can reach it in 20 days.

Sure enough, after eighteen days, Xu Ruofeng brought you to the edge of the sea with fifteen people. Most of the people in this group are at the foundation building stage, three at the alchemy stage, one at the nascent soul stage, and eleven at the foundation stage.

At the edge of the sea area, I prepared some things for the sea area and flew towards the middle of the sea area. A group of people, including Li Qiuyu, showed a trace of exhaustion on their faces.

The others looked at the four of them mockingly. After a day's flight, the group of people came to an island. This island was also extremely large, and there were not a few monks looking for medicinal materials on it.

"Senior, is this the place where Yunling Grass grows?" A monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment asked Xu Ruofeng with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hey, this place is still far away from the place where Yunling Grass grows, we just rest here, at least there are still two months to reach it."

Xu Ruofeng said with a smile, this place is considered the edge of the sea, and the aura is average, it is impossible to grow medicinal materials that are 50 years old.

Even if there were, they were not picked, and it was her turn to wait there. Li Qiuyu just looked at the few people indifferently, and only when they got to the real place, these people would be lost.

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