Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 575 Lake

Everyone rested on this island for several hours, recovered a little mana and physical strength, and then flew to the depths of the sea, just like this, stop and go, and finally left the last island after a month.

The number of monks on this island has not decreased, but more and more, but low-level disciples are rare, most of them are above the alchemy stage, and even big monks can be seen.

After arriving on this island, Xu Ruofeng asked everyone to rest. Anyway, at this point, there was nothing to say about rest, and Li Qiuyu also pretended not to care about anything.

After resting for a day, Xu Ruofeng discussed with Tian Luo in the Nascent Soul stage, and finally the two used the magic weapon to fly, otherwise they would exhaust everyone before reaching the peak.

Everyone did what the two of them arranged, and besides, it was not fun to fly without using their mana.

The four of them, Li Qiuyu and the three women are all super masters of great monks. Every time, Li Qiuyu and the three of them take turns to meditate and rest. Not counting.

A month

When the group came to a relatively large island, Li Qiuyu thought that they had arrived at the other party, but Xu Ruofeng said that this place was just a transit point.

After flying on the island for a long time, I finally came to a large square. This place is obviously a small town. It seems that it is a transit station specially established by humans here.

After staying here for half a day, Zhongdu went to prepare some simple necessities, and finally everyone paid a transfer fee of [-] low-level spirit stones.

"I still have to pay a transfer fee of one thousand low-level spirit stones!"

Xiao Qiuyue pretended to be surprised and said that there was a look of reluctance on her face, and this expression was just right. A monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage casually took out a thousand low-level spirit stones, which would definitely attract some attention.

"Hmph, I can't pay the transfer fee and want to pick Yunlingcao, how about I pay for you, hehe!" A monk in the late stage of foundation establishment laughed lewdly, his eyes constantly flicking around Xiao Qiuyue.

Although the three daughters of Xiao Qiuyue are easily transformed into ordinary female cultivators, their temperament is still unstoppable. A trace of refined temperament makes Tian Luo, who is in the Nascent Soul stage, look at the three daughters from time to time.

"Fellow Daoist, do you have a lot of spiritual stones? On such an island, it's best to think of going back alive." Li Qiuyu saw Xiao Qiuyue's face covered with ice, and knew that he was furious.

The three women can tolerate everything, but other men are disrespectful to themselves, and they definitely have the idea of ​​​​killing and refining their souls. In front of their lovers, they tolerate other men's obscene language.

"Fellow Daoist, be careful what you say, I don't have a very good temper."

When the man who started talking saw Li Qiuyu interjecting, his face changed, and his eyes were full of disdain. There was a huge difference in strength between the late stage of foundation establishment and the middle stage.


Li Qiuyu sent a voice transmission to the three women, and when they got to the place, they were killing them. The cultivation base of the four people was in front of others.

The tolerance of Li Qiuyu and the others immediately brought mocking smiles to everyone, thinking that Li Qiuyu was afraid.

The four looked at each other helplessly, and finally each took out a thousand low-level spirit stones and handed them to Xu Ruofeng. This teleportation array can transmit 20 people at a time, anyway, he is the one who takes the lead, and he pays the spirit stones in one lump sum.

After paying the spirit stone, Li Qiuyu and others waited for half an hour before it was their turn. Li Qiuyu was very surprised, there were too many monks here.

Moreover, the monks in the foundation-building period rarely saw it. When other monks saw that Li Qiuyu and others were in the foundation-building period, their faces showed a sense of sarcasm.

Most of the cultivators here are Nascent Soul Stage monks, and only a small part of them are in the Core Formation stage. After entering the teleportation formation, it took more than ten breaths before they appeared on a huge island.

Whether it is an island or not is completely uncertain. Even if Li Qiuyu's spiritual sense is strong, he doesn't know how big the island is, but the people around him are still there, and Li Qiuyu has also discussed it. way to leave.

Besides, the jade pendants on all four of them could sense the existence of the other three within a million miles, and only Li Qiuyu had this jade slip.

"Senior Xu, what kind of place is this?"

A monk in the late stage of foundation establishment looked around, and finally asked Xu Ruofeng. This reaction should be expected of a low-level monk.

"This is where we are looking for medicinal herbs, but the place is still far away. We are looking for medicinal herbs all the way. Otherwise, we will not be in vain if we fail. At least we need to find the transfer fee."

What Xu Ruofeng said was also true. The 50-year-old Yunling Grass was not so easy to find. He searched for medicinal materials while rushing along the way, at least not wasting the thousand low-level spirit stones just used.

"The senior is still wise."

The other two guys pretending to be pigs and eating tigers smiled and said, their faces were extremely respectful, and their acting was really good. If they only had the foundation stage, they must have been deceived by them.

Xu Ruofeng quickly flew into the air, and after confirming the general direction, he took Li Qiuyu and others to fly forward, but they all flew close to the ground, because it was easy to find medicinal herbs with strong aura.

"Hey, the thousand-year-old medicinal material is worth two hundred low-level spirit stones." A monk in the late stage of foundation establishment said with a smile, and with a flash of his body, he put a plant of medicinal material into the storage bag.

Along the way, there were only two female cultivators who didn't say anything, because monks in the middle stage of alchemy, they didn't want to provoke Tian Luo, a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, and monks in the foundation stage naturally didn't dare to provoke them.

The aura here is really strong, and there are many thousand-year-old medicinal materials encountered, and ten-thousand-year medicinal materials are found from time to time, and a ten-thousand-year medicinal material is worth nearly a thousand low-level spirit stones.

The faces of these monks glowed with joy, but Li Qiuyu reluctantly took away the medicinal materials that had been around for thousands of years, so as not to be suspicious by others.

In this way, every two days Xu Ruofeng walked, he would fly up to the sky to look in the direction. After two full months, everyone entered an area with extremely rich aura.

I also met a lot of monks on the way, but they were all for picking the imperial spirit grass, and they didn't kill anyone to seize the treasure. Besides, there were more than ten people in Li Qiuyu's party, one at the Nascent Soul stage and three at the Core Formation stage, and the Nascent Soul stage monks disdain Get hands on with these guys.The alchemy period is even more afraid.

Entering this place, Li Qiuyu also found 10-year-old medicinal herbs. The other monks were pleasantly surprised when they saw it. The 10-year-old medicinal herbs could be sold for nearly [-] low-level spirit stones.

Although the aura is extremely strong, there are too many monks here, and many medicinal materials have been harvested. Li Qiuyu and others will only encounter the medicinal materials of ten thousand years and 10 thousand years only if they are very lucky.

And everyone chooses some remote places to walk, only remote places can get good medicinal materials, but even so, everyone still earns a lot of medicinal materials.

Tens of thousands of spirit stones have been transferred, and a smile appeared on Li Qiuyu's face. Of course, it was faked. These medicinal materials are more than a thousand miles away in his space necklace, and the storage bags inside the space necklace and space ring are still there. There are many.

But they are for the 50-year-old Yunling grass, and Xu Ruofeng and Tianluo in the Nascent Soul stage are also for the Yunling grass. It seems that they are still familiar with this place, otherwise they would not be so leisurely.

After more than half a year, everyone has gained a lot. The four of Li Qiuyu try not to contact other people, so naturally there is not much friction.

"Senior Tianluo, calculate the time, the things in that place should appear soon. Why don't we rush over there first." Xu Ruofeng respectfully said to Yuan Yingqi cultivator.

"Okay, let's go there first, so as not to be taken by others." Tian Luo nodded and said.

"Everyone, we are not far from the Yunlingcao, hurry up now." Xu Ruofeng said to Li Qiuyu and the others.

"Okay, it's all up to the seniors to arrange."

Then Xu Ruofeng sacrificed his flying magic weapon, and flew forward quickly, Li Qiuyu's man followed closely behind, and flew for half a month, and flew almost 50 miles in half a month.

Everyone came to a huge inner lake. The lake was thousands of miles in size and the depth of the water was unknown. Li Qiuyu used his spiritual sense to probe down.

When he reached five hundred feet, his consciousness was blocked by a layer of unknown things, and Li Qiuyu only used his consciousness from the foundation-building period to avoid being discovered.

"Don't look at it, there are strange things in this lake, not to mention your foundation building stage, even if I have a cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage, I can't detect the things below, and the things at two thousand feet are blocked."

The Yuanying Stage monk said coldly, looked at Li Qiuyu with a puzzled expression on his face, always felt that something was wrong with Li Qiuyu.

"Senior, is this the place where the 50-year-old Yunling Grass appeared?" Li Qiuyu asked respectfully, bowing to the Yuanying Stage monk.

"Well, here it is, but I'm not sure if it's here. I just know that it appears within a thousand miles of this lake, otherwise I wouldn't offer such a high price to buy Yunling grass."

The Yuanying Stage monk shook his head, driving away the feeling of confusion, and finally answered Li Qiuyu lightly.

"I see."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, secretly thinking whether to kill everyone here, if they are killed here, no one else will know, killing these people is an instant thing.

Before he finished thinking about it, several figures appeared in his consciousness and came here, and all of them were monks in the Nascent Soul stage. Li Qiuyu slowly said that he meant to kill these people and suppressed it.

This place is definitely not as simple as Yunlingcao, Yunlingcao may be a cover, and the real purpose is other things here.

By the lake, there are countless monks. Under his sneaky glance, there are more than 200 monks at the Nascent Soul stage, and there are more than ten major monks.

Naturally, there are not a few Nascent Souls and great monks in the form of alchemy, and there are quite a few people rushing here, all for this lake.

Li Qiuyu found a place to sit down and slowly recovered the exhausted physical and mana. There were too many monks here, and a big battle was naturally inevitable.

No matter what it is here, as long as it appears in my eyes, it must be my own, otherwise my trip is not in vain.

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