Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 576 Tier 9 Silver Dragon

A few of the monks who came here knew each other. After greeting each other, they waited quietly. There was almost no fighting incident.

On the other hand, the five foundation-building monks who started with Li Qiuyu and his party also stayed here quietly. There were instant kills everywhere, so they naturally didn't dare to cause trouble.

Time loves you slowly passing by, and more and more monks came here, more than double the number of monks at the beginning, and the farther behind, the fewer monks came.

The aura of the entire lake also became more intense strangely, and almost a substantial aura appeared in the entire lake. After a month, the lake water slowly churned, and the whole lake was like this.

Li Qiuyu stared closely at the middle of the lake with his spiritual sense. From time to time, some low-level sea beasts appeared in the lake, and the sea beasts that appeared disappeared into the lake with a flash.

When there was a change in the lake water, these monks stood up in surprise, probably knowing that their Type I medicine had appeared.

It's just that the four of Li Qiuyu and the two guys pretending to be pigs and eating tigers didn't move with Tianluo. Li Qiuyu knew that the one who really got something was the last person who appeared first, and the cannon fodder who came first.

Unexpectedly, after five days, an island with a radius of ten miles appeared in the middle of the lake. The island was full of aura, and even the ordinary plants on it were more than ten thousand years old.

Even if you don't go to the island, you can still find medicinal herbs that are 10 years old, 50 years old, and 10 years old. Li Qiuyu's consciousness has swept away, and the [-]-year-old medicinal materials are more than the eighth or ninth floor of the void .

A few plants of 50-year-old medicinal materials have also been found, and so many rare medicinal materials can be found with just a glance. This small island must be an ancient medicinal garden, otherwise there would not be such dense and precious medicinal materials.

The appearance of this island immediately caused countless monks to fly towards the island. Li Qiuyu and others were nearly two hundred miles away from the island. Seeing countless monks flying, Li Qiuyu sat quietly without any intention of going up.

"Boom, boom."

A shocking coercion shot up from the lake, and Li Qiuyu opened her eyes in horror. No one knows this breath better than her. Although one is human and the other is a monster, this breath has definitely reached the stage of transformation. realm.



"Ninth-order monster!"

"Two ninth-rank monsters!"

"How could there be two ninth-level monsters? There was only one last time, but now there are two."

"No, there are five eighth-level sea beasts below."

A series of horrified voices reached Li Qiuyu's ears. After Li Qiuyu opened his eyes, he also saw two ninth-level monsters, silver dragon beasts at the beginning of the ninth level.

Moreover, several voices came from the mouths of the great monks. It seems that some of these people know the real purpose of coming here, and the real purpose may not be to find Yunlingcao.

The monk who had just flew into the air first, and was about to go to the island was trapped in the air by the shocking coercion. The last mouthful of blood spurted out and fell straight into the lake. None of them came back alive.

This time, a total of one hundred monks were lost, and there were more than ten in the Nascent Soul Stage, and the others were in the foundation-building stage and the alchemy stage who didn't know anything.

The coercion in the air was pressing down on the entire lake, and the two ninth-level monsters, and the silver dragon beasts known for their coercion, even big monks, did not dare to do it easily.

After a while, I saw two long silver dragons about two hundred feet long and five feet in diameter. The silver dragons were tumbling soaring in the air, and pieces of clouds were smashed to pieces.

"Haha, human beings, I have warned you 200 years ago that these medicinal materials can only be possessed by divine alchemists, so you just don't believe them. If you come here, you will lose them all."

A silver dragon said loudly that silver dragons can transform into human form when they reach the seventh level, but they don't want to transform into human form, which will reduce their strength.

After Yinlong finished speaking, a powerful dragon's breath pressed towards the shore of the lake in the west. The coercion had already enveloped the area for thousands of miles. The monk's figure was much slower and his strength was also reduced.


I saw monks being thrown up one by one, and only one monk was thrown up, lost, and some top monks escaped everything.

This is only for the monks in the Nascent Soul stage. The big monks can also test their coercion and strength to support the attack of the silver dragon. Besides, the silver dragon attacks are all low-level monks. There are too many low-level monks, which makes them feel annoying.

"Let's do it together. This island will disappear in five days. Killing these two silver dragons will be an astonishing fortune."

A big monk said loudly that on the west side of the lake, there are only two hundred monks left, and the other monks of the Foundation Establishment and Alchemy Stage have been lost, leaving only the Nascent Soul Stage and the big monk.

Fortunately, Li Qiuyu was not attacked, but if this continues, he will definitely be attacked, because there is still a silver dragon and five eighth-level sea beasts.

After the big monk finished speaking, more than a dozen monks of the same class and the Nascent Soul stage sacrificed magic treasures and ancient treasures to attack the silver dragon, but the silver dragon is a ninth-level monster with super strong defenses, and they can't hurt him at all.

"Senior Xu, there is a ninth-level monster here. This junior and others have no hope at all. Let's leave first." The five monks who started after the foundation establishment saw the ninth-level silver dragon and so many masters here, and they all fought. Back off.

"Hmph, it's not easy to leave here easily. If you want to leave, hand over the medicinal materials and storage bags on your body. Did the old man bring you here for nothing?"

Xu Ruofeng said coldly, and after he finished speaking, the cultivator Tianluo Nascent Soul Stage behind him also swept his cold eyes over, revealing his ferocious face.

Li Qiuyu smiled secretly in his heart, doing such a thing in this place is neither to be despised and disdained by others, but also to deal with low-level monks.

But when Li Qiuyu looked at the monks outside, no one paid attention to this place at all, they all looked at the silver dragon in the sky, and besides, the place where Li Qiuyu and others rested was considered remote.

"Senior, what does this mean?"

The five monks at the late stage of Foundation Establishment finally felt scared. The late stage of alchemy was not something that five people could resist, and the monks at the stage of Nascent Soul were also in the stage of alchemy.

"What do you mean? It means to leave the storage bag, and then it can be lost."

After the Yuanyingqi monk finished speaking, the pressure of his whole body pressed down on Li Qiuyu and the others. With a flash of his body, the two figures flickered quickly, and there were bursts of puffing sounds.

Five monks in the late stage of foundation establishment were lost and their heads were in different places. The two female cultivators also looked terrified, with a trace of blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths. The monks Tian Luo and Xu Ruofeng in the Yuanying stage were also terrified.

Because at the moment they started, an invisible formation covered everyone, and the outside world didn't even know that there was someone fighting here.

Tianluo attacked the two monks surnamed Cheng who were pretending to be pigs and eating tigers after killing the five late-stage Foundation Establishment instants.

Naturally, he was not happy, and he was seriously injured by two middle-term monks. He looked at the two in horror, and finally took a look at Xu Ruofeng. After Xu Ruofeng severely injured the two female cultivators, his heart changed quickly. Let's talk about killing the four foundation-building stage monks in Qiu Yu.

But before reaching the front of Li Qiuyue and the others, they were killed by a terrifying mysterious aura. Li Qiuyu and the others looked at the scene in front of them in horror.

"Hehe, it turns out that the two of you are pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, Tianmou is disrespectful." Nascent Soul Qi Tianluo was horrified, and quickly apologized with a smile.

The loss of Xu Ruofeng, the three Nascent Soul cultivators thought it was the two female cultivators who were attacking and counterattacking in an instant, and did not see the real reason for Xu Ruofeng's loss in front of Li Qiuyu and the others.

"Tianluo, I didn't expect to dare to attack our brothers. It's your luck that Cheng didn't attack you. Since you want to attack, you will lose it. Thank you for this formation. Hehe!"

Brother Cheng chuckled. It turned out that they already knew that Li Qiuyu had set up formations here, but the foundation-building formations would not pose a threat to the two Nascent Souls in the mid-stage, so they let Li Qiuyu do it.

"The lower class is for self-protection, and the lower class left first."

Li Qiuyu said lightly that he didn't care about the fighting skills of the few people at all, and besides, they would not let themselves and others go, if they had eyes, they were lucky.

"Hmph, kid, it's good to be smart, but it's useless in front of us." Brother Cheng surnamed said darkly.

"Don't run wild in front of me, or you will regret coming to this world." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, with a calm expression on his face, and he was about to tear apart the formation and leave.


One of the brothers surnamed Cheng stared at Tianluo, and the other came towards Li Qiuyu's mountain of four, his whole body soared, and he slapped it down with a palm, and he came in front of Li Qiuyu in an instant.

Li Qiuyu didn't resist at all, and let his palm be patted, a smile and a hint of disdain appeared on the faces of the brothers surnamed Cheng, who didn't expect the arrogant mouth, people don't even have the ability to resist.

But the smile on his face froze, because the palm stopped a foot in front of Li Qiuyu, blocked by an invisible force, the palm couldn't move forward at all, and couldn't retreat, the mana in the body was drained, The whole person fell down.

Seeing the terrified looks of the other people, Li Qiuyu grabbed it with one hand, and the other one, a monk surnamed Cheng, was caught, and all the magic power of his body was imprisoned in his body.

"Arrogance in front of this seat, do you know who this seat is?"

"Fellow Daoist, spare your life, Fellow Daoist."

The monk surnamed Cheng was horrified when he saw his brother. The monks in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul had no power to resist, and they couldn't underestimate the depth of the other party.

"Have you been to Beijin and Tianlong?"

Li Qiuyu said with a smile. He glanced coldly at the five foundation-building monks on the ground. He was planning to kill them himself, but he was killed by Tian Luo.

"I've been there, I've been there, don't you know the name of fellow daoist?"

The monk surnamed Cheng said in horror, thinking of a way to escape from this young monk.The strength of this young man is too terrifying, even the Supreme Elder is not much stronger than him.

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