Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 577 Trading

"Do you know the Xiaoyao King of the Northern Jin Dynasty and Tianlong?" Li Qiuyu said coldly, and finally clenched his palms lightly, only to hear a slight crisp sound in the formation, and the eyes of the monk surnamed Cheng showed panic and despair. Immediately his eyes turned gray.

The reputation of the Xiaoyao King, although Dashang is far away from Tianlong and the Northern Jin Dynasty, this place is not too far away from Tianlong. Li Qiuyu's reputation is absolutely thunderous, and the existence of the seckill big monk, dozens of big monks are easily killed, More than 100 cities in the Northern Jin Dynasty were easily taken away.

It also made Bei Jin afraid to speak too much. Who would not be afraid of such an existence? This monk surnamed Cheng never thought that the monk in front of him in the Foundation Establishment Period was actually that legendary existence.

"You two?"

Li Qiuyu saw the loss of two monks surnamed Cheng, leaving only Tianluo and two alchemy stages left, so he looked at the two female cultivators and Tianluo.

"Do you still want to escape in front of us? Don't you think it's the stage of transformation into a god? Even if it's a stage of transformation into a god, my brother Qiu Yu can defeat him." Li Qiuyu expanded his cultivation and stared at Tianluo quietly.

She knew that Li Qiuyu was seriously injured last time when he was attacked by the God Transformation Stage, but the cultivator of the Spirit Transformation Stage was also seriously injured. Now Li Qiuyu has practiced for more than ten years, and has mastered several mysterious treasures.

"King Xiaoyao, please forgive me." Tianluo saw that the three girls were all big monks, and Li Qiuyu could also play with monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul like ants, so they didn't know how powerful they were.

The other two female cultivators at the alchemy stage also hurriedly begged for mercy from Lingling and the three daughters. They regretted it secretly.

"You can lose it." Li Qiuyu said softly, never seeing him make a move, Tian Luo's eyes gradually dimmed, and finally fell to the ground and died.

"You two are considered lucky. You met me. From now on, forget everything about today." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, a divine sense shot at the two of them. In a moment, Li Qiuyu shot a flame at these monks. Appeared on the body, all turned into air, and the storage bag and magic weapon aura were taken away.

The four of them walked out of the formation again. After the four of them left, the two female cultivators also came to their senses with doubts in their eyes. The two of them suffered some injuries, but the other companions disappeared. All forgotten.

Li Qiuyu came out of the formation, and everyone was trying their best to deal with the two silver dragons in the air. The two silver dragons exchanged and swung their huge tails, breathing out dragon breath from time to time.

I don't know how many monks were lost on the ground and in the lake. There are only a hundred monks in the air, and more than forty big monks.

As long as the remaining monks have to deal with the silver dragons in the sky, or attack the eighth-order sea beasts in the lake, Li Qiuyu's appearance attracted the attention of some monks, and finally Li Qiuyu left quickly, standing in a distance of hundreds of miles. shape is hidden.

"Young master, will the two silver dragons be lost?"

Xiao Qiuyue asked softly, a simple formation and prohibition outside the four people, the formation can completely hide the aura of the four people, and the prohibition can be hidden by the formation.

"There are more than 40 big monks in the sky. In singles, only one silver dragon can instantly kill the big monks, but against more than 40 monks and more than 60 infants, I think both sides will suffer, and there are monks and sea beasts on the lake. "

Although Li Qiuyu and others were far away from the lake, their spiritual consciousness was attached to the yin chan. A small bug was on some trees, and no one paid attention to it at all.

Li Qiuyu could follow these yin chan and bring his spiritual consciousness to the front of the battle. Yin chan's defense was extremely strong, and he didn't worry about loss at all.

Everything here is under surveillance, Li Qiuyu and the others have to wait for the results of these monks and the silver dragon before going out. He seems to have the two silver dragons and the medicinal materials on the island.

"Wait and be careful, there may be super masters coming. This is not a simple Yunlingcao task, but an even stronger conspiracy to deal with the silver dragon."

Li Qiuyu said to the three girls seriously, as long as they don't meet the great cultivators who are in the stage of transformation and abnormality, the three girls will not be in danger, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

"I know, Brother Qiu Yu, don't worry." Ling Ling pouted and nodded.

The four of them meditated with peace of mind. Everything in the air and on the lake was under the monitoring of Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness. He knew everything, and the battle had reached a fever pitch.

Both the Great Cultivator in the air and the Nascent Soul Stage were damaged. There were only thirty of the forty Great Cultivators, and there were only twenty or so in the Nascent Soul Stage, but the Silver Dragon was also seriously injured. There was also a lot of blood on it.

It's not as majestic as it was at the beginning. Although it has the same strength as the god transformation stage, it has defeated cunning monks no matter what. Besides, the attacks of big monks are also extremely powerful.

The only thing he can rely on is Longwei. The coercion of Longwei has suppressed the cultivation base and strength of the Great Cultivator and Nascent Soul Stage, otherwise they would not have persisted in countless powerful attacks.

However, every time the dragon breathes, a big monk or a monk in the Nascent Soul stage is lost, and the huge tail keeps taking away the lives of the monks.

"Humans, don't you want to lose everything here. You can't take away the things here." A silver dragon said angrily, with some inexplicable sadness in his voice.

Li Qiuyu's mind was shocked. He had practiced the Beast Taming Art, so he naturally knew the language and some habits of monsters, but he still couldn't easily communicate with the two ninth-level silver dragons, so he could only use sound transmission.

But the sadness in this silver dragon's voice puzzled Li Qiuyu. The appearance of this island was also very strange. There was absolutely no need for a ninth-level silver dragon to entangle these monks for this medicinal material.

There is only one of the eighth-order sea beast below, and the other four have been killed by countless Nascent Soul Stage monks and great monks, but there are also countless Nascent Soul Stage monks who lost.

Li Qiuyu relied on his spiritual observation, and found that there were still 36 great monks on the entire lake, and more than 100 monks in the Nascent Soul stage. The other monks were either lost or had fled long ago.

"Silver Dragon, I can make a deal with you."

A powerful spiritual consciousness behind him spread to Yinlong's sea of ​​consciousness. The owner of this voice was only at the Nascent Soul stage, but his spiritual consciousness and cultivation were very strong, which made Yinlong startled.Just so startled, a huge blood hole was left in his body by the attack of the great monk.

"Human beings, since they are human beings, there must not be any good ones. Besides, you are just a weak human being." Yinlong was angry because of being attacked because of this voice.

"Hey, although I am in the Nascent Soul stage, it is still extremely easy to kill you two and these big monks. Since you are here for these medicinal materials, why did you let these medicinal materials appear?"

Li Qiuyu closed his eyes slightly, with a slight smile on his face, his spiritual consciousness was communicating with the silver dragon, this silver dragon still underestimated the Nascent Soul stage monks too much, otherwise these great monks would not have hurt it to death so.

"It's the first time I've seen an arrogant human like you. If you want a deal, let's talk about it." Yinlong's mind was spinning rapidly. Even if the business is not done, it doesn't hurt to listen first .

"I only need the 50-year-old medicinal materials in the above area, and when I get the medicinal materials, I will help you kill half of the opponents, how about it?" Li Qiuyu said via voice transmission.

"Don't even think about it, you human beings take this medicinal material just to exchange for spirit stones, and you don't even know the true use of the medicinal material." Yinlong immediately vetoed Li Qiuyu's words.

"I have never been short of spirit stones. In my eyes, spirit stones are nothing more than a pile of rubbish. It's just that if I want to refine a kind of elixir, I need a plant of Yunlingcao."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, if he can get a stalk of Yunling grass, he doesn't mind killing some of the big monks here, anyway, he doesn't want to lose the spirit stone.

"You are an alchemist, and it is a waste of medicinal materials that an alchemist uses for 50 years." Yinlong kept fighting with the big monk in the air, and while communicating with Li Qiuyu with his spiritual sense, he felt strange about Li Qiuyu's ability.

With my own spiritual sense, I don't know where the other party is, and I can communicate with myself in the dragon language from time to time, so I am curious about Li Qiuyu.

"Alchemist? This seat is a holy alchemist. If there are 50-year-old medicinal materials, he can become a divine alchemist in less than ten years. Who in the world can reach the level of this seat." Li Qiuyu said proudly. In terms of cultivation, it can be said that relying on elixir and exercises, alchemists are indeed worthy of pride when they work together to refine alchemy.

"Sacred alchemist, you can become a divine alchemist within ten years, what a joke, if that's the case, with your cultivation base, you would have come out to kill us long ago."

Yinlong was stunned, happy in his heart, and then slightly angry, the cultivation base of Yuanying stage is a holy alchemist, it is impossible, and he also said that he will become a divine alchemist within ten years, unless he is a lunatic.

"Look at this thing."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, a fifth-grade Good Fortune Pill and a Tianchen Pill appeared strangely in front of Yinlong. Yinlong grabbed the two pills, and then began to resist the opponent's attack.

"Fifth grade elixir, the top five elixir."

The two silver dragons looked at each other, and finally looked for an opportunity to pass the elixir to the other silver dragon. In order to pass the elixir, the two silver dragons were attacked several times in a row.

The appearance of the two elixirs also caught the attention of the monk Ji. The elixir arrived so suddenly that he didn't notice it at all, and he didn't even know the source.

Yinlong also felt the quality of the fifth-grade elixir, and this elixir was refined within 50 years, and the breath was exactly the same as the spiritual consciousness just now.

"How old are you this year?"

Yinlong said through sound transmission, the voice was secretly transmitted to Li Qiuyu's ears along Li Qiuyu's consciousness, Li Qiuyu was startled by the question.

"I am 150 years old, and I have lived for more than two hundred years." Li Qiuyu said with doubts.

"Okay, I believe you once, but you have to take risks. Since you have that ability, kill these monks first, and then I will not let you down."

Yinlong said through sound transmission, Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, as long as the silver dragon keeps attacking him, it doesn't matter if he kills first or kills later, besides, he naturally has a way to deal with two silver dragons.

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