"Going back to the ancestors, I know this disciple. A hundred years ago, the younger generation was still in the Qi training period. When I was doing odd jobs at the inn in Lingxiao City, the one man and three women I met were all at the foundation building stage. They were very good to people, and there was no foundation building stage. From their mouths, I learned from their mouths that they are fugitive disciples of a sect that was exterminated,,,,,,,,."

Han Xing explained everything about himself and Li Qiuyu respectfully and carefully, feeling uneasy because the four old ancestors asked him about this matter, there must be something wrong.

"A hundred years ago? One man and three women!"

Ling Luotian swayed, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and finally stabilized his body, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth with one hand, waved to Han Xing, signaling to back down.

"It should be them, how could this be?"

Fairy Jiuyue said softly, finally looking at Ling Luotian, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"It's best not to make a move. Let's see the situation first. I'm not sure if it's him. It's better not him. A hundred years ago, it was the end of the war between Tianlong and the Northern Jin Dynasty."

Ling Luotian comforted herself secretly, and finally spoke to the three fellow students beside her.

Li Qiuyu in Pianfeng naturally didn't know that someone was talking about him. In fact, whether he was talking or not was irrelevant to him. The most important thing was to deal with the breakthrough in front of him.

A shocking point pointed out to no avail, cold light slashed, and four rays of light fiercely slashed towards the sky thousands of feet away. The light flashed and disappeared, and instantly collided with the white cloud.


There was a violent tremor, the ground shook, the 36 main peaks of Tianmen and countless slanted fronts trembled, all the disciples of Tianmen stood on their knees, or had room to crawl.

Some low-level disciples were also stunned. The disciples who fainted are considered a blessing, and naturally they will not bear the coercion and powerful power of the world in their hearts.

"Ice and fire are compatible, broken."

Li Qiuyu yelled faintly, raised both hands a red light cluster and a blue light cluster, both of which appeared in his hands, with his hands together, a red and blue beam of light smashed fiercely towards the white cloud.

"Ah! Fire and Ice Compatibility"

"Fire and ice are compatible!"

"It's the one from the Heavenly Dragon Empire who appeared in Dashang."

Within a radius of ten thousand miles, some big monks and senior monks exclaimed, because the only move that is compatible with ice and fire is the one from the Heavenly Dragon Empire.

"Fire and ice are compatible! It really is him!"

Fairy Jiuyue's eyes showed various strange colors, and the appearance of Ice and Fire Compatibility represented the existence of the Tianlong Empire, because under Ice and Fire Compatibility, it represented nothingness and destruction and death.

"Hey, I don't know if this is my Tianmen's luck or misfortune?" Ling Luotian sighed.

"Brother, so what about the one from Tianlong, who has just broken through, even if he really breaks through, it will take half a year to recover his strength. We..."

A middle-aged monk said loudly, but before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Ling Luotian, which made the middle-aged monk stunned and puzzled for a while.

"You still don't have much knowledge. You practice in Tianmen every day, and you don't go out to inquire. If he hears about it, Tianmen will disappear." Ling Luotian said seriously.


The drunk middle-aged monk looked at Fairy Jiuyue on the side. He had been practicing inside the gate and didn't know the outside world. Naturally, he didn't know the real changes in the Tianlong Empire and the Northern Jin Empire.

"Not to mention his cultivation and strength, if he wants to wipe out our Tianmen, it's easier than wiping out an ant. By his side, hundreds of Nascent Soul stage monks can appear at any time, and all of them have masters in their hands. The treasure of spirit, and there are countless great monks, under his command, there are at least hundreds of thousands of Nascent Soul Stage, and there are tens of thousands of great monks."

"Let's talk about his strength. It's as simple as cutting cabbage to kill a great monk in the middle stage of Yuanying. Even the Northern Jin Empire can only obediently admit defeat and seek peace. 120 cities in the Northern Jin Dynasty fell into his hands. What else? The Heavenly Dragon Kingdom will become the Heavenly Dragon Empire."

Fairy Jiuyue said slowly, every time she said a word, the middle-aged monk's body trembled, and when Fairy Jiuyue finished speaking, his body was almost collapsed, fortunately he was a big monk.

Besides, after Li Qiuyu's Ice and Fire Compatibility collided with the white cloud, the white cloud was finally dispersed, and a red and blue beam of light rushed straight into the clouds and disappeared.

Li Qiuyu watched the white clouds in the sky being broken, a smile appeared on his face, and then quickly adjusted his breath, throwing a Tianying Pill into his mouth, and all the magic power he had just consumed was restored.

This is also where he cheated. Other monks simply don't have time to recover their mana, and often the mana in their body is exhausted before the breakthrough is completed.

After his mana recovered, the smile on his face disappeared immediately, instead, there was a burst of anger on his face.

"God, what are you kidding?"

It turned out that a dark blue cloud appeared in the sky, and not far from the cloud, another dark red cloud appeared. Isn't this the ice-type cloud and the fire-type cloud?

For ordinary monks to break through, Heaven's Punishment is just the same as the attributes of monks' cultivation. The first white cloud is something that ordinary monks have to overcome, but the first white cloud is already ten times more powerful than other monks.

Now the original cloud should be punished according to the attributes of the monk who broke through. I didn't expect that I used ice and fire attacks to punish the cloud with ice and fire.

"Look, it's actually a dual-element Punishment Cloud!"

The other monks and the four big monks on the top of Tianmen Mountain all noticed the punishment cloud in the sky. Li Qiuyu used ice and fire compatibility to lower the double-type punishment cloud.

The two clouds quickly merged together, and there was no reaction in the sky, just like ice and fire, there is no restraint at all, the opposite is mutual generation, not mutual restraint.

The moment Li Qiuyu was in harmony with the ice cloud and the fire cloud, a window to the light suddenly opened in his mind. The purpose of practicing ice and fire compatibility by himself is to make them change their power after they are compatible.

Now the compatibility of ice and fire in the sky is exactly the same as what I cultivated, but the power above it is countless times greater than my own, and some profound meanings of heaven and earth are also inside.

A ray of consciousness and consciousness left the body in an instant, and quickly rushed towards the ice-fire compatibility at a height of ten thousand feet. The speed of the ice-fire compatibility had already ignored space and distance.

However, Li Qiuyu's consciousness and consciousness were in contact with the ice and fire in the sky in an instant, and the consciousness and consciousness were not erased unexpectedly, but fused in the compatibility of ice and fire.

Ice and Fire Compatibility stopped in the sky of Baizhang, stopped for no reason, this change made the air of the world tremble, this speed and the sudden stillness formed a huge contrast.

"What's going on?" Ling Luotian looked puzzled at the ice-fire that stopped hundreds of meters in the sky.

He was not the only one who was puzzled. Some senior monks within ten thousand miles were staring blankly at the sudden ice and fire compatibility. With the induction of the senior monks, this ice and fire compatibility was not blocked or attacked by anything at all.

"The saint understands."

A white-haired old man sitting cross-legged on the ground showed a trace of his original expression. The old man was quietly watching the changes thousands of miles away, but he didn't know that this old man was actually a holy monk in the transformation stage.

Li Qiuyu's consciousness and consciousness kept shuttling through the ice and fire compatibility, and this ice and fire compatibility sensed Li Qiuyu's consciousness and consciousness, but also stopped moving forward.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, Wuji produces Tai Chi, and Tai Chi is also Yin and Yang of heaven and earth. In addition to Yin and Yang, five elements are derived, and the five elements are mutually restrained. The mutual restraint of the five elements is the external appearance, and the mutual generation is the nature.

"The five elements come together to help yin and yang, yin and yang generate and transform the five elements, the five elements yin and yang, and the creation of the heaven and the earth. This is the ultimate principle of the yin and yang of the heaven and earth and the five elements!"

A jerky axiom of heaven and earth was passed into the sea of ​​consciousness, and the divine sense and consciousness quickly analyzed these jerky axioms of heaven and earth, but they could be easily comprehended there for a while.

The power of the five elements is fundamentally divine and divine, and mysterious and mysterious. Even if the understanding is thorough, it cannot be achieved in a short time, but the combination of ice and fire, this life is composed of fire and mutated water.

Li Qiuyu has practiced the compatibility of ice and fire for more than three hundred years, and naturally understands the principles of it. Now that he has obtained the compatibility of ice and fire from the power of heaven and earth, there are countless principles of the great way in his consciousness.

"Fire and ice are compatible, accept."

Li Qiuyu woke up suddenly, and in his mind, he did not regard the compatibility of ice and fire of the power of heaven and earth as the target of attack, but took it into his own control.

The consciousness and consciousness quickly refined the ice and fire, and the ice and fire in the sky kept rolling, and the two-color clouds with a radius of hundreds of feet brought glaciers and hellfire to the earth.

It's just that these powers in Li Qiuyu's consciousness no longer exploded like they did at the beginning. After half an hour, the compatibility of ice and fire in the air suddenly pressed down.

In an instant, Ice and Fire Compatibility came over Li Qiuyu's head. These clouds Li Qiuyu had already refined with his divine sense and consciousness, and he saw it waving its hands continuously, with an extremely painful expression on its face.

But the cloud with a radius of hundreds of feet disappeared quickly, and was finally taken into Li Qiuyu's body. Although it was not completely refined, it was at least suppressed.

"Wait, isn't the jerky principle of heaven and earth just now part of the Five Elements Kung Fu?"

Li Qiuyu suddenly realized that the principle of heaven and earth he obtained was completely mentioned in the Five Elements Cultivation Method, but no one succeeded in practicing it.

But there was no chance for him to think about it, because the thunder in the sky sounded, and this thunder was only as powerful as the first thunder.

But after the thunder, countless lights and shadows smashed towards the top of his mountain, each of which had the power of a full-strength blow from a late peak monk.

"Little Heavenly Tribulation, you must have made a mistake."

Li Qiuyu said with a wry smile, this is basically a small catastrophe in the spirit world, where are the Punishment Cloud and Baby Cloud that he will use in the later stages of his breakthrough.

"Little Heavenly Tribulation, what's going on, the heavens are jealous of talents, and actually sent down Little Heavenly Tribulation."

The four big monks and the old man at the transformation stage who were thousands of miles away all said at the same time, without any belief in their eyes that everything in front of them was real.

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