Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 590 Breakthrough Late Stage

Li Qiuyu was also stunned for a moment, but then he reacted, with a movement of consciousness, a huge stone wall blocked him, and the stone wall with a radius of ten feet covered him firmly.

"Boom, boom."

There were bursts of loud sounds, and every time it sounded, Li Qiuyu's body would tremble, and in a short while, thousands of attacks fell on the stone wall.

The corner of Li Qiuyu's mouth also overflowed with a trace of blood, and he secretly groaned in his heart, when will this attack be a head, if he keeps attacking non-stop, even a god will suffer.

The light and shadow in the sky hit the top of the mountain where Li Qiuyu was like a shooting star, Xiao Hanyue and the others quickly retreated two miles, they chose not to worry about others attacking Li Qiuyu, under so many lights and shadows, no one dared to go in .


The ground shook for a while, and the mountain peak, which was hundreds of feet high, sank, and it sank rapidly, sinking five hundred feet in full, leaving only more than two hundred feet outside.


With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a Tianying Pill entered his mouth, his mana recovered instantly, his whole body's momentum soared, and the clay figurine was also somewhat rustic. Although it was a breakthrough, he was attacked thousands of times; even his own mountain was sunk Hundreds of feet.

So what the hell, being resisted really makes me feel like a bully, Li Qiuyu has been so angry, it's better to attack than to be beaten for nothing.

I saw him lift up the stone wall with a radius of ten feet with one hand, carrying a powerful and destructive power to slam into the sky, and the sky-topping ruler in his hand slashed towards the light and shadow.



Every time the golden light of Dingtianchi came into contact with the light and shadow, there was a shocking explosion. The monks below, the monks in the distance, and the mortals were stunned.

What is against the sky?Let me tell you, this is against the sky, and fighting against the sky is the real one against the sky.

After a full quarter of an hour, the lights and shadows in the sky were still descending endlessly, Li Qiuyu's heart sank, because the stone wall also sent a message of crisis, and after withstanding tens of thousands of attacks, Li Qiuyu's cultivation base could not break it down. After the power group was fully displayed, it was also on the verge of collapse.

"Linglong Tower."

With a movement of his consciousness, an antique pagoda appeared in his hand, and with a movement of mana, the aura in the air quickly sucked into the pagoda.


The mana of some monks who used mana exercises to resist the coercion was quickly rushed towards Li Qiuyu in the sky, without any control by themselves.


With a move of consciousness, Li Qiuyu put the Linglong Tower into the space ring again, and he also found that the Linglong Tower did not absorb these light and shadows at all.

"Tower of Nothingness"

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a one-foot-sized pagoda appeared in his hand, and his consciousness was running, and a colorful light appeared.

After a hundred years of 50 years of wandering and training, this Tower of Nothingness can also exert a little power, but using this Tower of Nothingness consumes a lot of consciousness, which is comparable to the Mietian Sword Formation.

"It should be able to stop."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, the divine consciousness swayed the entire light, and the light turned into thousands of lights, facing the light and shadow in the sky.


Countless lights and shadows collided with thousands of lights in the sky, and the space seemed to stand still. Li Qiuyu didn't stop, and quickly sprinkled the remaining lights to other lights and shadows.

All the lights, shadows and brilliance spread out at the same time, there was no sound of explosion, but a colorful light curtain covered the sky for hundreds of miles.The colored light curtain flashes away.

Immediately, the air became quiet again, Li Qiuyu fell down instantly, and threw a Tianying Pill into his mouth. He knew that there was still an attack from Yingyun behind him.

Everyone within a radius of ten thousand li breathed a sigh of relief. They all felt the same surprise at the scene just now. The breakthrough by one person brought everyone within ten thousand miles into it.

At this moment, it is no longer a breakthrough by one person, but a battle between man and the sky. Although we don't know who the person who made the breakthrough is, his courage and strength are enough to make everyone surrender.

"Sure enough, it is the supreme existence. It has such courage and domineering power. No wonder it is easier to kill a big cultivator in seconds than to flip a palm."

Fairy Jiuyue looked at Pianfeng a hundred miles away with a look of admiration, not paying attention to the jealous eyes of a junior beside her.

"Senior sister, you are too..."

Seeing that his senior sister, whom he regards as heaven and man, actually worships an outsider, the younger brother felt dissatisfied for a while, and said to Fairy Jiuyue.

"What's wrong with me, can you be as powerful as him?"

"I, I, I..."

"Can't you two stop bickering? You've practiced for thousands of years, and you're still like children." Ling Luotian glanced at Fairy Jiuyue and her junior brother.

"The baby cloud is here, hey, why is it a colorful baby cloud?"

Cheng Yufa stared at the baby cloud with a radius of a hundred miles in the sky, and was stunned in shock. A normal baby cloud was only about ten miles in size, and when it reached the bottom, it was only about ten feet in size.

I didn't expect that this baby cloud was a thousand times the size of when I broke through to the later stage, and it was also seven-colored. Even when my master broke through to become a god, it was only two colors, and the area at the bottom was only a hundred feet in size.

"Strange things happen every year, and today is the most."

The old man who was thousands of miles away looked at the clouds in the sky, his face was already numb, and what happened today was beyond her imagination.

"Treasure of Bright Light"


A ray of light shone towards the seven-colored baby cloud at a height of ten thousand zhang. The baby cloud flickered lightly, without stopping at all, and landed downward as usual.

"Shocking finger."

"Cold Slash"

Two shocking nine-style attacks hit it. At nine thousand feet, the two attacks hit the baby cloud at the same time. With a loud explosion, the baby cloud doubled in size, but the baby cloud just stopped just keep going down.

Li Qiuyu naturally knew that the shrinking of the baby cloud was not caused by his own attack, but that the baby cloud would have been smaller and smaller, but its power was getting stronger and stronger.


A three-foot long sword appeared in his hand, and then a white sword light swung out. At eight thousand feet away, Yingyun doubled in size again, and also stopped for a while.

"Collect, collect, sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice."

The two psychic treasures were taken back, and the four commanding treasures were sacrificed at the same time, and they quickly attacked the baby cloud in the sky.

After a while, Yingyun had already reached a hundred feet above the sky. At this time, Yingyun was still a thousand feet in size, and the power of Yingyun brought a crisis to the entire Tianmen.

"It seems that we still have to use the Tower of Nothingness."

As soon as his consciousness moved, a colorful ray of light hit Yingyun. This time, the colorful ray was only the size of a fist. This was also his maximum limit, and his spiritual consciousness had reached a limit.

When the colorful light shot out, Li Qiuyu's body also swayed, and quickly threw a recovery pill into the mouth, quickly dissolving the pill.


An ear-piercing sound spread far away, although the sound was small, but this colorful baby cloud was imprisoned in the air, and finally slowly shattered, this change was unexpected by everyone.

Li Qiuyu's face finally relaxed a little, and finally he quickly circulated his mana, a golden Nascent Soul appeared in front of him, and the Nascent Soul spun quickly.

With the force of the rotation, a strong suction force rolled towards the baby cloud, and the baby cloud was sensed and sucked, and quickly rushed towards the place where Li Qiuyu was.

"Let's absorb a little, anyway, it's the weight of three Nascent Souls."

There was a hint of a smile on Li Qiuyu's face, and finally with a movement of consciousness, another Nascent Soul appeared in front of him, and the two Nascent Souls quickly digested the baby cloud.

Yaoying has reached the peak of the late stage, and besides, Yaoying is the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix in cultivation, Li Qiuyu dare not take the risk of using it to refine Yingyun.

This infant cloud is the infant cloud of the real Nascent Soul. It is possible to help refine it, but it cannot be absorbed. Besides, after the three Nascent Souls have left their bodies, my own body can't stand it either.

Although the baby cloud is beneficial, but without the support of the Nascent Soul, the main body is destroyed by the baby cloud in an instant. Part of the baby cloud is used to refine the body, and part is used to temper the Nascent Soul.

For ten full days, the baby cloud in the sky was finally completely digested by the two Nascent Souls. The two Nascent Souls were five inches in size. However, the two Nascent Souls were not golden, but colorful colors, and the color of the Wizards team became Stronger than before.

During this period of time, everything within ten thousand miles began to boil, especially the other nine major forces in Lingxiao City, who all got the news that someone had broken through the Tianmen.

Regarding the ranking of the top ten forces of Tianmen, the other strengths are a little worried, because now the breakthrough of Tianmen, the power has suddenly skyrocketed, and the ranking will be improved a lot.

And inside Tianmen, the four big monks scolded the disciples below back, and it became the same as before again, but on the surface, every disciple was still in the scene ten days ago in his heart.

Li Qiuyu slowly said that Yuanying was taken back, because he had already sensed that someone was coming towards him. Although he still had a lot of unresolved problems in cultivation, but on someone else's territory, at least he had to say hello.

"I didn't expect King Xiaoyao of the Tianlong Empire to come to the Tianmen, and the elders of the Xiatianmen will be scattered in the sky. I am disrespectful and respectful!" A faint voice came over.

Then, four figures appeared in front of Li Qiuyu, and they all looked at Li Qiuyu in surprise. Although this Li Qiuyu's prestige had been heard for a long time, he had also seen how domineering he was when he broke through.

But when I actually got in front of this person, I felt a little unsteady in my heart. The other party was the existence of the Instakill monk. Although he had just broken through and his strength hadn't recovered, his prestige was still there.

It was rumored that there was a supreme being, but they didn't expect it to be such a young boy, which gave them a feeling of contrast between strength and appearance.

"Four fellow daoists are very polite. I have been here in Tianmen for a hundred years. It is really rude not to meet fellow daoist." Li Qiuyu stood up slowly, with a calm expression on his face.

He didn't feel that he was weak and the opponent was strong at all, because even if he had just broken through, it would be easy to kill the four guys in front of him.

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