Because even if there is a little trouble, these disciples are people who work for Li Qiuyu, but the disciples who managed tens of thousands in the past are far from being as good as they are now. Now I am the registered disciple of the elder of the Binghuo Peak Supreme.

In Tianmen, there are only five or six registered disciples of the Supreme Elder, even the current head of the sect, he is not a registered disciple of the Supreme Elder.

"The disciple will follow the teaching of the master, and will not embarrass the Binghuo Peak."

Some of these disciples were present when Li Qiuyu broke through. This power was simply earth-shattering, and they knew that this mysterious elder was extremely powerful.

"You take this thing, it was given to you by the Supreme Elder. When you go out to do tasks in the future, if you can't handle it by yourself, you can send it to the Supreme Elder. However, you must do what you can, and you must messed things up."

Han Xing distributed more than a hundred jade pendants to these disciples. Li Qiuyu's purpose was to let these disciples go to other cities to find medicinal materials and materials in the future.

For collecting some unfamiliar items, the hands may not be useful. Often, many low-level monks do not recognize the top-quality treasures, and throw them around like garbage.

Han Xing also told these disciples some things to be explained. It is best for the disciples who are at the peak of Qi training level [-] to [-] to do these tasks.

They are only responsible for inquiring, and they are not required to execute them. In the Great Shang Empire, a place full of masters, monks below the alchemy stage are of no use at all.

Li Qiuyu would only tell Han Xing what to do. The place a thousand feet away from Binghuo Peak was a forbidden area for any disciples, and anyone who entered would be responsible for the consequences, because the prohibition here was enough to directly kill the disciples below the alchemy stage.

The three daughters of Xiao Hanyue are also practicing on their own, and Li Qiuyu has just made a breakthrough, so she must adjust the stability of Yuanying as soon as possible. The most important thing is that several hidden dangers left by the breakthrough have not been resolved.

The ice-fire twin-element penalty cloud, the colorful baby cloud, and the five-element kung fu also faintly reflect some truth.

Compatible with fire and ice

Ice and fire, in the eyes of the outside world, are born to restrain each other, but in the five elements of practice, ice and fire are mutually generated, and mutually restrained. Only by truly understanding the functions of the two elements can one know his true nature.

This breakthrough has completely overturned his practice in the realm of self-cultivation. The five-element exercise is completely different from other exercises. The five-element exercise says that the five elements generate and restrain each other.

They all misunderstood the basic knowledge of Jin Kemu, but they never knew that Jin Ke's knowledge is not wood at all, and the five elements can be restrained when their cultivation base is superficial and their understanding is superficial.

But after reaching a certain level, the five elements do not restrain each other, but generate each other. However, ice is a variant version of the water system, and it is also the water system, which can also be called the ice system.

Ice and fire are interdependent, and only when the master's strength reaches the abnormal state, can fully display the true principles of heaven and earth of the five elements, Li Qiuyu will be compatible with ice and fire.

At the beginning, it was just a forceful act, but after refining the flames, with such a wonder of heaven and earth, it is natural to cultivate the compatibility of ice and fire to a powerful level.

When breaking through, Fuzhi suddenly realized some five-element exercises in his mind, which also made it easy to dissolve the Ice and Fire Punishment Cloud, so that the Ice and Fire Punishment Cloud was taken into his body, and now he has to slowly refine it.

If you refine this Ice Fire Punishment Cloud, your own Ice Fire Compatibility will undergo a huge change, and no one knows what kind of power it will really achieve.

Li Qiuyu's main task now is to stabilize the Nascent Soul and completely refine the seven-colored infant cloud. After a full two months of rest, he entered the retreat.

In the past two months, Tianmen also announced that Li Qiuyu became the Supreme Elder. Naturally, the whole Tianmen faction celebrated, and other forces also gathered to congratulate. real strength.

Some small forces were also flattering, and Li Qiuyu dealt with it a little bit, but Li Qiuyu's cultivation was no different from that of ordinary big monks.

Moreover, the realm is still very unstable, and there will be retrogression at any time. When some big forces see this, they have various thoughts in their hearts.

Li Qiuyu dealt with it for a while, and returned to Binghuo Peak to practice under the excuse of seclusion. He didn't bother to deal with these forces. In his eyes, these guys were already like ants a hundred years ago.

It is easier to kill these monks now than to pinch and kill ants. The state is not stable. If someone really thinks that his state is not stable, he really deserves to die.

"Brother Qiuyu, are those guys really troublesome?"

Seeing Li Qiuyu coming back, Ling Ling said in a sweet voice, walked up and hugged his arms, Li Qiuyu had a faint smile on his face.

"Well, they are just some ants. With my current cultivation base and identity, I don't even bother to interact with them, but I don't want others to know my true strength."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and finally came to the room to sit down, Xiao Hanyue made a cup of fragrant tea for Li Qiuyu, and gently handed it to Li Qiuyu.

"Those guys just want to see the strength of the young master. They want to make a move against Tianmen. In the cultivation world, it seems that the war between forces will never stop."

Xiao Hanyue said softly, and finally sat down on a chair next to Li Qiuyu, looking at Li Qiuyu quietly.

"Well, we don't need to take care of these things. What happens to Tianmen outside is up to them. As long as they don't come into my sight, I have been in Tianmen for nearly a hundred years anyway, and I have some feelings. It's nothing to help. .”

Li Qiuyu took a sip of the difference in his hand, and said slowly, with his own strength, plus the three women and four beasts around him, even if the stage of transformation came, he had to lie down obediently.

"Young master's current cultivation base still needs to stabilize the realm and refine the baby cloud."

Xiao Hanyue is also a great cultivator. Regarding Li Qiuyu's cultivation, she naturally knows that the punishment cloud that is compatible with ice and fire has not been refined, and it will take at least a while to solve it.

"By the way, I have sent some low-level disciples out to inquire about medicinal materials and materials. Although there is not much hope, there is still that point. I also want to retreat. If there is anything, you should keep an eye on it, but don't go alone. .”

Li Qiuyu said seriously, and finally kissed the faces of the three girls, and then went back to the place where he practiced. He still has a lot of things to solve in practice.

It took a full year for this practice, but he didn't know that earth-shaking changes had taken place outside. There was friction between Tianmen, the tenth of the top ten forces, and the second-ranked Minglingzong.

Originally, the top ten forces had frictions at all, but this time there was another big monk in Tianmen, which made other forces gradually covet Tianmen.

Although both belong to the top ten forces, the strength between the two is very different. There are 21 great monks in the Underworld Sect, [-] people in the Nascent Soul Stage, and countless people in the Core Formation Stage and Foundation Establishment Stage.

The entire strength is several times that of Tianmen. Regardless of the several times the gap, if you really fight, you can almost easily wipe out Tianmen.

Of the six Supreme Elders of Tianmen, two Supreme Elders disappeared after going out a hundred years ago, and have since disappeared. There are only four Supreme Elders who are big monks.

Tianmen has been maintaining its development in a low-key manner, trying to swallow its anger as much as possible, but other forces are getting more and more excessive. Even so, Tianmen can only bow its head and eat Coptis chinensis dumb.

However, when the Supreme Elder of another great monk appeared in Tianmen, Tianmen began to resist, and Tianmen's resistance also surprised other forces.

Even if there are five big monks, it's not as powerful as others, and this big monk has just broken through, so it won't work at all.

The only ones who really know the inside story are Lingluotian and the Tianmen. Li Qiuyu's strength is simply not something that the top ten forces in Lingxiao can resist.

Only they know Li Qiuyu's true identity, and even those who know Li Qiuyu's identity will not easily mention Li Qiuyu's name.

"Junior Brother Chen, why do you think Tianmen wants to fight against our Netherworld Sect?"

An old man in his seventies glanced at the twenty juniors in front of him indifferently, and finally fixed his eyes on a middle-aged monk.

The old man was dressed in green clothes, and the aura of his whole body was vague, giving people a feeling of floating. Only those present knew that his senior brother's strength was unfathomable, and he had reached the peak in the later stage for hundreds of years.

"I think Tianmen has been suppressed by our nine forces for 200 years. I want to rely on Tianmen to add a big monk to resist it, and I want to develop easily in Lingxiao City in the future."

The middle-aged monk pondered for a while. He is one of the super masters of the Underworld Sect, and he doesn't know much about the outside world.

"I don't think so. With Ling Luotian's personality, he wouldn't mess around so easily. There must be some tricks in it, but even if there are tricks, we won't let them take advantage of them. In the face of powerful strength, tricks It's all floating clouds."

Another big monk said, there are a few old monsters like them who are easy to mess with, and they all have lived for hundreds or thousands of years.

"Hmph, I was planning to change the position of the thousand-year-old second child of Tianmingzong, but I didn't expect that a weak Tianmen would dare to fight against the Mingling sect outside. It's better to take down Tianmen and then deal with Linyuemen."

Another big monk said loudly that the Nether Sect is strong enough, but there is a No. [-] Linyue Sect on it, which is stronger than the Nether Sect, and has been suppressing the Nether Sect for thousands of years. .

"Okay, no matter what kind of tricks there are in this matter, but in Lingxiao City, our Underworld Sect is still a superpower, and we will not tolerate insults from the Tianmen. After erasing the Tianmen, we will strengthen our strength to deal with the Linyuemen."

The old man pondered for a moment, and said seriously, with an extremely serious face. After he finished speaking, the other juniors all smiled. If the Tianmen was taken down, his status in the Underworld Sect would definitely be able to compete with the Linyue Sect.

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