Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 597 Sky Blue City Auction

In half a year, Tianmen has completely taken over all the business and influence of the Underworld Sect, and the power has increased dramatically. All Tianmen disciples are the richest among the top ten influences.

Hesitant about the disappearance of Minglingzong, Tianmen directly became the second largest power, and another power also entered the list of top ten forces, seeing that Tianmen easily wiped out Minglingzong.

The other forces were terrified, and without even knowing a little information, Tianmen completely wiped out all the senior monks of the Underworld Sect.

However, many monks still rumored that it was Tianmen's fifth supreme elder who killed the god-transforming ancestor of the Underworld Sect, and this supreme elder suffered some injuries and was still healing in Tianmen.

To kill the existence of Huashen, there is a force that dares to provoke it. Even if the force also has Huashen, it would not dare to provoke Tianmen easily. You must know that Huashen is an indestructible existence in the human world, unless the life energy is exhausted.

After Xiao Hanyue distributed these storage bags and magic treasures to the disciples below, the disciples below were very excited. They originally worshiped and respected Li Qiuyu, but now Li Qiuyu is sympathetic to the Tianmen disciples, so naturally he is respected supremely.

Li Qiuyu also knew that in some of the great powers of Dashang, there were almost all old monsters who had transformed themselves into gods. Although their own great monks were good in strength, it was embarrassing for him to really encounter the stage of transforming gods.

Strength, strength, or strength.

His desire for strength has almost reached its peak, and he wants to improve his own strength, but now there is another problem, that is, he has reached the late stage, and if he wants to improve again, it is to transform into a god, to transform into a god, I don't know how Reached the stage of becoming a god.

Could it be that one God Transformation Pill is enough? Even if one Transformation God Pill can do it, the materials for this Transformation God Pill are extremely hard to find. A hundred years have passed, and there are still four materials for the Transformation God Pill that have not been found.

"Well, let's practice for a while first, and reach the peak of the third Nascent Soul's realm before looking for medicinal materials."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, then sat cross-legged to meditate, and arranged his future practice homework, one hour to practice the Heaven-shocking God Art, and another hour to practice the Phoenix Nine Transformations. Although the Phoenix Nine Transformations is now at the peak of the sixth transformation, it will be the peak in the later stage. I don't dare to practice anymore, but I can completely comprehend the higher level of Phoenix Nine Changes.

Two hours to comprehend various alchemy and alchemy recipes, one hour to consecrate spirit treasures, and one hour to comprehend the compatibility of ice and fire and the five elements.

The rest of the time is either to play with Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters, or to read some miscellaneous records of the world of self-cultivation, which is arranged like this for a month.

Every month of rest, he would refine pills, two or three tripod pills a year, the main ones were Tianchen Pill, Tianying Pill, and Good Fortune Pill. As for Tianling Pill, there were not many materials for it, and it was not enough for refining.

In this way, the four stayed in Tianmen for 50 years. In 50 years, Li Qiuyu refined [-] bottles of Tianchen Pill, [-] bottles of Good Fortune Pill, and [-] bottles of Tianying Pill.

In the past 50 years, Tianmen also searched for countless medicinal materials, and also collected some of the medicinal materials of Tianling Pill, and asked him to refine seven bottles.

The Blood Eagle Eagle has reached the peak of the late seventh stage, and it will advance only if it has a chance.The same is true for the cloud beast, which is at the peak of the seventh-order late stage.

Only the mysterious tortoise is a little slower to advance, and it is still the peak of the eighth stage, but it is not far from the advanced stage. The green clothes incorporate the soul of the colorful dragon, and the advanced stage is the fastest, and it is now the eighth stage.But the strength is stronger than the other three.

Even if it is a mysterious turtle, it may not be able to defeat the green clothes. The four guys consume the pills the fastest, but Li Qiuyu has no shortage of pills.

this day

Li Qiuyu received a voice transmission, saying that he had encountered a 50-year-old Skyfire Leaf, and this Skyfire Leaf was still in Sky Blue City not far from Lingxiao City.

Sky fire leaf, as the name suggests, grows in the place where the fire is alive or in the center of the earth. It is the main material for refining the sixth-grade elixir, and Li Qiuyu will not let it go easily.

He told the three sisters Xiao Hanyue, and then left alone, and quickly flew towards the blue city in the sky. His strength has reached his level, and the short distance of less than 20 miles is just one or two hours away. .

The disciple of Chuanxin is a monk in the foundation-building period, and he simply does not have the strength to buy such medicinal materials. In the auction house, this sky fire leaf will not be auctioned until evening.

Seeing Li Qiuyu's arrival, this foundation-building disciple was excited. This young monk is the Supreme Elder of Tianmen, the existence of killing the monks of the transformation stage.

"The disciple has met the ancestor"

The disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage respectfully knelt down and shouted, their bodies trembling slightly.

"Get up."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, and finally began to ask about the specific whereabouts of Tianhuoye and some circumstances. The disciples in the foundation period respectfully told the whereabouts of Tianhuoye and the time of the auction.

And handed a sign to Li Qiuyu. To enter this auction, you must have a predetermined sign, and each sign must be at least five hundred spirit stones.

When entering, one million low-level spirit stones had to be paid as a deposit, and this disciple spent all his money to get the brand.

"Well, well done, this rewarded you."

Li Qiuyu threw a storage bag to the Foundation Establishment Stage disciples, turned around and walked outside. Whenever he went to any strange place, he would find out the environment here.


Seeing Li Qiuyu leave, the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage opened the storage bag with admiration. When they saw the spirit stone and two magic weapons inside, their faces twitched, and they quickly put the storage bag away.

It turned out that there were 100 million low-level spirit stones and two good magic weapons inside. These spirit stones alone were enough for him to cultivate with peace of mind for decades.

This is a skyfire leaf, and to Li Qiuyu, it is definitely a treasure. This disciple has made great achievements, and 100 million low-level spirit stones are not even a drop in the bucket.

Li Qiuyu wandered around for a long time, and finally at dusk, he came to a relatively secluded inn, entered the inn, lit up the sign in his hand, and finally walked inside.

Entering the back door of the inn, a monk in the foundation building period respectfully led Li Qiuyu in. The two walked through two or three passages and came to a stone gate.

"Senior, to enter the auction house, a deposit of 100 million is required, please forgive me."

An old man at the alchemy stage said, Li Qiuyu's current cultivation is at the Nascent Soul stage, so he will naturally be treated politely. Li Qiuyu didn't hesitate, and directly handed over the prepared 100 million spirit stones.

"Yes, seniors please."

The monk in the alchemy period said respectfully to Li Qiuyu, stretched out his hand and pressed on the stone door at the door, the stone door opened in response, and Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness swept inside.

There are four to five hundred places, which is considered a very large auction house, but inside, at least all of them are monks at the Nascent Soul stage.

According to his trademark, Li Qiuyu came to the position above No. 48. This position is not bad, not far from the auction steps. When he arrived, there were only half of the monks here.

After waiting for an hour, the auction house was basically full, and there were more than forty big monks here, including one from the stage of transforming gods.

I paid attention to the strength of the auction here, and secretly calculated in my heart, this sky fire leaf must be in my hands, there is no need to kill people to seize the treasure.

"Dear friends, welcome to this auction."

An old man in black said loudly, his eyes swept towards the auction room with a satisfied look on his face, the higher the strength here, the better the auction price.

Li Qiuyu also took a look at the old man when he came out. The strength of the later stage big monks can be called the pinnacle, but in this auction, it is really impossible to suppress it without the big monks.

"Everyone understands the rules of the auction house, so I don't need to talk too much, now the auction has officially started.

"The first item to be auctioned is an ancient treasure. A gold-type ancient treasure can increase the mana of a metal-type monk by one layer. The minimum price is 200 million, and each increase is [-]."

The old man took out a brocade box. Inside the brocade box was a golden short knife, the size of a palm, with a golden light emitting from it.

"220 million low-level spirit stones." After the old man finished speaking, a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul immediately added 20 low-level spirit stones.

"230 million low-level spirit stones." With the competition for the first one, the second one will appear soon. As a gold-type monk, he will naturally not let go of the treasure that is beneficial to him.

"240 low-level spirit stones."

"250 low-level spirit stones."

Naturally, Li Qiuyu didn't like these things, even if they were given to him, he would still tidy them up and tidy them up, but everyone's status and worth are different.

After a while, the price reached 400 million low-level spirit stones, and was finally taken by a middle-term monk with 480 million low-level spirit stones.

"Congratulations to fellow daoist No. [-] for obtaining this ancient treasure."

The old man in black said happily, because this ancient treasure has already reached a favorable price, and his commission is also quite a lot.

After waiting for a while, the mid-stage cultivator completed the transaction and started the auction of the second item. All the cultivators looked at the black-clothed old man calmly, who had reached the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation level. Several of them were not geniuses among geniuses.

"The second item to be auctioned is a space ring. The volume of this space ring is one mile. Everyone knows the purpose and expected value. The low-level is 500 million low-level spirit stones, and the price is increased by 50."

The old man took out a dark ring and waved it in front of the monks. Naturally, the monks would not think that the auction house would fake it for a space ring.

Li Qiuyu was also surprised. She didn't expect that there would be an auction of the space ring here. You must know that she also got the space ring by killing the big monk.

"550 million low-level spirit stones." A big monk said flatly.

"600 low-level spirit stones."

"700 low-level spirit stones."

Competing for things like this is naturally the big monks and some mid-term monks who are worth a lot of money, and the early monks can only stare blankly.

Li Qiuyu didn't look at these things at all, his goal was the sky fire leaf, unless it was the medicinal materials and materials he needed, he ignored the rest.

After waiting for half an hour, nine of the ten items were also discharged. Naturally happy to get the items, some cash-strapped monks shook their heads helplessly.

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