Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 596 The Harvest of Tianmen

"Senior Sister Jiuyue, what's wrong with you?"

Cheng Yufa saw Fairy Jiuyue's expression after taking the elixir, and asked hurriedly, wondering why Jiuyue would show such an expression after taking the elixir.

"The elixir that instantly restores mana is actually the elixir that instantly restores mana."

Fairy Jiuyue said in surprise, and then felt a pity for a while. She didn't expect that after swallowing it, but in an instant, the mana consumed by her whole body would be restored in an instant. If she had known the effect of this elixir, she would not have used it.

"What did you say?"

Ling Luotian heard what Fairy Jiuyue said, and observed Fairy Jiuyue's condition. Her recovery had reached its peak, and then she looked at the elixir in her hand.

"This elixir can restore mana in an instant. No wonder Li Daoxiong doesn't worry about mana. With such a elixir, what kind of opponent can't be killed."

Jiuyue said happily, in the end she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Then I have to keep it first."

Ling Luotian said happily, and finally quickly moved his body to kill the remaining monks who escaped from the sea of ​​flames. In fact, under Li Qiuyu's world-burning flames, few monks could escape at all.

After half an hour, the entire Underworld Sect's disciples were wiped out, only the foundation-building disciples were not killed, but they were surrendered by Ling Luotian and others by means.

The biggest purpose of capturing other people's sects is profit, business interests, sect wealth, and business interests can be accepted slowly, but the wealth must be obtained first.

In an instant, more than forty monks in the Nascent Soul Stage quickly rushed towards the Pill Pavilion and the Library Pavilion of the Underworld Sect, and there were still some important places that were being searched for.

Two hours later, Ling Luotian dealt with the affairs here a little bit, and brought his disciples back to Chaotianmen, leaving five or six Nascent Soul stage disciples to take care of this place.

Flying all the way, Ling Luotian had a smile on his face and a little hesitation, because he found a lot of wealth in the Underworld Sect.

Even a big monk like him would be tempted by this wealth. This is not just a little bit of Lingshi, but a total of nearly tens of billions, which is almost all the property of the Underworld Sect.

If I waited for others to swallow it alone, I'm afraid it would be difficult for Li Qiuyu to explain it to Li Qiuyu. If I gave it to Li Qiuyu, I would lose a large part of the spirit stone.

"Junior brother, look at these spirit stones."

Ling Luotian said softly, staring at the three fellow students beside him, to see if they had any different ideas.

"Brother, Li Daoyou is the Supreme Elder of my Tianmen. This time, Tianmen's attack on the Underworld Sect is mainly due to Brother Li Dao. Why don't we give half of the spirit stones to Brother Li Dao."

Fairy Jiuyue pondered for a while, and saw that the other two juniors were silent, so she spoke first, expressing her psychological thoughts.

"Well, Senior Sister Jiuyue is right. You must know that Brother Li Dao's status in the Northern Jin Dynasty and Tianlong is not short of spirit stones at all, but whether he lacks or not is his business, but whether to give or not is a matter of our attitude."

Cheng Yufa also opened his mouth and said, his eyes finally turned to Ling Luotian to see what Ling Luotian had to say.

"You're right. The spirit stones are actually of little use to the outside world. Now that the Underworld Sect has been wiped out, there is naturally no shortage of spirit stones. We will give half of the wealth to Brother Li Dao."

Ling Luotian also thought about it, Li Qiuyu's strength, no one can afford to provoke him, and it is too late for him to win over, how can he offend, the wealth and strength of the Underworld Sect, how can he deceive the other party's eyes and calculating.

In less than half an hour, the group rushed back to Tianmen, and the news of Tianmen's victory spread throughout Tianmen, and the Supreme Elder Li Qiuyu killed the ancestor of the Underworld Sect, Master Cangyuan, and the existence of the God Transformation Stage.

But Li Qiuyu returned to the top of the mountain, recuperating his injuries with peace of mind, Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters also watched quietly, worried.

After a full hour, Li Qiuyu performed a week, and his mana was activated automatically, but some injuries need to be recuperated slowly, and there is no rush.

"My son, how are you doing?"

Xiao Hanyue stepped forward eagerly, and gently supported Li Qiuyu. Finally, Li Qiuyu sat on a wooden chair to rest, and the three women sat next to each other.

"It's okay, I just suffered some minor injuries. This time is different from last time. Last time it was a complete sneak attack and calculated. This time I really used my strength to fight. Fortunately, that guy was killed by me. The first one The stage of transforming into gods that truly exterminates."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, with a confident look on his face. In the past, he was worried about the enemies in the foundation stage during the Qi training stage, and worried about the enemies in the alchemy stage during the foundation stage.

Now I am worried about the enemies of the God Transformation Stage, but after this time, I finally no longer worry about the God Transformation Stage. As long as I am careful, I can kill the God Transformation Stage. Even if I can't kill it, it is still easy to leave.

"Congratulations to Brother Qiu Yu, his strength is comparable to that of the God Transformation, and we don't have to worry about the masters of the God Transformation Stage in the future." Lingling said happily.

"Well, but you still have to be careful. You are not afraid in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, but when you encounter the peak and middle stages of the early stage, maybe there may still be in the later stage."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and said seriously, there are all kinds of wonders in the world of cultivation, and nothing is definitive, and only by being careful can we not suffer.

"Then is your injury serious?"

Although Li Qiuyu said that the injury was not serious, Xiao Qiuyue was still concerned about it and felt uncomfortable for a while. She would rather get hurt than see her beloved get hurt.

"It's really no problem, otherwise I'd still be here idle."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he glanced down the peak, with a mysterious smile on his face, and finally retracted his gaze, chatting with the three girls about how he fought with Huashenqi.

Li Qiuyu would never tell anyone else about these experiences, but her own woman, knowing this, naturally gained a lot of experience in fighting against the enemy, and she felt relieved.

Not long after, I heard a message from Han Xing, saying that the Supreme Elder Ling Luotian had come, Li Qiuyu nodded, and finally let Ling Luotian come up.

"Brother Li Dao, the three fairies."

Lingluotian bowed to Li Qiuyu and the three girls beside him with fists in his hands, with a slight smile on his face. Now in front of Li Qiuyu, he didn't look like a great monk at all.

"Brother Ling Dao, things haven't changed." Li Qiuyu also said flatly, she naturally knows something about the outcome of the matter.

"Very good, it's perfectly solved. This is some wealth we got from the Underworld Sect. Brother Li Dao, please accept it." With a smile on his face, Ling Luotian handed a space ring to Li Qiuyu.

"Brother Lingdao, you are welcome. As the elder of Tianmen Keqing, these things are also considered my duty. There is no need to be too cautious." Li Qiuyu looked at the interspatial ring handed over and knew that there must be a lot of it. wealth.

"If it weren't for Brother Li Dao, Tianmen would be gone. Everyone has a share of these little things." Ling Luotian said with a smile.

"If that's the case, I'll accept it, Brother Ling's heart is written down." Li Qiuyu put away the space ring and said politely.

"Brother Li Dao will heal his wounds first, and I will take my leave first."

Lingluotian clasped fists at Li Qiuyu and the others, and finally dodged towards the bottom of Binghuo Peak, disappearing without a trace in an instant. Li Qiuyu looked at the disappearing figure with a smile of approval on his face.

"Brother Qiuyu, what's inside?"

Ling Ling asked curiously, the things that can be given as gifts by the great monks are naturally not ordinary things, either a large amount of spirit stones, or good medicinal herb materials.

In fact, in Tianmen, Li Qiuyu's four people's welfare is also quite high. The monthly spiritual stone welfare is 1000 million, and this 1000 million is almost dispensable for Li Qiuyu's four people.

But for Tianmen, this benefit is absolutely unique. In addition, Li Qiuyu can mobilize all disciples.

"Well, take a look, there are spirit stones and some storage bags inside."

Li Qiuyu took out the space ring and scanned it with his consciousness. It turned out to be a space with a radius of five miles, and there were 50 billion spirit stones in it. Some storage bags were also inside. Obviously, these storage bags were all intact. Motionless.

The three female generals counted all the things in the space ring, and Li Qiuyu returned to the top of the mountain to continue healing. Although the transformation stage was killed, the strength of this stage is really strong.

Some strange abilities and numbers have exceeded Li Qiuyu's imagination, and they have never been seen or heard before, especially the last light blade, which seems to be a unique skill in the transformation stage.

Fortunately, the interspatial ring of this cultivator in the stage of transformation is still here. Li Qiuyu has always been the principle of not getting up early when there is no benefit. Naturally, he will gain some benefits by attacking the Underworld Sect.

Obtaining the space ring of the God Transformation Stage is naturally satisfying. In such a sect, there are God Transformation Stage monks sitting in command, and the real wealth is in the hands of the God Transformation Stage.

This healing took a full two months. After the healing was completed, he sat in meditation for another half a year, tidying up the space rings of the cultivators in the transformation stage.

The cultivators in the Transformation Stage are really generous and worth a lot. The spirit stones alone have reached 150 billion. There are countless medicinal materials and materials, and there are even several materials for the Mietian Sword.

However, there were only three or four ancient treasures and spiritual treasures inside, and the golden long knife was divided into two inside. This was a remarkable psychic treasure, but it was destroyed under the compatibility of ice and fire.

If it weren't for this psychic treasure, he would have been seriously injured in the transformation stage. After tidying up everything, he went down the mountain to the place where Xiao Hanyue's three daughters lived after practicing meditation.

"My lord, the storage bag is full of spiritual weapons and magic weapons for monks in the Nascent Soul Stage and the Core Formation Stage, and there are also some ancient treasures in it. There are more than 4000 pieces, and there are more than [-] million spiritual stones."

Xiao Hanyue handed the space ring to Li Qiuyu. The space ring had been erased by Xiao Hanyue with his consciousness. Li Qiuyu put away the spirit stones and better ancient treasures inside.

Finally, I handed these storage bags to Xiao Hanyue, and asked her to give all these things to the disciples of Tianmen. Although she didn't like it, it was a great wealth for the disciples of Tianmen.

Low-level monks are the poorest wherever they are, in any superpower. Although Li Qiuyu has never lived a poor life, it is because he has always been able to make alchemy.

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