Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 595 Killing Cangyuan

"To be honest, your strength is not bad, but in front of this seat, the stage of transformation into a god is also a bigger ant. Your rubbish bag, this seat will kill it in seconds. If it weren't for waiting for you, this **** Ming The Lingzong is long gone."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, looking at the young monk quietly. This monk is a super master in the transformation stage. Even if he has reached the late stage, the Sanyuanying's cultivation base is profound, but he must be extremely careful.

"For thousands of years, your jokes are not funny, and you have to pay for what you said."

After the young monk finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a shocking coercion came to Li Qiuyu again, and the coercion formed invisible squeezing forces.

"Hmph, try it and you'll know."

Li Qiuyu also swiped with one hand, a three-foot long sword appeared in his hand, and a white sword light swung out, hitting the young monk hundreds of meters away.

There was a creaking sound in the air, and the white sword light and the young monk were constantly stirring. Suddenly there was a hole in the air, and the white sword light quickly came to the young monk.

"The power of heavy pressure."

The young monk also showed a hint of surprise. This white sword light was completely beyond his expectation. At first, he didn't see that the three-foot long sword in Li Qiuyu's hand was a psychic treasure.


With a crisp sound, the white sword light disappeared ten feet in front of the young monk, as if blocked by a hard stone wall. Li Qiuyu was also shocked. The power of the psychic treasure, plus her own strength, was actually blocked by an invisible The power to break.

It seems that the killing of Long Shatian in the mid-stage of Huashen last time was just a fluke, he caught his opponent by surprise, and now the two are fully prepared.

"Blue-faced fire dragon."

With a movement of consciousness, a jade pendant appeared in his hand, and then a blue-faced fire dragon hit the young monk, and the air seemed to be on fire.

The other monks were suffering bitterly. The whole battle was entirely on Li Qiuyu and the young monks. If anyone lost, that side would be completely lost.

The blue-faced fire dragon let out a roar in the air, and the dragon roared straight to the clouds, and the clouds were also shaken. After the blue-faced fire dragon appeared, Li Qiuyu swiped his hands, and then clicked, and pointed out a shocking wave.

"Boom, boom."

The golden long knife in the hands of the young monk kept slashing at the blue-faced fire dragon. Every time he slashed, the blue-faced fire dragon would become weaker, and he had already slashed more than a hundred slashes in an instant.

Finally, the blue-faced fire dragon quickly disappeared, and a jade pendant appeared in Li Qiuyu's hands. At this moment, the shocking finger also hit the young monk.


Shocking Finger slammed into each other with golden long swords, and Li Qiuyu and the young monk retreated hundreds of feet at the same time, pulling the distance between them further apart.



The two snorted at the same time. Li Qiuyu was horrified by his own blue-faced fire dragon. He didn't expect the blue-faced fire dragon to be restrained by the golden long knife. He thought that the golden long knife must be a great treasure.

To the horror of the young monk, a finger of a big monk shook the spirit of his golden long knife, and the spirit of the weapon was very irritable in the long knife.

In such a battle, it is not at all vaguely giving the opponent a chance to catch his breath. The two of them retreated, and then used their own attacks to attack each other.

"Cold Slash"

"Thousand Layers of Knife Shadow"

The two attacks collided together, and the air twisted for a while. Li Qiuyu also took advantage of the moment of violent retreat, raised his hands, and a red and a blue light cluster appeared in his hands.

Immediately with his hands together, a red and blue beam of light smashed towards the opponent, but at the same time as he cast ice and fire, the young monk had already slashed countless sword shadows straight at him.


The beam of light collided with countless sword shadows at a distance of ten feet, and a light curtain exploded. With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, he quickly unfolded the shield of devouring, and his body retreated hundreds of feet.

The shadow of the knife was swallowed by the beam of light. In an instant, the beam of light came in front of the young monk, and the golden long knife snapped with a click.The beam of light also dissipated, and Yu Jin threw the young monk a hundred feet away.

"very good."

The young monk wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, with a stern look on his face, his eyes quietly looked at Li Qiuyu, this was the first time he was injured in hundreds of years, and he was hurt by a junior who he regarded as an ant hurt.

"Eternal Soul Eater"

After the young monk finished speaking, he saw his hands kneading the formula, and a half-foot-long piece of wood appeared in front of him, and then a strange breath appeared in the air.

The aura was strange and sinister, and it felt that this aura came from ancient times. Naturally, Li Qiuyu would not let it do anything, and retracted the three-foot long sword in his hand.

The golden celestial ruler appeared in his hand, and then the whole body's mana poured in. A golden light slashed at the young monk, and a strange scene appeared. The golden light disappeared ten feet away from the young monk, and he was completely immune to the attack. no effect.

"What a weird smell."

Li Qiuyu was startled, his mind spun quickly, what treasure in his interspatial ring could deal with such an aura, and then a smile appeared on his face.


The Linglong Pagoda was sacrificed, and the spiritual consciousness controlled the Linglong Tower. The aura in the air rushed over quickly, but soon, a trace of solemnity appeared on his face.

The Linglong Pagoda can absorb spiritual mana, but this strange breath blocks the young monk's mana, and the strange breath cannot be absorbed.

"The death of silence."


With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the fifth form of the Heaven-shocking Nine Forms, the Fifth Form of Silent Extinguishment, was cast. At the same time as the Silent Extinction was being performed, a golden light slashed out.


Sure enough, the moment the time stopped, the golden light was still about to be interrupted by the strange aura, and when the time stopped, the young monk couldn't use the weird spell at all.


The young monk spat out a mouthful of blood again, looked at Li Qiuyu viciously, and was wounded by the opponent twice in a row. This time, he was interrupted from casting spells, and his mind and dantian were even more serious.

"Hey, you can't use it, so try my seat."

Li Qiuyu smiled and said, a few treasures were put into the space ring with a move of consciousness, and the nine Mietian swords appeared in front of her eyes, and then the Mietian sword disappeared.

A sword array with a radius of a thousand feet surrounded the young monk, and then the sword array quickly closed. When the sword array was in a radius of a hundred feet, the young monk sacrificed another black disc.

"Sword array, I haven't encountered it for a long time."

The young monk looked solemnly at the sword array around him, and swiped on the disc with one hand, only to see a mysterious island of light emanating from the disc, which swiped towards Li Qiuyu.


The colorful sword light swallowed this ray of light, but the sword array also slowed down a bit. Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness mobilized the sword array, regardless of other things, countless mysterious rays of light came towards Li Qiuyu, but they were all blocked.

A trace of uneasiness finally appeared on the young monk's face. The sword formation was only fifty feet in size. Although he didn't know the power of the sword formation, it would definitely be wrong to let the sword formation close.

"Heaven and earth transform into gods, the slash of God's destruction."

Viciousness appeared in the eyes of the young monk, and finally the disk was retracted, a stream of blood spurted out, and finally the hands kept changing, the blood curtain turned into a huge light blade, and the light blade slashed at Li Qiuyu fiercely, hoping to rely on The unique talent of the God Transformation stage will forcefully destroy this sword array.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi."

The light blade and the seven-colored sword light came into contact with each other, and there was a chi-chi sound. A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Li Qiuyu's mouth, but a smile appeared on his face.

Because the colorful sword light has slowly swallowed the light blade, and the sword formation is also closing rapidly, the entire sword formation is only a foot in size, as long as the light blade does not destroy the sword formation, this cultivator at the transformation stage will disappear in smoke.



Li Qiuyu spat out a mouthful of blood, but the guy at the stage of transformation was still killed inside. The colorful sword light ignored all existence, and the light blade finally disappeared after losing the control of the youth at the stage of transformation.

With a wave of one hand, a space ring appeared in his hand, then he swayed and landed in front of Ling Luotian and the others, and then threw a Tianying Pill into the mouth, and a wooden ruler appeared in his hand.

"It's over"

The golden light waved out, and Murong Xiao, who was oppressed by the coercion, turned into pieces. At the same time, the second golden light also landed on another big monk.

A world-burning flame spread out, and within a radius of one mile, there was a sea of ​​purple-white flames, and countless screams sounded, and Li Qiuyu didn't care whether these monks could escape.

"It's over to you."

Li Qiuyu shot the four pills, and finally disappeared into the air in a blink of an eye, without the slightest sign, and did not know where it reappeared.

Although Li Qiuyu seemed to have easily killed the monks at the stage of transformation, he also suffered some injuries and had to go back to heal his injuries, but he also knew the real distance between himself and the stage of transformation.

This is also a considerable amount of recovery, the four Tianying Pills, the mana recovery of Ling Luotian and the others, and the rest of the matter can be easily resolved.

"Brother, Brother Dao Li's strength is too terrifying. A cultivator in the transformation stage can also be killed like this." Cheng Yufa said in horror.

There was a numbness on his face, and he was stunned by the battle between Li Qiuyu and the young monk just now. What is a fighting skill?

"So it is."

Ling Luotian looked the same as before, with an expression of admiration on his face.

"What's wrong, brother?"

When Fairy Jiuyue saw Ling Luotian's appearance, she asked curiously, she didn't know what Ling Luotian meant.

"It turns out that Brother Dao Li knew about the existence of Senior Cangyuan. He deliberately pretended to be injured and killed the two big monks. It turned out that he wanted to lure Senior Cangyuan out to kill him."

Ling Luotian said in amazement, thinking that Li Qiuyu used his own body to receive the attack of the big monk, it seems that he is sure, and it is impossible to get injured at all.

"Let's act quickly and deal with the guys here first, otherwise the mana will be exhausted." Cheng Yufa said hastily.

"What is the elixir that Brother Li Dao gave us just now? It should be something like healing." Fairy Jiuyue said to herself, and finally threw the elixir into her mouth. Immediately, Fairy Jiuyue was stunned in horror. .

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