"Let's arrange it separately. Since I am the Supreme Elder of Tianmen, the Underworld Sect bullied me and came to the gate, so I will teach them a lesson. The Underworld Sect will disappear from Lingxiao City and go to the Underworld Sect."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, and with a movement of his body, he appeared on the top of Binghuo Peak, with a faint smile on his face, and he was satisfied with his strength in the late stage.

"Brother Li Dao, your strength is really unfathomable. Let us lead our disciples to the Underworld Sect and wipe it out in one fell swoop." Ling Luotian was horrified when he saw Li Qiuyu appear.

This Li Qiuyu is satisfied with a trace of cultivation, and has reached a state of returning to nature in one fell swoop, which is not comparable to what he can do in the later stage.

"Okay, all the Nascent Soul Stages will go, and the Core Formation Stage will not go. My seat will come right away."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, her body disappeared strangely, not knowing where she should appear next time, which made everyone feel a sense of contrast.

"Han Yue, your sister is practicing here, I will come whenever I go."

Li Qiuyu came to the place of Xiao Hanyue's three daughters, said softly, and gently embraced Xiao Hanyue.

"Young master, you go, be careful."

Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters all nodded obediently, striving for the strength of the fish, they naturally knew that even if they were at the stage of transforming gods, they could escape if they couldn't beat them.

"It's just a ghost sect, and I'll be back soon."

Li Qiuyu kissed the faces of the three girls, and finally disappeared on the top of the mountain in a blink of an eye. When she reappeared, she was already outside the gate of heaven, and she saw dozens of figures flickering in the direction of the Underworld Sect.

Tianmen is only [-] to [-] miles away from Underworld Sect. For Yuan Yingqi and great monks, it is basically half an hour.

"You all bring out all the masters of the Underworld Sect, let's solve it together, one by one trouble."

Li Qiuyu voice transmission towards Lingluotian, walking leisurely step by step in the air, it seems slow, but every step is a distance of tens of miles or hundreds of miles.

"Brother Li Dao said so."

Ling Luotian saw that Li Qiuyu's agility was several times better than the rumored "shrinking the ground into an inch", even if it was a great monk's great teleportation, it was nothing more than that, and the opponent's agility did not consume any mana at all.

Half an hour later, the four of Ling Luotian appeared outside the gate of the Underworld Sect, and Li Qiuyu's whereabouts were long gone.

After a while, the forty or so Nascent Soul Stages who followed had caught up. Seeing Ling Luotian and the others without Li Qiuyu among them, there was a hint of doubt in their eyes, but they didn't dare to say anything easily.

"Murong Xiao, Lingmou has already arrived, why are you just hiding like this?"

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, this is not 30 years, the total time is less than an hour, Haotian's words appeared in Lingluotian's mouth.

"Hey, Lingluotian, I really admire your courage. Tianmen wants to deal with my Nether Sect with such strength. Do you know if your lair of Tianmen still exists?"

An old man in Tsing Yi floated out, followed by five great monks with unfathomable strength, countless Nascent Soul Stage monks and Core Formation Stage monks were floating in the air.

Seeing the appearance of Ling Luotian and the others, the old man in Tsing Yi had a smile on his face, but also a trace of doubt, could it be that Junior Brother Haotian and the others were separated from Ling Luotian and the others somewhere.

That's good, the fifteen great monks deal with some low-level disciples of Tianmen, it is extremely easy at all. After Tianmen is solved, they will kill these guys, and the Underworld Sect will be able to wipe out Tianmen without any loss.

"Really? Whether my Tianmen still exists, you will know after you lose it."

Ling Luotian smiled secretly in his heart, it seems that the Underworld Sect doesn't know that all of his strength has been wiped out, so it's no wonder they think so. Fifteen great monks, there are 50 Nascent Soul Stages and [-] Pill Formation Stages However, there is no room for the strength in Tianmen.

"Aren't you afraid of flashing your tongue when you talk big?"

The old man in Tsing Yi looked at Ling Luotian's unfazed expression, and a bad feeling appeared in his heart, but he didn't know what it was exactly, and he could only rely on his feelings for nearly a thousand years.

"Hands on"

With a wave of one hand, Ling Luotian also cast spells to fight against the opponent. Naturally, four big monks had no chance of winning against five big monks. Li Qiuyu came to the battlefield in a flash from ten miles away.

A top-notch ancient treasure appeared in his hand, and it was worthy to take over another big monk. Five people fought against five people, and other Nascent Soul stage monks also started a big battle.

A quarter of an hour later, the five big monks were still fighting in the air, and the Nascent Soul stage monks below were struggling to support. Ling Luotian also felt puzzled when he saw Li Qiuyu's attack.

Li Qiuyu is no different from a great monk who has just broken through. He is not at all the super master who can kill more than ten great monks without a shot.

Li Qiuyu didn't care what Ling Luotian thought, and kept the ancient treasure in his hand empty, barely resisting the opponent's attack, with a strange look on his face.

"Brother Zero, be careful."

Li Qiuyu moved, and shot at the nearest Ling Luotian, the ancient treasure in his hand smashed fiercely at Ling Luotian's opponent, Ling Luotian was also startled.

There was nothing wrong between himself and his opponent at all, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while. Li Qiuyu completely played like encircling Wei and saving Zhao.

Seeing Li Qiuyu dodging towards Ling Luotian's opponent, the big monk in front of Li Qiuyu also slammed Li Qiuyu's back hard, trying to keep Li Qiuyu, secretly thinking that with such weak strength, he also wanted to surround Wei and save Zhao.

But this Wei was not surrounded at all. I don't know which song Li Qiuyu sang, but as long as Li Qiuyu is eliminated, there will be one less opponent.

"bang, bang"

"Puff, puff."

Two muffled sounds rang out, followed by two sounds of spurting blood. It turned out that the top-level ancient treasure in Li Qiuyu's hand smashed strangely on the top of Ling Luotian's opponent.

But his vest was also hit by an ancient treasure, his body swayed, and he sank straight down, a mouthful of blood spurted out, Ling Luotian's opponent was damaged, and Li Qiuyu was also injured.

"Brother Li Dao."

Ling Luotian saw that his opponent was damaged, and Li Qiuyu also fell, and the big monk behind him also chased after him, and in a panic, he also attacked the big monk behind Li Qiuyu.

When Li Qiuyu sank ten feet, he stopped slowly, threw the last elixir into the mouth, and finally flashed his body, floated up as if nothing had happened, and finally dealt with a big monk with Ling Luotian.

In a moment, Li Qiuyu took another risky blow, causing the opponent to panic. One of them was accidentally hit by the Lingluotian ancient treasure, and the big monk was lost again.

The loss of the two big monks has tilted the balance of the entire battlefield. Now five are against three. As long as there is no major accident, the five big monks of Tianmen will kill the remaining three big monks.

"Boom, boom"

There was a loud noise, and another big monk was lost. Only two of the five big monks remained, and only Li Qiuyu and Fairy Jiuyue were seriously injured in Tianmen.

"Ling Xiaoer, if your Tianmen has been swallowing your breath, maybe you can continue the incense of Tianmen, but you dare to come to the door, don't blame me for erasing Tianmen."

A desolate voice came out, and a shocking coercion appeared in the sky. This coercion was several times stronger than the coercion Li Qiuyu displayed at Tianmen.

"God Transformation Stage, Daoist Cangyuan."

Ling Luotian's heart sank, and he exclaimed, only to see a young monk slowly appearing in the air, and finally stood firmly in the air.

"Disciple sees Uncle Shi."

Seeing the young man's appearance, Murong Xiao and the two shouted respectfully, with a look of panic on their faces, they had been exterminated by the Tianmen to kill three great monks in the Underworld Sect.

If he is blamed by his uncle, even if he has no power to resist, he can only pray that his uncle will forgive him this time.

"Hmph, after I crush these ants to death, I will ask you about your crime." The young monk glanced at Murong Xiao and said coldly.

In the end, they looked at Li Qiuyu and the others again. Both Li Qiuyu and Fairy Jiuyue had faint traces of blood on their mouths. In the face of the coercion of the transformation stage, all the monks could hardly move.

"Senior Cangyuan, you have to know that it was the Underworld Sect who attacked the outer Tianmen first."

Ling Luotian secretly groaned, this is the stage of transformation, the real stage of transformation, even his own defense seems very weak.

"Lingluotian, if Daoist Haoming didn't hurt you a thousand years ago, I could still spare you, but now, you don't have such good luck. Even if I, the Underworld Sect, deal with you, you have to endure it."

The young monk smiled lightly, with infinite arrogance all over his body. The Underworld Sect dealt with Tianmen so unreasonably. It seems that the reason is always on the side of the strong.

"Senior Cangyuan,,,,,,,"

Ling Luotian trembled, his whole mouth was parched, he didn't know what to say, and he didn't expect that the Underworld Sect still had the stage of transforming gods.

"If you choose to commit suicide, you still need me to do it."

The young monk looked at the five big monks in front of him, with a bloodthirsty expression on his face. The trembling of these five big monks was his greatest pride.

"Hey, I really waited for you to come out. Since you came out, it's considered bad luck for you."

Li Qiuyu gently wiped away the blood around his mouth, with a slight smile on his face, and finally walked up the void step by step, the entire void was like flat ground.

"Hey, not bad, I underestimated you."

Seeing that Li Qiuyu was able to walk easily under his pressure, the young monk completely ignored his own pressure. If he didn't know that the other party was in the Nascent Soul Stage, he would have thought that the other party was a fellow existence in the Transformation Stage.

"Cang Yuan, this name is ugly, I don't like it, so I'd better call it a dog."

Every time Li Qiuyu took a step, the momentum on his body rose sharply. After a while, the momentum had risen to the peak of its full glory, almost equal to that of the young monk.

"Junior, I want to extract your soul and refine your soul." The young monk said coldly, at their current level of cultivation, it is difficult to get angry at all.

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