Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 599 Divine Consciousness Attack




Seeing that Li Qiuyu dared to use the form of divine consciousness in front of her transformation stage, she was shocked. Divine consciousness is almost omnipotent and invisible.

But after reaching the middle stage, the consciousness can transform into form, and attack the opponent with the transformation of consciousness, but ordinary monks dare not use the transformation of consciousness, because as long as the consciousness is defeated by the opponent, the master will be an idiot if he does not die.

Consciousness is no different from consciousness, except that consciousness is more advanced than consciousness, and it is more difficult to explain. Only after reaching a certain level, will there be consciousness.

Seeing the transformation of the consciousness into form so violently, the cultivators in the transformation stage could only quickly mobilize their consciousness and slam into Li Qiuyu's consciousness, and the two consciousnesses collided violently.

Li Qiuyu quickly withdrew his consciousness, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of the monk's mouth, his face turned pale, and his body shook violently.

"But if that's the case, then die."

Seeing such an opportunity, Li Qiuyu naturally wouldn't let it go. With a move of consciousness, a jade pendant appeared in his hand, and then the jade pendant transformed into a form. A blue-faced fire dragon rammed towards the cultivator at the transformation stage, and the blue-faced fire dragon roared in the air.

After the blue fire dragon, a sky-shocking finger followed behind. The cultivator in the transformation stage is not so easy to deal with, only if he is not given a chance to catch his breath.


Seeing the appearance of the blue-faced fire dragon, the cultivator at the transformation stage felt a trace of regret inexplicably in his heart. The young cultivator in front of him was not an ordinary and simple existence.

A blue ice arrow shot out towards the blue-faced fire dragon. The ice arrow carried an aura of freezing the world. I saw the moment when the ice arrow and the blue-faced fire dragon came into contact.

A light curtain of blue flame spread out in all directions, and the air with a radius of thousands of feet solidified in an instant, and the cultivators at the transformation stage also regretted it. In front of this blue-faced fire dragon, using ice arrows completely fueled the flames of the blue-faced fire dragon.

Unexpectedly, he lost his size in front of a big monk. There was anger on his face and humiliation in his heart. He shook his body and turned a round mirror forward.


With a soft sound, the shocking finger fell on the round mirror. After receiving the shocking finger, the cultivator at the transformation stage hurriedly attacked the blue-faced fire dragon.

All of a sudden, a man and a dragon were tossing and turning in the air, Li Qiuyu's eyes were slightly smiling, and then he was taken aback.

The body flashed forward, and four cold lights slashed out, slashing straight at the head of the cultivator at the transformation stage. With Li Qiuyu's strength, the blue-faced fire dragon's power has also increased a lot.


The four cold light slashes were blocked by the round mirror, but there was also a crack in the round mirror. At the moment of resisting the cold light slash, the blue-faced fire dragon hit the vest fiercely with an ice-blue claw.

"Okay, I'm going to let you taste the pain of refining your soul today."

The cultivators at the stage of transformation were attacked repeatedly and were injured several times, their faces were filled with anger, and with a flash of their bodies, more than ten monks at the stage of transformation appeared in front of Li Qiuyu.

"Incarnation outside the body? Isn't it?"

Seeing this scene, Li Qiuyu was also shocked. This is not an illusion, nor is it an incarnation outside the body. Even a cultivator at the transformation stage cannot have countless incarnations, and there are only two or three incarnations.

"Hmph, you will lose this seat."

More than a dozen identical cultivators at the stage of transforming gods appeared in their hands with different ancient treasures, and the ancient treasures slammed down at Li Qiuyu at the same time.


A stone wall with a radius of ten feet appeared in front of Li Qiuyu. The moment the stone wall appeared, more than ten attacks fell on the stone wall.


A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Li Qiuyu's mouth, obviously this is not an incarnation outside the body, but somehow there are more than ten attacks at the same time, the speed, it is naturally impossible for phantoms to appear in front of her.

After the stone wall appeared, the Linglong Pagoda also appeared in his hand, and a silver cloud appeared in the air, and the silver cloud quickly shot towards more than a dozen monks at the transformation stage.

"Hey, spirit worm"

A voice came out, with a trace of surprise in the voice, followed by a roar, Li Qiuyu locked his consciousness on a cultivator at the transformation stage, and pointed out with a shocking voice.

Wherever the shocking finger passed, the monks in the stage of transformation of spirits did not exist like nothingness, Li Qiuyu was startled, this is a phantom, but what happened to this attack.

"Eye of the Phoenix"

The momentum of the whole body changed, the lotus at the center of the eyebrows flashed, and a golden light looked at the more than a dozen monks at the stage of transformation, only to see that the monks at the stage of transformation were all empty, and only one monk was constantly displaying a pennant Driving away the Yin Morphant.

Li Qiuyu was excited and puzzled for a while. What was exciting was that this spell of the cultivator at the stage of transforming spirits had no effect on Yin Moran at all.

Tens of thousands of yinmorants rushed towards the monks of the transformation stage, Li Qiuyu closed the stone wall, and the golden light between his eyebrows kept scanning, staring intently at the stage monks who were besieged by the Yinmorants.

A frightened expression appeared on the face of the cultivator at the stage of transformation, a morbid nail nailed him on the shoulder, and he immediately felt that his life essence was obviously passing faster.

The pennant in his hand was constantly waving, and mysterious auras kept these yin cocks outside, but there were still some yin cocks nailed to their bodies.

"I want to leave, but it's too late."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, when he raised his hands, a red and a blue light group appeared on his hands, and when he put his hands together, the red and blue beam of light ruthlessly hit the flying cultivator.

He was also the first guy who ran away when he saw a cultivator at the stage of transformation. It turned out that this cultivator at the stage of transformation was bitten by more than a dozen yin mortals, and his lifespan accelerated, and he didn't dare to spend it anymore.

Even if all these yin moths are killed, I will be bitten countless times, my lifespan cannot be consumed like this, besides, the mana in the dantian is rapidly consumed.

With a ruthless heart, the pennant kept waving several times, and he was about to leave with a flash of his body. The speed of the transformation stage was definitely not up to Yinchan.

But Li Qiuyu, who was on the side, stared at it from time to time, there was so easy to leave, the beam of light smashed out fiercely, and a breath of death in the air appeared behind the stage of transformation with destructive power.

"I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

In front of the ice-fire beam of light, the cultivator at the transformation stage quickly disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, only a cyan aura remained in the air.

Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, Wan Hun Pan rolled towards the blue breath, and suddenly, there was a shrill scream, and Wan Hun Pan retracted.A space ring and a pennant were also brought back.

This cyan breath is a trace of the soul of a cultivator in the stage of transformation. If you want to rely on this soul to seize and rebirth, although your cultivation base has been greatly reduced, it is still possible to be reborn on a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Li Qiuyu was about to leave behind this trouble that could be easily resolved. After finishing everything, his body flashed and disappeared into the air again. After going around for hundreds of thousands of miles, he returned to Tianmen.

"Master, you are back."

Xiao Qiuyue happened to be resting outside, and when she saw Li Qiuyu coming back, she happily ran over and threw herself into Li Qiuyu's arms with a happy smile on her face.

"Well, why are you alone, Hanyue and Lingling?"

Li Qiuyu hugged Xiao Qiuyue in her arms, kissed her tenderly, and finally asked softly.

"Sister and Lingling are still practicing, I'm resting here alone." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, and the two walked towards their place together.

Half an hour later, Xiao Hanyue and Ling Ling also resigned, and happily came to Li Qiuyu's side. It was natural to check the whole body up and down.

"Brother Qiuyu, did you get the 50-year-old Skyfire leaf you mentioned?" Ling Ling asked softly, her beautiful eyes fixed on Li Qiuyu.

"Well, I got it, but there are a few blind people who want to make up their minds and end up in hell." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, this sky fire leaf is one of the main ingredients of the God Transformation Pill, otherwise he would not Session 5000 million purchased down.

However, no matter when, after he buys good things, someone will naturally send up spirit stones. No, there are more than 5 million spirit stones, several ancient treasures of grain and oil, and a set of spirit stones in the space ring of this cultivator at the transformation stage. There are also a lot of medicinal materials for a Lingbao, which is obviously used to refine the elixir used in the transformation of the gods.

He took out the three celestial fire leaves, and the three celestial fire leaves exuded a strong aura of celestial fire. At first glance, they were not ordinary things. The three women were amazed that the three leaves had such aura.

"Okay, let's rest for a while, and then leave Tianmen to search for medicinal materials in other places. We have stayed here for more than a hundred years."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, he suddenly thought of Diyan Peak and Tianlong Palace. He has been away from Tianlong for more than 150 years. I don't know how to find Tianlong?

"Well, young master, you should also take a break. Going out for a while is also very tiring."

Xiao Hanyue kneaded gently on Li Qiuyu's shoulders, Xiao Qiuyue and Lingling both withdrew and practiced separately, Li Qiuyu gently closed her eyes and enjoyed Xiao Hanyue's massage.

After half an hour, Li Qiuyu's eyes slowly sank, he was really tired, and finally went into a random room and fell asleep.

When she woke up, it was already late at night, Xiao Hanyue also leaned against Li Qiuyu's side, and fell asleep peacefully. Li Qiuyu saw this peerless woman with a slight smile on her face.

It turned out that my woman was so easy to satisfy, as long as I was by her side, she would always be happy and happy. She kissed her gently on the face and fell asleep again.

Early the next morning, Xiao Hanyue got up to practice gently, for fear of waking Li Qiuyu up, but when Xiao Hanyue woke up, Li Qiuyu woke up too, Xiao Hanyue helped Li Qiuyu put on her clothes, and the two went out to practice together.

The time of practice is always the fastest, just half a year passed in a short time, Li Qiuyu sent a voice transmission to Ling Luotian and others, let them come to Binghuo Peak.

Now Li Qiuyu's status is far beyond that of a great monk. In the eyes of the four, even if Li Qiuyu is in the stage of transformation, he will not pose any threat to Li Qiuyu.

"Li Daoyou sent the four of us to come, I don't know what to order."

Ling Luotian said politely, Li Qiuyu has never put on airs in Tianmen for more than a hundred years, and is always polite in front of the four of them.

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