"I'm going to leave Tianmen for a period of time to look for some medicinal materials and materials. Try not to spread the news of my departure. If you have any difficulties, go to Tianlong Emperor Yanfeng to find a person named Bai Yuntian for help. However, it is not a last resort. Never enter Tianlong."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, this was the first time he was so serious in front of the four of them, you must know that Tianlong was his territory, and he didn't want any forces to get involved in Tianlong.

"I know this, I wish brother Li Dao a safe and smooth journey."

Ling Luotian pondered for a while, and knew what Li Qiuyu meant. Besides, Tianlong and Dashang must be two countries. It is nothing for low-level monks to communicate, but if a large number of big monks fight, the two countries will definitely manage it.

"What's more, don't confuse Tianmen's power with Diyan Peak, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. Tianmen's current strength is not bad, just strengthen it."

He also thought that even if he is not in Tianmen, Tianmen will not be attacked by others if he does not provoke the other nine big forces.

"Thank you Brother Li Dao for thinking about Tianmen. Ling Luotian will never forget Brother Li Dao's words." After Ling Luotian finished speaking, he saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully.I am very grateful in my heart, if other Ke Qing elders, they would not think about this for an irrelevant force like Li Qiuyu.

Fairy Jiuyue and her two juniors also saluted Li Qiuyu. This time, they truly showed their gratitude and admiration to Li Qiuyu, and only Li Qiuyu has such a convincing charm.

"This elixir is for you, please don't pass it on."

Li Qiuyu handed four jade bottles to Ling Luotian, which contained eight Tianying Pills, eight Tianling Pills, and sixteen Tianchen Pills. These pills had never been seen in Fengyue Continent.

"Thank you, Brother Li Dao."

The four people thanked again, Li Qiuyu took Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters, and quickly left the Binghuo Peak. At the corner of the Binghuo Peak, Han Xing and the four disciples respectfully saluted in the direction where Li Qiuyu left.

In the middle of Han Xing's alchemy, Li Qiuyu also said two days ago that he would go out for a trip, and he also gave two Tianying pills, two Tianchen pills and Tianling pills, 5000 million spirit stones, and one top-level ancient treasure. .

The other four disciples also gave some spiritual stones and magic treasures. These wealth are enough for them to practice in Tianmen for decades. Han Xing's spiritual stones are equivalent to the entire net worth of some great monks.

"I didn't expect Brother Li Dao to be so affectionate and righteous. He is superior in everything he does. Let's share the medicine here between the four of us." Ling Luotian looked at the direction Li Qiuyu was leaving, and said softly.

"Hey, fifth-grade elixir, sixth-grade elixir."

Cheng Yufa looked at the eight pills in his hand, and his face was stunned. They were actually of the fifth and sixth grades, and the quality had reached a limit.

"This elixir can instantly restore mana. This is a sixth-grade elixir, and this is a fifth-grade elixir. They are all used to hit bottlenecks and increase cultivation."

Fairy Jiuyue looked at the elixir in her hand with an excited look on her face. It can restore mana instantly, almost the same as adding a life.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu didn't know what a few people said at Tianmen, because he had already left Tianmen tens of thousands of miles away. Originally, everything within [-] miles was in his divine sense, but his divine sense would not always extend outside. ah.

"Brother Qiuyu, let's adjust our cultivation to the early stage of Yuanying. Our cultivation has reached the peak in the later stage." Lingling looked at Li Qiuyu and said.

The four of them were chatting and laughing on the ancient flying treasure. The ancient flying treasure was already above the clouds. Unless the monks at the Nascent Soul stage, or even the ordinary monks at the alchemy stage, they would not be able to fly so high.

"Well, it's the Nascent Soul Stage. If your cultivation level is low, you will be bullied by others." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his whole body's aura changed, and his cultivation reached the stage of the Nascent Soul Stage.

The three daughters of Xiao Hanyue have also become monks in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and the strength of the four together in the Nascent Soul Stage cannot be ignored. Unless someone with good strength comes to rob him, it is his bad luck.

The entire Great Merchant Empire was visited by the four of them more than a hundred years ago, but now, the four of them planned to hunt for treasure from another direction.

The medicinal material of Huashen Pill, Tianhuoye, has been found.There are still three main medicinal materials missing. Although there are only three, these three medicinal materials are all 50 years old.

After a year, the four of them had traveled thousands of miles away from Ling Xiao City. Although they did not find the three kinds of medicinal materials, they still gained a lot. They got some materials for the Mie Tian Sword, and a lot of other auxiliary materials for the God Transformation Pill. .

On this day, the four of them came to Shangluo, the central city of Dashang. When the four of Li Qiuyu looked at the big city of Shangluo, they felt that they had come to the Nine Stars Falling Happy City in the blue sea.

This city is twice as big as Xiaoyao City. The four of them spent [-] low-level spirit stones to enter Shangluo City. This city is the real monk city.

"My lord, you need to spend so much spiritual stones to enter here. It seems that Shangluo City is much better than other big cities. I hope to meet the medicinal materials that Wannian needs."

With a look of anticipation, Xiao Hanyue was shocked by the big city in front of her. The entrance fee of one hundred spirit stones is the same for monks from outside, but there is no such restriction for monks in this city.

Otherwise, the monks below the foundation establishment stage here would have advanced to Shangluo City. Wherever they are, low-level disciples are an indispensable group.

"Well, it's not easy to find those three kinds of medicinal materials, unless you are lucky, but our luck is not too bad, let's rest here for a while, and then see if we can come across one here, If it doesn't work, we'll go to another city."

Li Qiuyu also carried a hint of bitterness. The four of them had obtained the God Transformation Pill for more than two hundred years, but there were still three main ingredients missing, which was enough to prove the preciousness of the God Transformation Pill.

The four of them headed towards the reception of Shangluo Dacheng. The level of this city is already very good, and there is a place specially for foreign monks to receive them.

"Welcome the four seniors to come to Shangluo City. Shangluo City is one of the nine most famous cities in the Great Shang Empire. The cultivation resources and conditions are also at the top. I don't know if seniors and others need to stay in an inn or a cave?"

A reception disciple in the Foundation Establishment Period saluted Li Qiuyu and the others respectfully. He was very polite, but he was not humble, and Li Qiuyu nodded in admiration.

"What is the cave like?"

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and finally glanced at the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Period, wondering what he was thinking?

"The caves are divided into three, six, and nine grades. The ninth-level caves need [-] spiritual stones every year, and the spiritual energy is twice as high as that of this big city. In the place chosen by most of the disciples, the cave here is two hundred feet above the ground. There are three stone rooms. .”

"The [-] spiritual stones in the eighth-level cave are twice as high as the nine-level cave, three hundred feet from the ground, and the same three stone rooms,,,,,,,,."

After introducing it for a full quarter of an hour, Li Qiuyu probably understood that the first level is the best, followed by the second level cave, and the second level needs 100 million low-level spirit stones every year.

There are eight stone rooms, a spirit beast room, and an alchemy room, as well as a separate garden and cultivation environment. Such caves are generally the places where monks in the Yuanying stage live.

It’s just that there is a first-level cave that is better than the second-level, but the spirit stone needs 200 million spirit stones, and the cultivation environment is better, but to live in this cave, you must stay in the big city of Shangluo for ten years. Only acquaintances in Dacheng can guarantee it.

"Give me a second-level cave."

Li Qiuyu thought about it, and finally said, eight separate stone rooms are enough for four people, not to mention that he and others don't know how long they can live here.

"Okay, senior, wait a moment, junior, I will go through the formalities for you."

The foundation-building disciple said happily, and finally quickly left the front and walked towards the back. After a while, the foundation-building monk handed a round sign to Li Qiuyu.

On it is the structure and topography of a cave, vividly engraved, as if it were real. Li Qiuyu handed 100 million spirit stones to the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Period.

"Senior, please come with the junior, and the junior will take you to the cave."

The disciples in the Foundation Establishment Stage respectfully made a gesture of invitation, and finally led the way. A group of five people quickly walked towards a place not far from the city, and after a while they came to a quieter place.

This place is a huge mountain. On the mountain is a stone ladder about one foot wide. The stone ladder extends upwards. While leading the way, the foundation-building disciples tell the rules of the cave and the shape of the mountain.

This stone ladder has a total of 99 steps, leading to the first level of caves. The first level of caves is two thousand feet high from the ground, and there are 99 caves in total.

Among the 99 caves, there are great monks living in the late Yuanying period. There are local monks and foreign monks, but they all joined the big city of Shangluo.

The cave where the four of Li Qiuyu lived was on the second level. It was [-] feet above the ground. In this place, except for the big monk, other monks could not use flying machines.

After explaining the formation of this mountain peak, I briefly talked about the great powers of Shangluo City. Shangluo City also has ten super families and ten super factions.

"Senior, this is your cave, what do you think?"

After a quarter of an hour, the five walked like flying, and soon came to a place of [-] zhang. The four of Li Qiuyu looked down, and half of the entire Shangluo city was in sight.

It also shocked them. A super mountain peak towered over the city. It seemed that this mountain peak had been taken into consideration when the Shangluo city was built.

The four of Li Qiuyu looked inside and out of this cave, and found that it was very good. The eight stone rooms were all five feet in size, and they had a complete environment for cultivation.

Mainly there is a garden with a radius of ten feet. This cave has only one entrance for the first time to enter and exit. If there is a prohibition and formation at the entrance of the cave, I believe there will be no problem in terms of safety.

"Yes, this is the place."

Li Qiuyu injected a divine consciousness into the prototype token, and a faint ray of light came out. With a movement of his mind, the stone door opened and closed with his thoughts.

Li Qiuyu handed over two hundred low-level spirit stones to this foundation-building disciple as a reward, and the foundation-building disciple bowed happily and left.

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